BYGAARD Kontaktoplysninger, kart og anvisninger, kontaktformular, åbningstider, tjenester, stjerner, fotos, videoer og meddelelser fra BYGAARD, Urbant landbrug, Refshalevej 159B-C, Copenhagen.

BYGAARD er et bylandbrug på Refshaleøen i København, hvor vi producerer økologiske spisesvampe til byens bedste restauranter og til alle madentusiasten, der støtter lokal fødevareproduktion.

Vesterbro friends! We’re back! Market season has finally begun, and this Sunday it’s Vesterbro’s turn to feel the love a...

Vesterbro friends! We’re back!

Market season has finally begun, and this Sunday it’s Vesterbro’s turn to feel the love and enjoy the fruits of our labor.

Bring your tote bag and all of your friends, and come say hi! 🌸

We are looking forward to opening our market season in Litauens Plads and meeting all our regulars from Vesterbro!

This Sunday we’ll be hosting our first guest cooks at the Grønt Marked Kitchen and we couldn’t hope for someone we love most 💛 Flavi, Margherita and Estelle will be serving fresh made gnocchi with potatoes from Klippingegård served with a ramslog pesto and goat cheese from Copenhagen Goat Milk 👩‍🍳👩‍🍳👩‍🍳 You can also taste rhubarb galette from Flavis recipe book!

Make sure to stop by the Grønt Marked Kitchen and get inspired on how to cook in season with locally sourced ingredients 🌱

On Sunday you can shop from:
Brinkholm, Andelsgaarde
Lindegaarden i Ll. Lyngby
Müller & Moeslund
Copenhagen Goat Milk
Æblegården Holev
Bruuns baghaver
Copenhagen seasonal foods
Meta Fermentation
Table Ferments
Garbolund Naturvin
Dansk Camelina
Det vilde spinderi
Lille bakery ph
Bageriet BRØD

Thanks again to Ukirke for all the support they provide throughout the whole season.

See you in Vesterbro on Sunday! Don’t forget your totes, friends & lovers 💚

Vidste du at et af EU’s centrale uddelingsprincipper for landbrugsstøtte er hektarstøtte, der beregnes ud fra størrelsen...

Vidste du at et af EU’s centrale uddelingsprincipper for landbrugsstøtte er hektarstøtte, der beregnes ud fra størrelsen på det opdyrkede areal?

Det er derfor med spænding, at Bygaard Svampe ApS i 2024 har søgt om støtte under ordningen: “Etableringsstøtte til unge landbrugere” under Landbrugsstyrelsen. Etableringsstøtte til unge landbrugere er en del af den danske CAP-plan, er finansieret af EU og har til formål at styrke unge landbrugere og gartneres muligheder.

Bygaard producerer op til 1,4t økologiske svampe om ugen i cykelafstand fra vores kunder; vi er dog på grund af vores produktionsmodel udelukket fra langt de fleste støttemuligheder i det nuværende system.

Ansøgningen er derfor en god anledning til at minde om, at nytænkning inden for bæredygtig fødevareproduktion i høj grad bestemmes af de politiske og økonomiske strukturer 🌱

Can you feel it? Market season has begun! This weekend, you can meet us at a new location on Saturday and Sunday, May 4-...

Can you feel it? Market season has begun!

This weekend, you can meet us at a new location on Saturday and Sunday, May 4-5. 🌱Banegaarden🌱

It’s a beautiful location. We’ll be there 10-16 both days, along with a bunch of other organic producers of excellent quality.

The sun is out 🌞 What more could one ask for? Address is Otto Busses Vej 45, 2450 Kbh SV. We can’t wait to see you 💚

Påskemix for 175kr🪺🐣Levering i København onsdag d. 27/3Eller til afhentning onsdag og skærtorsdag 8.00-15.00 på gården.K...

Påskemix for 175kr🪺🐣
Levering i København onsdag d. 27/3
Eller til afhentning onsdag og skærtorsdag 8.00-15.00 på gården.

Kassen indeholder økologiske koralpigsvampe, gul fløjlsfod/enoki, shiitake, grå og sorte østershatte og er et columbusæg der både fungere som værtindegave og et eksklusivt bidrag til påskemiddagen.

The 29th of September, BYGAARD will take part in a panel discussion at GRASP festival, exploring the fascinating world a...

The 29th of September, BYGAARD will take part in a panel discussion at GRASP festival, exploring the fascinating world and incredible potentials of mycelium!

GRASP is a hybrid between a professional conference and an artistic festival, initiated by the dedicated forces behind Roskilde Festival. The core focal point is UTOPIA: how can utopias create a more sustainable world? And how can we play with the future through speculative designs?

