
SOSloughi Sloughi preservation and rescue
in Algeria
المحافظة على السلوقي في الجزائر

🐾 SOSLOUGHI: Rescue and Protection of the Sloughi 🖤

Welcome to SOSLOUGHI, a platform dedicated to rescuing and protecting the Sloughi, one of the most revered and noble dog breeds, known for its grace, intelligence, and cultural significance. Our mission is to preserve this pure and ancient breed, ensuring it receives the care, respect, and protection it deserves.

🌟 Our Vision
To see every Sloug

hi as a symbol of pride, strength, and heritage, with the necessary support to prevent neglect, mistreatment, or extinction.

🎯 Our Goals
Rescue the Sloughi: Provide immediate support to Sloughis facing mistreatment, abandonment, or injury. Preserve the Breed: Raise awareness about the importance of the Sloughi in global canine heritage. Support Breeders: Assist Sloughi breeders in maintaining the purity and health of the breed. Temporary Care and Sponsorship: Provide a platform for individuals to sponsor Sloughis financially, ensuring they receive the care they need without requiring adoption. Global Outreach: Create a global network of supporters and resources to assist in the rescue and protection of the Sloughi.
💝 Our Services
Rescue: Collaborating with volunteers and local communities to rescue Sloughis in urgent need of help. Financial Support: Offering opportunities to sponsor Sloughis and cover their essential needs like food, veterinary care, and shelter. Awareness: Promoting the cultural, historical, and canine significance of the Sloughi worldwide. Breeder Networking: Providing a platform for breeders to connect, share knowledge, and maintain the breed’s purity.
💬 How You Can Help
Financial Support: Make a contribution to sponsor a Sloughi in need, ensuring it gets the care it deserves. Join Rescue Efforts: Get involved by offering logistical support or volunteering for on-the-ground rescue efforts. Spread the Word: Share stories, images, and information about the Sloughi on social media to raise awareness. Volunteer: Become part of our team and help us protect and preserve the Sloughi breed.
✨ Together, we can ensure that the Sloughi continues to thrive as a cherished part of the canine world and as an essential part of our shared heritage. Every effort, big or small, makes a meaningful impact.

📩 Interested in getting involved or learning more? Reach out to us via our page.

🌍 Every Sloughi tells a story , a story of resilience, ingenuity, and a bond that transcends time. It is a breed deeply ...

🌍 Every Sloughi tells a story , a story of resilience, ingenuity, and a bond that transcends time.
It is a breed deeply intertwined with the landscapes and communities of The Maghreb and middle east , a reflection of a region’s identity and pride. Each graceful stride carries the echoes of generations past, embodying the harmony between tradition and survival, between humanity and nature.

🐕 For centuries, the Sloughi has remained consistent in its form, with variations in size—giant, medium, or small—adapted to the size of the animals they hunt . This selective adaptation, shaped by human influence, has always been an integral part of the breed, passed down through generations of local knowledge

🛡️ When we talk about preserving the breed, it is not just about conforming to a standard imposed by an external organization, but about respecting the history and authenticity of the Sloughi as it has been shaped by centuries of local traditions.
The FCI, though important in the context of international competitions, should not be seen as the supreme authority that dictates the authenticity of the breed, as it does not always take into account the ancestral practices and the local realities of those who have truly safeguarded it.

❤️ I deeply respect and appreciate the efforts of those working for the official recognition of the breed, but it is crucial that we remain true to our roots.
The Sloughi is not a modern creation based on European standards; it is the product of local craftsmanship, refined by generations of hunters and guardians. Its true beauty lies in its uniformity, the consistency of its traits, and the deep bond it shares with the land and people it has served.

⚠️ On another side, there are those who think every sighthound in North Africa is a Sloughi—those who criticize the FCI standard but yet support the destruction of the breed by promoting crossbred and mongrel hounds. They claim the concept of "primitive purity" while projecting European breeds' history and evolution onto the Sloughi.

