Lemmikuhoidja Belts

Lemmikuhoidja Belts Sooviksid kodust ära minna, kuid lemmikule oleks hoidu või jalutust vaja? Asjakohane informatsioon kodulehel :)

Oled jõudnud õigesse kohta - mul on Sulle lahendus :)
Lisainfo saamiseks kirjuta mulle otse.

Undu 🩷

Undu 🩷

Armas klient või uudishimulik inimene!Lemmikuhoidja Beltsi aeg hakkab läbi saama..❗️Pakun teenust vastavalt võimalustele...

Armas klient või uudishimulik inimene!

Lemmikuhoidja Beltsi aeg hakkab läbi saama..

❗️Pakun teenust vastavalt võimalustele. Pikaajalistele klientidele, kassidele, eksootikutele ja väikeimetajatele eelistatult.

❗️ Miks? Turul on mitmekesine valik erinevatest teenusepakkujatest ning minu soov on alati olnud pakkuda võimalikult personaalset ja erilist teenindust koos väiksema meditsiinilise assisteerimisega.

❗️Sellega seoses valin kliente väga hoolikalt ning soovin pakkuda teenust vaid neile, kellega koostöö ka päriselt sujub ning kelle loom valib mind ning mina teda. Kui looma või omanikuga hoidjal klappi ei ole, siis on võimalik pöörduda kellegi teise poole.

❗️Minu kireks on eksootilised loomad sh küülikud. Eelistan tegeleda kasside ja hästi käituvate koertega.

❗️ Aegade osas olen nii paindlik kui elustiil lubab.

Teadmata ajani jääb see postitus viimaseks. Veel head aega ei ütle, aga pole välistatud, et seda postitust ei tule 🥰🥰🥰

🌸 Uus hinnakiri alates 06.12.2022✨ Hea uudis püsiklientidele - Teile on nüüdsest erihinnad. Püsikliendi staatuse saamise...

🌸 Uus hinnakiri alates 06.12.2022

✨ Hea uudis püsiklientidele - Teile on nüüdsest erihinnad. Püsikliendi staatuse saamiseks on vajalik olla võtnud teenust vähemalt 3 korda viimase aasta jooksul. Jalutuste ja visiitide puhul lähevad arvesse perioodid mitte iga jalutus.

✨ Lisaks on kõik nüüd leitav ühest kohast - minimalistlik koduleht on valmis. Lingi leialt ülalt. Anna kindlasti tagasisidet kui sooviksid seal näha midagi veel

✨ Jõuluaeg ja aastavahetus on eesootamas. Ole oma uue aasta hoiusoovidega varajane - aastal 2023 on juba mitmeid broneeringuid. First come - first served!

Vahel on tõesti nii, et kõik, kes lubavad looma reisi ajal hoida, hüppavad ikkagi alt ära.. Küll on hea, et üks omanik s...

Vahel on tõesti nii, et kõik, kes lubavad looma reisi ajal hoida, hüppavad ikkagi alt ära.. Küll on hea, et üks omanik sai jälle täbarast olukorrast päästetud ja seetõttu sain tuttavaks väikse Polviga 🐰
Häbelik, aga vaikselt suhtlemist ja silitamist armastav väike 7-kuune küülikupoiss 🙏

One of those days when you don’t feel like doing anything.. 🌧🐶 Tami, sweetheart with a black belt in cuddling

One of those days when you don’t feel like doing anything.. 🌧

🐶 Tami, sweetheart with a black belt in cuddling

My sweet pet owners and pets! ✨My vacation is almost over and I am slowly switcing back to the work mode. Everything wen...

My sweet pet owners and pets! ✨

My vacation is almost over and I am slowly switcing back to the work mode. Everything went well and I have got the rest I needed. Ready for the new days spent with your loved ones 🙏

I am taking in new requests (also from new customers), so now is a good time to let me know about your autumn/winter vacation ideas.

⚠️ October is already fully booked for pet sittings, though I can still push in visits or walks.

🚗 I also have some updates for you! I am now moving around with a car, so if you or anyone you know needs help with transportation (for the animal 😊) or is located somewhere out of Tallinn, feel free to contact me 💚

Puhkusepäevad lähenevad! Olen tööst täielikult eemal 23-24.07 ja ei vasta kirjadele. Kohtumiseni 25.07 ja ilusat nädalav...

Puhkusepäevad lähenevad! Olen tööst täielikult eemal 23-24.07 ja ei vasta kirjadele. Kohtumiseni 25.07 ja ilusat nädalavahetust! ☀️
Vacation days approaching! I am fully away from work 23-24.07 and not replying to inquiries or texts. See you on 25.07. Have an amazing weekend! ☀️

Tell me that Messi is not smiling with her eyes 👀 Glad to be trusted again to spend a few days with her, explore the alr...

