Samarrastud Diese Seite enthält Informationen unseres Shagyaarabergestütes samarrastud

Nachdem wir die letzten Jahre bereits Trainingsritte angeboten haben, sollen dieses Jahr wieder welche folgen! Um besser...

Nachdem wir die letzten Jahre bereits Trainingsritte angeboten haben, sollen dieses Jahr wieder welche folgen!

Um besser planen zu können, wollen wir gerne wissen, wer Interesse an geführten Trainingsritten hätte.
Es geht um den Zeitraum Februar und März.
In diesem Zeitraum wird der Schwerpunkt der Trainingsritte größtenteils (je nach Stand) auf dem Saisonstart liegen (L*D Training, gymnastizieren im Gelände, etc.) ganz unter dem Motto: "Wie starte ich meine Saison richtig und wie trainiere ich am Anfang der Saison."

Das Training erfolgt mit eigenem Pferd. Es gibt auch begrenzte Möglichkeiten Leihpferde und Leihponys (für Kinder und Jugendliche) zu bekommen.

Wann wärst du interessiert teilzunehmen?

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Genaue Daten folgen, wenn wir das grobe Interesse kennen.




"Endurance riding is... 🏇
- teamwork
- nature
- partnership
- discipline.. And so much more.
A sport filled with emotions, powered by hard work and dedication & sadly underestimated by so many... 🏇✨"
Thanks for making this wonderful cut of our awesome sport - Samarrastud Juniors! ❤️

Today we participate with eleven member of our samarrastud endurance team at the general Assembly of the German enduranc...

Today we participate with eleven member of our samarrastud endurance team at the general Assembly of the German endurance association VDD

Golden autumn - happy mares and foals - the gold of our stud

Golden autumn - happy mares and foals - the gold of our stud

Bye, bye Fontainebleau. Sunday morning we went home. Tolstoj was very motivated and fit for the long travel. Thanks to N...

Bye, bye Fontainebleau. Sunday morning we went home. Tolstoj was very motivated and fit for the long travel. Thanks to Nayla and Moira, it was a very good time with you both😍😘 and thanks to our hometeam♥️ without all of you, those events are not possible 😉🫶

The second day we started totally alone. We never saw one horse. Tolstoj always searched other horses. We were still lea...

The second day we started totally alone. We never saw one horse. Tolstoj always searched other horses. We were still leading and arrived the first Vetgate. Before and after trotting his pulse was 62/60 and his skin was ok. The vet located, that the Cap. R. weren’t satisfying and they sent us to the clinic. Welfare of the horse is first, so we accepted this decision. The vets in the clinic advised us, to let him graze. After half an hour we presented Tolstoj again. Everything was fine and the vets didn’t have an explanation for his problem. After two hours we got our fit for travel with the words,“ magnifique“ 🥰 We were happy and sad, but the most important is the horse health. Something wasn’t optimal, so it was correct to stop the competition

Tolstoj al Samarra at the first day of the CEI ** Competition 2 x 70 km in Fontainebleau. The weather was fresh and wet ...

Tolstoj al Samarra at the first day of the CEI ** Competition 2 x 70 km in Fontainebleau. The weather was fresh and wet in the morning. We started together with the CEI * and the CN competition with about 70 horses in the dark. Tolstoj was very good to handle and we found a good group in the front till the first Vetgate. It is always a pleasure to start in France with experienced riders, Vets, officials and grooms♥️ the landscape in Fontainebleau is fantastic, the ground good, sandy and sometimes not easy because of wood and stones. Both of us enjoyed the loops, well marked , with a lot of waterpionts and friendly stewards on our way. At least we had the pole position and I was very proud of my stallion. The whole day he was concentrated and professional, especially at the crew points. Thanks for this very good first day

Six riders- six horses -  six starters - six finisher. Samarrastud team came back from a succesfull weekend at the  Endu...

