BARC Busot Animal Rescue Concern Alicante No cv01044306A

BARC Busot Animal Rescue Concern Alicante No cv01044306A ANIMAL RESCUE AND REHOMING Fostering or adopting
PayPal for donations [email protected]

ANIMAL RESCUE AND REHOMING Fostering or adopting
PayPal for donations [email protected]

May I make it absolutely clear,  that our party tomorrow night for BARC, includes a huge buffet, fantastic entertainment...

May I make it absolutely clear, that our party tomorrow night for BARC, includes a huge buffet, fantastic entertainment and a bar to buy your drinks. The bar and the Raffle are the way we raise money for our charity. So please don't bring your own drinks.
Permítanme dejar absolutamente claro que nuestra fiesta de mañana por la noche para BARC incluye un gran buffet, entretenimiento fantástico y un bar para comprar sus bebidas. El bar y la rifa son la forma en que recaudamos dinero para nuestra organización benéfica. Así que por favor no traigas tus propias bebidas


I want to buy a pre owned Cash Register or a reasonably priced new one. Any offers please ?

Found last night at Placita de Lloma. Now at police station. Have you lost your dog ? Does anyone recognise  him ? Check...

Found last night at Placita de Lloma. Now at police station. Have you lost your dog ? Does anyone recognise him ? Checking for microchip.

EXTERNAL CASE.We are assisting with the rehoming of this special dog. He was originally a BARC adoption. Now the family'...

We are assisting with the rehoming of this special dog. He was originally a BARC adoption. Now the family's circumstances have changed..
He is six years old, is castrated,.microchipped and vaccines up to date. This dog has a pleasant ,laid back, gentle.personality. It is very sad that he now needs a new family. He is an American, pit bull Terrier Cross
He needs an owner who has, or is prepared to acquire a PPP licence and pay a yearly insurance ( less than 50e ).. Enquiries to Mr please. All applicants will be vetted.

Estamos ayudando con el realojamiento de este perro especial. Originalmente era una adopción BARC. Ahora las circunstancias de la familia han cambiado.
Tiene seis años, está castrado, con microchip y vacunas al día. Este perro tiene una personalidad agradable, relajada y gentil. Es muy triste que ahora necesite una nueva familia. Es un cruce de terrier pitbull americano.
Necesita un propietario que tenga o esté dispuesto a adquirir una licencia PPP y pagar un seguro anual (menos de 50e). Consultas al Sr. por favor. Todos los solicitantes serán examinados.


In May we had a visit from a lovely Polish Scientist named Joanna. As part of her research into feral cat situations, in many different countries, she visited us at Barcland. This morning I received the first part of her testimony to BARC.
I am truly delighted we were able to help, and I publish with pride this part of her research.

