Get Inspired & Be Positive

Get Inspired & Be Positive We exist to Inspire you and make you feel happy, and sharing positive thoughts to uplift your mood! :)

"Dear woman behind me in line at the grocery store,You don't know me. You have no clue what my life has been like since ...

"Dear woman behind me in line at the grocery store,
You don't know me. You have no clue what my life has been like since October 1, 2013. You have no clue that my family has gone through the wringer. You have no clue that we have faced unbelievable hardship. You have no clue we have been humiliated, humbled, destitute.
You have no clue I have cried more days than not; that I fight against bitterness taking control of my heart. You have no clue that my husband's pride was shattered. You have no clue my kids have had the worries of an adult on their shoulders. You have no clue their innocence was snatched from them for no good reason. You know none of this.
What you do know is I tried to buy my kids some food and that the EBT machine was down so I couldn't buy that food. I didn't have any cash or my debit card with me. I only had my SNAP card. All you heard was me saying "No, don't hold it for me. My kids are hungry now and I have no other way of paying for this." You didn't judge me. You didn't snarl "Maybe you should have less kids." You didn't say "Well, get a job and learn to support yourself." You didn't look away in embarrassment or shame for me. You didn't make any assumptions at all.
What you did was you paid that $17.38 grocery bill for us. You gave my kids bananas, yogurt, apple juice, cheese sticks, and a peach ice tea for me; a rare treat and splurge. You let me hug you and promise through my tears that I WILL pay this forward. I WILL pay someone's grocery bill for them. That $17.38 may not have been a lot for you, but it was priceless to us. In the car my kids couldn't stop gushing about you; our "angel in disguise." They prayed for you. They prayed you would be blessed. You restored some of our lost faith. One simple and small action changed our lives. You probably have forgotten about us by now, but we haven't forgotten about you. You will forever be a part of us even though we don't even know your name.
You have no clue how grateful and embarrassed I am that we pay for all our food with SNAP. We eat well thanks to the government. I love that. I love that the government makes sure my kids are cared for. It is one less worry for us. I also struggle with pride and embarrassment. I defiantly tell people we are on SNAP. Daring them to judge us.
Only those closest to us know why we are on SNAP. They know my husband is a hard worker who was laid off after 17 years in a management position with his former company. They know we were moved from our home to a new state only to be left homeless since the house we had came with the job he lost. Only those closest to us know my husband works part time while looking tirelessly for more; that he has submitted more applications than he has received interviews for. Too many jobs are only offering part time work anymore. It is not easy for a 40-something year old to find a job that will support his family of five kids.
You know none of this but you didn't let that stop you from being compassionate and generous to someone you have never met.
To the woman behind me at the grocery store, you have no idea how much we appreciate you. You have no idea the impact you had on my kids. You have no idea how incredibly thankful I am for you. Your action may have been small, but to us it was monumental. Thank you.
Thank you for not judging us. Thank you for giving my kids a snack when they were quite hungry. Thank you. Just thank you.
Andrea, the woman in front of you at the grocery store with the cart full of kids who are no longer hungry."
Credit - original owner ( respect 🫡)

They Saved Her Friend, But He Was Not A Wanderer

They Saved Her Friend, But He Was Not A Wanderer

At Hope For Paws, Joan came to the rescue when a stray dog was called. The Good Samaritan managed to tie the dog to the leash before help arrived... It was discovered that he had another dog with him, but animal surveillance had caught him the day before. Now this girl is alone. They named…


My sister recently posted a picture of her kitchen and got a lot of criticism about the curtains, with people saying they’re ugly and outdated. Honestly, it’s a bit unfair—she’s doing her best with what she has. Right now, she can’t afford to install a built-in cabinet, so she improvised with the curtains. I think she did a great job making it look as nice as possible given the circumstances. Not everything has to be perfect to be beautiful.


Last year I worked patrol on Christmas Eve and I came across these two (and their 3 kids) who were living in a vehicle at a park.

A huge storm was rolling in and they needed a miracle. Letters To Santa Charity (LTS) came in like Santa himself.

With only a simple text to the board (Justin Crone, Aileen Crone, Betty Julian, Sargon Eddy, Megan Bruce, and Nick Bashaw), elves went to work.

