Kennel Leading Angel's

Kennel Leading Angel's I am Bitta Wöhliche and I live in Denmark (Europe). Here at my home I have a small kennel of Australian shepherd. I breed dogs with brain and beauty �

2 August 2024 kom Savoy og Guteks hvalpe til verden og der er nu 5,5 uge. De blev født da der var OL i Paris, så derfor ...

2 August 2024 kom Savoy og Guteks hvalpe til verden og der er nu 5,5 uge.

De blev født da der var OL i Paris, så derfor har de 4 skønne troldebørn fået OL navne.

Det blev til 2 hanner og 2 tæver.

Jeg mangler at finde den helt rigtige person/familie til den ene hanhund.
Jeg har lavet denne parring før og er yders tilfreds med Agusta og Ducati, men jeg ved også at denne kombination kræver mere end et alm familiehundeliv.

Kan du tilbyde et hjem hvor hunden ikke er alene hjemme i 10 timer hver dag, har erfaring i at eje en brugshund og ønsker du dig en lækker træningsmakker - så send en mail på [email protected]

Savoy er den stolte mor til afkom som er yderes træningsvillige. Flere af hendes hvalpe har arbejdstitler. Haliey (datter af Savoy) er Rally champion og har deltaget i både Danmarksmesterskabet og ÅRETS HUND i Rally. Søster til Hailey - Bling, trænes i Lp og deltog til DM i Lp1 og fik en flot 3 plads (dette var blot Blings 4 prøve). Bror Oak har brugstitler i Schæferhundklubben.

At finde den rigtige person til en hvalp er lige som dating 🙂 Det handler ikke om hvem der kommer først, men om det er et match mellem ny ejer og hund.
Canon er sort tri med lang hale.

må deles 🙏🏻

🇩🇰 Danmarksmesterskabet 2024🇩🇰 Bling og jeg deltog for første gang til DM i lydighed klasse 1. 🇩🇰 Nr. 3 ved DM i Lp 1 🇩🇰...

🇩🇰 Danmarksmesterskabet 2024🇩🇰

Bling og jeg deltog for første gang til DM i lydighed klasse 1.

🇩🇰 Nr. 3 ved DM i Lp 1 🇩🇰

Mit opslag er langt og skriver det mest for egen skyld 😅

Læste en bog, som min tidligere træner skrev,(anden sportsgren end hundesport … RIP JW) hvor min træner skriver, at han flere år senere var trist over, at han ikke havde fejret eller jublet mere, da han vandt verdensmesterskabet.

Det kommer aldrig igen!!
Vi er hurtigt videre - næste øvelse, næste konkurrence, næste mål …. Men hvorfor? Jo vist skal vi ikke hvile på laurbærene, men en “første gang” man opnår noget man først kun så som en uvirkelig drøm, som pludselig bliver til virkelighed … det skal nydes og nydes mere end blot et øjeblik ❤️

Husker tydeligt første gang jeg vandt BEST IN SHOW.
Noget jeg drømte om men troede var uden for min rækkevidde.
En oplevelse, som mange aldrig har prøvet eller måske aldrig opnår.
Jeg tog blot hjem, luftede hunde og satte nye mål. Nix … ikke igen.
Jeg har (som nok også mange andre har) en lille pige gemt i mit hjerte. Hun kigger ud en gang imellem og ser på alle de dygtige og tænker “Wow gid det også var mig” 🥹

Sådan har jeg, siden jeg fik min første Aussie, tænkt om disse dygtige hundemennesker som gik til Lp prøver.

Jeg har haft mange talentfulde hunde som jeg på ingen måde har ydet retfærdighed overfor - undskyld Angel, Greg, Venice og Fair. I kunne så meget mere end mit manglede selvtillid mht Lp prøver kunne.

I er i virkeligheden nok fuldstændige ligeglade😅 så længe vi træner og har det sjovt, så har i alle levet et liv lykkeligt uden lp prøver men dog andre prøver.

Først da jeg fik Bling og mødte en af mine dygtige træner Lea Nor fik jeg troen på, at måske … måske kunne en LP1 være inde for rækkevidde. Det har mest været mig der er blevet trænet 😆. Havde Bling haft en erfaren fører, havde hun unden tvivl haft et andet CV 💪🏻 men nu har hun mig og jeg har hende … og sammen tager vi hinanden i poten/hånden og drager ud på nye eventyr.
Vi vil lave fejl, ting man ikke “må”, blive ramt at nervøsitet som nærmest lammer mig (ikke Bling 😅) og vi gør det SAMMEN 💞 os to Bling - dig og mig 💞

For dem som kender mig, var jeg mange gange ved at springe fra at deltage til DM. Presset var stort, men kun fra mig selv - ingen andre. Jeg er i dag mere end stolt, glad og lettet over at jeg gjorde det 💪🏻

På dagen var jeg ved at kaste op og stod næsten lammet ved siden af ringen - jeg presser mig selv hårdere end sundt er, men måske er det nok også det, der får mig ud over kanten og ikke gemmen mig der hjemme som jeg tidligere har gjort, med andre talentfulde hunde.

