Tolfa Animal Hospital

Tolfa Animal Hospital We are a passionate animal rescue charity working with street animals near Pushkar & Ajmer, Rajasthan in Northern India.

RESCUE NUMBER: 9829965585 (8am - 5pm)
Visitors Welcome Daily 10.30am - 12.30pm Since TOLFA began in 2005, 35,000 dogs in the surrounding area have been sterilised and 40,000 vaccinated against rabies (India has the highest human death rate from rabies anywhere in the world). And every year we rescue 6,000 sick and injured animals from the streets. In the case of ownerless animals it’s our aim, whe

rever possible, to return recovered animals back to the environment, from which they were rescued. Otherwise they have a permanent home at our hospital. Without the treatment and care that TOLFA offers to any animal in need, most would simply die - often in appalling circumstances and in great pain.

🐾 प्यार की सच्ची परिभाषा ❤️🐶आज वेलेंटाइन डे पर, जब दुनिया प्यार का जश्न मना रही है, आइए हम भी एक ऐसा प्यार अपनाएं जो निस...

🐾 प्यार की सच्ची परिभाषा ❤️🐶

आज वेलेंटाइन डे पर, जब दुनिया प्यार का जश्न मना रही है, आइए हम भी एक ऐसा प्यार अपनाएं जो निस्वार्थ हो, बिना किसी शर्त के—जानवरों के प्रति करुणा और दया का प्यार। 💕

TOLFA में, हमने देखा है कि प्यार सिर्फ शब्दों या उपहारों तक सीमित नहीं होता, बल्कि यह घाव भरता है, टूटी आत्माओं को जोड़ता है और जिंदगी को फिर से संवारता है। जब एक घायल डोग्गू को सहारा मिलता है, जब एक बेसहारा बिल्ली को सुरक्षित जगह मिलती है, या जब एक डरी हुई आत्मा को इंसानों पर फिर से भरोसा होने लगता है—यही असली प्यार है।

इस वेलेंटाइन डे, एक फूल देने से ज्यादा, एक जान बचाइए। ❤️ एक स्ट्रीट एनिमल को खाना खिलाएं, घायल को मदद दें, या बस दयालु बनें—क्योंकि सच्चा प्यार सिर्फ महसूस किया जाता है, वो दिया जाता है। 🐾💕

🌿 प्यार फैलाइए, जागरूकता बढ़ाइए, और इस पोस्ट को शेयर करिए—क्योंकि करुणा ही सबसे बड़ा उपहार है।

🐾 The True Meaning of Love ❤️🐶

This Valentine’s Day, while the world celebrates love, let’s embrace a love that is selfless, unconditional, and pure—the love of kindness and compassion for animals. 💕

At TOLFA, we’ve seen that love is not just about words or gifts—it heals wounds, mends broken spirits, and brings new life. When an injured doggu finds care, when a homeless cat gets a safe space, or when a frightened soul learns to trust humans again—that is true love.

This Valentine’s Day, beyond giving flowers, saves a life. ❤️ Feed a street animal, help the injured, or simply be kind—because real love is not just felt, it is given. 🐾💕

🌿 Spread love, raise awareness, and share this post—because compassion is the greatest gift. ✨


"जवान एक बेबस ऊँट है, जिसका आधा चेहरा सड़ चुका है... नाक में डाली गई रस्सी ने उसकी जिंदगी नर्क बना दी। 😢

आपकी मदद से हम उसकी जान बचा सकते हैं! 🙏 छोटी सी दान राशि जवान के लिए नई जिंदगी की रोशनी ला सकती है।

📢 अभी दान करें और जवान की कहानी बदलें! ❤️"

"Jawan is a helpless camel who has lost half of his face… ANOSE-PEG tied to his nose turned his life into a nightmare. 😢

With your help, we can save his life! 🙏 Even a small donation can bring new hope for Jawan.

📢 Donate now and change Jawan’s story! ❤️"


दर्द से आज़ादी तक 🐾

ये बेबस डोग्गू का पैर खरगोश के फंदे में फसा हुआ था, जहां उसका मांस पूरी तरह खत्म हो चुका था, और सिर्फ हड्डी बची थी। दर्द असहनीय था। 💔

💉 TOLFA ने तुरंत कदम उठाया—फंदा हटाया, घावों का इलाज किया और उसके पैर को बचाने के लिए सर्जरी की। लेकिन सिर्फ शरीर नहीं, दिल को भी ठीक करना था। प्यार और देखभाल से उसे फिर से भरोसा हुआ। 🐶❤

🏡 सही इलाज के बाद, उसे वापस उसी जगह छोड़ा गया, जहां से वो आया था—स्वस्थ और सुरक्षित।

❗ क्या आपको पता है? खरगोश के फंदे गैरकानूनी हैं, फिर भी कई बेगुनाह जानवर इनका शिकार होते हैं। अगर कोई घायल जानवर दिखे, तो अनदेखा न करें—उसकी मदद करें!