💬 What do you think? How should we preserve the true essence of indigenous breeds like the Sloughi in a world where standards are often shaped by narrow perceptions? 💬

🌿 How should we approach the preservation and recognition of indigenous breeds in today’s world? Should local traditions take precedence, or should global standards guide the way? Should breeds like the Sloughi be defined by the traditions and needs of their Countries of Origin, or should external organizations take the lead? And how can we ensure that local expertise is respected in preserving these native treasures?

📌 Join the conversation in the comments and follow this page for more insights and stories about the Sloughi and other indigenous breeds that carry the soul of their regions. 🌟

🌿 The Bedouin Concept of Purity in Breeding 🌿"Be aware that Saluq Hounds are traced back to Saluq, a city in Yemen, with...

🌿 The Bedouin Concept of Purity in Breeding 🌿

"Be aware that Saluq Hounds are traced back to Saluq, a city in Yemen, with their lineage carefully preserved by the Arabs, just as they meticulously trace and honor the lineage of their horses." — Kitab Al Bayzara, Abu Abd Allah Al-Hassan Ibn Al-Hussein Al-Fatimi, a contemporary of Al-Muizz Al-Fatimi, born in Mansouria, Tunisia, in the 10th century AD.

It's important to note that the term "Sloughi" is the Bedouin pronunciation of the Classical Arabic word "Saluqi," which means "the one from Saluq." Bedouins across North Africa and the Middle East use "Sloughi" to describe their noble hounds.

In the traditional Bedouin philosophy of animal breeding, the concept of "purity" is a harmonious blend of lineage, physical traits, functionality, character, and nobility—carefully nurtured over generations through deliberate and discerning selection. For the Bedouins, purity is an unwavering commitment to preserving the noble lineage of their animals, while ensuring they possess the essential qualities that guarantee survival, utility, and honor in the harsh desert environment.

Lineage and physical traits are of paramount importance, as they represent the strength, endurance, and legacy of the breed. True purity for the Bedouins encompasses both ancestry and the practical qualities that allow the animal to thrive in their daily life. Purity is a balanced integration of heritage and functionality—a reverence for the past, combined with a focus on the traits that sustain the animal’s role in the present.

Purity of Lineage was not merely a physical trait but a deeply spiritual and moral commitment. The Bedouins were steadfast in their dedication to maintaining the authenticity and nobility of their breeds, ensuring that their horses and Sloughis remained Assil—pure, true to their lineage, and steeped in the virtues passed down through generations. This respect for ancestry was about more than genetics; it was about upholding the honor, history, and values embedded in the bloodlines. Purity of lineage was never compromised, as the Bedouins believed that the strength, honor, and dignity of the breed were inextricably tied to the purity of its ancestry.

This approach to breeding produced animals that were not only physically capable but also deeply connected to the Bedouin way of life, both culturally and functionally. For the Bedouins, purity was not about adhering to superficial aesthetic standards; it was about preserving Sifat Al-Nadjaba wa Al-‘Itq—the traits of nobility and authenticity that made the animal a reliable companion and a valuable asset.

The Bedouin understanding of purity differs from the Western notion of "purebred," which often places heavy emphasis on visual traits at the expense of the animal’s functional role and well-being. While Western breeding sometimes prioritizes aesthetics and pedigree for market-driven reasons, the Bedouin approach values these elements in harmony with functionality and survival.

This divergence leads to a deeper, more authentic understanding of what it means to breed pure animals. For the Bedouins, purity is an intricate integration of lineage, physical traits, utility, and cultural reverence. Their perspective offers a more holistic, meaningful view of breeding, rooted in the noble traditions of the past. 🌟

Stay tuned for more insights on this fascinating subject in our upcoming book, where we will explore the Bedouin concept of breeding, lineage, and the true essence of purity. 🌟

Tarek Tahari .