“Ud af det blå” kommer Susanne Jervin og “griber rummet” 2 minutter før jeg skal ind.
Tager min apport og aflevere og dirigere mig roligt og bestemt ind på banen. TAK Susanne!
Jeg VED Bling kan sine øvelser … jeg ved jeg har trænet, nu er resten blot om det spiller på dagen. Dommeren Lone Thyrsgaard ser jeg er nervøs og beder mig roligt “træk vejret”. Bling KNOKLER i 20 grader vindstille bagende sol. Hun smiler over hele hovede og på videoen (tak til Henriette og hendes mand for at filme os) kan jeg se hendes lille hale logre fra start til slut. Bling gør ALT i første kommando med energi og glæde og de fratræk vi får hist og her er gammel fejlindlæring fra min side af og manglede viden om Lp - ikke Blings fejl ❤️

Efter prøven får Bling ros fra dommeren og min indre lille pige jubler … for jeg er ikke andrerledes end andre hundemennesker, ros af min hund bliver jeg stolt af 🥰

Da vi ikke får vores resultat at vide før til præmieoverrækkelsen slipper jeg prøven mentalt og går rundt på pladsen som Alice i eventyrland 🤩

Pladsen summer af energi og den ene dygtige hund og føre efter den anden er på de forskellige baner.

Det er jo tros alt DM 🇩🇰
Folk har hængt flag op på deres telte, varmer hunde op og støtter hinanden med rosende og opbakkende ord inden de skal på 😃 Wow - det er min første gang til DM i lp (var det med Greg i rally, men husker ikke meget fra den dag 😏 ).
Skulle jeg igen komme til DM vil det være fantastisk, men min første lp DM kommer aldrig igen … så hvert et minut skal nydes uanset vores point. Vi gjorde det - vi nået her til. En drøm jeg ærligt ikke ture drømme før Lea Nor plantede det frø 🌱

Tak Helle Green for flag, gave, en lille en 🥃 og Aussiehygge ved “målstregen” 😊

Ved præmieoverrækkelsen står jeg ved siden af en gammel kammerat Mads Grønbæk-Møller, som stort smiler til mig da nr. 4 bliver kaldt op og der kun så var podie pladser tilbage og siger “hvad Søren du kommer på podiet” 😃 Det giver et sug i mig 🙈 tænk … tænk at jeg får lov at opleve dette. Min røde arbejdsbi som jeg har taget imod ved fødsel, hvis mor jeg også har holdt i min hånd fra første åndedrag - sammen står vi her.
Vi lander på en 3. plads til DM i klasse 1 med 188 point og hele 3 x 10 taller 🤩

Hvordan vores rejser ser ud over de næste mange år må tiden vise. Målet er ikke bestemte klasser eller placeringer, men at fortsætte med at have en hund som stadig smiler og logre med halen når vi træner sammen - at hun stadig har lyst til at vise os hele Lp programmet når vi spiser pizza for at få en haps (ja hun tigger ved bordet den lille skid 🤣 )

Glæder mig til endnu mere undervisning og opgaver vi sammen kan tage hul på.

Stort tillykke til ALLE med deres DM deltagelse og tak til alle dem der trænede os ❤️ 👩🏼‍🎓

Tak for de flotte præmier fra forskellige sponsorer 🎁

Tak til DKK for et meget flot afholdt stævne og de bedste parkeringen “vagter” (se billede) 🦄

Tak til min vindunderlige kæreste Steven Johansen for at passe hundene og Blings små 4 uger gamle halvsøskende ❤️❤️💙💙

Den største tak er til Bling ❤️ (selvom hun ikke er på FB 😉 ). Tak for oplevelsen og vores rejse sammen fra tricks i stuen til DM i Lp. Sammen drager vi ud på nye eventyr - dig og mig 💞

Tak til mine sponsor 🙏🏻
Vom og Hundemat Danmark 🥩🦴
PitStop for Pets

FoderOasen - café for kæledyr 🐾
Bitta W 🫶🏻

🏆🇩🇰 3 days show in Roskilde - Denmark 🇩🇰🏆 💙 Boys: 🌟 Brighttouch It’s Easy If You Really want It. - “Swagger” 🏆 Friday - ...

🏆🇩🇰 3 days show in Roskilde - Denmark 🇩🇰🏆

💙 Boys:

🌟 Brighttouch It’s Easy If You Really want It. - “Swagger”

🏆 Friday - Nordic show
🥇 Best junior male with Nordic Junior CAC
🎖️Viking Junior Winner’24 🎖️
🥈 second best male with Nordic adult CAC

🏆 Saturday- international show
🥇 Best junior male with Junior CACIB
🎖️Roskilde Junior Winner’24 🎖️
🥈 second best male with CAC

🏆 Sunday - international show
🥇 Best junior male with Junior CACIB
🥇 Best male

Swagger is co owned with Marko Ljutic and breed by L. Kozlova

🌟 Leading Angels Incredible wild orchid- “Keeper”

🏆 Friday - Nordic show
🥇 Best intermedian male

🏆 Saturday- international show
🥇 Best intermedian male

🏆 Sunday - international show
🥇 Best intermedian male
🥈 2nd best male with cacib

Keeper is co owned, handled and groomed by Tine Schulz Nielsen

🌟 CH Leading Angels Golden Globe - “Harry”

🏆Friday - Nordic Show
🎖️Viking Winner’24 🎖️
🥈r. Best in Group 🥈

🏆Saturday - international show
🎖️Roskilde Winner’24 🎖️

Harry is co owned, handled and groomed by Linea Søgaard

💖 The girls:

