CART "Cairo animals Rescue Team" الجمعيه المصريه لإنقاذ الحيوان

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CART "Cairo animals Rescue Team" الجمعيه المصريه لإنقاذ الحيوان Our objective is rescuing and protecting animals, awareness campaigns. We will make a difference in Egypt animal rescuing.

Cart is animal rescue non profit organization
we rescue animals from streets, we have animal shelters, Animal ambulance and animal hospital
our Cairo animal rescue team is the only rescue team in Egypt in rescuing injured animals or protecting abused by some humans

✅✅ قامت الزميله سناء الحكيم Sanaa A. El Hakim و الزميله المحاميه Sahar Shemis بتقديم بلاغ لسياده النائب العام ضد انتهاك ...

✅✅ قامت الزميله سناء الحكيم Sanaa A. El Hakim و الزميله المحاميه Sahar Shemis بتقديم بلاغ لسياده النائب العام ضد انتهاك كليه الطب البيطري جامعه القاهره لحقوق الحيوانات
بتفويض من جمعيه كارت
CART "Cairo animals Rescue Team" الجمعيه المصريه لإنقاذ الحيوان
🔴 ضمن سلسله من الاجراءات تتخذها الجمعيه سعيا لانقاذ الحيوانات من الانتهاكات الوحشيه التي تمارس ضد الحيوانات بداخل الكليه
✅ شكرا سناء و سحر علي المجهود المعتاد منكم
✅ جاري تحضير فيديو مجمع لانتهاكات الكليه علي مدار سنين و سيتم عرضه غدا


❌❌❌فضيحه ما يسمي اعرق جامعه مصريه❌❌❌
جامعة القاهرة Cairo University
كلية الطب البيطري جامعة القاهرة Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Cairo Univ
هو ايه بيحصل في كليه الطب البيطري جامعه القاهره؟؟؟؟
هو انتوا بني ادمين؟؟؟؟؟
هو فيه بني ادمين تتعامل مع الحيوانات بالمنظر ده
مين اداك الحق تعامل روح ربنا خلقها و تاذيها بالمنظر ده
انتوا ليه عندكم اصرار تخلونا همج و متخلفين
لما كليه طب تعمل كده يبقي ايه في البلد ده متحضر !!!!!


**🌟 Help Us Make a Difference for Our Furry Friends! 🌟**

Dear friends,

Every day, our shelter is filled with dogs who need your help. We’re doing everything we can to provide them with the care they need, but we can't do it alone. We urgently need donations to cover their food and medical needs.

🦴 **How Your Donation Helps:**
- **Feed:** Every meal counts. Your support ensures our dogs have enough to eat.
- **Care:** Contributions help cover medical expenses and other essential care.

No amount is too small, and every donation makes a big difference. Together, we can give these animals a brighter future.

**Donate Today:** [To donate for CART animals
Paypal: [email protected]
‎او خدمات تحويل الاموال من شبكات الموبايل موبي اورانج كاش : 01200012334
‎فودافون كاش : 01000987062
‎لحساب بنكي
Banque misr
Name: الجمعيه المصريه لإنقاذ الحيوان
Account number: 4720001000002384
Swift code: BMISEGCX140
‎للتحصيل عن طريق احد اعضاء كارت ابعتلنا رساله علي الخاص ]

Thank you for your generosity and support!

Dongol, Egyptian street dog has the most beautiful smile

Dongol, Egyptian street dog has the most beautiful smile

🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴الدفاع عن حق الحيوان و حمايته مسؤوليه كبيره انك تدافع عن حيوان اخرس بيتعرض للظلم في بلد مفيهاش قوانين...

الدفاع عن حق الحيوان و حمايته مسؤوليه كبيره
انك تدافع عن حيوان اخرس بيتعرض للظلم في بلد مفيهاش قوانين قويه لحمايه الحيوان في ظل انتشار الجهل و انعدام التوعيه بالطرق المتحضره العلميه الانسانيه الدينيه في التعامل مع الحيوانات الخرساء اللي ليها حق الحياه زي كل مخلوقات ربنا
احنا اخدنا المسؤوليه ده علي عاتقنا من سنين و قدرنا بفضل الله نحاسب و نقاضي كتير من شياطين الانس اللي بيعذبوا و بينتهكوا حقوق الحيوانات بس احنا مجموعه قليله في مواجهه ثقافه كامله محتاجه تتغير
علشان كده
✅✅✅ احنا محتاجين متطوعين من مختلف محافظات الجمهوريه يساعدونا في الدفاع عن الحيوانات، احنا بنكون فريق يضم متطوعين مقوضين من الجمعيه لتحرير محاضر في اقسام الشرطه و النيابه علشان نجيب حق الحيوانات
المطلوب متطوعين عندهم الاستعداد يحررو محاضر بتفويض من الجمعيه ينضموا لفريق الدفاع عن الحيوانات و احنا هانكون معاكم خطوه لخطوه لان عددنا مش بيكفي اننا نغطي معظم الحوادث و الجرائم المنتشره في مختلف انحاء الجمهوريه
اللي مستعد و شايف انه يقدر يقوم بالمهام ده يبعتلنا رساله و احنا هانتواصل معاهم

🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴تحديث بواقعه قتل كلب العمرانيه بالجيزه بالضرب باستخدام شومه كبيره علي رأس الكلبتوجهنا اسلام ياسر و كرم ا...

تحديث بواقعه قتل كلب العمرانيه بالجيزه بالضرب باستخدام شومه كبيره علي رأس الكلب
توجهنا اسلام ياسر و كرم المصري ببلاغ لوزاره الداخليه و تم تحرير محضر باسم اسلام ياسر عضو جمعيه اور تيم
و توجهت قوه من قسم شرطه العمراينه للقبض علي المتهم
الا انه لم يتم العثور عليه في مسكنه و جاري القبض عليه
طيب ليه هو عرف انه ممكن يتقبض عليه و هرب
علشان فيه مجموعه مشكوره عملوا زياره في المنطقه هناك قبل ما يتقبض عليه بغرض التوعيه و التشديد علي انه سيتم محاسبه و القاء القبض علي من ياذي الحيوان
مجهود رائع بس كان المفترض يحصل بعد ضبطه لسرعه محاسبته


**Urgent Appeal for Help for My Dogs not to skip a meal**

Today marks a desperate plea from the depths of my heart for my beloved dogs. As their caregiver, I find myself in a position where I can no longer provide them with even a simple meal it was our last meal .The heat is sweltering, and their well-being hangs in the balance.

I rescued these dogs from unimaginable misery, offering them safety and love. Now, facing the grim reality of not being able to feed them breaks my soul. Every meal missed feels like a betrayal of the promise I made to keep them safe and cared for.

I implore anyone reading this to lend a hand. Your support, whether through donations, sharing this message, or connecting us with resources, can make a world of difference. Together, we can ensure that my dogs do not suffer hunger in this unforgiving heat.

Please, help us keep their tails wagging and their hearts full. Your kindness and compassion can turn this desperate situation into a tale of hope and resilience. Thank you for considering our plea and for any assistance you can offer.
Please help the voiceless to be feed and not skip a meal we weren't able to collect anything from last post accept 25 dollars
We need to accomplish the amount of 200 $per day
And we have so many bills for our food supplier
Ypur help will real matter in there health and living

Our PayPal:
[email protected]


🐾 **Urgent Appeal: Help us not to skip a meal!** 🐾

Dear Supporters and Animal Lovers,

At Caairo Animal Rescue Team, we pour our hearts and souls into rescuing and caring for dogs who have faced unimaginable hardships. Thanks to your incredible support, we have been able to provide a safe shelter for these furry friends, offering them love, protection, and a chance for a better life.

However, our mission doesn't end with rescue. Every day, we face the harsh reality that we are scared to miss a meal . We depend 100% on the generosity of kind-hearted individuals like you to keep our dogs healthy and well-fed. Without your help, we risk having dogs face no animal should ever face😔

Today, we come to you with a desperate plea. Please help us ensure that no dog in our care misses a meal.
Your ongoing donations are crucial to keeping our furry companions fed, healthy, and happy. Every dollar you give makes a real difference in the lives of these dogs and allows us to continue our life-saving work

🐾 **How You Can Help:** 🐾
- Make a donation today at our PayPal
[email protected]

Consider setting up a monthly donation to provide consistent support if you can.

Share our story with your friends, family, and social networks to raise awareness.

Your compassion and generosity can make all the difference in the world to these dogs who rely on us for their very survival. Together, we can ensure that no dog goes hungry and that they receive the care and nourishment they need to thrive.

With heartfelt gratitude and hope to all the true animal lovers


Calling all kind-hearted souls to assist my dogs in need. I cannot bear to see them skip meals any longer. Every penny counts and can make a significant difference in the lives of these precious dogs. Your help is crucial to ensure these poor dogs are cared for. They await eagerly for a helping hand. The scorching heat and relentless sun make their situation dire. Let's come together to make a positive change for these deserving animals. Your generosity will bring hope and comfort to these abandoned souls. Together, we can provide a better life for these innocent creatures. Join me in making a difference and showing compassion to those who need it most.

