One of our H. Horridums just out for a goodmorning 🦎
Sauromalus Ater.
So funny lizards 🤩
Woma python laying
This happening right now 🥰
Monitor baby❤
Our Varanus Dumerilii juvinilies doing great❤
Ctenosaura Pectinata
Today this boy want a back rub 🥰
#ctenosaurapectinata #ourblackboy #pectinata #ctenosaurakeeper #northernexoticanimals
Dumerilii babys 😍
A video of the little monsters 🤩
Fennec fox
Our fennec fox female is already very truthfully feeding some chick's from hand 🐥🥰
#VulpesZerda #fennecfox #northernexotic
Red tegu
Our high red tegu male enjoys some banana and appel porridge 🍌🍎
#highredtegu #redtegu #tegukeeper #northernexotic
Pancake tortoises
One of our pancakes enjoying some salad 🐢
Ctenosaura palearis
Ctenosaura palearis 🥰
#feedingtime #ctenosaurapalearis #ctenosaurakeeper #northernexoticanimals
Chelonoidis carbonaria
Our Chelonoidis carbonaria Boys enjoys some banana🥰
#sharingiscaring #chelonodiscarbonaria #redfoottortoise #rødfodetskovskildpadde #tortoisekeepers #northernexoticanimals
Varanus Macraei
Varanus Macraei 💙