Even though it was Christmas Eve, LTS worked - hard.

Two weeks in a hotel with toys for the kids followed by a rental house that donors completely furnished.

LTS stood by them since then and this year I stopped by and visited where she works full time to take a pic.

They are now off public assistance, cooking a turkey dinner and they a have a beautiful tree with gifts under it.

Last year the kids wondered how Santa would find them in a car at a park.

I guess Santa found a way.

Merry Christmas everyone.

Neil Cervenka

Turlock Police Department


3 years ago today I was taken into a psychiatric ward for the 1st time.

I was lost, hopeless, consumed by the idea of ending my life.

Today I walk into a psychiatric ward as a student mental health nurse for my first day of placement.

Things change, they don't stay hard forever x.

I'm 104 years old and I baked my own birthday cake with peach cream and filling and I want to treat you. Thank you. 🎂

I'm 104 years old and I baked my own birthday cake with peach cream and filling and I want to treat you. Thank you. 🎂

Jake Reissig lost his wife just over a year ago, and since then, he visits her grave every day, twice a day. He takes ca...

Jake Reissig lost his wife just over a year ago, and since then, he visits her grave every day, twice a day. He takes care of her headstone and keeps her plot looking beautiful.
Jake’s son, Roger, shared a bit about his dad’s routine on Facebook:
“It’s been more than a year since Mom went to her Heavenly home. Dad visits her grave twice daily. He has this sweet routine where he picks some roses from his garden and brings them to her. Then he waters her grass twice a day. With the recent drought, her plot really stands out and looks so lovely.
One day while watering, he noticed a young lady kneeling at a grave, crying. Dad went over to chat with her and learned that her husband, an SSGT in the US Air Force, passed away in 2010. They shared stories, and she thanked him before leaving. Dad decided to honor that soldier, too, so now he waters his grass along with Mom’s every day. He says it’s the least he can do for someone who sacrificed so much for us. You can see the green grass in the pictures next to Mom's. I’m really grateful for that young man’s service and super proud of my dad for what he does to honor him. Love you, Dad!”
A huge THANK YOU to our incredible military!
Credit to the rightful owner~

A guy joined a flash mob, left a girl speechless and proposed to her

A guy joined a flash mob, left a girl speechless and proposed to her

A few years ago, a video appeared on YouTube demonstrating a wonderful surprise on the street. The real surprise happened when people watched an unusual dance performance on the street, and then one of the spectators joined the dancers. The video clip became a sensation on YouTube, and the commentar...

My first work, please appreciate it ❤️👍

My first work, please appreciate it ❤️👍

Super Chill Kayaking On A Misty Morning - SnapMyTales

Super Chill Kayaking On A Misty Morning - SnapMyTales

Fog is rare in March. Louis enjoys morning kayaking. I don’t know where to jump ship.

Laura Failner is a SkyWest flight attendant. She witnessed this moment of kindness. The world would be a much better pla...

Laura Failner is a SkyWest flight attendant. She witnessed this moment of kindness. The world would be a much better place if everyone is like her.
"I love looking for the good in the world! As I flew up to Washington today, I had this cute little 94-year-old lady get on my plane. She was frail and had a hard time getting back to her seat. There was a bit of confusion about where she was supposed to be seated. In first-class, this wonderful gentleman saw her plight and flagged me down. He said, "can you please get her and put her in my seat, and I will take hers." He walked back with me to get her and take her to first class. She was so touched. The woman gave him a big hug and said, "Never in my 94 years has someone done that for me. Thank you, young man." She had tears of gratitude. It was amazing how his thoughtful act changed the attitude of everyone on the flight. May we all look for the little things we can do to help others around us and show kindness. In this crazy world, let's all try to be the good." 🥰🥰🥰
Credits: Herself


I sat down on the plane yesterday to fly back home from a quick business trip to the east coast.

There was an older lady sitting in the seat next to mine. She told me her name is Lorraine. She was taken on to the plane with a wheel chair during preboarding. I sat down, said hi and so did Lorraine. Super nice lady. You could see it in her eyes.

A nice grin from a small, frail, kind human.

I was going through my business travel routine. Same thing every time. You know me. Routine.




Started working...I had 4 uninterrupted hours of productivity!

Lorraine started talking so I took off my headphones and listened.

Usually not something a business traveler does. Those are your force field from others. Your bubble to protect you from distraction. But this time was different. Listening matters. Lorraine was talking for a reason.


Listening is caring.

She wasn’t another business traveler trying to “network.” I usually find a way to ignore those. You can see them from a mile away.

But, people who are scared, lonely, hurting or lost always get my ear. You can tell if you look for them.

Don’t ignore this. Look for it. And do something about it.

Lorraine was lonely and scared. It made me sad. I had a mission now.

I find out she hasn’t flown in quite some time. Doesn’t know how to open the tray table or do much of anything a regular traveler knows. I got to help her.

She just left Florida abruptly to get away from the storm coming in. And “might” have family in Denver.

But she was confused. She kept repeating things. She said she didn’t know where she was going or who was going to help her... or why she was going to Denver.

Lorraine talked herself in to a feeling of helplessness.


She was scared...scared going on the trip to Denver. Scared of being alone. Not sure why she was there. Repeatedly. And worse each time. You could see her eyes welling up.

This happens to people who are losing their memory. It’s scary to not know if you have help. Some get angry. Others sad. Lorraine was sad and blaming herself.

She was not sure what’s going on or if she will be alone far from home. Over and over again.

She clearly had severely diminished short term memory. She had good long term but certainly not any recall of today’s events. Not able to tell me much more about what’s going on. Couldn’t remember who she was supposed to meet, or if she wandered off from her care center. Didn’t know if she brought a phone or not. Didn’t have one with her.

I helped her with her tray table, food and drinks. She even tried to share her food with me. We had dinner together. She got scared when it was a bumpy ride so we made some jokes to ease the fear.

Me and the lady across the aisle helped Lorraine to the bathroom and back to her seat.

And, I got the flight attendants working on making sure she had someone picking her up. Did she? They weren’t sure for a while.

Lots of conversation and questions ensued and United scrambled to figure it out.

The lady sitting near me told me she saw someone drop her off at the gate. That’s good news. She remembered who that was by talking through her day. It was her care giver Theresa. That’s a good sign. She should be going to Denver! That’s good!

We land and United has a manager at the gate to meet her and make sure she has someone to take care of her. They got a wheel chair to help her.

I wrote my cell phone on my card and gave it to her. I told her to have someone call me if she needs help.

Time to go home.

Mind at ease. Mission accomplished.

An opportunity for kindness.

What would you have done?

Ignored or listened? Can you give to someone that needs a few hours out of your life?

We had fun. We called her a stow away on the plane and laughed about it. I told her she was a rebel for escaping her retirement community and that her friends would be jealous of her adventures. That boosted her ego a little. We had a good time.

And she had a better day.

She smiled and said thanks.

Thanks for your time, Lorraine.

You made my day also.


"My phone rang and it was a number I didn’t recognize. Knowing my kids were in the afternoon hours of getting home from school I immediately answered knowing it was one of them. You know how your Mama instinct just knows something is up? On the other end his little cracking voice said 'Mama, I got on the wrong bus.'
This is his first year in middle school. Can we even imagine what a new middle schooler deals with these days, I mean, it’s a different kind of stress. I knew my little guy was stressing out. After all it was only his second afternoon riding home, since he normally has football. As I am talking to my son and he is speaking with the bus driver I could feel his frustration. The tone of his voice when he told the bus driver 'I’m so sorry’ was one of worry. Then on the other end of the line I heard a calming nurturing response as she said, 'oh honey, you don’t have to aplologize. That’s my job, to get you home safely. And that’s what we’re gonna do.’ My Mama-heart melted knowing she was comforting him. I can’t help but think of the many other responses he could have received. She went out of her way to console him.
Before I could even get to pick him up she had him call me back and ask permission to take him in to get a drink. Cue the tears. What a thoughtful person. She actually got him an ice cream while they waited for me. (Again tears)
When I arrived at our agreed upon location she walked him over and explained how she noticed he felt terrible and anxious. He had even asked if he 'messed everything up.' My poor guy. She wanted to make sure he didn’t have to tell me everything and stress over it again.

I pray everyday God places people in our paths and in the right places to watch over my children when I’m not there. And today He did just that. This angel truly showed the love of Christ in her actions and care for my son. I won’t let her actions go unnoticed and this story will be shared with her leaders.
I’m not sure how your day is going. But I encourage you the next time you are inconvenienced to take a look around. It might not be about you after all."

Credit goes to the first owner ✍️

On my flight from San Diego to Nashville yesterday, sitting in the row next to me was a 96 year old woman who hasn’t flo...

On my flight from San Diego to Nashville yesterday, sitting in the row next to me was a 96 year old woman who hasn’t flown in 15 years. For her birthday she wanted to go to Kansas City to see her family but she was scared of flying.
She asked for this man’s hand during takeoff and then hugged him again when experiencing turbulence. This gentleman I should say, gladly took her hand, let her hold onto him, calmed her by talking to her and explaining everything that was happening, and simply was that stranger there for her.
He knew just what to do the entire flight to help. He helped her stand up to go to the restroom and watched her carefully walk down the aisle.
He held her bag, helped her get off the plane and into the wheelchair, and when she got confused wondering where her daughter went (she called her her sister), he stayed with her until she caught up with her daughter who got separated from her.
She was so grateful that she wanted him to have her flight pretzels. Hats off to you sir, for your kind heart and your compassion toward someone whom you’ve never met. This truly made my week.
~ Unknown


I spotted a 1975 Ford Pinto at the grocery store this morning! I chatted with the owner, an older gentleman, and he mentioned he’s had it since 1975. When I asked him what year it was, he said the same—1975! He bought it brand new at a dealership nearby. Honestly, it’s the cleanest and neatest Ford Pinto I’ve seen in a long time! He also shared that it’s the only car he’s driven for the past 47 years. I was really impressed!

I had 7, 6th-grade boys come in while I was working and they wanted to order wings. They asked if they had enough money ...

I had 7, 6th-grade boys come in while I was working and they wanted to order wings. They asked if they had enough money to cover 40 wings and pops. I looked around confused- wondering where their parents were.

I asked if they were alone and they said yes and we’ve been looking forward to this for weeks! They were so excited and were EXTREMELY polite the whole entire time, using please and thank you and trying to make it as easy as possible for me to get their order; they even told me they’d tip well 😂.

It was touching to see how much the children were trying to behave well, even when there were no parents around to scold them. One of the boys even asked his friend to get off the phone while I was talking to them!

They were so good that a neighboring customer ended up picking up their tab and telling them to pay it forward! I just wanted to give big props to the parents of these boys- keep doing what you’re doing!!

Pictured is how they left the table! Even grown adults (myself included) rarely leave the table this clean!”

Credits: Nicole Marie.

There is a little coffee shop, where two people arrive and approached the counter.“Five coffees ☕️please. Two for us and...

There is a little coffee shop, where two people arrive and approached the counter.
“Five coffees ☕️please. Two for us and three hanging.”
They paid, they took their two coffees and left.
I asked the waiter. "What’s this about hanging coffees?"
“Wait and you'll see."
Some more people came in.
Two girls asked for a coffee each, they paid & left.
The following order was for seven coffees and it was made by three women - ‘three for them and four hanging coffees.’
I was left wondering...what is the meaning of the hanging coffees, they leave.
Then, a man dressed in worn clothes, who looks like he might be homeless, arrives at the counter and asks sincerely...
“Do you have a coffee hanging?"
“Yes we do, sir.”
They serve him a coffee.... I got my answer.
People pay in advance for a coffee that will be served to whoever can't afford a hot drink.
This tradition started in Naples.
Amazingly, it has spread throughout the world’s cities and towns.
It’s also possible to order not only "hanging coffees" but also a sandwich or a full low cost meal.
Wouldn’t it be great if we could all start doing this in the cities and towns where we live?
Small kindnesses like this can impact so many lives, in ways we could never imagine.
Maybe we should all try it.😊❤️🌹

Labrador Stops A Newborn From Crying

Labrador Stops A Newborn From Crying

One of the hits of the network is a video clip in which a baby cries next to a Labrador. As a result of his actions, the dog quickly stopped crying, and this phenomenon has already become a real success on the network. The videos of the Labrador and the cub have already become a…




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