DrumHorse Stable Denmark

DrumHorse Stable Denmark Kontaktoplysninger, kart og anvisninger, kontaktformular, åbningstider, tjenester, stjerner, fotos, videoer og meddelelser fra DrumHorse Stable Denmark, Hestetræner, Højgårdsvej 2, Tappernøje.

DrumHorse Stable Denmark have been working with the European Drumhorse breed for 16 years & are representatives for the studbook

We own the two breeding stallions
Lord Korpus King Keen &
King William Wings of Wulcan

The magic of a DrumHorse ✨

The magic of a DrumHorse ✨

No fairytale is perfect..

Mine certainly isn't right now, & that's also why I haven't been extremely active on my social media.

It's not always as easy as setting up your surroundings to be your fairytale dream, & then it all just works out. I hoped it would, but I forgot that every fairytale has bumps, villains, tears & frustration on the way to meet its happy ending. ✨

I'm still writing my fairytale as I go, some passages are more magical & beautiful than others, but they are all an essential part of the story. 📚

Photo by

Our stallion, Lord Korpus King Keen 💙

Our stallion, Lord Korpus King Keen 💙

Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness & growth occurs while you're climbing!

Some of those who have reached the top without looking down once in a while, to help those who are on their way, have forgotten the climb they once grew so much from. Those are the people who get stuck in their own beliefs & refuse to grow further...

Remember the climb, go slow & let every little step sink in. Even if you never reach the top, know that you have grown even more than those who look the fastest route! ✨

Photo by
Riding in Chicago saddle by
Ocean Blue Yogings by

The magic between a DrumHorse & his rider 🌸💖 Beautifully captured by Simii Photography

The magic between a DrumHorse & his rider 🌸💖 Beautifully captured by Simii Photography

Once upon a time....is really here & now!

My horses make every day feel like the fairytale story, I wished as a little girl, my future life would one day be. 💕 But it's hard to explain with words, where & how my horses heal my soul..

Instead of trying to explain the inexplicable, I'll just share this moment with you. 💖
Cause captured my fairytale, my life, my inner feelings & my heart in this one photo! 🌸

Thank you Simone, I'm forever grateful! 🩷

We love feeding our horses with Nordic Horse 🌱

We love feeding our horses with Nordic Horse 🌱

Summer, grass & happy tummies! 🌞
Our new big fields are finally ready for the horses!

Last year when we bought Bøgeholt the land was farmed with grain, we changed all of it into grass fields for horses.

Since the horses moved to Bøgeholt in September they have been in temporary fields. Which means that the amount of grass has been low & in their new huge fields it will be very high! 🌱

So we have to be very aware of getting the horses used to the amount of grass & the nutritional value on the new fields.
There's a big difference in types of grass, so you have to take the nutrition value in consideration, we have grown a seed mix specially made for horses, which means that the nutrition is great. But after the horses have been on grass that wasn't specially for horses, it will take a bit for them to get used to the new.

We are going slow, the first week they have been on grass for 15min a day, this week they will get 30min. We will double the time week for week, until we reach 12 hours & then after that they can be out for the whole day, our horses sleep in the stable.

I'm giving the horses 3 supplements right now, to help their digestion as they get used to the grass. 👇

Nordic Strong Clean Balance - An effective supplement for horses that need stabilization of the intestinal system. Based on prebiotic roots, cleansing herbs, highly antioxidant berries, Icelandic seaweed, as well as Mycofix® that deactivates unwanted substances in the intestine, & effectively restores the health of the horse's liver & intestinal tract.

Nordic Blood Sugar Balance+ - Contains herbal ingredients that ensure a stabilization of the horse's blood sugar & insulin level, great for horses to be grazed in, which need to stabilize blood sugar.

Nordic Biosa - Affects the digestive tract & intestinal microorganisms, partly as a pH regulator & partly as nourishment for microbes & intestinal cells. Strengthens the mucous membrane in the stomach & intestines, & contributes to creating balance.

I can strongly recommend these products for this difficult time, where laminitis, colic, diarrhea & watery stools is every horseowners nightmare! 🫣

Products by .dk

Tomorrow is a big day for one of our big boys 🥳

Tomorrow is a big day for one of our big boys 🥳

My Prince 🩵

Tomorrow is a HUGE day!
Chato turns 20 years old, I can't even believe it. So I have to share him two days in a row, & just tell you how awesome he is, cause he deserves it 🥳

I got Chato when he was 4 & I was 14, what a journey it's been over the past 16 years!