The panel is part of the 'Urban Circularity' track. We look forward to sharing our perspective on a very important subject. Check out the full programme, and we hope to see you there

The most bountiful season is here! Join us at the farmers market this Sunday on Refshaleøen. Be there or be ◼️

The most bountiful season is here! Join us at the farmers market this Sunday on Refshaleøen. Be there or be ◼️

🌱 Join us this Sunday at the Grønt Marked by Lille Bakery for our first market of the new season!!

In a celebration of summer vegetables, Viola and Mia will be cooking up a Zucchini Scarpaccia, a crunchy tart served with tzatziki and a tomato salad 🧑‍🍳

🍒 Producers Lineup Refshaleøen Sunday August 6th 🌱

Brinkholm Andelsgaarde
Ærtebjerg Jordbrug
Tvindelstrup Teglværk
Copenhagen Seasonal Foods
Dansk Camelina dk
Copenhagen Goat Milk
Det vilde spinderi
Lille Bakery

As usual, don’t forget your totes, friends and lovers 🌸

Nameko-skælhat, videnskabeligt kendt som Pholiota nameko, er en populær spiselig svamp med oprindelse i Japan. Dens unik...

Nameko-skælhat, videnskabeligt kendt som Pholiota nameko, er en populær spiselig svamp med oprindelse i Japan. Dens unikke udseende, behagelige smag og geléagtige konsistens gør den til et eftertragtet ingrediens til sammenkogte retter.

Svampen kendes på sine mellemstore hætter, der er konvekse og har en karakteristisk glinsende overflade. Hatten har en lys orange til rav marmorering og en let klæbrig overflade. Deres lameller er tynde, tætpakkede og gulbrune i farven. Svampens slanke stilk er normalt bleg gul eller brunlig og har en fiberrig konsistens.

Nameko-skælhat har en subtil, nøddeagtig smag med et strejf af peber. Når de tilberedes, udvikler de en rig umamismag, der tilføjer dybde og kompleksitet til forskellige tilberedninger.

Den er kendt for sin unikke geléagtige konsistens, der bliver mere markant under tilberedning. Den slimede belægning på hætterne opløses under madlavning, når den kommer i kontakt med vand og giver en behagelig, let glat jævnende konsistens. Hatten har er let elastisk, og stammens fibre giver en tilfredsstillende bid og en behageligt crunch ved tygning.

Den er en god kilde til essentielle næringsstoffer. De har et lavt kalorie- og fedtindhold samtidig med at de indeholder en god mængde protein, kostfibre og vitaminer som B-vitaminer (især niacin og riboflavin). Derudover indeholder de mineraler som kalium, fosfor og selen.

Den vokser naturligt på stammer i skovbunden og sætter frugt når det er koldt og fugtigt, helst i bunker af visne blade. Det er en af de mest kultiverede svampe i sit hjemmehørende Japan, men bliver også kultiveret i Europa. Svampen kultiveres typisk i savsmuld, enten i potter eller i poser, i klimastyrede rum med lav temperatur og høj luftfugtighed, men kan også podes på stammer.

Tips til tilberedning:
Nameko-svampe bruges ofte i supper, især misosuppe, hvor deres geléagtige konsistens beriger bouillonen. De kan også sauteres, woksteges, marineres i lage eller tilsættes nudelretter og saucer. Nameko-svampens distinkte smag passer godt sammen med soja, mirin, kombu, risvin, ingefær, hvidløg og forårsløg. Det er vigtigt, at svampen opnår en kernetemperatur på minimum 72 grader.


Join us this Sunday at the Grønt Marked for our last market of July!! Get the chance to fill your fridge and pantry with tasty vegetables, fruits, cheeses, preserves, eggs, and many other products for your summer BBQ 🌱 �

Come and celebrate the summer with us as we host some live jazz music, while our friend
will be frying delicious Brazilian pastels filled with local ingredients from the market 🧡

If you are still in the city, stop by Skjolds Plads for some cosy, tasty vibes 🌻

🍒 Producers Lineup Skjolds Plads Sunday July 16th 🌱🍒

Brinkholm Andelsgaarde

Müllers & Moeslund
Copenhagen Goat Milk

Âvijll Mikrovineri

Copenhagen Seasonal Foods
Twisted Herbal

Bruuns baghaver
Det vilde spinderi
Bageriet Blond

As usual, don’t forget your totes, friends and lovers 🌸

Can you feel it? The sun is out longer, the air is getting warmer, and the flowers are blooming. That can only mean one ...

Can you feel it? The sun is out longer, the air is getting warmer, and the flowers are blooming. That can only mean one thing: It’s time for Grønt Marked!

You can find us, along with a bunch of other talented producers, this Sunday May 7th just around the corner from our production at Refshaleøen. Bring your tote bag, your friends, your parents, and your lovers. Buy organic mushrooms. Live your best life ☀️

We can't wait to see you 🌱

🌱May 7th Lineup 🌱


& gaardmejeri

🌾We will also be welcoming some new producers: Müller & Moeslund, The Earthware Shop and Charlie Hart.