💛 इस कहानी को शेयर करें और जागरूकता फैलाएं। हर जीवन की कीमत होती है।

From Pain to Freedom 🐾

This helpless Doggu's leg was stuck in a rabbit trap, where its flesh had completely worn away, leaving only bones behind. The pain was unbearable. 💔

💉 TOLFA immediately took action—removing the trap, treating the wounds, and performing surgery to save its leg. But it wasn’t just the body that needed healing; the heart had to be mended too. With love and care, trust was restored. 🐶❤

🏡 After the proper treatment, it was returned to the place it came from—healthy and safe.

❗ Did you know? Rabbit traps are illegal, yet many innocent animals fall victim to them. If you spot an injured animal, don’t ignore it—help it!

💛 Share this story and spread awareness. Every life matters.


रूबी, दर्द और ताकत की कहानी। उसने ‘TOLFA केयर’ और इलाज पाया। TOLFA समझता है कि आवारा जानवर भी हमारे पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र का हिस्सा हैं और उनके लंबे इलाज के लिए केवल TOLFA ही सुविधाएं प्रदान करता है। रूबी को यहाँ प्यार और उपचार, दोनों मिले। वे इस तरह की सजा के हकदार नहीं हैं। TOLFA रोज़ रूबी जैसे कई जीवन बचाता है, लेकिन क्या आप अपनी ज़िम्मेदारी निभा रहे हैं? अगर आप धीरे गाड़ी चलाते हैं, तो आप भी एक रक्षक बन जाते हैं।

Rubie, a story of pain and strength. She received ‘TOLFA care’ and treatment. TOLFA understands that stray animals are also a part of our ecosystem, and it is the only place that provides long-term treatment facilities for them. Rubie found both love and healing here. They do not deserve to be punished like this. TOLFA saves many lives like Rubie every day, but are you doing your part? If you drive slow, you too become a savior.


Bella, a distressed female puppy was found wounded on the streets of Chittorgarh by an animal lover. She contacted many but no-one replied to her messages. Later she contacted and got a good response. Finally she got someone who will help Bella. Right from chittorgarh to Ajmer at TOLFA hospital and then to TOLFA Shelter, the story of Bella finding the right place is filled with so much love and message that God has a journey for everyone, we just need to believe.

We thank for being aware and compassionate about Bella's need and taking the right decision rather than turning her heads around.

गणतंत्र दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं। Wishing you all a very happy Republic Day.

गणतंत्र दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं।
Wishing you all a very happy Republic Day.

बैमबैम जब TOLFA पहुंची, तो उसकी हालत बेहद दयनीय थी—कमजोर, सिर तक उठाने में असमर्थ, खाना छोड़ चुकी थी और खड़े होने की ताक...

बैमबैम जब TOLFA पहुंची, तो उसकी हालत बेहद दयनीय थी—कमजोर, सिर तक उठाने में असमर्थ, खाना छोड़ चुकी थी और खड़े होने की ताकत भी नहीं थी। ऐसा लग रहा था जैसे उसने उम्मीद ही छोड़ दी हो। लेकिन हमारी टीम ने प्यार, धैर्य और समर्पण के साथ उसका साथ नहीं छोड़ा। दिन-ब-दिन, फिजियोथेरेपी और देखभाल के सहारे, वह धीरे-धीरे अपनी ताकत वापस पाने लगी। उसकी थकी हुई आंखों में फिर से जीवन की चमक लौट आई। जल्द ही, वह खड़ी होने लगी, खाने लगी और आत्मविश्वास के साथ चलने लगी। और जब सही समय आया, तो हमने उसे उसके देखभाल करने वाले के पास वापस भेज दिया—स्वस्थ, खुश और आज़ाद, जैसे वह हमेशा से होनी चाहिए थी।

BamBam arrived at TOLFA in a heartbreaking state—weak, unable to lift her head, refusing food, and too frail to stand. It seemed as though she had lost all hope. But with gentle hands, patient care, and a heart full of love, our team refused to give up on her. Day by day, through dedicated physiotherapy and comforting reassurance, BamBam began to regain her strength. Once dull with exhaustion, her eyes started to shine with life again. Soon, she was standing, eating, and walking with renewed spirit. And when the time was right, she was released back to her caregiver, healthy, happy, and free—just as she was meant to be.

मिटे जो प्यार के लिए वो ज़िन्दगी, जले बाहर के लिए वो ज़िन्दगी।किसी को हो ना हो हमें तो ऐतबार, जीना इसी का नाम है 🙏🤌✨बैमब...

