Little Chihuahua Nino , 10 months, 2 kg Ready for adoption ! Located Santo Domingo
Es gibt viele Gründe, sich für einen unserer geretteten Hunde zu entscheiden. Die beste Antwort darauf gibt vielleicht Claudia, die unseren lieben Doki adoptiert hat. Doki war in einem erbärmlichen Zustand – er war zum Sterben weggesperrt und übersät mit Millionen von Zecken. Der Anblick war grauenhaft und zutiefst traurig. Doch jetzt führt Doki sein bestes Leben, und Claudia hat mir kürzlich diese Worte geschickt, die mehr wert sind als jedes Geschenk:„Doki liebt den Balkon und täglich um 12 Uhr wenn wir da sind singt er mit den Glocken ❤️. Doki ist das beste was uns passieren konnte. Er liebt sein Leben und uns und wir ihn. Ich könnte oft heulen weil ich ihn so liebe. Ich mache immer fleißig Werbung für dich, da wir sehr oft darauf angesprochen werden wie süß Doki ist ❤️❤️❤️.“Diese Erfahrung zeigt, wie tiefgreifend und lohnend es sein kann, einem geretteten Hund eine zweite Chance zu geben. Es ist eine Entscheidung, die nicht nur das Leben des Hundes verändert, sondern auch das des Menschen, der ihn liebt
### Adoption Call for Our Little PeterOur little Peter is looking for his forever home. He is a sensitive and sweet dog who longs for nothing more than his own family. Peter is six months old, neutered, vaccinated against all diseases, has an EU pet passport, and is microchipped. All that is missing for his happiness now is a loving family.Peter is initially a bit shy and reserved, but he quickly warms up when he feels safe. He still needs to learn the basics of being a dog and is a medium-sized dog who will likely grow a bit more. Peter is very affectionate and gets along great with all other dogs, making him an excellent candidate as a second dog.If you would like to give Peter a loving home, please contact us.Peter can be adopted in the Dominican Republic or travel to Germany.🇩🇪
**Bitte helft Peter, sein endgültiges Zuhause zu finden!**Es kann doch einfach nicht sein, dass unser wunderhübsche Peter noch kein Zuhause gefunden hat. Wir haben ihn vor einigen Monaten total entkräftet auf einer Müllhalde gefunden, mitten in der Hauptstadt Santo Domingo. Er konnte nicht mal mehr stehen, so schwach war er. Inzwischen ist er ein gesunder junger Mann geworden, er ist sechs Monate alt und könnte nach Deutschland reisen. Er ist komplett geimpft und kastriert. Es ist ein sehr sensibler Hund. Er hat wunderschöne Augen und würde sich so freuen, wenn er sich auf eine bestimmte Person fixieren dürfte. Bitte teilt seine Geschichte und helft diesem kleinen Mann, sein Glück zu finden!#AdoptDontShop #HundAdoption #RescueDog #PeterSuchtEinZuhause #HundAusDemTierschutz #Tierschutz #FindePeterEinZuhause #AdoptionAufRaten #HundAusSantoDomingo #TiereInNot #Tierliebe
This poor Dogge was left behind and the owners left the house so she is tied up with no water and no food. Can anybody step up and adopt a foster this little cute girl named her Bele? She’s located in Sabaneta
**Urgent Help Needed for Bobbie to fundraise her surgery and to free her from chain !! This is the story of little Bobbie, who urgently needs our help. Her Dominican owner reached out to us in because she has a large Tumor on her face. When my assistant visited, he found Bobbie on a very short chain. Our stations are full, and it’s not helpful to simply take dogs away only for another to end up on a chain. Instead, we always try to convince people to treat their animals better.Bobbie was taken to the vet, where a massive growth in her mouth was discovered, requiring urgent surgery. Additionally, she suffers from the tick-borne disease Ehrlichiosis, which needs to be treated first to make her strong enough for chemotherapy and surgery .The owner has agreed to give Bobbie to us and promised not to chain another dog.We have started Bobbie on a Doxycycline treatment for Ehrlichiosis, given her the necessary vaccinations, and provided her with a longer chain. But now we need your support. Bobbie urgently needs a foster home or a loving family to adopt her. I will cover all medical costs, including chemotherapy and tumor surgery( hopefully someone will support us).Please, please don’t look away. Help us give Bobbie a chance Thank you so much,Dr. 🌸Alexandra🌸 PP [email protected]
Request for a Used Transport Box (31-40 inch) for Our Teddy's Journey to Germany Dear Community,The time has come for our beloved Teddy to fly to Germany. We rescued him months ago from the most horrible conditions, and now he’s ready for his new home.We are kindly asking if anyone could donate a used transport box (31-40 inches) for his journey or sell it to us at a reasonable price. Your help would mean the world to us and to Teddy.Thank you so much!
This poor, sweet little girl was abandoned. She is an AA Mini Chihuahua, likely because she has a cherry eye. That's why I named her Jerry. She is about nine months old, and a cherry eye is a prolapsed tear gland that can be surgically corrected. After that, she can live a normal, long life. Who has experience with this breed and is ready to give this little mouse a responsible home, protect her, love her, and be there for her? Location: Santo Domingo.#AdoptDontShop #RescueDog #Chihuahua #CherryEye #DogLover #DogRescue #AdoptMe #DogAdoption #PuppyLove #ChihuahuaLife #ResponsiblePetOwner #AdoptAChihuahua #DogLife #PetRescue #DogRehabilitation #SantoDomingo
Mission possible
**Help Us Make the Impossible Possible**
Our mission is to give animals in need a better life. With a dedicated team and many volunteers, we rescue, treat, and rehabilitate animals that have endured unimaginable suffering. The long journey to Europe is familiar to us, and we are committed to finding them loving homes.
