The gorgeous Ruda is still waiting for a foster or a forever home. Sadly, the Leishmaniasis has affected her eyesight, so she will eventually lose all her vision. She would love to see her foster/adopters face before that happens. If you can give her a chance, please contact us ASAP. You can use email at [email protected] or WhatsApp +34657689567.
You can find us in Benissa here https://maps.app.goo.gl/9bY8JQYLt23wrDN98
She is ready and waiting to meet you and is fully sterilised , vaccinated, and has a microchip. She is choosy with her dog friends and prefers smaller sized dogs. She loves people but prefers older kids to the younger ones.
Hope we will see you soon and thanks tonour volunteer for taking her out for some respite time
La magnifique Ruda est toujours en attente d'une famille d'accueil ou d'un foyer définitif. Malheureusement, la leishmaniose a affecté sa vue et elle finira par perdre toute sa vision. Elle aimerait voir le visage de sa famille d'accueil ou de son adoptant avant que cela n'arrive. Si vous pouvez lui donner une chance, contactez-nous dès que possible. Vous pouvez utiliser l'email à [email protected] ou WhatsApp +34657689567.
Vous pouvez nous trouver à Benissa ici https://maps.app.goo.gl/9bY8JQYLt23wrDN98
Elle est prête et attend de vous rencontrer et est entièrement stérilisée, vaccinée, et a une puce électronique. Elle est exigeante avec ses amis chiens et préfère les chiens de petite taille. Elle aime les gens mais préfère les enfants plus âgés aux plus jeunes.
Nous espérons vous voir bientôt et nous remercions notre bénévole de l'avoir emmenée pour un temps de répit.
As we have seen playing catch up, there are lots of good news stories of adoptions over the festive period.
Mango was adopted
Clara was reserved
Bonnie and Clyde were reserved
Finn was adopted
Max was adopted
There are still lots of places available for teams at our quiz night in January Hill Top Sports Bar & Grill . Please email [email protected] to reserve your spots. Don't delay as it's almost time to get your quizzing hats back on.
Lots of dogs are available as we are full to bursting, so please check out the website or come and visit the shelter between 10.00-15.00.
You can find us here
Please keep up your comments and interactions and share what helps keep the dogs seen. We can't do it without your help. A short comment makes the world of difference.
Have a lovely end to the week, and hopefully, next week will be full of even more good news.
Como hemos visto jugando a ponernos al día, hay muchas buenas noticias de adopciones durante el periodo festivo.
Mango fue adoptado
Clara fue reservada
Bonnie y Clyde fueron reservados
Finn fue adoptado
Max fue adoptado
Todavía hay un montón de plazas disponibles para los equipos en nuestra noche de concursos en enero Hill Top Sports Bar & Grill . Envía un correo electrónico a [email protected] para reservar tu plaza. No se demore, ya que es casi la hora de conseguir sus sombreros quizzing de nuevo.
Hay un montón de perros disponibles, ya que estamos llenos a reventar, así que por favor echa un vistazo a la página web o ven a visitar el refugio entre las 10.00-15.00.
Puede encontrarnos aquí
Por favor, mantenga sus comentarios e interacciones y compartir lo que ayuda a mantener a los perros visto. No podemos hacerlo sin tu ayuda. Un pequeño comentario marca la diferencia.
Que tengáis un buen fin de semana y esperamos
🇬🇧As its nearly Xmas how about some festive cheer videos to brings some smiles. First up tonight is Norma. She will soon be known as Nova, which is such a great name as she is indeed a super Nova. She has to wait to travel but her new family are spending as much time as possible with her and here she is on one of her day trips with them. As you can see she is in Heaven that smile is pure bliss. We are so happy for this large lady.
If you can bring a smile this big to any of our dogs please check our website www.akira-animals.com for all the available dogs.
🇪🇸Ya que estamos cerca de Navidad, ¿qué tal unos vídeos festivos para sonreír un poco? En primer lugar esta noche es Norma. Pronto será conocida como Nova, que es un gran nombre, ya que es de hecho una super Nova. Tiene que esperar para viajar, pero su nueva familia está pasando todo el tiempo posible con ella y aquí está en uno de sus viajes de un día con ellos. Como se puede ver ella está en el cielo que la sonrisa es pura felicidad. Estamos muy felices por esta gran dama.
Si usted puede traer una sonrisa tan grande a cualquiera de nuestros perros por favor visite nuestro sitio web www.akira-animals.com para todos los perros disponibles.
🇬🇧Hakon was found last week and brought to the shelter with 2 other dogs, and he is now looking for his forever home. They gorgeous Hakon is an English bull terrier and is a cuddle monster with humans. He loves people and so would make a great family dog there he can spoilt with all the attention.