🌟 DKJCH Leading Angel's Trellis of a majestic Rose - “Charisma”

🏆 Friday - Nordic show
🥇 Best intermedian female

🏆 Saturday- international show
🥇 Best intermedian female

🏆 Sunday - international show
🥇 Best intermedian female
🥈 2nd best female with cacib

Bred and owned by: Kennel Leading Angels - Bitta Wöhliche
Co-owned, groomed and handled by: Tine Schulz Nielsen
Co-owned, daily loved and cared for by: Stine Bodil Larsen

🌟 CH Leading Angels Sacred Mountain - “Halo”

🏆 Friday:
🥇 Best veteran bitch with N-VCAC
🎖️Viking Veteran Winner’24 🎖️
🥉 Third best bitch
🥈 BOS veteran

🏆 Saturday:
🥇 Best veteran bitch with vet.CACIB
🎖️Roskilde Veteran Winner’24 🎖️
🥉 Third best bitch
🥇 BOB veteran

🐾 Not entered 🐾

Halo is owned by me


Thanks to the judges for recognizing my dogs 🙏🏻😊

Sponsored and powered by:
Vom og Hundemat - Danmark 🥩🍖🍗
Pitstop For Pets 🛁
FoderOasen - café for kæledyr 🐾
Bitta W 🫶🏻

🏆 New Danish Champion!! 🏆 New Norwegian Champion!! 🇩🇰 Double club show in KHKG 🇩🇰 🖤 🌟 CIB-J, DKJUCH, KLBJUCH Leading Ang...

🏆 New Danish Champion!!
🏆 New Norwegian Champion!!

🇩🇰 Double club show in KHKG 🇩🇰

🖤 🌟 CIB-J, DKJUCH, KLBJUCH Leading Angel’s Here I am - “TaDa”
🇩🇰 First show:
🥈 second best open class bitch
🏅 Res. Best bitch

🇩🇰 second show:
🥇 Best open class bitch
🥇 Best bitch
🏆 BIS 3 🏆
TaDa are breed and owned by me 🥰

Thanks to the judges for recognizing my little black girl 🙏🏻😊
⁃ Judge Marion Campbell, UK
⁃ Judge Tinna Grubbe, DK

Thank to the Aussie people for a great day and a lot of tasty food 🥗🧀🥓😃

Sponsored and powered by:
Vom og Hundemat Danmark 🥩🍖🍗
Pitstop For Pets PitStop f🧼🛁
FoderOasen - café for kæledyr 🐾🐾
Bitta W 🫶🏻

🇩🇰 Double club show in KHKG 🇩🇰 💙 🌟 Brighttouch It’s Easy If You Really want It. 🇩🇰 First show: 🥇 Best junior male with D...

🇩🇰 Double club show in KHKG 🇩🇰

💙 🌟 Brighttouch It’s Easy If You Really want It.
🇩🇰 First show:
🥇 Best junior male with Danish junior CAC and Club junior CAC.
🥇 Best male with adult CAC
🥇 BEST OF BREED junior
🥇 BEST OF BREED (just 11 month old)
🏆 New Danish junior Champion
🏆 New Club junior Champion
🏆 BIS junior
🏆 Res. BIS

🇩🇰 second show:
🥇 Best junior male
🥇 Res. Best male
🥇 BEST OF BREED junior
🏆 BIS junior

Swagger is co owned with Marko Ljutic and breed by L. Kozlova

🧡 🌟 Leading Angels Incredible wild orchid- “Keeper”

🇩🇰 First show:
🥇 Best intermedian male with ck
🥈 Res. best male - res.cac

🇩🇰 Second show:
🥇 Best intermedian male with ck
🥇 Best male - cac
🥇 BEST OF BREED (20 months old)
🏆 BIS 3

Keeper is co owned by Tine Schulz Nielsen

🖤 🌟 CH Leading Angels Sacred Mountain - “Halo”

🇩🇰 First show:
🥇 Best veteran bitch
🥇 Best Bitch
🥇 BEST OF BREED veteran
🏆 BEST IN SHOW veteran

🇩🇰 Second show:
🥇 Best veteran bitch
🥇 Best Bitch
🥇 BEST OF BREED veteran
🏆 BEST IN SHOW veteran

(9 years old 💪🏻🖤😎 )

Halo are breed and owned by me 🥰

Thanks to the judges for recognizing my dogs 🙏🏻😊
⁃ Judge Terje Lindstrøm, No
⁃ Judge Anna Kochan, Pl

Thank to the Aussie people for a great day and a lot of tasty food 🥗🧀🥓😃

Sponsored and powered by:
Vom og Hundemat Danmark 🥩🍖🍗
Pitstop For Pets 🧼🛁🐾
FoderOasen - café for kæledyr 🌱🐾
Bitta W 🫶🏻

🏆🏆 Ny trick Champion 🏆🏆 Dygtige Louise og Daffy har nu fået den flotte titel i hus 🤩 Louise arbejder til dagligt som dyr...

🏆🏆 Ny trick Champion 🏆🏆

Dygtige Louise og Daffy har nu fået den flotte titel i hus 🤩
Louise arbejder til dagligt som dyrlæge hvor Daffy ofte er med på job og til marts starter Louise på uddannelsen “Pro hundetræner” hos Hund360.

Jeg glæder mig virkelig til at se hvor langt i kommer med jeres træning i år.