Chato has taught me SO much, & forced me to chance, adapt & educate myself so much. For that I will be forever grateful to him. 🙏 I can't even imagine what kind of rider I would be without Chato..

The most important thing Chato has taught me is..
Have fun, training is playtime with your best friend & for it to be a good time, you need to make sure both of you are both having fun! 💙

Thank you Chato, you're the best!
I look forward to AT LEAST 16 more years with you 🤞

Ocean Blue outfit from
Vila Franka bridle from

Every day's pride and joy,he IS simply the best.Lord Korpus ⭐Sielja Dantved - Showrider Photo by Simii Photography

Every day's pride and joy,
he IS simply the best.
Lord Korpus ⭐

Sielja Dantved - Showrider
Photo by Simii Photography

Hi dear Drumhorse followersHere is our purebred Drumhorse baby 🥁Captain Duncan Duke of Dawn Son of Lord Korpus and Gorge...

Hi dear Drumhorse followers

Here is our purebred Drumhorse baby 🥁

Captain Duncan Duke of Dawn Son of Lord Korpus and Gorgeous Gorgie.

Duncan is almost 1 year old, and close to 150 cm tall.

We are proud of Korpus and Gorgie's children, They develop perfectly, have lots of hair, big movements and a lovely temperament.

There genes are strong in the family
we also see that in their grandchildren.

We feel very blessed.

Sielja Dantved - Showrider with Duncan 🌿
Photo by


Short & Sweet 💝

Many think that a good training has to last for about 45min to 1hour, but that doesn't always work for every horse. And even if it might work for that horse, they might be at a stage where it's not the best...

I've had Chato for 16years now & through those years we've been training in quite different ways. When Chato was younger he needed very long warm ups, we did such long stretching before he was ready for me to collect him. He would simply go against me if I tried to collect too soon. ✋

In the last few years Chato has moved in a direction where he needs a longer walk warm up, but then a shorter trot & canter warm up before he is ready to collect. He will now offer collection earlier by himself, which is really nice. But it also means that I need to be aware of how much of the collected work we do, so I don't overwork his body. So even though he wants it, I have to be the responsible one who says stop & demands a break.

So right now Chato & I do 15min of walk, then 15min of work & end with 15min of walk again. The real work isn't very long, but then quite intense. He loves this way of working right now, who knows...he might change his mind one day, & if he does I'm ready to change our way of working & give him what he needs again 🤗

Photo by
Ocean Blue outfit from
Vila Franka bridle from

Captain Duncan is getting big & we can't wait to get new photos & video of him this summer 🌞

Captain Duncan is getting big & we can't wait to get new photos & video of him this summer 🌞

Update on my goofy baby 🩵

Many of you have been asking me how tall Duncan is now, & I finally remembered to measure him!
He is now 11 months old & he measures 145,5cm..Big boy 😅

He grows a lot right now, so he had a while where he was quite tired & just wanted to eat & sleep. But today we went for a walk to see the world outside the yard, & he was a real champ! 🙌
We saw chickens, listened to water running in the road drain, met a few cars & all while we trained our stop & back up signal 👏 Such a good boy!

Duncan is, like his brother Wulcan, a warm horse. I love that about my family's breeding, as it makes for a great dressage horse, to have that extra bit of spice. It's also what we want in a great DrumHorse, a spicy horse with a calm mind. 🥁

I can't wait to see Duncan develop even more & share his journey with you 🥰

Photo by
Wearing my beautiful custom & hand sewn skirt from

Just received a message.. Happy news We are so Happy and Proud ✨Duke son of Princess - grandson of Lord Korpus became ch...

Just received a message.. Happy news

We are so Happy and Proud ✨

Duke son of Princess - grandson of Lord Korpus became champion of 2-year-old stallions and


We are so happy for the owner Natasja Pot ❤️ a very big congratulations ⭐

We are very proud of our breeding 🤩Bruce 3 years old son of Princess Darling Daisy Day, grandson of Lord Korpus and Gorg...

