Amy and Samantha like all of the big dogs, but they LOVE Pedro! Here is a cute video of Amy and Pedro playing.
Please consider donating to a dog in need today. Donations can be made via GoFundMe or e-transfer. Talk to us if you would like to sponsor a puppy!
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These sisters are very happy to have regular meals!
Meet Amy (brown puppy) and Samantha (black puppy)! One of the farm workers found three female puppies abandoned in a box by the river on Monday. Unfortunately, this is a common situation. Male dogs are considered to be more aggressive and therefore more valuable than females, which often leads to abandonment.
Thankfully these three found their way to us! Amy and Samantha will be staying here at the sanctuary, and the third puppy has been adopted by our farm worker's family.
Feeling generous? Please consider donating to a dog in need today!
#perrosecuador #dogsanctuary #rescuedog
Meet Scooby Doo! She was one of six puppies brought to the sanctuary by one of the workers who said they were going to be killed but he intervened. This group would later be called the Scooby Crew, as most of them ended up being named after characters from the Scooby Doo show. Our Scooby has the same colouring as the original, which is how she ended up with her name.
Feeling generous? Donate to a dog in need today!
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Meet Amarillo! He is a timid boy and tends to get picked on by the other dogs. Because of this he lives away from most of the other dogs, and stays at one of the workers houses.
Feeling generous? Donate to a dog in need today!
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Meet Cap! Cap is short for Captain - he arrived with a worker looking several months old but less than full grown. He is a real take charge kinda guy - always the first for a head rub or to the food bowl. Yet smaller than all the rest of the dogs in the pen!
Feeling generous? Donate to a dog in need today!
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Rascal arrived with her two siblings around the same time as Laverne and Shirley. Just in time to chew the brand-new door frames on our freshly built house! As you can see, Rascal eventually lost part of her tail due to a botfly infection.
Feeling generous? Donate to a dog in need today!
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Here is Laverne, all grown up!
Feeling generous? Donate to a dog in need today!
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Meet Laverne! She and her sister were named after the 70's sitcom, Laverne and Shirley. The two of them showed up unannounced, Shirley was adopted by a neighbour and Laverne has been here ever since.
Feeling generous? Donate to a dog in need today!
#perrosecuador #dogsanctuary #rescuedog
Looking for a unique gift idea? Why not provide essential care for a rescue dog in need! Whether you donate from the list below or make a small cash donation, every dollar makes a huge difference for our sanctuary dogs! Spay - $70 / Neuter - $30 / Food (50 lb) - $35 / Flea and Tick Medication - $10 / Two-Week Food Supply - $350
Meet Lisa! She showed up to the farm in 2017. We heard a puppy crying but couldn't figure out where it originated. We checked our indoor and outdoor kennels, and everyone was fine. No crying puppies. Finally, a while later, we decided to walk down to the end of the driveway. Imagine our surprise to find little baby Lisa in the ditch! She was likely abandoned at our gate. Fast forward to now, and Lisa is one of our indoor dogs. And as you can see, a few of her favourite things are peanut butter and comfy chairs!
#perrosecuador #dogsanctuary #dogrescuers
Duchess' ear wound is continuing to improve! Here are some fresh pictures from our recent vet visit.
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