Unidad Equina Movil Andrades Merchan

Unidad Equina Movil Andrades Merchan Dedicado servicio Veterinario Equino tanto de primera como de segunda opinión para clientes y veter www.equinamovil.com

Competicion Nacional- Herpesvirus

Competicion Nacional- Herpesvirus


El Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación ha comfirmado el foco de Rinoneunonitis en Valencia, asi como el fallecimiento de un caballo. Según el Ministerio, hasta 52 caballos habían presentado sintomatología compatible con la enfermedad. En el centro valenciano siguen aislados 159 cabal...

Sport Medicine

Sport Medicine


Os traemos el calendario 2021 para la Longines Global Champions Tour actualizado. La primera sede será Doha (Qatar) dentro de dos semanas. El concurso inaugural de la LGCT se celebra la semana siguiente al CHI Al Shaqab, que cuenta con un CDI5*, CSI5* y CPEDI3* en su programa. Sedes y fechas: Doha ...


The S*** word
Sugar and starch are important energy sources in a performance horse’s diet. Although reducing their content is essential for horses with certain health issues such as laminitis, muscular or metabolic conditions or gastric ulcers, their controled intake remains important to insure proper fuelling of their brain and muscles. They contribute to performance!
The fibrous portion of plants hide healthy structural carbohydrates which are effectively digested by the horse’s intestinal microbiota in the hindgut. The nonstructural carbohydrates (NSC), including starch, are digested in the small intestinal tract. If the NSC dietary content is too high, the overflow will reach the hindgut and ferment, causing gas production, acidity, watery faeces or even diarrhoea.
Reading the label of your horse’s feed is a first step, understanding that different cereals contain different levels of sugars and starch is another. Your vet and your nutritionist can help you decide what is best for your horse.
Sucre et amidon...des gros mots?
Le sucre et l’amidon sont d’importantes sources d’énergie dans l’alimentation du cheval de sport. Bien qu’un apport contrôlé soit nécessaire chez les chevaux souffrant de certains problèmes tels que la fourbure, les affections musculaires ou métaboliques ou les ulcères gastriques, ils sont un carburant essentiel pour le cerveau et de les muscles et ils contribuent la performance!
Les fibres végétales cachent des sources de glucides structurels sains qui sont efficacement digérés par le microbiote du gros intestin.
Les glucides non structurels (NSC), y compris l'amidon, doivent être digérés dans le petit intestin. Si le régime est trop riche en NSC, le trop-plein aboutit dans le gros intestin et fermente, produisant des gaz, une acidité digestive excessive, des crottins mois voire même de la diarrhée.
Lisez l’étiquette du sac d’aliment: c’est une première étape! Comprendre que chaque céréales contient différents types de sucres et d’amidon en est une autre. Votre vétérinaire et votre nutritionniste peuvent vous aider à décider de ce qui convient le mieux à votre cheval.


Wellington can be defined as the Mecca for horse lovers. Janne Rumbough is one of the founding sponsors of the Adequan Global Dressage Festival (AGDF) in Wellington, Florida. As a competitor, with her P.R.E mounts Gaucho III, Junior, and more recently Armas Zumbel, she achieved the USDF Bronze, Silv...


A very interesting day comes up Tuesday with live stream at Clipmyhorse from 2nd round selected KWPN stallions. Stallions marked with ★ are H2R favorites from the free presentation from the 1st round.


🍄 Seen any mushrooms lately? 🍄
Higher humidity levels and mild autumn temperatures are great for fungal growth. If you’ve taken a hack out in the forest, you’ve probably noticed there are a lot around these days.
Microscopic fungi are also thriving - they can be inhaled and end up in the airways. Once in there, they cause allergic reactions, infections and even produce toxins that undermine the immune system, disrupt nerve transmission, weaken vessels,...
Can you spot the fungi on the roof of this horse’s throat (pharynx)?
He had a complaint of heavy breathing and complete loss of energy when exercising. Despite repeated treatments, his condition hadn’t improved at all.
Airway endoscopy and sampling are easy procedures that help establish a precise diagnosis and select appropriate therapy. With the right treatment, our horse was quickly back on track and got his full stamina back.

🍄 Avez-vous repéré des champignons récemment? 🍄
Les niveaux d'humidité élevés et des températures automnales douces sont parfaits pour la croissance fongique. Si vous avez fait une promenade en forêt, vous en avez probablement remarqué qu’il y en avait beaucoup.
Cette période est toute aussi propice aux moisissures microscopiques - elles peuvent être inhalées et se retrouver dans les voies respiratoires. Une fois sur place, elles provoquent des réactions allergiques, des infections et peuvent même produire des toxines qui dépriment le système immunitaire, perturbent la transmission nerveuse, fragilisent les vaisseaux, ...
Pouvez-vous repérer les traces de moisissures au plafond de la gorge de ce cheval (pharynx)?
Il était référé pour un essoufflement anormal et une perte totale d'énergie lors de l'exercice. Malgré plusieurs traitements, son état ne s’était pas amélioré.
L'endoscopie et les prélèvements respiratoires sont des procédures simples qui aident à établir un diagnostic précis et à sélectionner une thérapie adaptée. Avec le bon traitement, notre cheval a rapidement retrouvé toute son énergie et son endurance.


Thanks to recent veterinary advances, leg fractures in horses don’t have to be life-threatening—or even career-ending.



Say no to bullying in the veterinary profession


Lesions of the peritendinous–periligamentous soft tissues of the tarsus (plantar fasciitis) commonly result in a curb‐like appearance and are considered overrepresented in Standardbred racehorses; ho...



Equine gastric ulcers can affect any horse at any age. Up to 90% of racehorses and 60% of show horses, as well as non-performance horses and even foals are affected by equine gastric ulcers, which are the result of the erosion of the lining of the stomach due to a prolonged exposure to the normal acid in the stomach.

Unlike ulcers in humans, bacteria do not appear to cause equine gastric ulcers. Horses are designed to be grazers with regular intake of roughage. Since the horse’s stomach continually secretes acid, gastric ulcers can result when the horse is not eating regularly due to there being less feed in the stomach to neutralize the acid.

Ulcers are often a man-made disease. Stall confinement alone can lead to the development of ulcers. A horse’s feeding schedule also can be a factor, and high-grain diets can also contribute to the development of ulcers. Stress, both environmental and physical, can increase the likelihood of ulcers, as can hauling, training and mixing groups of horses. Strenuous exercise can decrease the emptying of the stomach and the blood flow to the stomach, thus contributing to the problem.

The treatment and prevention of gastric ulcers is directed at removing these predisposing factors, thus decreasing acid production within the horse’s stomach. Prevention of ulcers is the key in helping your horse, as neutralizing the production of stomach acid is nature’s best antacid.

Please note that the only way to definitively diagnose ulcers is through gastroscopy, and that a qualified equine veterinarian should be consulted in any case of suspected gastric ulcers to determine the best course of action and treatment for the individual horse.

Read more on equine gastric ulcers on our website at https://aaep.org/horsehealth/equine-gastric-ulcers-special-care-and-nutrition #:~:text=Unlike%20ulcers%20in%20humans%2C%20bacteria,feed%20to%20neutralize%20the%20acid.


RECOMIENDA MEDIDAS DE PROTECCIÓN ANTE EL MOSQUITO VECTOR, COMO USO DE INSECTIDAS Y ENCUADRAMIENTO A CIERTAS HORAS AVEE recuerda que los caballos afectados por la fiebre del Nilo no pueden contagiar ni a otros équidos ni a personas 15/08/2020 AVEE FIEBRE DEL NILO Ante informaciones vertidas desde m...



Radiographs and the Pre-purchase Evaluation
Brian S. Burks DVM, Dipl. ABVP
Board-Certified in Equine Practice

Radiographic studies (x-rays) have become an integral part of the equine pre-purchase evaluation, and many apparently normal, sound horses undergo a pre-purchase examination prior to sale. Potential horse buyers commonly request, and veterinarians often recommend, radiographs as part of the veterinary inspection process. Commonly chosen areas include the front feet, stifles, hocks, fetlocks, or carpi, depending upon the breed. The purpose of the pre-purchase examination is to determine if the horse is suitable for the intended purpose, which can be easier said than done.

Many horses have “failed” examination based on radiographic findings, such as bone spurs in the hocks or enlarged synovial invaginations in the navicular bones. But have you ever wondered exactly what information radiographic studies provide the horse buyer?