🏆 IDS Fredericia 2024 🏆First international show in Denmark and what a start team Leading Angels had 🤩 (No one of “the fu...

🏆 IDS Fredericia 2024 🏆

First international show in Denmark and what a start team Leading Angels had 🤩

(No one of “the furry kids” are more important than other!! 🥰 I just list there results by age and the boys first as the are in the ring before the girls)

💙 Boys 💙

🌟 Brighttouch It’s Easy If You Really want It - “Swagger”
🥈 2th best junior male with CK and res Junior Cacib
🏅 4th best male
(Casper x Dylan)

Swagger is co owned with Marko Ljutic and breed by L. Kozlova

🌟 CH Leading Angels Golden Globe - “Harry”
🥇 Best champion male
🥇 Best male
(Freeman x Fair)

Harry is co owned by Linea Søgaard

🩷 Girls 🩷

🌟 CH Leading Angels sweet magnolia - “Bling”
🥇 Best champion bitch
🥈 2th best bitch
(Jayz x Savoy)

Bling is all mine 🥰

🌟 DKJCH Leading Angel's Trellis of a majestic Rose - “Charisma”

🥇 Best intermedian bitch
🥇 Best bitch with CAC and CACIB
(JayZ x Faith)
(Only 19 months old)

Bred and owned by: Kennel Leading Angels - Bitta Wöhliche
Co-owned, groomed and handled by: Tine Schulz
Co-owned, daily loved and cared for by: Stine Bodil Larsen

THANKS to my wonderful team - I LOVE YOU ❤️
Thanks to all the breeders behind my dogs - without your love and support for the breed I could not have breed these Aussies 🙏🏻

Congratulations to all the winners and a huge thanks to the Aussie people for yet another fun lunch 🥗🥂🧀🍇

Thank to the teams supporting kennel Leading Angel’s.

Vom og Hundemat Danmark 🥩

PitStop for Pets 🛁

FoderOasen - café for kæledyr 🐾

Bitta W 🫶🏻

Kæmpe stort tillykke til dygtige Marianne Grøn-Jensen og hendes talentfulde dreng Jared (Leading Angel’s The Notebook). ...

Kæmpe stort tillykke til dygtige Marianne Grøn-Jensen og hendes talentfulde dreng Jared (Leading Angel’s The Notebook).
Marianne deltager både i konkurrence i DKK, Schæfterhundeklubben og DcH 💪🏻🤩

Til årets afsluttende prøve i DcH blev Marianne og Jared klub mester 2023 🏆 … OG årets bedste A hund i klubben 🏆😃

Marianne har 2 dygtige arbejdshunde ….. og snart (forhåbentlig 😅 🤞🏻 ) en lille ny dygtigt træningsmakker på vej 😉 🐾🐾

“Mormor” er super stolt af jer ❤️

My old (very very old) cats do also eat raw 🥩🥰🐯

My old (very very old) cats do also eat raw 🥩🥰🐯

Healthy food for healthy dogs 🥗🥩 we all wish for “the forever dog” in our life 🥰

Healthy food for healthy dogs 🥗🥩 we all wish for “the forever dog” in our life 🥰

🏆🏆 Ny Rally lydigheds Champion 🏆🏆 Så blev Hailey rally Champion efter kun 3 prøver i ekspert klassen, alle 3 prøver med ...

🏆🏆 Ny Rally lydigheds Champion 🏆🏆

Så blev Hailey rally Champion efter kun 3 prøver i ekspert klassen, alle 3 prøver med 100 point og 1 vinder i alle 3 🤩

Det er fuldstændig vildt ❤️🤩

Nu krydser vi fingre for at Trine og Hailey bliver kvalificeret til konkurrencerne DM i 2024 samt ÅH24 🥰🫶🏼 Det ser ret lovende ud ❤️

Kæmpe stort tillykke fra en meeeeeget stolt opdrætter 🥰

Super nyheder for Trine og Hailey (Leading Angel’s Made of Ebony ) 🇩🇰 Hailey og Trine har været til deres første to rall...

Super nyheder for Trine og Hailey (Leading Angel’s Made of Ebony ) 🇩🇰

Hailey og Trine har været til deres første to rally konkurrencer i ekspert klassen, og de fik 100 point i begge klasser, 2 certifikater og 1 vinder i begge klasser 🤩🤩
Dommeren sagde til Trine da de havde gået banen at det er det flotteste rally han længe har set.

Trine og Hailey har deltaget til DM i både begynder og øvede - mon ikke de også skal til DM i næste klasse 😃 Jeg hepper alt hvad jeg kan på dem.

Stort tillykke fra en stolt opdrætter.

Er det snart tid til aftensmad? … spørg hundene 😅🥩🫶🏻

Er det snart tid til aftensmad? … spørg hundene 😅🥩🫶🏻


Træt efter en lang dag på udstilling ❤️😴

🇱🇺107th & 108th International Dog Shows -  Luxembourg 🇱🇺 💙 Boys: 🌟 Leading Angels Incredible wild orchid- “Keeper”Saturd...