🌟 Today, we are going to tell you the story of:“Sidi-Pitou: The Giant Sloughi of Algeria” 🐕✨📖 Sidi-Pitou was a giant Slo...

🌟 Today, we are going to tell you the story of:
“Sidi-Pitou: The Giant Sloughi of Algeria” 🐕✨

📖 Sidi-Pitou was a giant Sloughi in 19th-century Algeria, who is still remembered today. Known for his extraordinary size (he was described as being as large as a calf), Sidi-Pitou was not just a hound but a living symbol of power and grace.

🏹 Bred to hunt large game such as deer and hartebeest, his presence and ability drew the eyes of all around. Sidi-Pitou was owned at the time by Bedouin sheikhs in Algeria who valued that giant type above all other hounds. His remarkable stature and hunting prowess made him an irreplaceable companion, and the sheikhs refused to part with him at any price, no matter how high.

⚔️ However, during a French military campaign in Algeria, Sidi-Pitou was captured and sent as a gift to the French emperor Napoleon III. His majestic and dignified appearance was remembered by all who saw him. As reported in Le Figaro on December 28, 1869, the newspaper described the arrival of Sidi-Pitou:

📰 “Avant-hier matin est arrivé d'Afrique, à l'adresse de Napoléon III, un magnifique chien sloughi, offert à l'Empereur par le maréchal gouverneur. Ce superbe animal, dit le Figaro, est de la taille d’un jeune veau; sa robe d’un noir de jais, est marquée, au front et sur les flancs, de larges taches d’un jaune d’or. Les chefs arabes possèdent seuls ces sloughis; ils se servent, pour chasser en plaine de ces chiens, si merveilleusement organisés pour la course, qu’ils rendent des points aux lièvres. Les cheiks refusent souvent les offres les plus brillantes pour céder un de ces beaux animaux. L'Empereur et le Prince impérial, prévenus de l'arrivée du sloughi, sont descendus pour le voir dans la cour du palais. Invitée par son père à donner un nom au nouvel arrivant, l’héritier présomptif l’a baptisé: Sidi-Pitou.”

🔍 Translation:
“In the morning, two days ago, a magnificent Sloughi arrived from Africa, offered as a gift by the governor general of Algeria to Napoleon III. This magnificent animal, says Le Figaro, is the size of a young calf and has a jet-black coat with gold-coloured markings on forehead and flanks (possibly brindle black mantle under modern day descriptions). Only Arab chieftains were entitled to own such Sloughis, which they used for hunting on the plains, since these hounds were so swift that they could even outpace hares. Sheikhs were known to refuse even the most amazing offers to part with one of these beautiful animals. The Emperor and the Crown Prince, as soon as they were informed of the Sloughi’s arrival, hurried down to see him in the palace courtyard. When his father suggested he should give a name to the newcomer, the heir apparent named him Sidi-Pitou.” 🏰🐾

📚 One of the most remarkable accounts of Sidi-Pitou comes from George Cupples, author of “Scotch Deer-hounds and Their Masters”, who described the giant Sloughi in his 1894 book:

✍️ “A magnificent Sloughi arrived a few days ago from Algeria, as a gift to Emperor Louis Napoleon from Marshal de MacMahon, the Governor. This splendid animal is the size of a small calf, its colour jet black, marked on the flanks and front with yellow spots; only the Arab chiefs possess them. They are used for hunting, their speed being extraordinary, and the sheiks refuse the most brilliant offers for these beautiful animals.”

💔 Sadly, despite the admiration and royal treatment, Sidi-Pitou's life in Europe was tragically short. He died just a few days after his arrival from Algeria. His death marked the end of a brief but unforgettable chapter in the history of this magnificent breed.

📉 Today, the giant type of Sloughi is becoming increasingly rare. The disappearance of many of the large animals they once hunted (such as hartebeest and deer), combined with modern changes in the traditional Bedouin way of life, has contributed to this decline.