🍴Our Grønt Marked kitchen will be making some delicious lunch from 11

Don't forget your totes, friends & lovers ☀️

We cant wait to start our Fourth Market season!!

Lokale økosvampe til påskefrokostbordet? Spar 25% på alt! 🌞Brug koden PAASKESVAMPE og få rabat på hele din bestilling på...

Lokale økosvampe til påskefrokostbordet? Spar 25% på alt! 🌞

Brug koden PAASKESVAMPE og få rabat på hele din bestilling på vores webshop. Levering onsdag d. 5/4, eller afhentning i vores produktion på Refshaleøen onsdag-fredag kl 07-14 🌱


Flere økologiske og vegetariske retter på de danske frokostborde! Ja da! Kom forbi ons-fre kl 07-14. Og hvis du ikke har bestilt online, så går det nok - 25% fratrækkes prisen uanset 🥰

What are the benefits of growing food in an urban center? And wouldn't it be easier do to it in the countryside? Lasse, ...

What are the benefits of growing food in an urban center? And wouldn't it be easier do to it in the countryside? Lasse, BYGAARD's CEO, answers and elaborates on these questions in this well-researched article:

Support your local shed and order a mushrooms subscription on 🥰

Why Copenhagen’s best restaurants are sourcing their mushrooms from a local shed Posted on March 13, 2023 by Harper Pestinger Operating from a building half the size of a football penalty box, Bygaard mushroom farm is part of the world’s sustainable urban farming revolution. BY HARPER PESTINGER ...

HJÆLP!Vi har eksperimenteret med at øge vores udbytte, og nu har vi mange flere økosvampe end beregnet😅Få 40% rabat på a...

Vi har eksperimenteret med at øge vores udbytte, og nu har vi mange flere økosvampe end beregnet😅

Få 40% rabat på alt i vores webshob, som dette 1 kg mix for 150kr. Vi leverer i hele København (postnr. 1000-2500 + 2900) i samarbejde med

Brug promokoden SIGDETMEDSVAMPE inden d. 19. Feb på (link i bio) ❤️‍🔥

Fra vores farm i hjertet af København til dit køkken, er vores svampe dyrket og leveret med minimal co2-udledning og respekt for dit helbred og miljøet.

LION’S MANE FOR XMAS AND NYE 🤍Yes, the rumors are true: Lion’s Mane (da: pindsvinepigsvamp) is back on the menu! We have...

Yes, the rumors are true: Lion’s Mane (da: pindsvinepigsvamp) is back on the menu! We have a batch ready for you, available on our webshop. Organic and Refshaleøen-grown as always ❤️‍🔥

Pickup is at the farm on Thursdays at 1-4pm; orders placed between now and 1pm on Thursday the 22nd should be collected on Thursday the 22nd. Orders placed after that should be collected on Thursday the 29th of December, also between 1-4pm.

Please note that supply is limited - so be sure to place an order. We can’t wait for you to try them! 🥰 Link in bio or



FAREWELL TO CARO 💚Sometimes, a situation arises where it makes sense to reflect on how far we have come and how we got h...

Sometimes, a situation arises where it makes sense to reflect on how far we have come and how we got here. For BYGAARD, now is such a time. The reason is that our very dear co-founder and manager Caro Mages will have her last workday at BYGAARD this week.

Caro’s contributions to BYGAARD have been immense and foundational, and her dedication and skill will always be a prime example for others. We on the BYGAARD team owe her thanks for the patience, knowledge, guidance, and kindness she has shared over the years. We have all learned a lot from her!

Caro, if your work here is of any indication, we know you’ll go on to do great things. With your dedication and your keen sense of what is valuable and worthwhile, any place will be lucky to have you. We will miss you here, and we wish you all the best for the exciting future ahead ❤️

It’s that time of the week! Ready to restock your fridge and pantry? Meet us at Grønt Marked Vesterbro, at Litauens Plad...

It’s that time of the week! Ready to restock your fridge and pantry? Meet us at Grønt Marked Vesterbro, at Litauens Plads, Sunday Nov 13 between 10am and 3pm. Bring your tote bag as well as all of your friends, lovers, enemies, and family members. It’s going to be hyggeligt! 🌱🍂

🥕 Lineup for November 13th 🥕

Brinkholm Andelsgaarde
Mosegården Jordbrug
Copenhagen Goat Milk
Bruuns baghave
Bageriet BRØD

Garbolund Naturvin
Slowburn Brewing Co-op
Tvindelstrup Teglværk

Don't forget your totes, friends and lovers will see you this Sunday in Litauens Plads 🥦

Webshoppen kører igen!Bestil nu til afhentning næste torsdag.

Webshoppen kører igen!
Bestil nu til afhentning næste torsdag.