🇱🇺107th & 108th International Dog Shows - Luxembourg 🇱🇺

💙 Boys:

🌟 Leading Angels Incredible wild orchid- “Keeper”
🥇 Best junior male
🏆 New Luxembourg junior Champion
🏆 New International junior Champion
🎖️ BOS junior
😊 Didn’t show 😊

Keeper is co owned by Tine Schulz Nielsen

🌟 CH JASTRZAB Moto Pies - “Gutek”
🥇 Best champion male
🏆 New Luxembourg Champion 🏆

😊 Didn’t show 😊

Gutek is co owned with Dominika Antonik

🩷 Girls

🌟 DKJCH Leading Angels sweet magnolia - “Bling”
🥇 Best champion bitch
🥇 Best bitch
🏆 New Luxembourg Champion
🎖️ BOS

😊 Didn’t show 😊

Bling is all mine

🌟 CH Austrian Dream Keep The Faith - “Faith”
🥇 Best open class bitch with CAC
🥈 Res. Cacib
🥈 second best bitch

🥇 Best open class bitch with CAC
🥇 Best bitch
🏆 New Luxembourg champion 🏆
🎖️ BOS

Faith is co owned by Tine Schulz Nielsen

Thanks to the judges for recognizing my dogs 🙏🏻😊

Sponsored and powered by:
Vom og Hundemat Danmark 🥩🍖🍗

Pitstop For Pets 🛁

FoderOasen - café for kæledyr 🐾

Bitta W 🫶🏻

🇩🇰 3 days show in Denmark 🇩🇰🏆 Vejen 🏆 💙 Boy: ✨ CH Leading Angels Walz the spotlight- “Freeman”. Friday: 🥇 BOB🥇 Gr1 🏆 BIS...

🇩🇰 3 days show in Denmark 🇩🇰
🏆 Vejen 🏆

💙 Boy:

✨ CH Leading Angels Walz the spotlight- “Freeman”.
🥇 Gr1
🏆 BIS 4
No love for Freeman in the group.
🥇 Gr1
⁃ Freeman is co owned with Marianne Thorsen

💖 The girls:

🌜Leading Angels The first moonflowers - “Moon”
🎖️4th in junior
🎖️Excellent, no placement.
🎖️ No love today.
⁃ Moon is owned by Josefine-Jasmin Lindschouw

🥳 DKJCH Leading Angels Here I Am - “TaDa”
🥇 Best Intermediate
🥇 Best bitch with CAC and Cacib
🥇 Best intermediate
🥉 3ed best bitch with res. CAC
🥇 Best intermediate
🥈 2nd best bitch with CAC and res Cacib (cacib as Bling are int. CH) 🤩
⁃ TaDa is all mine

🌸 DKJCH Leading Angels sweet magnolia - “Bling”
🥇 Best champion
🥈 2th best bitch with res. Cacib.
🥇 best champion
🥇 best bitch with Nordic CAC
🥇 Best champion
🥇 Best bitch with Cacib.
⁃ Bling is all mine

Thanks to the judges for recognizing my dogs 🙏🏻😊

Sponsored and powered by:

Vom og Hundemat Danmark 🥩🍖🍗

Pitstop For Pets 🛁

FoderOasen - café for kæledyr 🐾🐾

Bitta W 🫶🏻

Denmark 🇩🇰, Norway 🇳🇴And Sweden 🇸🇪 🇩🇰 Denmark 🇩🇰 🏆 Double club show in Køge the 2 of July 🏆 1️⃣ First show:💙 The boys🌟 L...

Denmark 🇩🇰, Norway 🇳🇴And Sweden 🇸🇪

🇩🇰 Denmark 🇩🇰
🏆 Double club show in Køge the 2 of July 🏆

1️⃣ First show:

💙 The boys

🌟 Leading Angel's Incredible Wild Orchid - “Keeper”.
🥇 Best junior male with J-cac, club j-cac
🥉 3ed best male with cac
🥈 BOS junior
⁃ Keeper is co owned with Tine Schulz

🌟 CH. Leading Angel’s Golden Globe - “Harry”.
🥇Best male
🥈res. BIS/BOS
⁃ Harry is co owned with Linea Søgaard

💖 The girls

🌟 Leading Angel's Trellis of a majestic Rose - “Charisma”
🥇 Best junior female with J-cac, club j-cac
🥇 BOB junior
⁃ Charisma is co owned with Tine Schulz and Stine Bodil Larsen.

🌟 Leading Angel's Made Of Ebony - “Hailey”
🥇Best female with CAC.
⁃ Owner Trine Asta Petersen

🌟 CH. Austrian Dream Keep The Faith - “Faith”
🥈 2nd best champion female
🎖 4th best female
⁃ Faith is co owned with Tine Schulz

2️⃣ Second Show

Not much love for the furry kiddos 😅 but hey that is the name of the game sometimes 😊

🇳🇴 Norway 🇳🇴
🏆 3 days show in Sandefjord 🏆

4 dogs entered ❤️❤️💙💙
11 new titles 🏆

💙 Boys

🌟 CH. Leading Angel´s Waltz the Spotlight - “Freeman”.

🏆New Norwegian Champion
🏆Norwegian Winner ‘23
🏆New Nordic Champion
🏆Nordic Winner ‘23
🏆Norwegian Jubilee Champion
🏆Norwegian Jubilee Winner
⁃ Freeman is co owned with Marianne Thorsen.
⁃ Handle Sunday by Maya DeAngelis

🌟 CH JASTRZAB Moto Pies - “Gutek”

No love for Mr. Black.
Not entered.
🥉 3rd Best Champion male
🎖️ 4th best male with CAC
🏆 New Norwegian Champion 🏆

⁃ Gutek is co owned with Dominika Antonik
⁃ Handled Friday by Maya DeAngelis

🌟 DKJCH Leading Angels Here I Am - “TaDa”
🎖️3th best junior
🥇 Best junior bitch
🥈 2th best bitch with CAC 🤩
🏆 Nordic Junior winner ‘23 🏆
🥉 3th best junior bitch
⁃ TaDa is all mine
⁃ Tada was handle all 3 days by Maya DeAngelis in the competition for best bitch.