मिटे जो प्यार के लिए वो ज़िन्दगी, जले बाहर के लिए वो ज़िन्दगी।
किसी को हो ना हो हमें तो ऐतबार, जीना इसी का नाम है 🙏🤌✨

बैमबैम जब TOLFA पहुंची, तो उसकी हालत बेहद दयनीय थी—कमजोर, सिर तक उठाने में असमर्थ, खाना छोड़ चुकी थी और खड़े होने की ताकत भी नहीं थी। ऐसा लग रहा था जैसे उसने उम्मीद ही छोड़ दी हो। लेकिन हमारी टीम ने प्यार, धैर्य और समर्पण के साथ उसका साथ नहीं छोड़ा। दिन-ब-दिन, फिजियोथेरेपी और देखभाल के सहारे, वह धीरे-धीरे अपनी ताकत वापस पाने लगी। उसकी थकी हुई आंखों में फिर से जीवन की चमक लौट आई। जल्द ही, वह खड़ी होने लगी, खाने लगी और आत्मविश्वास के साथ चलने लगी। और जब सही समय आया, तो हमने उसे उसके देखभाल करने वाले के पास वापस भेज दिया—स्वस्थ, खुश और आज़ाद, जैसे वह हमेशा से होनी चाहिए थी।
BamBam arrived at TOLFA in a heartbreaking state—weak, unable to lift her head, refusing food, and too frail to stand. It seemed as though she had lost all hope. But with gentle hands, patient care, and a heart full of love, our team refused to give up on her. Day by day, through dedicated physiotherapy and comforting reassurance, BamBam began to regain her strength. Once dull with exhaustion, her eyes started to shine with life again. Soon, she was standing, eating, and walking with renewed spirit. And when the time was right, she was released back to her caregiver, healthy, happy, and free—just as she was meant to be.


Goodbye Chacha and thank you.Our wonderful Najjabuddin, known to everyone as Chacha (uncle), passed away this morning. H...

Goodbye Chacha and thank you.

Our wonderful Najjabuddin, known to everyone as Chacha (uncle), passed away this morning.

His funeral procession passed by the doors of TOLFA where those staff who had to be at work and couldn’t attend the actually function lined both sides of the roads out of love and respect.

Chacha has been our TOLFA family member for almost 20 years and he is so deeply woven into the fabric of TOLFA that imagining him never being here again is impossible and simply devastating.

In 2005 Chacha became 1 of our first members of staff after showing natural compassion and love to our animals whilst working as a labourer building our very first building.
From that moment on Chacha became Rachel’s most fierce protector. His love and loyalty to everything TOLFA was formidable and there were times that, if it wasn’t for Chacha’s staunch support, TOLFA may not have been here today.

Chacha worked tirelessly at TOLFA. Rachel will tell the story of the first Diwali when the only member of staff who arrived at work was Chacha and just the two of them Rachel and Chacha - cleaned every kennel, fed every animal and did the work of a whole team!

Mainly Chacha worked with our Large Animals, but he was also known for his “1 st number cleaning” because he could sweep a path cleaner than anyone else .....period. His green fingers and love of plants have, over all those years, transformed TOLFA from a dusty, desert plot into the green, luscious oasis it is today. Chacha is literally at the roots of who we are today.

Chacha was so much more than his work; the father figure, the relentless supporter, the best dancer at every party, the comedian, the worst at sharing biscuits but most of all the best kind of Uncle to every member of the TOLFA family.

Another part of Chacha’s legacy to TOLFA is that two of his sons now work for us as well. His legacy to his family - wife, children and grandchildren - is that, through his hard work, love and dedication to them he lifted the entire family both economically and in life.

So, Namaste Chacha.

It’s impossible that you will ever be forgotten.
It’s impossible that you will ever be replaced.
It’s impossible that you are not with us


Avenida Castilla Y León, 22

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Our Tree of Life...

Since TOLFA began in 2005, we have been blessed to touch the lives of over 200,000 street animals in need including sterilising over 26,000 dogs in the surrounding area and vaccinating almost 32,000 against rabies (India has the highest human death rate anywhere in the world from rabies).

In the case of ownerless animals it’s our aim, wherever possible, to return recovered animals back to the environment, from which they were rescued. In special situations when this is not possible they are offered lifelong sanctuary here at TOLFA. Without the treatment and care that TOLFA offers to any animal in need, most would simply die - often in appalling circumstances and in great pain.

We welcome visitors any day from 10am-12.30 & 2pm - 4.30pm.

If you are in Ajmer or Pushkar and see an animal in need please call our emergency rescue number on +91 9829 965585