
Millag Millag er en specialiseret rådgiver og leverandør af færdigsvejste membranløsninger til deponier, indpakning af faskiner og gyllelaguner.

Millag is a Danish based company which is active all over the world. We have specialized in delivering and installing slurry lagoons and different types of plastic membranes for almost any purpose both in Denmark and abroad. Thanks to a close cooperation with a number of companies, domestic as well as foreign, we can offer a big variety of turnkey solutions.


Så er Allerød Kommune også gået ind i kampen med at håndtere fremtidens store mængder regnvand.

I byens nordvestlige bydel, ved Lillerød Renseanlæg, ombygges en tidligere procestank til et regnvandsbassin.

Det skal fungere som et forsinkelsesbassin, hvor regnvand bliver opstuvet og renset, inden det ledes uden om kloaksystemet og rensningsanlægget til Kollerød Å.

BG Millag har leveret og monteret membraner, der skal beskytte grundvandet og sikre en tæt bund i bassinet.

Vi er stolte af, at bygherre har valgt at benytte vores ekspertise, vores membraner og vores specialuddannede certificerede montører til at udføre det krævende og vigtige membranarbejde.

Vi siger tak for et godt samarbejde til Novafos, der ombygger tanken, så den kan fungere som forsinkelsesbassin, Gundsø Entreprenør Forretning A/S, der udfører det omfattende anlægsarbejde med nye regnvandsledninger og Orbicon, der står for den ingeniørmæssige del af opgaven.

Du kan læse mere om vores membranarbejder her ->


Vi har lavet en timelapse-video, der viser indpakningen af vores præfabrikerede regnvandsmagasin.

Som noget helt unikt bliver regnvandsmagasinerne konstrueret efter kundespecifikke mål under kontrollerede forhold i vores monteringshal.

Herefter fragtes det færdige regnvandsmagasin direkte ud til byggepladsen som én samlet enhed - lige til at installere og forbinde.

Læs mere om de præfabrikerede regnvandsmagasiner på vores hjemmeside:…/mem…/praefabrikeret-regnvandsmagasin

Du kan se videoen på Youtube her:

Tid er penge i byggebranchen! Derfor skal det være slt med unødig spildtid, når der skal installeres LAR-løsninger med ...

Tid er penge i byggebranchen! Derfor skal det være slt med unødig spildtid, når der skal installeres LAR-løsninger med regnvandsmagasiner.

I Millag har vi nemlig udviklet et præfabrikeret regnvandsmagasin, der kan være oppe at køre på én enkelt dag.

Magasinet præfabrikeres ved vores hovedkontor i Odense og kan leveres og installeres på kun én dag - Det sparer en masse dyrebar tid på byggepladserne.

Her kan du læse en artikel om opstuvningsmagasinet på -

Tid er en dyrebar størrelse i byggebranchen. Derfor har virksomheden Millag udviklet et præfabrikeret opstuvningsmagasin til håndtering af regnvand. Det sparer tid og ressourcer på byggepladserne, som skal tage højde for store mængder regnvand, skriver virksomheden i en meddelelse. 2017 var et...

Yesterday, a delegation from the Mexican Embassy and the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration visited the Danish Pi...

Yesterday, a delegation from the Mexican Embassy and the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration visited the Danish Pig Academy in Herning, which Millag is a part of. Our slurry lagoons were represented, and both the interest and the questions to our solutions were many.

And who knows? Maybe our slurry lagoons might be found in Mexico in the future.

We are currently working on a membrane solution for the waste- and energy company REFA at the Danish island Falster.The ...

We are currently working on a membrane solution for the waste- and energy company REFA at the Danish island Falster.

The project includes delivering and fitting of 15.000 m2 plastic membrane. The membrane is connected with an installation of new landfill cells.

The work is a collaboration with Per Aarsleff​ A/S, who is the operating contractor.

You can learn about the membranes here:


In a time where heavy rainfall and cloudbursts frequently occurs, climate protection and rainwater control is as important as ever.

In this timelapse movie, you can see how we in Carlsberg City in Copenhagen install a modern and efficient "SediPipe" plant as well as a 1,500 cubic meter underground rainwater basin that stores the rainwater before it leads it to the sewer system.

We have supplied and installed 3,200 m² EPDM geomembranes and 6,000 m² BG-TEX500 geotextile for wrapping the 3,800 cartridges used in the installation.

I en tid med store regnmængder og hyppige skybrud bliver klimasikring vigtigere og vigtigere.