Tell me that Messi is not smiling with her eyes 👀
Glad to be trusted again to spend a few days with her, explore the already familiar paths while the owners are exploring the unfamiliar ones! 💙

🇬🇧👇Pole kindel, kas sellest on kuskil juttu olnud, aga teen ka insuliinisüste ja veresuhkru mõõtmist. Seetõttu sain tutt...

Pole kindel, kas sellest on kuskil juttu olnud, aga teen ka insuliinisüste ja veresuhkru mõõtmist.
Seetõttu sain tuttavaks ka kass Mike’ga, kelle üliarmsad ja ülikorralikud omanikud olid järsku olukorras, kus iga 12h tagant tuleb Mike’ga tegeleda aga nii ei saa ju ära sõita ega ka teise linna lõpetamisele minna? Samas ei ole ka tutvusringkonnas inimesi, kes veresuhkrut mõõdaks või näiteks nõelu ei kardaks..
Pole probleemi - aitan 😊
Seega kirjuta julgelt, kui vajad just sama murega abi 🤎
Mike’i armsatele omanikele mõnusat puhkust, sest Mike sel nädalal minu vastutusel! ☀️😻

Everything matches! 🤎🤍🤎Iris, beig pet sitted for several times, in total over a month. Accompanied by bunny Apelsin 🍊   ...

Everything matches! 🤎🤍

🤎Iris, beig pet sitted for several times, in total over a month. Accompanied by bunny Apelsin 🍊

H A K K A M E   P E A L E Tere tulemast minu lehele!Palun tutvu selle albumi sisuga & juhul kui sooviksid jätkata, palun...


Tere tulemast minu lehele!

Palun tutvu selle albumi sisuga & juhul kui sooviksid jätkata, palun tutvu failiga “Kuidas kõik alguse saab'', et tutvuda protsessi kirjeldusega ja lugeda korduma kippuvaid küsimusi 🤎

Fail on leitav siin: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lFpAvrzlIFQUILsK1RI4DdMSfAEAa3pV/edit

🐶 Nord, lugematul arvul jalutusi koos sõber Billiga
🐰 Härma, visiidid 2x päevas 4 nädalat

L E T ‘ S   G E T  S T A R T E DWelcome to my page! Please go through this album & in case you would like to proceed to ...

L E T ‘ S G E T S T A R T E D

Welcome to my page!

Please go through this album & in case you would like to proceed to apply for the service, check the file “How to get started” for the process description and frequently asked questions 🤎

File is here:

🐶 Nord, uncountable walks with him and his housemate Bill
🐰 Härma, visitings 2x day for 4 weeks


Tundub, et kirjad ei tule läbi. Mitmel lehel juba nii. Palun kirjuta uuesti või anna siin kommentaaris märku kui vastust ootad 🙂

Onix 🤍

Onix 🤍

Midsummer is full on! Yoda’s visiting time is over, however, I wish you get to enjoy the midsummer the way Yoda enjoys p...

Midsummer is full on!
Yoda’s visiting time is over, however, I wish you get to enjoy the midsummer the way Yoda enjoys physical contact! 💛

IMPORTANT! Please read 🐞When I started to offer the service, my main goal was to help pet owners, who are in desperate n...

IMPORTANT! Please read 🐞

When I started to offer the service, my main goal was to help pet owners, who are in desperate need for pet sitting (we can also call it as a pet sitting that is required, not optional). Doesn’t matter if it is a medical emergency, no pet sitters available, no show from another pet sitter or bad experiences with previous pet sitters, who have not provided the service the pet needs etc. My goal is to be a trustable pet sitter.
For example - from a personal experience, I am struggling to trust my bunnies with people, who doesn’t have experience with them or cannot read the signs of soon approaching emergency. So I have few people only.

Unfortunately, by trying to help out everyone and going over my boundaries to help, there has come a day when I feel that my time and efforts are not being valued.
Therefore, dear new (and not so new) customer, here is a list of notes for you to keep in mind in order to understand me and the service I provide 😊

💛 Before every walk/visit/pet sitting with a new customer, there will be a first meeting upto 60 minutes. The cost is 12€ (+5€ if the distance is longer than 5km from me) and it needs to be paid upfront. In case of no show or being late over 15 minutes or cancellation less than 72 hours before, the fee is not going to be returned.

💛 If you contact me for pet sitting and until the pet sitting period is less than 3 weeks, please mention if you are looking for a back up person or if you are just looking for options or if you are not sure if you even need the pet sitter. Before agreeing to meet, I always analyse my schedule thouroughly and investigate on commuting times, because if I don’t do that and the pet sitting won’t work out, why do we meet?
Specially in summer and specially around national holidays, the pet sitters are overloaded with first meetings, visitations and pet sittings, therefore, please keep your cards open and let us prioritize. Until you are not sure about the need for me and have not informed me about it, I might decline someone who is sure or might have an emergency.

💛 If you have an agreement in place for first meeting/pet sitting, please kindly let me know about every minor change about the timeline. As I always leave a buffer time before and after the pet sitting period/first meeting/walk (if not possible, I warn you) then it might not be possible to change anything if I have not been notified.

