Eesti Maaülikooli hobusekliinik

Eesti Maaülikooli hobusekliinik Valvetelefon, millele võite alati helistada: +372 52 22 062. In case of emergency please call +372 52 22 062 (24/7).

Hobusekliinik ning hobuste ööpäevaringne valve- ja esmaabiteenus

Equine Clinic of Estonian University of Life Sciences is the only inpatient clinic in Estonia offering high quality 24/7 emergency care and regular medicine services to horses. Kliinikusse aja kinnipanemiseks või loomaarsti kohale kutsumiseks väljaspool valveaega (E-R 8-16) on endiselt avatud telefon 7 313713. Regular appointments of the patients can be made on Monday – Friday at 8.00 – 16.00 (+327 73 13 713 or +372 52 22 062).

Lisbet, uus loomaõde“Olen noorest peale tegelenud hobustega. Oma teekonda alustasin armsast kodutallist. Alguses aitasin...

Lisbet, uus loomaõde
“Olen noorest peale tegelenud hobustega. Oma teekonda alustasin armsast kodutallist. Alguses aitasin ainult söötmise ja jootmisega. Sellest ajast peale paelusid mind hobused. Kuna loomade abistamine on alati olnud oluline EMÜ-s tööle asumine oli nagu unistuse täitumine. Hakkasin töötama veterinaarassistendina. Iga päev on täis uusi üllatusi ja üllatusi .”



Olen kliinikus uus abiline Anett Bogdanovics. Loomad on alati olnud osa minu elust. Kui ma parasjagu ei tegele loomadega...

Olen kliinikus uus abiline Anett Bogdanovics.
Loomad on alati olnud osa minu elust. Kui ma parasjagu ei tegele loomadega siis ma loen, viibin looduses, heegeldan või maalin.

Platsentiit ehk platsenta põletik on üks sagedasemaid abordi, surnultsündide ning enneaegsete ja haigete varssade sünni ...

Platsentiit ehk platsenta põletik on üks sagedasemaid abordi, surnultsündide ning enneaegsete ja haigete varssade sünni põhjuseid. Enamasti on tegemist bakteriaalse põletikuga. Platsentiit tekib tiinuse lõpus, alates 280 tiinuspäevast. Kõige sagedasemateks kliinilisteks tunnusteks on enneaegne udara teke, enneaegne piima tilkumine/voolamine udarast, nõre häbemest. Lisaks kliinilistele tunnustele, võetakse märalt vereproov põletikunäitajate hindamiseks. Samuti teostatakse diagnoosi kinnitamiseks ultraheliuuring, mille käigus mõõdetakse platsenta ja emaka paksust.  
Varajane diagnoosimine ja ravi on väga olulise tähtsusega!

A horse veterinary anesthetist plays a critical role in administering anesthesia and monitoring the vital signs of a hor...

A horse veterinary anesthetist plays a critical role in administering anesthesia and monitoring the vital signs of a horse during medical procedures or surgery. They are responsible for selecting the appropriate anesthesia drugs, calculating dosages, administering them safely, and monitoring the horse’s physiological parameters throughout the procedure. Their expertise helps ensure the horse remains stable and pain-free while under anesthesia, minimizing risks and ensuring a successful outcome.

Farriery is crucial in horses because it ensures the health and functionality of their hooves and lower limbs. Proper tr...

Farriery is crucial in horses because it ensures the health and functionality of their hooves and lower limbs. Proper trimming and shoeing by a skilled farrier help maintain balance, correct any imbalances or abnormalities, prevent injuries, and support overall soundness and performance in horses. Regular service is provided at EMÜ Equine Clinic every 2 weeks. For more information, contact us at [email protected]

Arthroscopy in horses is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to diagnose and treat joint problems. It involves ...

