Tema on Bryo Bryo aeg pesakastis on jõudnud niikaugele, et aeg on otsida endale pererahvast.
Bryo on sündinud 28.10.21 ehk siis pisut üle kahe kuu vanune. Välimuselt ilusat tumedamat vasekarva õrna kavapöörisega turjal väike isane bokserikutsikas.
Oma loomult on tugeva närvikavaga, terane, julge, mängu nõudev kutsikas. Bryo on hetkel häälekas kõneleja, vallatusi täis väike bokser. Bryo naudib tõeliselt inimese lähedust.
Bryole võiks kodu pakkuda inimene, kes on aktiivne ja pika meelega, sest kutsika krutskid on aeg-ajalt üllatavad. Bryo uus omanik peab valdama väikestviisi kõhusilitamise kunsti, sest Bryole meeldib kui peale sööki teda kõhu silitamisega unele aidatakse.
Bryole meeldib õues käia – seal on nii palju uut ja huvitavat…
Bryo saab kodunt lahkudes kaasa EKL tõutunnistuse (https://register.kennelliit.ee/index.php?page=dogCard&dogId=324357 ), lemmiklooma passi, ta on kiibiga, saanud ussirohtu ning eakohaselt vaktsineeritud.
Kui on soov Bryoga lähemalt tutvuda, võtke julgelt ühendust.
Vanasõna ütleb, et igal potil on kaas..
Kui tunnete, et soovite Bryot enda ellu ja kulgema temaga nii heas kui halvas, palun võtke ühendust [email protected] ; https://www.facebook.com/agnibox vahendusel või helistades 5621 3151.
It is Bryo. Bryo's time in the nest box has reached so far that it's time to look for a family!
Bryo was born on 28.10.21, now he is a little bit over two months old.
He is a cute baby male puppy with a gentle whirlwind on the back of a beautiful darker copper coat. by nature he is a great puppy with a strong nervous system, sharp, brave, demanding to play. Byro is currently a loud speaker, a real little boxer full of fun. Byro really enjoys being close to people. Good home for hm is there, where is active and long-suffering people, because a puppy crunches are surprising at times.
Bryo's new owner has to be master the art of petting a little belly, because Bryo likes to stroking his belly after a meal. Bryo likes to go outside - there is SO much new and interesting...
When leaving home, Bryo will receive an EKL (FCI) pedigree, a pet passport, he has a chip, received worm medicine and he has been vaccinated according to his age.
Feel free to contact for more information.
A proverb says, that every pot has a lid!
If you feel that You would like to have a real family for Bryo to live with and go with him for better or worse, please contact: [email protected], or call +372 56213151