Hilmar Meyer Sporthorses

Hilmar Meyer Sporthorses We are a competitive dealing yard which sources & produces top quality sport horses situated in Mors


Karamell M&M: Vom Nachwuchstalent zum Olympia-Hoffnungsträger
Der 2014 geborene Karamell M&M wurde von Heinrich Bremer in Nöpke gezogen. Mitte 2023 übernahm Takashi Haase Shibayama aus Japan den talentierten Wallach v. Kannan/Contendro von Hilmar Meyer und feierte mit ihm einige Erfolge.
Schon kurz nach dem ersten Probereiten sicherte sich das Paar einen beeindruckenden dritten Platz im Großen Preis von Elmlohe. Nach weiteren Erfolgen ging es zur Vorbereitung auf Olympia nach Norditalien, wo die notwendigen Qualifikationspunkte gesammelt wurden. „Karamell hat immer abgeliefert. Er ist ein Kämpfer mit unbegrenztem Vermögen und sehr viel Mut – und der beste Kumpel, den man sich nur wünschen kann“, sagt Haase Shibayama, der über die Nominierung in die japanische Equipe für die Olympischen Spiele in Paris überglücklich ist.
Bevor Takashi Haase Shibayama Karamell M&M übernahm, glänzte er unter Hilmar Meyer, mit dem er unter anderem die Hannoveraner Springpferde-Masters gewann. Für seine sportlichen Leistungen wurde Karamell M&M nun mit dem FRH-Titel ausgezeichnet.

🇬🇧 Karamell M&M: From young talent to Olympic hopeful
Born in 2014, Karamell M&M was bred by Heinrich Bremer in Nöpke. In mid-2023, Takashi Haase Shibayama from Japan took over the talented gelding by Kannan/Contendro from Hilmar Meyer and celebrated a number of successes with him.
Shortly after the first test ride, the pair secured an impressive third place in the Elmlohe Grand Prix. After further successes, they went to northern Italy to prepare for the Olympics, where they collected the necessary qualification points. “Karamell always delivered. He is a fighter with unlimited scope and a lot of courage – and the best buddy you could ever wish for,” says Haase Shibayama, who is overjoyed to have been nominated for the Japanese team for the Olympic Games in Paris.
Before Takashi Haase Shibayama took over Karamell M&M, he shone under Hilmar Meyer, with whom he won the Hannoveraner Show Jumping Masters, among other things. Karamell M&M has now been awarded the FRH title for his sporting achievements.

📸 Pferdefotografie Stefan Lafrentz

Dear owners, clients, friends & sponsors...We would like to thank each and every one of you for the support, help and fr...

Dear owners, clients, friends & sponsors...
We would like to thank each and every one of you for the support, help and friendship you have shown us throughout 2024💙

Our incredible HMS team (family) have made this such a wonderful year, it really would not have been the same without you!
We cannot wait to see what adventures and achievements await us in 2025, onwards and upwards💫

Merry Christmas A & Happy New Year🎄🎆

SOLD/VERKAUFT 💫Cup Cake [8yo gelding by Cornet Obolensky x Zuccero]

Cup Cake [8yo gelding by Cornet Obolensky x Zuccero]

Home sweet home✨Welcome to Hilmar Meyer Sportpferde.

Home sweet home✨
Welcome to Hilmar Meyer Sportpferde.



Weidweg 3


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Hilmar Meyer Sporthorses has a proud history of producing and selling horses to clients from all over the world, some of which have even made it as far as the Olympics with their new owners.

We currently have a variety of top quality sporthorses for sale - suitable for riders at all levels of the sport.

Visit our website: www.hilmarmeyer.de OR

Contact us: +49 172 423 5607 / [email protected]