We are very proud of our breeding 🤩

Bruce 3 years old son of Princess Darling Daisy Day, grandson of Lord Korpus and Gorgeous Gorgie.

His mother and grandparents are clearly seen in him, from color to development and build.

Bruce is 3 years old and 164,
named Vanner in NSVT, in our stud book ZSSE he would be Drumhorse Breeding Stock because his mother Daisy is pure breed Drumhorse and his father is Tinker.

Bruce obtained a stallion licence

🏅Pictures of the family on mother's side.

A big congratulations dear
Henriette Van Lenthe, we wish you all the best ⭐

Good morning dear Drumhorse followers 🥁We have a lot of happy newsA Grandson of Lord Korpus and Gorgeous Gorgie,Son of P...

Good morning dear Drumhorse followers 🥁

We have a lot of happy news

A Grandson of Lord Korpus and Gorgeous Gorgie,

Son of Princess Darling Daisy Day

Breezer achieved another
1st premium 🏆

We are so happy and proud.

We wish all the best for Breezer and Charissa Neele ❤️

We are excited to follow Sieljas journey ✨🥰

We are excited to follow Sieljas journey ✨🥰

Another layer ✨

This weekend I started something new, something very exciting that will add another layer to my training & my work with horses.

I started my reiki journey & took the first course, something I've really been looking forward to! 🌟
For years I've been told by experienced healers & clairvoyants that I should expand my spirituality & start the reiki journey, & I'm so glad I did!

These past two days have been so amazing, so hard, so emotional & so enlightening!
My plan with taking the reiki courses, is to use it when I work with horses. To be able to go deeper, be more present & feel the very small things, so I can be a better trainer! 💖

I hope you will follow my journey as I add another layer to my way of working with horses, & train dressage in a fair & beautiful way for both horse & rider 💞

Photo by


Our Power Stallion 🔥
Lord Korpus King Keen


Don't we just need some summer vibes? 🌞

The hardest time of the year for us equestrians is almost over, fall & winter simply aren't easy for us horse people...

In Denmark we feel the weather getting warmer, the days are getting longer, the fields are getting dryer & the horses are getting their summer coats ready 🙌

It truly feels like spring is upon us, & we are SO ready for it here at Bøgeholt!

As many of you know we are in the middle of a HUGE renovation of our dream yard, & it's just easier to work when it isn't pouring down, snowing or freezing cold!

We are overly excited for spring & summer here, what about you? 🌼

Vila Franka bridle from
Yogi shirt from
Wool skirt from


Passionate, dedicated and bold 💗
She and her , what they accomplish together and their force to overcome any obstacle, is an inspiration to us all🥰 Go follow!👊💗



Stop & learn to enjoy 🌞

Horses are beautiful, simple creatures who know how to enjoy the simple pleasures in life. They don't actually require much to have a great life, at least not compared to humans...

Cause humans need a lot to be happy & satisfied, at least that is what we think we need. But we could really learn something from our horses, to maybe stop & enjoy everything we have. 🙏

A beautiful life isn't necessarily rich in material stuff, horses don't care about how they look or what they have...they care about friends, love, safety & comfort.
Maybe we should think more like horses, we might be happier of we did 💕

Vila Franka bridle from
Wool skirt from

Our pride, Lord Korpus King Keen 💙

Our pride, Lord Korpus King Keen 💙

Classy with a hint of attitude 🖤

Yesterday Lord Korpus & I went on a hack with to do some dressage in the nature that surrounds Bøgeholt 🍃

It was so lovely & Korpus felt just great!
He has really gained some strength & a lot of motivation in the last month, just a pleasure to be on him when he really enjoys every moment! He just gives me the opportunity to push a bit more, without him being pressured or pushed. His mindset is just so awesome when he gets to this point, such a classy boy but with that attitude that I really love!