“The administrative court in Alicante in the Valencia region ordered the suspension of the construction of a housing estate with 1,220 houses and social apartments due to cat colonies living in the area. 'This is an unprecedented decision,' comment the Spanish media. The "cat problem" has not yet found a solution, the "Bankier" newspaper reported in December 2023. Or maybe a cat colony will be established instead of the developer?
The long-time head of the Barcland shelter says that public education is very important. Classes for children in schools on caring for homeless animals, arousing empathy and understanding for the world seen through their eyes. „Last year, we managed to secure and neuter about 100 homeless cats, which then returned to their colonies, some of the cats found homes”. Patricia Earle came here many years ago and decided to set up a shelter with her friends. "At first they looked at me as a crazy lady, now we have great recognition in the community" - Patricia talks to me while dividing responsibilities at a regular event for local fundraisers. Everything like clockwork. Games and activities for children and adults, delicious and visually beautiful cakes (I think I bought a ton of them :). The staff is very friendly, you can see that it is not only a duty, but that they put their hearts into their work.
In Spain, care for homeless animals is provided by the municipality, which periodically receives a grant for this purpose. The money is used to feed cats in colonies and perform castration and sterilization treatments. When I ask the participants of my felinotherapy classes about who takes care of cats in Poland, they often answer: foundations, some good people, old ladies... „In Spain, a person who takes care of homeless cats in their colonies must pass an "exam" in the commune to admit them for this job” - says Yvonne Flanagan, who has been professionally caring for cats in Barcland for many years. Yvonne is very dedicated to her work and speaks about cats with love. She shows me around the shelter and introduces me to the inhabitants. “We are losing weight for this man, successfully, but he is not satisfied with it. This beautiful cat is still hiding from his mother, who tries to boss him around and does not allow him to eat. We have to separate them." Just like in some human families, separation from a parent hurts but is also freeing - I think to myself. We go further to the cat hospital, where I am greeted by a white baby, terribly sick. I hope he gets better. “It's better now,” says Yvonne, “he was dying.” “In 2023, the shelter saved about 50 kittens, some of them found homes” - adds Patricia.
There are plans to build quarantine zones in Barcland, a zone for cats with leukemia and for cats with feline AIDS, so that they can live as good a life as possible without infecting other animals. We visit for a moment a cemetery for animals with symbols of various religions and views, a place of memory of the love between people and animals, a love that is stronger than religious systems and than death.
I come back touched and thoughtful. Barcland in the mountains, where it is not so easy to get there, I found paradise in the middle of the rocks. Thank you Pat and Yvonne for sharing your knowledge and big hearts, meeting beautiful, rescued creatures. I would also like to thank Robert and Kasia for taking me to this magical place, Viola for accompanying me through years and to the shelter and Jessie for inspiring me every day more.
That is a very loving testimony to Barcland thank you. We actually open Catland on September 18th. We have separate areas planned for quarantines, a leucemia unit and a cat HIV section. Healthy, neutered cats will live in specially created duplex houses ( I think you saw one) These cats will be for adoption. Things are happening quickly now
Yvonne has had many adoptions in the last few months. We are very lucky to have a mayor and a town council who approve of what we are doing and help practically whenever they can...
It was lovely to meet you , please call to see us again soon. Best wishes from us all xx
En mayo recibimos la visita de una encantadora científica polaca llamada Joanna. Como parte de su investigación sobre situaciones de gatos salvajes en muchos países diferentes, nos visitó en Barcland. Esta mañana recibí la primera parte de su testimonio ante BARC.
Estoy realmente encantado de haber podido ayudar y publico con orgullo esta parte de su investigación.

“El juzgado administrativo de Alicante, en la Comunidad Valenciana, ordenó la suspensión de la construcción de una urbanización con 1.220 casas y apartamentos sociales debido a las colonias de gatos que habitan en la zona. "Esta es una decisión sin precedentes", comentan los medios españoles. El "problema de los gatos" aún no ha encontrado solución, informó el periódico "Bankier" en diciembre de 2023. ¿O tal vez se creará una colonia de gatos en lugar del promotor?
El director del refugio Barcland desde hace mucho tiempo dice que la educación pública es muy importante. Clases para niños en colegios sobre el cuidado de animales sin hogar, despertando empatía y comprensión por el mundo visto a través de sus ojos.

FOUND SAFE AND WELL.Luna has now been missing from her home in Los Patos for 4 days. Her owner believes she may be injur...

Luna has now been missing from her home in Los Patos for 4 days. Her owner believes she may be injured.. Please look in your remote garden areas and buildings. If seen contact BARC,we will pass on your message immediately.

encontrado sano y salvo

Missing from Los Patos for 30th  hours. Her name us Luna.

Missing from Los Patos for 30th hours. Her name us Luna.

I have a few tickets left for thisBut when they're  gone they're  gone.

I have a few tickets left for this
But when they're gone they're gone.

Was grooming time yesterday at BARCLAND, when four of our dogs had their hairdos and pedicures courtesy of Eva Company V...

Was grooming time yesterday at BARCLAND, when four of our dogs had their hairdos and pedicures courtesy of Eva Company Velazquez .. They all look and I'm sure feel more comfortable. Thank you Eva.
Ayer fue tiempo de aseo en BARCLAND, cuando cuatro de nuestros perros tuvieron sus peinados y pedicuras cortesía de Eva Company Velazquez.. Todos se ven y estoy seguro se sienten más cómodos. Gracias Eva.


More thanks going to Joakim H. Lundkvist at InmoBusot . We need to hire more equipment to landscape part of Catland ,where it floods, when the rains come.
Inmobusot have paid for this. We are so very lucky. So much hidden expense we didn't expect....
Más gracias a Joakim H. Lundkvist de InmoBusot. Necesitamos contratar más equipos para paisajizar parte de Catland, donde se inunda cuando llegan las lluvias.
Inmobusot ha pagado por esto. Somos muy afortunados. Tanto gasto oculto que no esperábamos....

