K-9 Owner PitBull's Dog

K-9 Owner PitBull's Dog Owner PitBull's Dog

Te ofrse servicio de adiestramiento canino, doma india, adiestramiento en aves,


El árbol que no se rinde. 🌳♥️
Tenemos mucho que aprender de la naturaleza.

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Everyone, please keep our dear friend Officer Kelly Jahnke and the Blaine Police Department in your thoughts and prayers. K9 Cuda, thank you for your service. You were such a good boy and it was a pleasure working with you. Rest in peace, Cuda. We have the watch 💙🐾

Statement from the Blaine Police Department:

It is with great sadness that we share the loss of one of our Police K9s over the weekend. On Sunday morning, Cuda was refusing to eat and appeared to be ill. He was brought into a local veterinarian clinic where it was determined he may be suffering from Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus (GDV), which is a condition where the stomach twists cutting off circulation to the intestines. He was rushed into surgery, but unfortunately he did not make it through surgery.

K9 Cuda was born June 2, 2021 in the Czech Republic. Cuda came to the United States and the Blaine Police Department February 2022, Cuda was assigned to Officer Kelly Jahnke. Officer Jahnke and K9 Cuda then started the basic K9 handler course in March 2022 and graduated in June.

With their certification through the National Police Canine Association they hit the streets. It did not take long for Cuda to have an impact with the department locating a suspect that had run and concealed himself in tall weeds unseen by human eyes. But not by Cuda’s nose. He would continue to display his gifted tracking ability by locating other suspects and evidence during his time of service.

In 2023 Officer Jahnke and K9 Cuda got their first experience of certifying with the United State Police Canine Association (USPCA). Cuda again displayed his genetic gifts and the training work of Officer Jahnke by earning the USPCA Narcotics Detection Certification with flying colors. In June 2023 this K9 team would step onto a USPCA Patrol Dog trial field for the first time and no one knew they were a team of new handler and new dog. Cuda went on to place second in Criminal Apprehension amongst a field of 70 canine teams.

Though his time of service was cut short (Mar 28, 2022-May 19, 2024) his impact on his handler, trainers, partners, and staff was large. He will always be missed.


Un tiburón de tierra

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Lamentablemente el vídeo muestra la mala intención 😭😭😭😭😭

I Le paso el tractor por encima a perrito que dormía en la calle sucedió en , cantón Mejía, el can , por la gravedad de sus heridas.

Mediante la red social Facebook se denunció el momento exacto en el que un tractor atropella a un perrito que estaba acostado en la calle, el suceso se dio en la parroquia de Aloasi, cantón Mejía.
La dueños del can, aseguran que realizaran una denuncia en la Unidad de Fauna Urbana, la dueña de la mascota fue quien publico el video en redes sociales, los internautas piden justicia sobre este suceso que termino con la muerte del can.

Ver video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tdDsb7ocLA

Con la nueva normativa, el maltrato animal podrá sancionarse con pena privativa de libertad de entre seis meses a un año. Si se provoca la muerte del animal la sanción incrementa de uno a tres años de prisión. La zoofilia también se sanciona con reclusión de seis meses a un año que puede aumentar hasta tres años si el animal fallece.

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Horario de Apertura

Lunes 09:00 - 17:00
Martes 09:00 - 17:00
Miércoles 09:00 - 17:00
Jueves 09:00 - 17:00
Viernes 09:00 - 17:00
Sábado 09:00 - 17:00
Domingo 09:00 - 17:00

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