This photo just shows how the collected work is starting to come back for us, & I can't wait to show you more photos & also some of the video from yesterday 📷

Photo by
Wearing my Ocean Blue Yogings from

Flying Prince Chato 🥁

Flying Prince Chato 🥁

Sometimes all you need is a simple quote, accompanied by a photo of true happiness 💚

"A flower doesn't think of competing with the flower next to it, it just blooms" 🌷

My beautiful riding skirt is from Krasomilé
Chato's gorgeous Vila Franka bridle is from HIDALGO Sattel


Our powerful breeding stallion 🔥
Lord Korpus King Keen 💥

Passage power by our beautiful Prince Chato 💥👌

Passage power by our beautiful Prince Chato 💥👌

More & more.. 💥

Chato is giving me the best feeling these days, as he is getting stronger & back in shape he just gives me more & more to work with! 😍

It's so nice to feel him having so much more to give now, it's even hard to convince him to have a little walk break, cause he just wants to offer me more & keep going! 🙌

I thought this photo from the fall was the perfect one to represent the feeling Chato gave me today! Cause today was the first time in a very long time we did some passage work, & it was SO amazing to feel that collection again 🥰

Sidenote 🫣 Can we just talk about this open framed passage on this photo, could we please normalize passage looking like this? 🤞

Photo by
Cordoba Light saddle & Zaum Sevilla bridle from

Black Beauty Yognings & Yogi Shirt from


That trot 💥

How to get a bigger breed to move with power & grace?

Give them space to fly! 🚀
The most common mistake when working on getting our horses to move with more power, is that we want to help them a lot. But often we just interfere too much & end up ruining the opportunity for the horse to really power though.

My tip for you..
Prepare before take off!
Ride back a bit, activate the hind, stabilize your core.
💥 Now give the rein, absorb the movement with the seat & let your legs be long. Let the horse move, just be there & enjoy the true feeling of flying a rocket! 🚀

Photo by
Wearing the best tights from

Our 9 month old pure bred European DrumHorse 🩵 Captain Duncan Duke Of DawnHe is growing & looking just perfect! His move...

Our 9 month old pure bred European DrumHorse 🩵 Captain Duncan Duke Of Dawn

He is growing & looking just perfect! His movements are spectacular, & the amount of feathers, mane, tail & forelock he has already, indicates that we will get our hands full when he is all grown up ✨

Bred by DrumHorse Stable Denmark

This is only our first page,
I can't wait to live through this story with you ✨

Captain Duncan & I had a magical afternoon with last week & this is just one of the beautiful moments she captured! 🩵

This photoshoot is such an important memory! 💎 When you have a horse from birth, you will always cherish those baby moments, & having photos & videos makes is possible to keep those moments for ever! ✨

Thank you for capturing those magical moments 🙏

I wearing my beautiful custom made & hand sewn skirt from

Sielja describes it beautifully, horses are such special beings ❤️✨

Sielja describes it beautifully, horses are such special beings ❤️✨

Thank you for always having my back ❤️

The last few days have been an emotional rollercoaster for me, & it's been hard to find peace, calmness & shut the noise out...

The only ones who can really give me the stability & the peace I truly need in such a situation, are my horses. No matter how lost I feel, how down I am, they just catch me & give me exactly what I need. 💞

They are such sensitive beings, they detect our feelings immediately & act according to that. Which is why they always know how to act & what to do to cheer us up...they know what makes us happy, we have trained them to know! ✨ How special is it, that they get to a point where they can sort out, what to give us to make us feel better!

Horses are just better than humans when it comes to feelings, you don't have to talk...all you need is to feel!

Thank you boys, for being my everything & always catching me! What would I do without you? ❤️

Photo by
Wool skirt from
Beautiful Zaum Sevilla bridle from


The first ride in our new indoor arena 🤯

I just can't even believe that I now have my own indoor arena! Even though it isn't completely done, we still need kick wall & new lighting, but I can actually ride in it now 🙌

The amazing footing is done, which is truly a dream come true. I had Arena Fibers in my outdoor at the old yard, so I just knew I needed the same in my new indoor. The fibers give such a great toplayer when it mixes in with the arena sand, it gives great bounce & keeps the moisture to avoid dust 👌

It was great to feel the footing today, Korpus felt so free moving. He was obviously very happy to be able to ride dressage again, he offered a lot more than his body can bear at the moment, but I let him do a little of the work he wanted, & with the amazing Arena Fiber footing he had the best prerequisites! 🌟

Can't wait to show you much more from my dream arena & to show you how the work continues as we build the kick walls & put up the new lights ☺️

I of course had my amazing photographer by my side for my first ride in my indoor - ❤️
Arena Fibers from
Chicago saddle from
Trifecta halfpad from


Højgårdsvej 2



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