Six riders- six horses - six starters - six finisher. Samarrastud team came back from a succesfull weekend at the Endurance Festival Bavaria in Buch /GER from 11.-13.10.2024. We started with four member of our samarrastud Juniorteam leaded by Nayla Al Samarraie and with the safe "last horse" ridden by Klaudia Al Samarraie. Due to the different ages of all six riders they started in different competitions (2 at the CEI1*100km, 3 at the CEIJYR1*100km and the youngest on the CEN 100 km) but after some minutes they came together. Start before sunrise in a foggy cold atmosphere they all had the pleasure to enjoy a nice and mostly dry competition with very good vetcards and a common finsih of the six riders and horses which finally ends with one decision for all "finish and passed" . We were happy and proud about our Samarrastud Junior team- all of them were engaged in the last years to learn an to climb up step by step over national rides, their own Novice qualification and an in Germany neccessary riding test some weeks ago. Now three of them are FEI Junior riders (Celina Hüttl, Lena Markowski and Paula Reckelkamm) and the youngest (Josefine Hüttl) finished the CEN 100km and have to wait for her 14th birthday to start next year on her first CEIJYR1*. Thx to the team from the Endurance Festival Bavaria and all officials and helpers who offerd this well organised event.

For sale - gelding *2018

For sale - gelding *2018

Ridden and unridden boys for sale - Shagya-Arabian and Part Shagya-Arabian (Deutsche Edelblüter) - by interest send a PM...

Ridden and unridden boys for sale - Shagya-Arabian and Part Shagya-Arabian (Deutsche Edelblüter) - by interest send a PM please.

Ab sofort Platz frei 🐴✨:Was? Jungpferdeausbildung auf Gestüt Samarra.Wo? 36199 Rotenburg an der Fulda , Grundmühle 1Ausb...

Ab sofort Platz frei 🐴✨:

Was? Jungpferdeausbildung auf Gestüt Samarra.

Wo? 36199 Rotenburg an der Fulda , Grundmühle 1

Ausbilder: Das Samarrastudteam unter Leitung von Nayla Al Samarraie

- 5x wöchentlich in Arbeit
- ⁠Berichterstattung via WhatsApp (Fotos/Videos etc.)
- ⁠Schmied, Tierarzt (Zähne z.B.), Sattel (Kieffer) kann alles hier gemacht werden
- ⁠eine schonende, pferdefreundliche Ausbildung aufgebaut auf Vertrauen und Respekt sind bei uns ethische Grundsätze

Bei Interesse bitte eine Pn, Preis auf Anfrage

Ab sofort Platz frei 🏇✨:Was? Endurance- /Distanztraining auf Gestüt Samarra.Wo? 36199 Rotenburg an der Fulda , Grundmühl...

Ab sofort Platz frei 🏇✨:

Was? Endurance- /Distanztraining auf Gestüt Samarra.

Wo? 36199 Rotenburg an der Fulda , Grundmühle 1

• Nayla Al Samarraie - Pferdefachwirtin, Cheftrainer von Samarrastud, Kaderreiterin und mehrfache Teilnehmerin an Championaten
• Stefanie Ulrich - Bachelor of science in Pferdewirtschaft
• ⁠Moira Al Samarraie - Cheftrainer von Samarrastud, Kaderreiterin und mehrfache Teilnehmerin an Championaten

- 5x wöchentlich in Training
- ⁠Berichterstattung via WhatsApp (Fotos/Videos etc.)
- ⁠Schmied, Tierarzt (Zähne z.B.), Sattel (Kieffer) kann alles hier gemacht werden
- ⁠Training in einem der erfolgreichsten Ställe Deutschlands unter professioneller Leitung, individuell auf dein Pferd angepasster Fütterung und angepasster Trainingspläne

Bei Interesse bitte eine Pn, Preis auf Anfrage

For sale - Partbred - stallion *2023Pictures from last year

For sale - Partbred - stallion *2023

Pictures from last year

For sale - Partbred - gelding *2021Picture from last year and from 2021

For sale - Partbred - gelding *2021

Picture from last year and from 2021

For sale - Shagya Arab - gelding *2021

For sale - Shagya Arab - gelding *2021

For sale - Shagya Arab - gelding *2018

For sale - Shagya Arab - gelding *2018


Rotenburg An Der Fulda





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