Your kind donations can be sent on our PayPal:
[email protected]

🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 تم القبض علي القاتل 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴بخصوص جريمه قتل كلب كفر الزياتالحمد لله تم القبض و حجز القاتل و جاري عرضه علي النيابهالصر...

🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 تم القبض علي القاتل 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴
بخصوص جريمه قتل كلب كفر الزيات
الحمد لله تم القبض و حجز القاتل و جاري عرضه علي النيابه
الصراحه من ساعه ما جالنا بلاغ بالواقعه و احنا مش قادرين ننام لحد ما اتحبس و خصوصا ان جقه الكلب اختفت و مفيش فيديو
و مرضيتش و لا قدرت اعمل بوست الا لما ناخد خطوه في طريق حساب الشيطان ده
قامت سناء الحكيم مفوضه من جمعيه كارت
CART "Cairo animals Rescue Team" الجمعيه المصريه لإنقاذ الحيوان
بتحرير محضر ضد القاتل بمركز شرطه كفر الزيات بالتعاون مع هدي مقلد من جمعيه (روح قلب)
و نادي زعفان (مؤسسه apf)
قام مركز شرطه كفر الزيات بالقبض علي المتهم فورا و تم احتجازه و حاري عرضه علي النيابه
و هانفضل نتابع و نضغط لحد ما نقدر نعاقبه باقصي عقاب ممكن

Help Provide Food for My Beloved DogsDear Friends and Animal Lovers,I am reaching out to you today with a heavy heart an...

Help Provide Food for My Beloved Dogs

Dear Friends and Animal Lovers,

I am reaching out to you today with a heavy heart and a plea for help. My beloved dogs, who are like family to me, are currently without food. Due to unforeseen circumstances, we are unable to afford the necessary dry food for them, and we don't have any backups to turn to. Each pack of dry food costs $15, and we require 15 to 20 packs every day to ensure our furry friends are well-fed and healthy.

Imagine the joy and comfort that a simple meal can bring to our loyal companions. They rely on us for their well-being, and it breaks my heart to see them go hungry. That's why I am reaching out to our community for support and kindness during this challenging time.

I am humbly asking for your help, no matter how big or small, to ensure that my dogs have the nourishment they need. Your generosity can make a world of difference in the lives of these innocent animals who bring us so much love and joy.

If you are able to contribute, please consider donating towards providing dry food for my dogs. Your support will not only ensure that their basic needs are met but also show them the compassion and care they deserve.

Together, we can make a difference. Let's rally as champions for these wonderful creatures and ensure that they never go hungry. Your kindness and generosity will not go unnoticed and will be deeply appreciated by me and my furry companions.

If you are able to help in any way, please reach out to me directly

Donations : Paypal [email protected]

Vodafone cash 01098568001

contribution, no matter how small, will make a significant impact on the well-being of my dogs.

Thank you for taking the time to read this message and for considering how you can make a difference in the lives of these loving animals. Your support means the world to us.

With heartfelt gratitude and true
appreciation 🙏

Tiago before and after  came to us with a broken jaw

Tiago before and after came to us with a broken jaw


هي البلد اللي يحصل فيها الفجر ده كده تبقي ايه؟؟؟؟
و اهلها مستنين من ربهم ايه؟؟
امم امثالكم يا ك*فره

She is blind and deaf kitten but she is the most cute living being you can every seeصحيح هي مش بتشوف و مش بتسمع بس اكتر ...

She is blind and deaf kitten but she is the most cute living being you can every see
صحيح هي مش بتشوف و مش بتسمع بس اكتر حاجه بريئه تقدر تشوفها في حياتك

To donate for CART animals
Paypal: [email protected]
‎او خدمات تحويل الاموال من شبكات الموبايل موبي اورانج كاش : 01200012334
‎فودافون كاش : 01000987062
‎لحساب بنكي
Banque misr
Name: الجمعيه المصريه لإنقاذ الحيوان
Account number: 4720001000002384
Swift code: BMISEGCX140
‎للتحصيل عن طريق احد اعضاء كارت ابعتلنا رساله علي الخاص


احنا بنحارب الفكر المتاخر ده من زمان

Miss lollipop لولي بوب هانم

Miss lollipop لولي بوب هانم

We rescued her from alexandria and now She is  adopted at GermanyLollipop ❤️

We rescued her from alexandria and now She is adopted at Germany
Lollipop ❤️

Ghabour from suez

Ghabour from suez


CART Dog Shelter Abu Sir, Al Badrashin, Giza Governorate 0106 161 1870 Https://goo. Gl/maps/ckgWhkffBd 52


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