Arthroscopy in horses is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to diagnose and treat joint problems. It involves inserting a small camera, called an arthroscope, into the joint through a small incision. This allows veterinarians to visualize the interior of the joint and perform various procedures such as removing damaged tissue, repairing ligaments, or cleaning out debris. Arthroscopy is commonly used in horses to treat conditions like osteochondritis dissecans, joint inflammation, and ligament injuries. It offers quicker recovery times and reduced risk compared to traditional open surgery. This service is available at the Equine Clinic of the Estonian University of Life Sciences. For more information, contact us at [email protected]

Caslick surgery is typically indicated in mares with poor perineal conformation or those prone to pneumova**na (air ente...

Caslick surgery is typically indicated in mares with poor perineal conformation or those prone to pneumova**na (air entering the va**na during exercise) or f***l contamination of the reproductive tract. It's also recommended for mares with a history of recurrent uterine infections or those undergoing assisted reproductive techniques to prevent complications and improve reproductive success.

During the surgery, the upper portion of the v***a is sutured partially closed, leaving a small opening to allow for urination but preventing f***l material from entering the va**na. This helps to reduce the risk of uterine infections and other reproductive issues in mares, particularly those with poor conformation or breeding history.

This week Felipe Corrêa took an advance course in horse arthroscopy in Germany. This is in order to give our patients in...

This week Felipe Corrêa took an advance course in horse arthroscopy in Germany. This is in order to give our patients in Estonia the best care possible. An advanced equine arthroscopy course offers several benefits:

1. Enhanced skills: Participants can refine their arthroscopic techniques under expert guidance, improving their proficiency in diagnosing and treating joint pathologies in horses.

2. Comprehensive knowledge: The course likely covers advanced topics such as complex joint conditions, latest surgical advancements, and post-operative care, providing participants with a deeper understanding of equine orthopedics.

3. Networking opportunities: Attendees can connect with peers, instructors, and industry professionals, fostering collaborations and sharing insights that can further their careers in veterinary medicine.

4. Continuing education: Many regulatory bodies require veterinarians to complete a certain number of continuing education hours to maintain their licenses. An advanced arthroscopy course fulfills these requirements while keeping participants updated on the latest practices and technologies.

5. Improved patient outcomes: By honing their skills and staying abreast of advancements in arthroscopic techniques, veterinarians can deliver better care to their equine patients, leading to improved treatment outcomes and client satisfaction.

🇪🇪/🇬🇧⬇️Sel nädalavahetusel osalesid meie kliiniku loomaarstid Liis Maisla ja Triin Rilanto edasijõudnutele suunatud kahe...

Sel nädalavahetusel osalesid meie kliiniku loomaarstid Liis Maisla ja Triin Rilanto edasijõudnutele suunatud kahepäevasel praktilisel hambakoolitusel Rootsis, Stockholmi lähedal asuvas Mälareni hobusekliinikus. Muljed koolitusest on suurepärased, saime kinnitust sellele, mida teame ja teeme ning juurde hulgaliselt praktilisi oskusi ja näpunäiteid maailma oma ala tippudelt. Loomulikult andis see juurde veelgi indu seda kõike meie klientide hobuste heaks rakendada – olgu selleks siis rutiinne ülevaatus ja raspeldamine, mille käigus on väga palju probleeme võimalik tuvastada ja ennetada või juba väljakujunenud probleemide nagu näiteks diasteemid, periodontaalhaigus või hambajuurepõletik, ravi. Koolituse käigus eemaldasime ka mitmeid hambaid ja ootame huviga, et näha, kas õpitud nipid võimaldavad hammaste eemaldamiseks kuluvat aega märkimisväärselt lühendada. Nagu ikka, võtame hambapatsiente vastu nii hobusekliinikus kui teostame visiite tallidesse. 
This weekend, our clinic veterinarians Liis and Triin Rilanto participated in a two-day advanced practical dental training near Stockholm, Sweden, at the Mälaren Equine Clinic. Impressions about the course are excellent. We received confirmation to our knowledge and daily work, and also a ton of practical skills and tips from the world's leading experts in the field. Of course, we are now even more motivated apply all of this for the benefit of our clients' horses – whether it's routine examination and rasping, during which many problems can be identified and prevented, or the treatment of established issues such as diastemata, periodontal disease, or tooth root inflammation. During the training, we also removed several teeth and are eager to see if the learned techniques allow us to significantly shorten the time required for tooth extractions. As always, we welcome dental patients at the equine clinic and also perform stable visits.