💪 We are now working to help preserve what remains of these magnificent dogs and hope to ensure that the legacy of the giant Sloughi endures for future generations. 🌍🐕💖

"The Arabs living in the vast areas surrounding the kingdoms of Tlemcen and Tunis lead a life that mirrors that of their...

"The Arabs living in the vast areas surrounding the kingdoms of Tlemcen and Tunis lead a life that mirrors that of their noble masters. Each prince receives generous financial grants from the king, which he then distributes among his tribe. This practice ensures loyalty, fostering peace and amicable relations within the tribe. These Arabs have a deep appreciation for fine clothing and are keen on acquiring luxurious, well-saddled horses and grand tents. In the summer, it is customary for them to travel to the outskirts of Tunis, where they stock up on food, clothing, and weapons. By October, they return to the desert, carrying with them all the necessities for the winter months. As spring arrives, they indulge in their passion for hunting, using dogs and falcons to pursue a variety of animals, both with fur and feathers." – Leo Africanus (Cosmographia et Geographia de Affrica, 1526).

In his renowned work Cosmographia et Geographia de Affrica, the famous scholar and traveler Leo Africanus (al-Hasan ibn Muhammad al-Wazzan) offers a detailed account of the Banu Hilal and Banu Salim confederations. These two Arab tribes once roamed the vast areas between Algeria and Tunisia, living a nomadic life shaped by the harsh environment. Their seasonal migrations were central to their way of life, marked by a deep connection to their animals, especially the Sloughi.

The Sloughi , was crucial to their survival, assisting in hunting game like gazelles. This breed became a symbol of status and pride among the Banu Hilal and Banu Salim. The finest Sloughis were highly prized and exchanged as gifts, representing the strength and prestige of their owners.

While the Banu Hilal and Banu Salim have largely moved away from their Bedouin lifestyle today, the Sloughi remains a lasting symbol of their rich heritage. The breed continues to be an integral part of their identity, reflecting the strength, loyalty, and cultural significance of these historic tribes

The journey to protect the Sloughi is a tapestry woven with both triumph and sorrow. There are moments of profound pride...

The journey to protect the Sloughi is a tapestry woven with both triumph and sorrow. There are moments of profound pride when the world finally recognizes its unparalleled beauty and ancient grace, yet there are also heart-wrenching instances when we watch it being exploited, its essence tainted by indifference. But through it all, one truth remains unwavering: its intrinsic value, untouched by the fleeting judgments of the world.

The Sloughi is not simply a breed; it is a living testament to our deep reverence for nature and history. It embodies a philosophy, a way of life that speaks to the very soul of our humanity. It is a legacy, fragile yet resilient, that demands our protection—not only because it belongs to our past, but because it carries a timeless message for future generations. A message that teaches us what it truly means to honor, to cherish, and to preserve what is sacred and irreplaceable.

🌟 Preserving the Legacy of the Sloughi 🌟The Sloughi, the noble sighthound of the Middle East and North Africa, is more t...

🌟 Preserving the Legacy of the Sloughi 🌟

The Sloughi, the noble sighthound of the Middle East and North Africa, is more than a breed—it's a symbol of culture, history, and functionality.

📜 With roots deeply entwined in centuries-old traditions, the Sloughi embodies elegance, endurance, and loyalty. Our mission at So Sloughi is to protect this heritage, raise awareness, and promote the development of the breed standard that honors its origins and true purpose.

💡 Did You Know?
The Sloughi has been a trusted companion to nomads, hunters, and families for generations, celebrated for its unmatched speed and elegance and hunting skills .

🛡️ Join Our Cause:

Advocate for the preservation of the Sloughi’s authentic traits.
Support responsible breeding and care.
Share the story of this majestic breed with the world.
📢 Call to Action:
Follow our page, share your stories, and let’s work together to safeguard the future of the Sloughi.

👉 Stay tuned for historical insights, photos, and updates about our efforts to keep the spirit of the Sloughi alive!


Hassi Messaoud

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