Hakon is not so good with other dogs so far we have seen but it is early days and he has only just arrived so will be slightly trigger stacked, its diffficult to know exacrtly where he will be on thr dog socialibility ladder and with soft introductions in the future it might be possible. We will update if he is making some new dog friends.
Hakon will be castrated shorty, and he will be adopted fully vaccinated with a microchip and passport. We estimate that he is approximately 2 years old. If you would like more information, please email [email protected] or WhatsApp +34657689567.
If you would like to meet him, you can find the shelter in Benissa here:-https://maps.app.goo.gl/9bY8JQYLt23wrDN98. We are open between 8.30-15.00, and we are open every day.
🇪🇸Hakon fue encontrado el viernes y traído al refugio con otros 2 perros, y ahora está buscando su hogar definitivo. El precioso Hakon es un bull terrier inglés y es un monstruo de los mimos con los humanos. Le encanta la gente y por lo tanto sería un gran perro de la familia allí se puede echar a perder con toda la atención.
Hakon no es tan bueno con otros perros hasta ahora hemos visto, pero es pronto y que acaba de llegar por lo que será un poco gatillo apilados, su diffficult saber exacrtly donde estará en la escalera socialibility perro thr y con introducciones suaves en el futuro podría ser posible. Nos pondremos al día si él está haciendo algunos nuevos amigos del perro.
Hakon será castrado en breve, y será adoptado totalmente vacunados con un microchip y pasaporte. Estimamos que tiene aproximadamente 2 años. Si de
On the 5th and 6th day of christmas, my true love sent to me, Bonnie and Clyde. These 2 are looking for a forever home and need to stay together as they are a mother and son and are very bonded. They were originally found in a finca in the local area but weren't claimed
Bonnie is approx 4 years old, and Clyde is around 2 years old. They are such an easy walk that you can easily take them together alone as they walk so well. They haven't spent a lot of time with other dogs, so they would need to be tested however we have a meet and greet area. They are perfect with children and love people and are very affectionate.
They are both sterilised and vaccinated. They have a microchip and passport. Could they be the dogs for you. Please drop us an email at [email protected] or WhatsApp +34 657 689 567 for more info. You can visit the shelter between 9.00-15.00.
Find us here:- https://maps.app.goo.gl/9bY8JQYLt23wrDN98
Am 5. und 6. Weihnachtstag schickte mir meine wahre Liebe Bonnie und Clyde. Die beiden suchen ein Zuhause für immer und müssen zusammenbleiben, da sie Mutter und Sohn sind und sehr aneinander gebunden sind. Sie wurden ursprünglich in einer Finca in der Gegend gefunden, aber nicht abgeholt.
Bonnie ist ca. 4 Jahre alt, und Clyde ist etwa 2 Jahre alt. Sie sind so leicht zu führen, dass man sie problemlos zusammen alleine nehmen kann, da sie so gut laufen. Sie haben noch nicht viel Zeit mit anderen Hunden verbracht, daher müssten sie getestet werden, aber wir haben einen Kennenlernbereich. Sie sind perfekt mit Kindern und lieben Menschen und sind sehr anhänglich.
Sie sind beide sterilisiert und geimpft. Sie haben einen Mikrochip und einen Reisepass. Könnten sie die richtigen Hunde für Sie sein? Bitte senden Sie uns eine E-Mail an [email protected] oder WhatsApp +34 657 689 567 für weitere Informationen. Sie können das Tierheim zwischen 9.00-15.00 Uhr besuchen.
Sie finden
All now pending reservations please message if you want to leave your details if the reservations are not completed.
These three puppies are searching for their forever home, and the song "Love" couldn't be more apt. We are all in love with these furballs. They are 10 weeks old and will be a large breed, so please bear in mind before letting them completely steal your heart.
They have had their first vaccinations and need to be in a home to start their education and learn about the world in a positive way and how to navigate the human world. These early weeks are so important for shaping the adult dog and how they can cope with situations.
You can come to the shelter to meet them between 8.30-15.00. We are open every day. You can send any questions to whatsapp +34657689567 or email [email protected].
Estos tres cachorros buscan su hogar definitivo, y la canción "Love" no podría ser más acertada. Estamos enamorados de estas bolas de pelo. Tienen 10 semanas y serán de raza grande, así que tenlo en cuenta antes de dejar que te roben completamente el corazón.
Han recibido sus primeras vacunas y necesitan estar en un hogar para comenzar su educación y aprender sobre el mundo de una manera positiva y cómo desenvolverse en el mundo humano. Estas primeras semanas son muy importantes para formar al perro adulto y enseñarle a enfrentarse a las situaciones.