🌟 DKJCH Leading Angels sweet magnolia - “Bling”
🎖️ 3th best champion
🏆 New Norwegian champion
🥈 2nd best champion
🥉 3ed best bitch
🥇 best bitch with Cacib
🏆 NEW international champion 🏆
(6 cacib in Denmark, 3 cacib in Poland, 1 Cacib in Norway)
🏆 Norwegian jubilee winner 🏆

⁃ Bling is all mine and handle my myself.

Thank you Marianne for a fun and long trip ❤️
Thanks to Maya, Sanne, Christina, Ulla and Stina for all the fun and all your help ❤️🥂🚚

🇸🇪 Sweden 🇸🇪
🏆 international show in Asgersund 🏆

🌟 CH JASTRZAB Moto Pies - “Gutek”
🥇 Best champion male
🥇 Best male with Cacib
(Now we soon can start the journey for his International champion as Gutek have 2 cacib in Poland, 1 in Denmark, 1 in Sweden)
⁃ Gutek is co owned with Dominika Antonik
⁃ Handled to perfection by Tine Schulz

🌟 DKJCH Leading Angels Here I Am - “TaDa”.
🥇 Best intermediate
🥈 2nd best with CACIB 🤩
⁃ TaDa is all mine
⁃ Handled to her very first Cacib by Tine Schulz.
Thank you Pernille and Tine for taken my 2 black diamonds with you to Sweden while I was at seminar 👩🏼‍🎓 📚

Thanks to the judges for recognizing my dogs 🙏🏻😊

Sponsored and powered by:
Vom og Hundemat - Danmark 🥩🍖🍗

Pitstop For Pets 🛁

FoderOasen - café for kæledyr 🐾

Bitta W 🫶🏻


Dejlig måde at starte dagen på inden vi drager til Jylland for at udstille 🐾🐾


Bling hygger sig med genoptræning …. TaDa er modvilligt med som selvskab 😆
Jeg er super stolt over deres udvikling. De går selv op i vandet uden at plaske og lave hovedspring samt vender selv når de når kanten.
Det har været er lange sejt træk at få Bling tilbage i form efter hendes skade i foråret, men hun er nu tilbage i rigtigt fin form mentalt og fysisk. ❤️


Love a quiet day with my “kids” 🐾🐾❤️

🌎 One weekend - two countries 😅 🏆 International dogshow - Bornholm, Denmark 🇩🇰AND … 🏆 International dogshow - Stettin, P...

🌎 One weekend - two countries 😅

🏆 International dogshow - Bornholm, Denmark 🇩🇰


🏆 International dogshow - Stettin, Poland 🇵🇱

Tine, Marianne and I went to the beautiful Island Bornholm 🇩🇰

I love the show on Bornholm 🏖️ the atmosphere at that show is the best 🫶🏻
All the “kids” did there very very best and worked there 🐾🐾 and 🍑 off even though it was soooo warm 🥵

Linea went to Poland with Harry and Savoy 🇵🇱

🇩🇰 Bornholm 🇩🇰

💙 Boys:

🌟 Leading Angels Incredible wild orchid- “Keeper”

🥇 best junior male with junior cac and junior cacib.
🏆 New title: Hammershus junior winner ‘23
🥉 3th best male with CAC

🥈 Best male
🏅 4th best male

Keeper is co owned by Tine Schulz Nielsen

🌟 CH Leading Angels Walz the spotlight- “Freeman”.

🥇 Best male
🏆 New title: Hammershus winner ‘23
🥈 Group 2

Sunday :
🥇 Best male
🏆 New title: Bornholms Winner’ 23
🥇 Group 1 🥇

Freeman is co owned with Marianne Thorsen

💖 The girls:

🌟 Leading Angels The first moonflowers - “Moon”
🥉 3th best junior bitch, EX

🏅 4th best junior bitch, EX

Moon is owned by Josefine-Jasmin Lindschouw

🌟 DKJCH Leading Angels Here I Am - “TaDa”

🥇 Best junior bitch
🏆 New title: Hammershus winner ‘23
🥈 2th best bitch with CAC

🥇 Best junior bitch
🏆 New title: Bornholms winner ‘23
🏅 3th best bitch with CAC

TaDa is all mine 🖤

🌟 DKJCH Leading Angels sweet magnolia - “Bling”

🥇 Best bitch - cacib
🏆 New title: Hammershus winner ‘23

🥇 Best bitch - cacib
🏆 New title: Bornholms winner ‘23

Bling is all mine 🤎

🌟 CH Austrian Dream Keep The Faith - “Faith”

🥈 2th best champion bitch
🏅 4th best bitch

🥈 2th best champion bitch
🥈 2th best bitch

Faith is co owned by Tine Schulz Nielsen

🌟 CH Leading Angels Sacred Mountain - “Halo”