Last week, we had a pleasure to welcome Dr  to our team. She will stay with us a bit over a year to complete her interns...

Last week, we had a pleasure to welcome Dr to our team. She will stay with us a bit over a year to complete her internship program at EMÜ Hobusekliinik.

Julia, it's great to have you here!

My name is Julia Linek and I am veterinary medicine graduate from Poland. I've recently completed my studies at University of Life Sciences in Lublin.

In the course of my studies I took part in several Erasmus exchanges. Twice in Tartu at EMÜ and once in Sweden (Distriktsveterinärerna Skellefteå) where I completed my summer externship. Both clinics gave me excellant opportunity to expand my knowledge and clinical skills in equine and production animal medicine.

At University of Life Sciences in Tartu I completed my 5th year of studies as well as the practical  training during my final year.  During this time I spent many days in the Equine Clinic where I had variety of chances to participate in everyday clinics life and develop my skills as a future veterinarian.

I couldn’t imagine better place to start my veterinary career so I decided to come back to EMÜ Hobusekliinik as an intern.

EMÜ Equine Clinic has the equipment and the latest in technology in the surgical suites, anesthesia rooms, recovery stal...

EMÜ Equine Clinic has the equipment and the latest in technology in the surgical suites, anesthesia rooms, recovery stalls and treatment rooms enable our surgery staff to achieve superior results in soft-tissue and orthopedic cases. The hospital is equipped to undertake any recognized surgical procedure.

This is how lameness evaluations look like at our clinic. We offer full orthopaedic evaluations, ultrasonographic and ra...

This is how lameness evaluations look like at our clinic.

We offer full orthopaedic evaluations, ultrasonographic and radiographic imaging, laboratory diagnostics, mesotherapy, intraarticular injections and more!

Proper care and early detection are crucial for the well-being and performance of the horse. For more information contact us at [email protected] or [email protected]

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy in horses involves the extraction of blood from the horse, which is then processed to...

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy in horses involves the extraction of blood from the horse, which is then processed to concentrate the platelets. Platelets contain growth factors that can stimulate tissue repair and regeneration. The concentrated PRP is then injected into the injured area of the horse, such as joints or tendons, to promote healing and reduce inflammation. This therapy is often used in equine sports medicine to treat musculoskeletal injuries and is believed to accelerate the healing process. For more information contact us at [email protected]

Mesotherapy for horses is a therapeutic technique that involves the injection of small quantities of medications, vitami...

Mesotherapy for horses is a therapeutic technique that involves the injection of small quantities of medications, vitamins, or other substances directly into the skin or subcutaneous tissue at specific points on the horse’s body, mainly the neck and back. This treatment is designed to address various musculoskeletal issues, especially those related to pain and inflammation.

During mesotherapy, a series of tiny injections are administered using fine needles, targeting specific areas such as muscles. The substances injected can vary, but they often include a combination of analgesics, anti-inflammatories to promote healing and alleviate pain.

The goal of mesotherapy is to provide a localized and targeted treatment, reducing the need for systemic medications and potentially minimizing side effects. This technique is believed to stimulate blood flow, promote tissue repair, and improve the overall function of the treated areas.

Mesotherapy for horses should only be performed by qualified and experienced veterinarians, as it requires a good understanding of equine anatomy and proper injection techniques. It can be an effective complement to other therapies in managing certain musculoskeletal conditions in horses. However, the specific use and success of mesotherapy depend on the individual horse’s condition and the veterinarian’s assessment.

Proper trimming and farriery are extremely important in both leisure and sport horses to maintain the horse healthy and ...