Puede venir al refugio a conocerlos entre las 8.30 y las 15.00 horas. Abrimos todos los días. Puede enviar cualquier pregunta al whatsapp +34657689567 o al correo electrónico [email protected].
We had a lovely singalong at El Martillo last Sunday afternoon. Warmed by mince pies and mulled wine, nearly 30 of us raised our voices and sang some of our favourite carols and Christmas songs, accompanied by Abi Fletcher on the keyboard piano. As usual, The 12 Days of Christmas had everyone joining in with lots of energy and action! Thank you El Martillo for your hospitality, Abi for the music and Barry, Linda, Sue and Kaat for their help. While the event was not planned as a fundraiser, the donations came to 80€. Thanks to everyone who attended and made this such a lovely festive event and for all your donations.
El pasado domingo por la tarde, cantamos villancicos en El Martillo. Calentados por pasteles de carne y vino caliente, casi 30 de nosotros alzamos nuestras voces y cantamos algunos de nuestros villancicos favoritos y canciones de Navidad, acompañados por Abi Fletcher en el teclado del piano. Como de costumbre, los 12 días de Navidad contaron con la participación de todos, ¡con mucha energía y acción! Gracias a El Martillo por su hospitalidad, a Abi por la música y a Barry, Linda, Sue y Kaat por su ayuda. Aunque el acto no estaba previsto como recaudación de fondos, los donativos ascendieron a 80 euros. Gracias a todos los que asistieron e hicieron de este un evento festivo tan encantador y por todas sus donaciones.
🇬🇧On the fourth day of christmas, my true love brought you through gorgeous Lisa. We are so stunned that she has not found her forever home. She is an absolute beauty and has a beautiful personality to match.
She was found some time ago having just had a litter of puppies. Nobody claimed her, and she began her hunt for a new home. Time and time again, she has been let down with people reserving her, and before she has even left the shelter, they have changed their minds. Of course we prefer it is before she has left as we want her to go to the right home but it is still obviously disappointing as we all get our hopes up, that this is it and her chance at a wonderful life.
Lisa is good with many dogs she loves to play, and she loves her toys. She is easy to walk, but she is a hunter, and so she needs a home without any small children and someone who can handle the podenco-roo moments. She is almost 6 years old and has been vaccinated and sterilised. She is great with people and children too. She needs a secure outside area.
Please come to the shelter in Benissa to meet her. We are open every day between 8.30-15.00. You can email [email protected] or WhatsApp +34658689567. You can find us here:- https://maps.app.goo.gl/9bY8JQYLt23wrDN98
🇪🇸En el cuarto día de Navidad, mi verdadero amor te trajo a través de Lisa preciosa. Estamos tan aturdidos de que ella no ha encontrado su hogar para siempre. Ella es una belleza absoluta y tiene una hermosa personalidad para que coincida.
Ella fue encontrada hace algún tiempo después de haber tenido una camada de cachorros. Nadie la reclamó y comenzó su búsqueda de un nuevo hogar. Una y otra vez, ha sido defraudada por la gente que la reservaba, y antes incluso de que haya salido del refugio, han cambiado de opinión. Por supuesto, preferimos que sea antes de que se haya ido, ya que queremos que vaya al hogar adecuado, pero sigue siendo decepciona
🇬🇧Thanks so much to our lovely volunteers for giving Norma a lovely trip away from the shelter. You can see it really brighten up her day.
Norma is a dreamy girl and only 2 years old, so a very young but big dog. She really needs a forever home. Could she be the dog for you ?
She is very affectionate. We are recommending a home with older kids due to her size. She is strong to walk mainly due to her size. She is good with other dogs, and she loves a cuddle. She is clean in the house and it would be great if she had an outside area.
She is sterilised and has been fully vaccinated. She has a passport and a microchip. Please drop us an email at [email protected] or WhatsApp +34657689567 if you have any questions.
We are open every day between 8.30-15.00 and you are welcome to come and meet her. You can find us here
We can't wait to meet you
🇪🇸Norma es una chica de ensueño y sólo 2 años de edad, por lo que un perro muy joven, pero grande. Ella realmente necesita un hogar para siempre. ¿Podría ser el perro para usted?
Es muy cariñosa. Recomendamos un hogar con niños mayores debido a su tamaño. Es fuerte para pasear debido a su tamaño. Se lleva bien con otros perros y le encantan los mimos. Es muy limpia en casa y seria genial que tuviera una zona exterior.
Está esterilizada y vacunada. Tiene pasaporte y microchip. Por favor, envíenos un correo electrónico a [email protected] o WhatsApp +34657689567 si tiene alguna pregunta.
