She has arrived!!!! A little filly from Vitalis out of a Romanov / De Niro mare. Super cute 🥰🦄. #ccdressage #babyhorse #foal #fohlen #vitalis #romanovbluehors #deniro #brüningpowerpony🦄
Dirty horses are happy horses 🦄🫣! #ccdressage #dressagehorse #dirtyhorsesarehappyhorses #dreckigepferdesindglücklichepferde #ididnothavetocleanhim
Merry Christmas 🎄🎁 everyone!!! #ccdressage #christmas #merrychristmas #happyholidays #themostwonderfultimeoftheyear #rudolphtherednosedreindeer🔴 #dressage #dressagehorse
Christmas 🎄 decorations are up… 🎅🏻✨🌟💫❄️☃️🎠🎁❤️#ccdressage #christmas #christmasdecor #christmasdecorations #christmastree #themostwonderfultimeoftheyear🎄 Casey Nilsson Christoffer Nilsson
Fantastic cruise 🛳️ in the Mediterranean Sea, all the way down to Egypt 🇪🇬. We saw the pyramids in Cairo, parasailed 🪂 in Rhodos, Akropolis in Athens. Celebrated Halloween 🎃 👻 on the ship. We saw beautiful sunsets everywhere we went. ☀️#ccdressage #meinschiff #meinschiff6 #mediterranean #cairo #pyramids #egypt #akropolis #athens #greece #rhodos #parasailing #sunset #sun #cruise #kreuzfahrt #friends #vacation #halloween
Stable is clean 🧽 🧼!!! A huge thanks to @stw_vechta for their professional work. You can tell who is the expert in power washing stables… #ccdressage #stw #stable #stablelife #powerwashing #hochdruckreiniger #cleanstable #ausmisten #dressage #dressagehorse
Stable is clean 🧽 🧼!!! A huge thanks to @stw_vechta for their professional work. You can tell who is the expert in power washing stables… #ccdressage #stw #stable #stablelife #powerwashing #hochdruckreiniger #cleanstable #ausmisten #dressage #dressagehorse
Great tool to have when you wash 🧼 🧽 horses 🐴 🦄. #ccdressage #washinghorses #washinghorsesisfun #showergun #shower #shampoo #gun #greattools #makingmylifeeasier
Today I was working with the MagnaWave machine which the horses really enjoy. 🦄😁❤️ Thank you @equisar_sjs for showing me how to get the most out of the MagnaWave machine. MagnaWave Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) is a non-invasive technology that generates gentle electromagnetic pulses to penetrate every cell, tissue, and organ, traveling to the bone to rejuvenate the body’s natural balance. Through this process, PEMF increases blood oxygen levels and stimulates cellular metabolism, which offers remarkable potential to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and other various health conditions. #ccdressage #magnawave #dressage #dressagehorse #horses #pemf #pemftherapy #wellness #spa #happyhorses #happyathlete
It is always with mix feelings when you sending a student back home. Doc has been with us for almost a year, and today he is going home to U.K. There he will continue his training to become the next superstar ⭐️ . CC Dressage is wishing him all the best for the future…Thanks to the people at @johnparkerinternational for their excellent service.#ccdressage #johnparkerinternational #horsetransport #dressage #dressagehorse #uk #england #greatbritain #student #goinghome #home #allthebestforthefuture
Great Sunday afternoon in Hamburg, seeing “Die Eiskönigin“ (Frozen) as a Musical 🎶. #ccdressage #frozen #eiskönigin #musical #hamburg #olaf #annaandelsa #somepeopleareworthmeltingfor Casey Nilsson Christoffer Nilsson Ariane Sander Daniel Sander
Tomorrow evening last chance to bid on your next🌟 SUPERSTAR🌟 online by Oldenburger auction. Nummer 19!
Tomorrow evening last chance to bid on your next🌟 SUPERSTAR🌟 online by Oldenburger auction. Nummer 19!
Beautiful colt!
V-Power x Blue Horse Romanov x De Niro