Several months ago, our mayor Alejandro Morant  on behalf of Ayuntamiento de Busot / Ajuntament de Busot  gave us an old...

Several months ago, our mayor Alejandro Morant on behalf of Ayuntamiento de Busot / Ajuntament de Busot gave us an old casita.
I had a plan for this to turn it into a duplex of cozy cat apartments. Ross S Toward immediately understood my plan and the result was this. Yes it needs weather proof paint, but the plan worked.
We have been gifted three more by Alejandro and his team and Ross has already set out converting them for the healthy cats at the new CATLAND.
We have so many offers of help for this project. Carl Price from Price Brothers UK. Albertus Hertsenberg who donated some fencing which is being re-used for quarantines and the company X- elio , a solar power company who want to pay for external fencing amongst other things.
We are thrilled that this is happening at last, and we hope that 16th September is the finishing date. We will of course keep you posted as it progresses. Thank you everyone who has contributed .
Hace varios meses, nuestro alcalde Alejandro Morant en nombre del Ayuntamiento de Busot / Ajuntament de Busot nos regaló una antigua casita.
Tenía un plan para convertirlo en un dúplex de acogedores apartamentos para gatos. Ross S Toward comprendió de inmediato mi plan y el resultado fue este. Sí, necesita pintura resistente a la intemperie, pero el plan funcionó.
Alejandro y su equipo nos regalaron tres más y Ross ya se ha propuesto convertirlos para los gatos sanos del nuevo CATLAND.
Tenemos muchísimas ofertas de ayuda para este proyecto. Carl Price de Price Brothers Reino Unido. albertus Hertsenberg que donó algunas vallas que se reutilizan para las cuarentenas y la empresa Xelio, una empresa de energía solar que quiere pagar, entre otras cosas, las vallas exteriores.
Estamos encantados de que esto esté sucediendo por fin y esperamos que el 16 de septiembre sea la fecha límite. Por supuesto, lo mantendremos informado a medida que avance. Gracias a todos los que han contribuido

Para mis mamás y papás humanos, ¡esto es lo que les pasa a mis patas cuando me sacan al sol abrasador ☀️ cuando el pavim...

Para mis mamás y papás humanos, ¡esto es lo que les pasa a mis patas cuando me sacan al sol abrasador ☀️ cuando el pavimento está tan caliente!

Recuerden que sudo a través de mis patas, así que con este calor no puedo deshacerme del sudor porque me arden las patas. Perder mi paseo no me hará daño. por favor déjame relajarme adentro y sácame cuando se ponga el sol🐾

Si ve a alguien paseando a su perro sobre el pavimento caliente, pídale que se quite los zapatos durante el resto del camino a casa. Quizás entonces lo entiendan.
To my human moms & dads, this is what happens to my paws when you take me out in the scorching sun ☀️ when the pavement is so hot !

Remember I sweat through my paws, so in this heat I can’t get rid of my sweat as my paws are burning. Missing my walk won’t harm me. Please let me just relax indoors and take me out when the sun is down🐾

If you see someone walking their dog on hot pavement, ask them to take off their shoes for the remainder of their walk home. Maybe then they'll understand.

Dog owners take note !

Dog owners take note !



Partida Alquedra, Parcela 26, Plot 6

Horario de Apertura

Lunes 08:30 - 13:00
17:00 - 19:00
Martes 08:30 - 13:00
17:00 - 19:00
Miércoles 08:30 - 13:00
17:00 - 19:00
Jueves 08:30 - 13:00
17:00 - 19:00
Viernes 08:30 - 13:00
17:00 - 19:00
Sábado 08:30 - 13:30


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Our Story

ANIMAL RESCUE AND REHOMING Fostering or adopting

ALL donations no matter how small are always welcome and much appreciated. Please see below:

Our C.I.F. number is G54696687. PayPal [email protected] Sabadell ES16 0081 0679 9000 0182 7190

RESCATE Y REHOMING DE ANIMALES Fomentar o adoptar TODAS las donaciones, por pequeñas que sean, siempre son bienvenidas y muy apreciadas. Por favor ver más abajo: