For us at the Animal Hotel this year has been a different from all other years. Obviously 2020 was different because of Covid-19 but this year 2021 has had its own challenges. But challenges are there to overcome and look forward to new things and count your blessings.
We have had the most incredible help from all different people after the heavy rains in September. We will never take help for granted and we are very very grateful for that.
Though we think holidays and seeing family has changed we have had loads of clients bringing their beloved animals for a shorter or a longer stay.
We have been able to help a lot of dogs and cats finding them a new home, together with our dear friends in Jersey and the UK.
Exporting and animal transport has become a lot more difficult post Brexit with new regulations
And of course in the post Brexit era new transport regulations have changed considerably.
Next year is waiting for us around the corner and we can only say thank you everybody from the bottom of our hearts. For you support, for being there when we needed it most, and most important of all for trusting us with your 4 legged family member.
To all of you see you soon either still in this year or in 2022
Bo and Antoinette and our fabulous team!
Macarena having cuddes