Our little Power Rocket 🚀🔥🔥
💙 Åtoftens Jeronimo 💙
Åtoftens Jovani - Revolution - BH Zack
The dam is a silver medal mare in Danish Warmblood. 😍😍
🌟Åtoftens Dancing Memory🌟
ERA Dancing Hit - Benetton Dream
Susanne Barnow is doing an amazing job, I think they look fabulous 🔥🥰
Åtoftens Dancing Memory is brother to the gold medal mare Åtoftens Zehavia (Zack- Benetton Dream) and the 3 year old premium Stallion Åtoftens Jovani (Jovian - Benetton Dream)
So excited about what the future will bring for this wonderful couple 🥰🥰
He is co owned with Barnow Dressage and Steffen Kristensen.
💙 Åtoftens Simply Perfect 💙
So Perfect - Zalando - Davignon
Colt Born 18.03.21
Recently two offsprings - BH Londoner and Nova - from this damline participated in the danish championship for young horses. They both qualified for the final.
Further Kleppenhus Jazzoline is well on its way in sport.
Dam is a bronze medal mare.
Grand dam is an elite mare. Further the grand dam is also sister to the licensed stallions Donnerwerther and Regazzoni as well as more international sports horses.
Åtoftens Jovani
🌟 Åtoftens Jovani 🌟
Jovian - Benetton Dream - Lauries Crusador xx
Selected for licensing in Danish Warmblood 2022.
He is brother to the gold medal mare Åtoftens Zehavia and also the lovely gelding Åtoftens Dancing Memory who was qualified for the final in the danish championship in 2020 and 2021.
The same damline as Fürstenlook
He is co owned with Helgstrand Dressage 🤩🌟
Åtoftens Springtime 🤩
🌟Åtoftens Springtime 🌟
Springbank II - Zalando - Sandro Hit
Mor er søster til den legendariske guldmedalje hingst ERA Dancing Hit. Der ligger ligeledes flere kårede hingste på morsiden samt mange sportsheste. MM har bl.a. lavet ERA Dazzling Hit RDH og ERA Fürstin Hit SRDH, som begge er B heste i dressur.
Udtaget til hingstekåring 2022 😍
Åtoftens Springtime er ejet i samarbejde med Helgstrand Dressage 🤩
🌟Beautiful colt for sale 🌟
So Perfect - Zalando - Davignon
Colt Born 18.03.21
Recently two offsprings - BH Londoner and Nova - from this damline participated in the danish championship for young horses. They both qualified for the final.
Further Kleppenhus Jazzoline is well on its way in sport.
Dam is a bronze medal mare.
Grand dam is an elite mare. Further the grand dam is also sister to the licensed stallions Donnerwerther and Regazzoni as well as more international sports horses.
We are so happy to announce that this wonderful colt is sold to Susanne Barnow and Steffen Kristensen. We are so excited to se what the future will bring for this little star 🌟🌟😍😍
Åtoftens Zorian 💙
Blue Hors Zack - San Amour - Donnerhall
The grandmother Fiesta’s Girl is the full sister to Blue Hors Don Schufro. Fiesta’s Girl is also the dam to the graded stallions Blue Hors Zatchmo, Blue Hors Zirrus, Blue Hors Rudisha. Further she is mother to the highly graded mare Florell.
Åtoftens Zorian 💙
Blue Hors Zack - San Amour - Donnerhall
We are so happy for this beautiful colt 😍🤩
The grandmother Fiesta’s Girl is the full sister to Blue Hors Don Schufro. Fiesta’s Girl is also the dam to the graded stallions Blue Hors Zatchmo, Blue Hors Zirrus, Blue Hors Rudisha. Further she is mother to the highly graded mare Florell.
❤️Åtoftens Zassy Dream ❤️
A lovely filly by Blue Hors Zackerey - Benetton Dream - Lauries Crusador xx ❤️
She is sister to the goldmedal mare Åtoftens Zehavia and the wonderful gelding Åtoftens Dancing Memory who was qualified for the final in the danish championship for 4 years old in 2020, and in the 5 years qualification with 87,00 %.
The same damline as Fürstenlook 🤩
Åtoftens Zehavia har nu kun 7 uger til termin med skønne Vitalis 😍😍
Zehavia er efter Zack - Benetton Dream. Hendes mor laver de skønneste afkom, masser af udtryk, bevægelse og ridelighed. Zehavia’s bror Åtoftens Dancing Memory kvalificerede sig bl.a. til championatsfinalen i 2020. Ud af samme stamme kommer fantastiske Fürstenlook.
Imens vi venter kan vi nyde denne fantastiske video med Mette Sejbjerg i sadlen, fra eliteskuet i 2018, hvor Zehavia fik tildelt en Guldmedalje 🤩😍😍
Imens vi venter på Åtoftens Revolina efter Revolution/Zack har termin i marts måned med fantastiske Jovian, kan vi lige skrue tiden tilbage til oktober, hvor hun gik sin sadelkåring med flot resultat, hvilket resulterede i en sølvmedalje 🤩🤩😍❤️
Hingsteføl efter Vivino - Zalando - Davignon 🥰
M er bronzehoppe. MM er ERDH og helsøster til Donnerwerther og halvsøster til Regazzoni. Hun har bla lavet 2 A heste : Kleppenhus Seabiscuit, russisk mester og deltager ved EM for Youngriders ; Kleppenhus Seb Sieboldii, deltager ved UVM og gået international med Holga Finken. Derudover kommer Anna Kasprzak’s Roma Nova og Blue Hors Londoner ud af samme stamme.
Han er en stor langbenet hingst med super udtryk og helt fantastisk sind 🥰
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