I denne timelapse-film kan du se, hvordan vi i Carlsberg Byen i København installerer et moderne og effektivt "SediPipe"-anlæg samt et 1.500 kubikmeter underjordisk regnvandsbassin der opmagasinerer regnvandet, inden det ledes til kloakken.

Vi har leveret og monteret 3.200 m² EPDM geomembraner og 6.000 m² BG-TEX500 geotekstil til indpakning af de 3.800 kassetter, der benyttes i installationen.

When it comes to sustainability, we are firm believers in walking the walk. That is why we are now a part of CO2-neutral...

When it comes to sustainability, we are firm believers in walking the walk. That is why we are now a part of CO2-neutral website on

This means that the power consumed by visitors of our website, will be neutralised by CO2-reducing activities all over the world.

Rainwater basins are an important and integral part of the climate protection of the new Carlsberg Byen in Copenhagen.Mi...

Rainwater basins are an important and integral part of the climate protection of the new Carlsberg Byen in Copenhagen.

Millag has supplied and installed 3,200 m² EPDM geomembranes and 6000 m² BG-TEX500 geotextile for the wrapping of 3,800 cassettes.

The rainwater basins are able to store the water for 24 hours, after which it will be slowly diverted to the sewers. This is the first rainwater basin Millag has done in EPDM, and the basin will eventually be handed over to HOFOR, who will be responsible for further operation and maintenance.

You can get more information about rainwater basins here:

We are in the process of building a brand new slurry lagoon, with a client in Romania.Go to and le...

We are in the process of building a brand new slurry lagoon, with a client in Romania.

Go to and learn more about our slurry lagoon projects.

We are back home after some great days at The Figan international trade fair for animal production. Many visitors stoppe...

We are back home after some great days at The Figan international trade fair for animal production. Many visitors stopped by our booth, to learn about our plastic membrane solutions for slurry lagoons.

We also had a visit from a local television station who did a feature on Bent and slurry lagoons to a local news report.

If you also want to know more about our plastic membranes and slurry lagoons you can read more here:

We are ready at FIGAN - just waiting for the opening and the visitors 😁

We are ready at FIGAN - just waiting for the opening and the visitors 😁

Next week we are in Zaragoza at The Figan international trade fair for animal production. We are at Figan from the 28 to...

Next week we are in Zaragoza at The Figan international trade fair for animal production. We are at Figan from the 28 to the 31 of March. We are looking forward to talking to a lot of people about our environmentally friendly membrane solutions. You can come talk to us and see examples of our lagoon solutions at booth 061 in hall 8.

Come visit us, or get more information on our membrane solutions here:

Countries around the world are looking for eco-friendly slurry solutions.That is why we have delivered and installed man...

Countries around the world are looking for eco-friendly slurry solutions.

That is why we have delivered and installed many customized covered slurry lagoons in China, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Slovakia, Greece, Romania, Lithuania, Finland and Sweden.

Our slurry lagoons are approved in Denmark, which has some of the most restrictive environmental rules in the world.

Learn more about eco-friendly and customized lagoons here:

We are looking forward to participating in the Figan international trade fair for animal production in March. From our b...

We are looking forward to participating in the Figan international trade fair for animal production in March.

From our booth we will show the visitors examples of our slurry lagoons. Slurry lagoons are always made according to individual specifications and can be delivered with or without an alarm system and top cover.

You can get more information on slurry lagoons from Millag here:


Our slurry lagoons are in great demand around the world and we have carried out many plastic membrane installations in China, Belarus, Romania, Poland, Slovakia, Tanzania, Sweden and Greenland. Learn more about slurry lagoons here:

Do you want to see how a slurry lagoon is built? Check out this video


I et debatindlæg på Altinget fortæller vores eksportchef Bent Aagesen om danske miljøløsninger til Kina.

DEBAT: Der er et stort og i høj grad uudnyttet marked for danske miljøløsninger i Kina, skriver Millags eksportchef, Bent Aagesen. Han opfordrer både politikere og fagfolk til at ofre eksportpotentialet større opmærksomhed.


Det hænder at der ikke er plads til maskinerne, når de store membranstykker skal på plads, men så er det jo godt med "Manpower"

Filmen er fra installationen af en Millag lagune i Kina


Østbirkvej 2


Mandag 08:00 - 16:00
Tirsdag 08:00 - 16:00
Onsdag 08:00 - 16:00
Torsdag 08:00 - 16:00
Fredag 08:00 - 15:00


+45 8861 2600

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