🥇 Best veteran bitch with veteran CAC and veteran cacib
🏆 New title: Hammershus veteran winner ‘23
🥉 3th best bitch
🥇 BOB veteran
🌸 New veteran champion 🌸

🥇 Best veteran bitch
🏆 New title: Bornholms veteran winner ‘23
🏅5th best bitch
🥇 BOB veteran
🏆 BEST IN SHOW 3 veteran 🏆

Halo is owned by me 🖤

🇵🇱 Poland 🇵🇱

🌟 CH. Leading Angels Golden Globe - “Harry”

🥇 Best champion male with CAC
🥇 Best male with Cacib
🏆 New Polish champion 🏆
🥉 Group 3

Harry is co owned with Linea Søgaard

🌟 CH Leading Angels seduced by Rumba - “Savoy”
🥇 Best champion bitch with CAC
🥇 Best bitch with cacib

Savoy is co owned by Daniel de Silva

Thanks to my strong team for all you work 💪🏻 and fun 🤩 🍻🥂🍹🥗🥘

Thanks to Maya DeAngelis and Sara DeAngelis for handling Halo, Tada and Freeman. You both did amazing ❤️

Thanks to my wonderful boyfriend Steven for your support 💞

Thanks to my dear friend Gitte Westen Breaum for babysitting my dogs that was not entered at the show 🥰

Thanks to the judges for recognizing my dogs 🙏🏻😊

Sponsored and powered by:
Vom og Hundemat 🥩 🍖🍗
Pitstop For Pets 🛁

Bitta W 🫶🏻 🐾🐾

FoderOasen - café for kæledyr

🇵🇱 International dogshow in Poland 🇵🇱 🏆 NEW POLISH CHAMPION 🏆 CH Leading Angels sweet magnolia - “Bling”🥇 Best champion ...

🇵🇱 International dogshow in Poland 🇵🇱


CH Leading Angels sweet magnolia - “Bling”

🥇 Best champion bitch with CAC
🥇 Best bitch with CACIB

Bling was happy to be back in the ring after a loooong break and she decided that “the bikini look” was in order 😆 👙

Sponsored inside and out by:

Vom og Hundemat 🍖🥩

Pitstop For Pets 🛁 🧼

Bitta W 🫶🏻

FoderOasen - café for kæledyr 🐾

🇩🇰 Eurodogshow 2023 🇩🇰 I am still over the moon 🌙 2 x European veteran winner 2023 …. Brother and sister 💞 💙 Boys: 🌟 Lea...

🇩🇰 Eurodogshow 2023 🇩🇰

I am still over the moon 🌙 2 x European veteran winner 2023 …. Brother and sister 💞

💙 Boys:

🌟 Leading Angels Incredible wild orchid- “Keeper”
🎖️ 5th in junior class

Keeper is co owned by Tine Schulz Nielsen

🌟 CH Leading Angels Golden Globe - “Harry”
🎖️ shortlisted in champion class

Harry is co owned by Linea Søgaard

🌟 CH Leading Angels Walz the spotlight- “Freeman”.
🥈 2th in champion class

Freeman is co owned with Marianne Thorsen

🌟 CH Leading Angels Zen master - “Gawin”
🥇 Best veteran male
🎖️ 4th best male
🥇 BOB veteran 🥇

Gawin is co owned with Gitte Westen Breaum

💖 The girls:

🌟 Leading Angels The first moonflowers - “Moon”
🏅 No love for Moon in junior class

Moon is owned by Josefine-Jasmin Lindschouw

🌟 DKJCH Leading Angels Here I Am - “TaDa”
🏅 4th in Junior class

TaDa is all mine

🌟 CH Austrian Dream Keep The Faith - “Faith”
🏅 4h in champion class

Faith is co owned by Tine Schulz Nielsen

🌟 CH Leading Angels seduced by Rumba - “Savoy”
🏅 shortlisted in champion class

Savoy is co owned by Daniel de Silva

🌟 CH Leading Angels Sacred Mountain - “Halo”
🥇 Best veteran bitch
🏆 BOS veteran 🏆

💜 Breeds class 💜

🥈 2th best breeders class 🥈

Thanks to the judges for recognizing my dogs 🙏🏻😊

Sponsored and powered by:

Vom og Hundemat 🥩🍖🍗

Pitstop For Pets 🛁

FoderOasen - café for kæledyr 🐾

Bitta W 🫶🏻

🏆 Internationale show in Poland 🇵🇱 And 🏆 Nordic show in Sweden 🇸🇪 What a weekend for team Leading Angels. 🏆 3 new champi...

🏆 Internationale show in Poland 🇵🇱


🏆 Nordic show in Sweden 🇸🇪

What a weekend for team Leading Angels.

🏆 3 new champion titles 🏆

“The Merle’s” was in Sweden and “The tri’s” was in Poland 😄

🇵🇱 Poland 🇵🇱

💙 Boys

🌟 CH JASTRZAB Moto Pies - “Gutek”

🥇 Best open class male with CAC
🏆 New Polish Champion 🏆
🥈 res. Best male with res. Cacib (he got the cacib as Freeman are international champion)
🙏🏻 A huge thanks to Martin Starec for helping with handling of Gutek in the competition for best male. It looked outstanding 🤩

Gutek is co owned with Dominika Antonik

🌟 CH Leading Angels Walz the spotlight- “Freeman”.
🥇 Best champion male with CAC
🏆 New polish champion 🏆
🥇 Best male with Cacib
☔️ We did not stay for the group ☔️

Freeman is co owned with Marianne Thorsen

💖 The girl

🌟 DKJCH Leading Angels Here I Am - “TaDa”
🥉 third best junior bitch

Owned my me.