Estamos abiertos todos los días entre 8.30-15.00 y usted es bienvenido a venir a conocerla. Puedes encontrarnos aquí
Estamos deseando conocerte
Hey everyone, what a week it has been with lots of new arrivals that have been making their way onto social media and will be uploaded shortly onto the website. There are 3 more puppies and 3 dogs that were found on Friday night and are now looking for homes. 😭
A huge thanks to everyone for stepping up this week and dropping more comments and shares than ever. This makes a HUGE difference, and it can't be understated as it is what helps reach more people. The more longer comments there are, the more Facebook pushes the posts to more people to see, and that's what we need. You never know who might fall in love and who might be searching for a companion, and we just need to reach them.
So, to the weeks adoptions
Amy was adopted locally
Eiris was adopted and travels between Spain and her new home on France
Harley was adopted locally
Django was adopted locally
Echo was adopted locally
Max was reserved locally
Kaya was reserved to go to Germany
What a week. If you can adopt, then please keep an eye on www.akira-animals.com as new dogs will shortly be listed. We are looking for a home for 2 elderly Bichon Frise. Two tiny dogs who are bewildered at being in the shelter they must stay together as are father and son and have always lived together.
You can always come and visit us in Benissa. We are open every day between 8.30-15.00. You can find us here:-https://maps.app.goo.gl/9bY8JQYLt23wrDN98
Hola a todos, lo que ha sido una semana con un montón de nuevas llegadas que han estado haciendo su camino en las redes sociales y se cargará en breve en el sitio web. Hay 3 cachorros más y 3 perros que fueron encontrados en la noche del viernes y ahora están buscando hogares. 😭
Muchas gracias a todos por dar un paso adelante esta semana y dejar más comentarios y compartir que nunca. Esto hace una GRAN diferencia, y no se puede subestimar, ya que es lo que ayuda a llegar a más personas. Cuantos más comenta
🇬🇧On the third day of christmas, we are bringing you this gorgeous large breed boy called Thor. His name definitely fits with his physique. However, he is a little bit of a cowardly lion as he is nervous around new people and quite shy. We are looking for a home with someone who can see past this and see the personality hidden within. He is a lovable boy and has so much to give, but the environment is very overwhelming, and when you are in a stressful environment, it is more difficult to learn and to trust. So, being in a home would expeditate this process.
Thor is good with other dogs he has had several lady friends and likes to play, and that's where he feels comfortable. So a friend is not essential but would be a bonus as he would have a role model, and social learning can help him feel more comfortable quicker.
He is 18 months old. He has been castrated and has been vaccinated and has a passport and microchip. If you can give this big guy a chance, we warmly invite you to visit the shelter in Benissa. You can email [email protected] or WhatsApp +34657689567
Find us here:-https://maps.app.goo.gl/9bY8JQYLt23wrDN98
🇪🇸Am dritten Weihnachtsfeiertag präsentieren wir Ihnen diesen prächtigen, großrassigen Rüden namens Thor. Sein Name passt definitiv zu seinem Körperbau. Allerdings ist er ein bisschen wie ein feiger Löwe, da er bei neuen Menschen nervös und ziemlich schüchtern ist. Wir suchen ein Zuhause bei jemandem, der darüber hinwegsehen kann und die Persönlichkeit, die in ihm steckt, erkennen kann. Er ist ein liebenswerter Junge und hat so viel zu geben, aber die Umgebung ist sehr überwältigend, und wenn man in einer stressigen Umgebung ist, ist es schwieriger zu lernen und zu vertrauen. Daher würde ein Zuhause diesen Prozess beschleunigen.
Thor kommt gut mit anderen Hunden aus, er hatte schon mehrere Freundinnen und spielt gerne, und dort fühlt er sich wohl. Ein F
This gorgeous lady had a fun time and a little catch-up with some of the team. She told us how much she is loving her new life she is now called Lolly. Look at her go. You can see she is thriving and so happy for her and grateful to her mum for seeing her real character and giving her a chance.
We wish them all a lovely Christmas. She was a dog who waited over a year, but there is always hope, and we never give up trying to find a match. Check www.akira-animals.com to see some of our long termers maybe they will end up being your best friend.
Esta preciosa chica pasó un rato divertido y se puso al día con algunos miembros del equipo. Nos contó lo mucho que le gusta su nueva vida, ahora se llama Lolly. Mírala. Se puede ver que está prosperando y muy feliz por ella y agradecido a su madre por ver su verdadero carácter y darle una oportunidad.
Les deseamos a todos una feliz Navidad. Fue una perra que esperó más de un año, pero siempre hay esperanza, y nunca nos rendimos intentando encontrar una pareja. Visite www.akira-animals.com para ver algunos de nuestros perros que llevan mucho tiempo esperando, quizá acaben siendo su mejor amigo.