Sammy is home
Update on SAMMY
Sammy has been home for a little.over a week. She was sent home with medication and her owner has been giving her therapy baths. We have checked on her a few times. She is walking normally and she looks happy to be home.
We owe our vet 76$ for her careand would like to pay it asap. If you would like to donate towards her outstanding bill please PayPal [email protected]
We are currently home to 8 dogs and 2 cats and are in need of dog food, cat food, and cat litter.
Hes so cute
Any body willing to take this sweet boy off the streets? He seems to have a cleft palate and is standoff-ish BUT is letting the people who feed him get close to him and even pet him. I am sure he will come out of his shell once he finds a human who will give him a chance and love him forever. We do not know much about him. People think he was abused and is currently a street dog.
Sammy is showing improvement every day. Hopefully one more week at the vet's off. After that she can hopefully return home to her owner and fur siblings.
To donate to Sammy's care paypal:
[email protected]
Please write "Sammy" in the note section
Ginger has been adopted!!
Ernie Update
Update on ERNIE. Ernie was rescued off of calle larga a few weeks ago. I watched for an hour as people just walked over him as he was clearly suffering and in pain. Ofcourse I didnt witness anyone help him. We took him to our vet. Good news is Ernie has recovered greatly and may not need the surgery that we thought he would need. Bad news is that no one has stepped up to foster or adopt Ernie and only a partial amount of his vet care has been paid by donations. What is still owed to our vet is $175. If anyone can contribute to his vet bill it will be greatly appreciated and can be done so by dropping off cash at clinica Gallardo on guayas y remigio crespo in Cuenca. It is unfortunate that we are now going to have to support another dog that we arent prepared for but we will try to give Ernie the best life he can have until he finds a home. We rescued him with intentions of helping him, so even with the lack of space we are determined to give him the best rest of his days.
We need to move by sunday and the cost of that is also still not covered. To help us fund this move please do so by PayPal [email protected]
We appreciate the help we receive from the community near and far.
Elvis enjoying his life.
Elvis was a street dog for 12 years. He is between 14 to 15 years old and has been under my care for almost 2 years. When I rescued him I said I would give him the best remaining years of his life. And I try my best to fulfill that promise.