💛 Do the small homework and read my posts/pricing list. These will give you a lot more input rather than just contacting me for a price.

💛 I also try to learn from my mistakes and try to find which services are dedicated for me and which are not. Therefore, please take it as a first public notice - I am not offering long pet sitting to puppies and dogs under 1 year, who has not been trained with other people/being alone (long period as more than a few days). This does not change the agreements that I already have with my current customers. However, I am not specialised for the mentioned service and I know, there are trained pet sitters for this 😊

💛 Life is very hectic. Yours, mine, theirs. I try to be understanding always. If you are late - If I have time, I will wait and greet you with a smile. If I dont have time - depends on the situation. I try to be on time always. If I am late - something has happened. If I can, I always let you know - even 5 minutes before. It might have been due to the weather, traffic, accident or I might be running late since there was an emergency with someone’s pet. Once I was late since I was giving first aid to an unconcious human being on the street. Before you make a conclusion, hear me out. I always hear you out if something happens. I hope everything goes smoothly and 98% of the time it does. Sometimes life has another opinion. Let’s stick together and work it out 😊

💛 Due to the prices going up every day, I feel that the balance in regards of the energy put into offering pet sitting and the price is going more out of balance day by day, it is possible that I might not offer my service in near future or I will reduce the amount of customers upto 75% or raise the prices to an hourly pay, which will be very expensive..
It is also possible, that I will not pet sit anymore and only do visits or only offer a hand with bunnies/rodents/cats and medications..
In order to avoid that, please kindly help me out with being understanding about the notes written above.

💛💛💛 To all not agreeing with above, there is a pet sitter for you, who is not me. I still wish you the best!

NB! I am very thankful for all the pet owners, who have always been very kind, understanding, friendly, reasonable and always trying to find a solution, and specially always choosing me! I notice if you contact me months before or we book the pet sitting/walk/visits months before. I also notice if you have done your homework and went through my posts to learn more - that is why I invest my time there to have the information available beforehand 😊 Due to you I am still doing this 😊

Thank you for reading and please, cuddle with your pet(s) now! 💛🙏

ENG belowArmsad kliendid 🤍Minu süda on täis siirast tänutunnet vaadates kui paljusid neljajalgseid olen saanud hoida ja ...

ENG below

Armsad kliendid 🤍
Minu süda on täis siirast tänutunnet vaadates kui paljusid neljajalgseid olen saanud hoida ja pakkuda puhkust peredele, kes ei ole seda pikalt saanud teha või loom on järsku haigestunud ning pole kedagi, kes oskaks ravimeid teha, kui perel puhkus on planeeritud.
Viimane aasta on olnud väga tegus ning tunnen, et mis sest, et ma tahaks kõiki alati aidata, siis hõikan juba välja ajad, mil kavatsen puhata, et olla rõõmus ja rõõsa ka edaspidi 😊

💚 08.07-09.07.2022
💚 23.07-24.07.2022
💚 04.08-18.08.2022
💚 11.11-13.11.2022

❄️ 01.-03.12.2022
❄️ 23.12 (ainult visiidid)
❄️ 24-26.12
❄️ 31.12

Postitust uuendan jooksvalt 🙏

My sweet customers 🤍
My heart is full of love knowing how many pets I have had a chance to pet sit by giving their families a chance to go on a vacation or help out if the animal has gotten sick unexpectedly and the family just doesn’t have anyone who is able to give the medicine to the animal..
Last year has been rather fast than slow for me and even if I feel that I would like to help out everyone, I will still announce the times I plan to rest and won’t take any pet sittings for you to still have me happy and energetic 😊

💚 08.07-09.07.2022
💚 23.07-24.07.2022
💚 04.08-18.08.2022
💚 11.11-13.11.2022

❄️ 01.-03.12.2022
❄️ 23.12 (only open for visits)
❄️ 24-26.12
❄️ 31.12

This post will be updated time to time 🙏

Suvehooaeg on avatud ja üle pika aja on ka üks küülik minu vastutusel! 🐰Eelistan, et eriti küülikud jääksid oma koju kui...

Suvehooaeg on avatud ja üle pika aja on ka üks küülik minu vastutusel! 🐰
Eelistan, et eriti küülikud jääksid oma koju kui pere sõidab ära, sest need väiksed on eriti tundlikud kõikidele muutustele.
Härmat käin igapäevaselt 2x vaatamas ning kui vähegi klapib, siis olen loomaga kauem kui kokkulepitud 1h. Vajadusel saan anda ka kaamera, et loomal oleks koguaeg võimalik silma peal hoida.
Ja üks fun fact ka - minu kodus on ka kaks küülikut! Seega ei pea muretsema, et küülikutega vähe kogemust. Oh ei, mitmed kriitilised tervisemured meil läbi tehtud rääkimata igakuistest küünte lõikusest 😚🐰




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