We know that it’s not always the easiest task to move oneself to Refshaleøen from Vesterbro on a Sunday. But you’re in l...

We know that it’s not always the easiest task to move oneself to Refshaleøen from Vesterbro on a Sunday. But you’re in luck! We’re coming to you, citizens of Vesterbro. The next Grønt Marked will take place on Litauens Plads this Sunday. Check out all the cool producers below. See you soon! 🌱

NEW PRODUCTION AT 100% CAPACITY!It’s been quite the journey, but here we are: All six of our new production containers a...


It’s been quite the journey, but here we are: All six of our new production containers are up and running. This means larger volume, better quality, and improved consistency overall for our organic mushrooms.

It also gives us the space to grow new types of mushrooms. Which types would you like us to try out? Or do you want locally-produced organic mushrooms in your restaurant or canteen? Reach out to us, or forward this post to someone you think could be interested.

Vesterbro! We’re coming for you! We’re very exited to be part of the first , Vesterbro edition. Along with a bunch of ot...

Vesterbro! We’re coming for you! We’re very exited to be part of the first , Vesterbro edition. Along with a bunch of other cool producers of organic quality food, you can find us on Litauens Plads, living our best lives.

It’s on Sunday August 14th, 10am-3pm. We have a great variety to choose from. And mushrooms are incredibly delicious on the grill, so considering the weather, there’s no excuse not to come. See you there!

Did you know that mushrooms are perfect for grilling? ❤️‍🔥

Did you know that mushrooms are perfect for grilling? ❤️‍🔥

Danish Summer is at its peak and our farmers have their fields full of different amazing vegetables ready to be cooked. 🥦🍆🍅🌶🥕

As it is barbeque season, so we would like to invite you to a demo to get some tips and inspiration for grilling your veggies perfectly.

The workshop is free and will be held during our markets on Refshaleøen and Nørrebro in August (7th and 21st).

See you on Sunday!

Spring has sprung! 🌱🌞Sun’s out, lockdowns are over, and our organic mushrooms are doing well. We’re expanding our produc...

Spring has sprung! 🌱🌞

Sun’s out, lockdowns are over, and our organic mushrooms are doing well. We’re expanding our production, so get in touch if you want in on the action by buying locally produced organic mushrooms for your kitchen. What’s not to like!

We don’t do many posts, so be sure to follow our Instagram stories for a look behind the scenes 🥰

Q: Hvad har BYGAARD til fælles med Joan Didion, Kunsthal Charlottenborg og Niviaq Korneliussens fantastiske Blomsterdale...

Q: Hvad har BYGAARD til fælles med Joan Didion, Kunsthal Charlottenborg og Niviaq Korneliussens fantastiske Blomsterdalen, vinder af Nordisk Råds litteraturpris 2021?

A: Vi har da en prominent plads i Rasmus Meislers virkelig flotte illustration i denne uges Weekendavisen! Tæt på magten, ved Mette Frederiksens side :) Om vi kan stå inde for klummens budskab, lader vi være usagt.

PS: Glædelig snarlig genåbning!

BYGAARD was recently featured on Refshaleøen’s page. Check it out for some awesome behind-the-scenes photos of our organ...

BYGAARD was recently featured on Refshaleøen’s page. Check it out for some awesome behind-the-scenes photos of our organic mushroom production! And remember to check out our stories on Instagram for more pictures of daily life on our urban farm 🥰

Tusind tak til alle jer der støttede Bygaard denne uge ved at købe en kasse blandede svampe.Vi har store nyheder, nu lev...

Tusind tak til alle jer der støttede Bygaard denne uge ved at købe en kasse blandede svampe.

Vi har store nyheder, nu leverer vi vores svampe i hele landet i samarbejde med Fresh.Land takket være Mathilde Kjaergaard Jakobsen , Hanna Danielsson of resten af deres fantastiske team.

Vi glæder os utroligt meget til at genoptage samarbejdet.


Vores Økologiske Svampe fra Bygaard er danske specialsvampe. Deres kvalitet er en michelin-restaurant værdig, og de leveres direkte til døren.

Tusind tak til alle jer der støtter os under nedlukningen af restauranterne, ved at købe svampe til hjemmelevering på by...

Tusind tak til alle jer der støtter os under nedlukningen af restauranterne, ved at købe svampe til hjemmelevering på gør i alle sammen en utrolig stor forskel for vores lille grønne virksomhed.

I kan bestille vores svampe på siden, hvor efter levere på din hjemmeadresse den følgende hverdag.

💛 - Team Bygaard



Refshalevej 159B-C



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Bygaard er en økologisk bylandbrug i København, der producerer økologiske friske spirer og svampe i Sydhavnen.

Hvis I har lyst til at læse mere om os, så findes der en god artikel om os og vores virksomhed:

Dyrehandlere i nærheden

Andre Urbant landbrug i Copenhagen

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