Proper trimming and farriery are extremely important in both leisure and sport horses to maintain the horse healthy and happy. Orthopedic shoeing should only be used for horses with musculoskeletal pathologies and not just because it sounds fashionable. Thus, orthopedic shoes should be prescribed by a veterinarian after a diagnosis of musculoskeletal injury. Orthopedic shoeing can be also called therapeutic shoeing.

It is important to understand that orthopedic and conventional shoeing are not the same thing. Conventional shoeing (“regular shoeing”) aims to provide traction and to protect the hoof from excessive wear. Orthopedic shoeing aims in re-distributing forces on the limbs by shifting weight bearing and reducing stress in injured structures. Orthopedic shoeing also provides traction and protects the hoof from excessive wear like conventional shoeing.
The aims of orthopedic shoeing include the modification of the longitudinal and/or transverse balance of the foot, the redistribution of the interaction with the ground beneath the foot and the differential pe*******on of different parts of the shoe on the ground.

If your horse is experiencing hoof problems, work with your farrier and veterinarian to determine an appropriate treatment plan.

Arthroscopy in horses is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that involves the use of a specialized instrument calle...

Arthroscopy in horses is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that involves the use of a specialized instrument called an arthroscope to examine and treat joint problems. It’s commonly used in equine veterinary medicine to diagnose and address issues in a horse’s joints, such as hock, fetlock, stifle and several others.
For the surgery, the horse is placed under general anesthesia to ensure it remains still during the procedure. Small incisions are made near the affected joint, typically two or three for the insertion of the arthroscope and surgical instruments. The arthroscope, a thin, flexible tube with a camera and light source, is inserted through one of the incisions. This allows the veterinarian to visualize the inside of the joint on a monitor. The veterinarian examines the joint’s structures and identifies any issues, such as cartilage damage or soft tissue injuries. In most cases, they can perform treatments like removing bone fragments or cleaning out debris within the joint. After the procedure is complete, the joint is flushed to remove any debris, and the incisions are sutured.

Arthroscopy offers several benefits in equine medicine, including reduced post-operative pain, faster recovery times, and improved diagnostic accuracy. It’s a valuable tool for maintaining the health and performance of horses, particularly in the realm of sports and competition.

For more information contact us at [email protected] OR [email protected]

I am Triinu Vasiljeva, new veterinary nurse at the Equine Clinic, and I have had eight years of continuous experience wi...

I am Triinu Vasiljeva, new veterinary nurse at the Equine Clinic, and I have had eight years of continuous experience with horses. I was four years old when I had my first encounter with the animals, about five when I got bucked off from for the first time. Obviously it was love at first sight.
I had regular riding lessons for eight consecutive years, to the point the stable became my second home.
My dream is to work in sports medicine. As well as that, I wish to learn all I can about veterinary medicine and ride my very own equine athlete.
Additionally to working at the clinic I workout at the gym, read as many books as possible and bake sweet treats.

An equine veterinary internship is a structured program designed for recent veterinary graduates or veterinarians seekin...

An equine veterinary internship is a structured program designed for recent veterinary graduates or veterinarians seeking specialized training in equine medicine, surgery, anesthesia and diagnostic imaging. Interns work closely with experienced equine veterinarians, gaining hands-on experience in diagnosing, treating, and managing various equine health conditions. The internship typically lasts for one year and provides exposure to a wide range of cases, including preventative care, emergency medicine, lameness evaluation, reproductive management, and surgical procedures. It’s a valuable opportunity for aspiring equine veterinarians to enhance their skills and knowledge in the field.

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information!

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information!

From February 7th new service will be available at EMÜ Equine Clinic! Diagnostic application that uses artificial intell...

From February 7th new service will be available at EMÜ Equine Clinic!

Diagnostic application that uses artificial intelligence motion analysis to identify lameness straight from video will be used during musculoskeletal evaluations.