🇸🇪 Sweden 🇸🇪

💙 The boy

🌟 CH Leading Angels Golden Globe - “Harry”
🥇 Best Champion male
🥇 Best male with Nordic CAC
🏆 New Nordic Champion 🏆

Harry is co owned by Linea Søgaard

💖 The girl

🌟 CH Austrian Dream Keep The Faith - “Faith”
🥇 Best champion bitch
🥇 Best bitch with Nordic CAC
☀️ No love for Faith in the group, but she sure was flying ☀️

Faith is co owned by Tine Schulz Nielsen

Thanks to the judges for recognizing our dogs 🙏🏻😊

Sponsored and powered by:

Vom og Hundemat 🥩🍖🍗
Pitstop For Pets 🛁

FoderOasen - café for kæledyr 🐾

Bitta W 🙌🏻

🇳🇴 International Dogshow Norway 🇳🇴 Super results for Harry and Linea 💞⭐️ CH Leading Angels Golden Globe - “Harry”Saturda...

🇳🇴 International Dogshow Norway 🇳🇴

Super results for Harry and Linea 💞

⭐️ CH Leading Angels Golden Globe - “Harry”

🥈 second best male, with Norwegian CAC and Nordic CAC
🏆 🇳🇴 NEW Norwegian Champion 🇳🇴🏆

🥇 Best male with Cacib
🥇 Jubilee CAC
🥇 Cruft qualified
🎖️ BOS

Congratulations to Linea Søgaard - you did “mommy” proud 😘

Thanks to the judges for recognizing Harry 🙏🏻😊

Sponsored and powered by:

Vom og Hundemat 🥩🍖🍗
Pitstop For Pets 🛁

FoderOasen - café for kæledyr

Bitta W 🙌🏻

🇩🇰 KHKG double show 🏆The boys: ⭐️ Leading Angel's Incredible Wild Orchid - KeeperFirst show:🐾 No love for Keeper.Second ...

🇩🇰 KHKG double show 🏆

The boys:

⭐️ Leading Angel's Incredible Wild Orchid - Keeper

First show:
🐾 No love for Keeper.
Second show:
🥇 Best junior male with DK and club junior cac
🎖BOS junior
🥈2nd best male with adult cac

Handled and co owned by Tine Schulz Nielsen

CH Leading Angel’s Golden Globe
First show:
Second show:

Handled and co owned by Linea Søgaard

💖 The girls:

⭐️ Leading Angel's Trellis of a majestic Rose - Charisma

First show:
🥈 2nd best junior bitch
🏅4th best bitch
Second show:
🥈 2nd best junior bitch with DK junior cac
🏅4th best bitch

Co owned by Stine Bodil Larsen and Tine Schulz Nielsen
Handled by Tine Schulz Nielsen

⭐️ Austrian Dream Keep The Faith - Faith

First show:
🥇 Best champion bitch with club cac
Second show:
🥇 Best champion bitch with club cac

Handled and co owned by Tine Schulz Nielsen

Thanks to the judges for recognizing my dogs 🙏🏻😊

Sponsored and powered by:

Vom og Hundemat 🥩🍖🍗

Pitstop For Pets 🛁

FoderOasen - café for kæledyr

Bitta W

International show in Sweden - Malmö 🇸🇪 💙 Boys: 🌟 Leading Angels Incredible wild orchid- “Keeper”🥇Best junior male with ...

International show in Sweden - Malmö 🇸🇪

💙 Boys:

🌟 Leading Angels Incredible wild orchid- “Keeper”
🥇Best junior male with junior cacib
🥇 BOB junior
Keeper is just 9 months and 4 days old 🤩 we are very proud of this young boy ❤️

Keeper is co owned by Tine Schulz Nielsen

🌟 DKJCH Leading Angels Golden Globe - “Harry”
🥈 second in Champion class
🥉 third best male

Harry was beautiful and so professional handled by Maya DeAngelis 😍

Harry is co owned by Linea Søgaard

💖 girls:

🌟 DKJCH Leading Angels Here I Am - “TaDa”
🥇Best junior bitch with junior cacib
🥈BOS junior
🥈second best bitch
This is the 4 country that Tada takes best junior bitch at an international show. Just 1 year old ❤️

TaDa is all mine

🌟 CH Austrian Dream Keep The Faith - “Faith”
🥇 Best champion
🥇Best bitch with Cacib
🏆 New International champion 🏆
🏵️ Group 4
In little over a year Faith have taken 4 cacib AND had a litter of puppies!!

Faith is co owned by Tine Schulz Nielsen

Huge congratulations to Tine who are doing an amazing job with her dogs and I am SO proud that she has been a big part of team LA for so many year. Malmö is her lucky show ground where she last year took group 2 🤩

Thanks to Tine and Maya for a fun but long day 🙏🏻❤️

Thanks to the judges for recognizing my dogs 🙏🏻😊

Sponsored and powered by:

Vom og Hundemat 🥩🍖🍗

Pitstop For Pets 🛁

FoderOasen - café for kæledyr

Bitta W



Ellevej 3


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