Our experience shows: TLC – Tender Loving Care – is the best medicine. These animals have been through so much and deserve a happy future. Loving families in Europe are waiting to provide them with a safe and happy home.
It's the happy eyes and the joy of the rescued souls that drive us. With your support, we can save even more lives and make the impossible possible. Every small donation helps bring an animal off the streets and change its life.
Animal lovers who commit to a monthly membership help us ensure that we can care for and shelter more animals every day. Together, we can write wonderful stories with happy endings.
If you love happy endings and want to be part of this mission, please donate to PayPal: [email protected]. Your help gives these animals the happy ending they deserve.
Our adorable little Jack is ready for new adventures ! Isn’t he the cutest little boy ever ? Please love him forever ! He is located in Cabarete ❤️❤️
"Teddy is a little dream, a dog. We found him in a terrible state, chained to a wall and covered in millions of ticks. He was starving and emaciated to the bones. We've since vaccinated him, neutered him, and he now lives at my small shelter Casa Angelo, alongside birds, cats, chickens, other dogs, and children. He's incredibly well-socialized, weighing only five kilos. So, he's an ideal cabin dog and deserves never to suffer again. Please share this post so that this little guy finds his forever home. He's also vaccinated, chipped, and could theoretically travel to Europe. #RescueDog #AdoptDontShop #ForeverHome #CasaAngelo #Teddy"
Liebe Husky-Liebhaber,Heute möchten wir euch den wundervollen Togo vorstellen!Als wir Togo fanden, war er abgemagert, verwahrlost und schwer krank auf der Straße unterwegs. Doch dank liebevoller Pflege und Fürsorge hat er sich vollständig erholt. Er ist geimpft, kastriert und seine Papiere für die Reise nach Europa werden gerade vorbereitet. In der Karibik ist es ihm einfach zu heiß, daher freut er sich schon auf kühlere Gefilde.Togo ist zwischen 1 und 2 Jahren alt und hat ein unglaublich liebes und verträgliches Wesen. Er kommt gut mit anderen Hunden und sogar Katzen zurecht, auch mit Welpen versteht er sich prima. Das Bürsten genießt er in vollen Zügen, und auch Autofahren findet er klasse.Er ist sehr menschenbezogen und vertrauensvoll. Arztbesuche sind für ihn kein Problem, solange sein geliebter Mensch an seiner Seite ist. An der Leine geht er brav, allerdings scheint er bei manchen Kommandos selektiv taub zu sein – aber das macht ihn nur noch charmanter.Togo hat eine Vorliebe für rohes Fleisch und nascht gerne mal am Katzenfutter. Hunde-Leckerlies interessieren ihn weniger, dafür freut er sich umso mehr über einen großen Knochen. Baden findet er nicht unbedingt toll, aber wenn es sein muss, nimmt er es tapfer hin – vor allem, wenn danach ein gemütlicher Platz vor dem Ventilator auf ihn wartet.Am allerliebsten möchte Togo einfach bei seinem Menschen sein und von ihm beschäftigt werden. Er ist ein treuer Begleiter und wird euer Leben mit seiner Liebe und seinem Charme bereichern. Wenn ihr euch vorstellen könnt, diesem wundervollen Husky ein Zuhause zu geben, dann meldet euch bei uns. Togo wartet sehnsüchtig darauf, sein Herz an euch zu verschenken!Lasst uns gemeinsam dafür sorgen, dass Togo endlich das liebevolle Zuhause findet, das er so sehr verdient hat.
Dringend Flugdaten, gesucht von Palma de Mallorca nach München mit Condor oder Lufthansa !!! ❤️❤️
Help Needed! Please Do Not Scroll Past. These two sweet girls are very small and were thrown out of a moving car. Now they are living on the streets in Sabaneta/Cabarete. Who has the heart to take them in? Please change their fate. Thank you for any help. #RescueNeeded #HelpStrays #AnimalRescue #Sabaneta #Cabarete #AdoptDontShop
"🚨 URGENT APPEAL 🚨Do you remember the unique Teddy? He was found helpless, chained with a short leash, infested with millions of ticks. His heartless owners refused to release him willingly, so we had to buy him to prevent conflicts endangering my assistant and his family, who live nearby. Ultimately, he now lives with Angelo, free from parasites. Teddy is undergoing antibiotic treatment to overcome the tick disease , vaccinated, and was neutered yesterday. He's a small, calm, and kind-hearted dog, weighing five kilograms. Theoretically, he can travel to Germany and Canada. Serious inquiries are welcome. 🙏 #RescueTeddy #AdoptDontShop #DogRescue #SaveTeddy #AnimalWelfare #UrgentAppeal"
We are so super happy that our beautiful Pitbull girl found the best home ever thank you Kelly for choosing one of our rescue dogs no thank you for choosing already so many 😉😘🥰
❤️ Help Robin Find a Home ❤️Hey Pitbull lovers,We rescued Robin, a sweet pup in need. She was found sick and hungry on the streets but has blossomed into a lovely and grateful dog. Sadly, she's stuck on a foster site, chained up because there's no room.Robin is young, gorgeous, and deserves a cozy home where she can roam freely. She's craving love, walks, and a family to call her own. Please share to help Robin out.Since she's a Pitbull, she should stay in the Dominican Republic. She's currently in Santiago but can be moved anywhere on the island.#HelpRobin #PitbullRescue #SaveRobin #DogLove #DominicanRepublic #RescueDog #FamilyWanted #AdoptDontShop #DogRescue bitte auf Spanisch