Application algorithms detect and track multiple anatomical landmarks on a horse’s body. By analyzing the vertical displacement of the head and pelvis, the system identifies the asymmetries in the horse’s gait. These asymmetries indicate unequal loading of the limbs during different phases of the stride, a key sign of lameness.

To request an appointment contact us at [email protected]

If you want to know more about this system contact us at [email protected]

Külastusajad meie kliinikus🙂

Külastusajad meie kliinikus🙂

Diagnostic application that uses artificial intelligence (AI) motion analysis to identify lameness straight from video.A...

Diagnostic application that uses artificial intelligence (AI) motion analysis to identify lameness straight from video.

Aids in a better understanding of how and why horses move the way they do.  It works towards a future of fewer instances of equine lameness, a faster recovery process in the event of lameness, and a healthier equine community at large.

This service will be soon available at our clinic in a regular basis. For more information contact us at [email protected]

✨️✨️✨️ Kohad on seekord täis ja registreerimine suletud!Avatud on registreerimine hobuste esmaabi koolitusele, mis toimu...

✨️✨️✨️ Kohad on seekord täis ja registreerimine suletud!

Avatud on registreerimine hobuste esmaabi koolitusele, mis toimub laupäeval, 6. jaanuaril 2024 Tartus!
Antud koolitus on suunatud hobuseomanikele, ratsutajatele ja kõigile teistele hobusesõpradele.


Kohti on piiratud arv, nii et registreeru kiirelt!😉

Arthroscopy in horses is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that involves the use of a specialized instrument calle...

Arthroscopy in horses is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that involves the use of a specialized instrument called an arthroscope to examine and treat joint problems. It’s commonly used in equine veterinary medicine to diagnose and address issues in a horse’s joints, such as hock, fetlock, stifle and several others.
For the surgery, the horse is placed under general anesthesia to ensure it remains still during the procedure. Small incisions are made near the affected joint, typically two or three for the insertion of the arthroscope and surgical instruments. The arthroscope, a thin, flexible tube with a camera and light source, is inserted through one of the incisions. This allows the veterinarian to visualize the inside of the joint on a monitor. The veterinarian examines the joint’s structures and identifies any issues, such as cartilage damage or soft tissue injuries. In most cases, they can perform treatments like removing bone fragments or cleaning out debris within the joint. After the procedure is complete, the joint is flushed to remove any debris, and the incisions are sutured.

Arthroscopy offers several benefits in equine medicine, including reduced post-operative pain, faster recovery times, and improved diagnostic accuracy. It’s a valuable tool for maintaining the health and performance of horses, particularly in the realm of sports and competition.

For more information contact us at [email protected]

Horse teeth “grow” (emerge from the bone) throughout the entire horse’s life. Sharp edges are commonly formed due to the...

Horse teeth “grow” (emerge from the bone) throughout the entire horse’s life. Sharp edges are commonly formed due to the normal side-to-side movement of the jaws while eating. Various other irregularities and sharp points can occur, especially when the occlusion of the horse is not ideal. All horses need oral examination and, if necessary, rasping at least once a year. Old and young (2 – 6 years) horses or horses with known problems should have their teeth checked more often. Contrary to common belief, problems cannot be ruled out based on a horse’s good body condition and appetite.

In our clinic, we perform comprehensive oral examinations with dental rasping for all types of horses. All of our oral examinations are performed on a sedated horse using a mouth opener. This is to ensure the safety of the horse and people around the horse, and to carry out thorough inspection that otherwise would not be possible.

To find a solution that suits the best for the treatment of a specific horse, we can use different types of hand rasps and motorized equipment. As an additional diagnostics, oral endoscopy and dental radiographs can be used. In addition, computed tomography can be used for foals and miniponies.

We can also visit your stable for routine dental work. To carry out the procedures in your stable, at least a shelter is needed to allow fixing the horse during the procedures and afterwards as due to the sedation horses must be withheld from feed for 2 hours. Water source and electricity should be nearby to allow us to work smoothly.


Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwaldi 62


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