Radiographs reveal only one small part of the whole picture. This imaging modality provides structural information; in other words, they tell us what things look like. More specifically, they tell us what bone looks like. Since soft tissues all have a similar density, problems that affect tissues such as tendons, ligaments, muscles, synovial membranes, etc. cannot be evaluated effectively. Therefore, a normal radiographic study cannot identify abnormal soft tissues.

The true source of pain and lameness (i.e. inflammation) is radiographically invisible- inflammatory cells cannot be visualized with radiographs. What we can see is the damage inflammation has on bony structures; normal radiographic appearance of bone does not confirm the absence of active inflammation. Likewise, the abnormal appearance of bone does not always confirm the presence of active inflammation. This is especially true in low-motion areas, such as the distal tarsal (hock) joints and the navicular region, the two most commonly requested areas to be radiographed during a pre-purchase exam.

Stress-caused damage detectable on radiographs includes:
1. Increased bone density (sclerosis), which appears whiter on radiographs than normal bone.
2. Remodeling changes, particularly around joint margins. These can represent either adaptive changes, which are necessary to strengthen bone, or maladaptive changes (harmful ones such as bone bruising). A proportion of horses with maladaptive changes might either be lame at the time of examination or at risk of developing lameness.

It is not to say that radiographic examination does not provide valuable information and that taking radiographs is a waste of time. It is very important to know what bone looks like, especially in suspect areas; however, since there is poor correlation between what is observed radiographically (i.e. what the tissue looks like) and what is observed clinically (i.e. what tissue acts like), the veterinary examiner must be careful during interpretation of the radiographic study- especially when assessing low-motion areas.

It is important to understand that breed differences can affect radiographic findings, whether the horse is lame or sound. Warmbloods and draft horses may have bone remodeling around the pastern joint, which should not be confused with osteoarthritis. They can also have modeling of the bony attachments of the collateral ligaments of the distal interphalangeal (coffin) joint. This would be cause for concern in a light breed horse.

Degenerative changes such as sidebone or chips off of the navicular bone might be apparent, but they have little to do with age. There may also be degenerative, age-related remodeling of the distal phalanx and navicular bones.

All radiographic findings should be interpreted in light of complete clinical and lameness examinations. The exam should consider foot shape, overall conformation, and hoof quality. The lameness exam will render clues as to which limb or limbs and to which part of the limb is involved. When a horse with navicular disease has a PD nerve block placed in the lame limb, the lameness will switch sides. Small changes can be present that indicate a number of things, but when correlated with hoof tester, flexion, palpation, and motion findings, those changes may be more problematic.

Fox Run Equine Center recommends pre-purchase radiographic evaluation under the following conditions:

1. If the client wants “baseline” studies that will allow for future radiographic comparison of certain areas.
If a horse develops lameness, for example, as a result of a sore joint five years after purchase, it would be nice to know what osseous (bony) changes have occurred in that joint since the time of purchase. Veterinarians can more accurately assess pathologic conditions in bone and joints through the process of image comparison. By taking images at the time of purchase, we assure ourselves the luxury of comparative interpretation in the case that a future problem arises. This is better, of course, than passing judgment on a lesion based on a single radiographic study.

2. If developmental orthopedic disease (DOD), such as osteochondrosis, is suspected.
In young horses particularly, there is often concern that a manifestation of DOD is present. The most common manifestation of DOD is osteochondritis dissecans (OCD). Since many OCD lesions are subclinical (i.e. do not result in swelling or lameness), the veterinarian may not be able to detect their presence based on clinical evaluation alone. In these cases, radiographic examination is indicated to determine if such lesions exist. Since DOD lesions can eventually become clinically apparent (lameness), their radiographic presence may be considered significant in regard to future performance of the animal. Exactly how the lesion(s) might affect future performance depends on their type, size, and location. It is important to realize that the only way to confirm that there is no evidence of DOD is to radiograph every joint in the horse’s body. Since this is generally not practical, two-three most commonly affected areas are chosen to radiograph.

3. If inflammation is evident in a high-motion joint.

There is much better correlation between clinical and radiographic impressions of high motion versus low-motion joints. Therefore, the presence of radiographic lesions in high- motion joints can provide us with invaluable information concerning both the degree and duration of a problem. One could accurately predict, for example, that if significant bony abnormalities are visible radiographically in a high-motion joint (such as the fetlock joint), that there will likely also be some clinical abnormality, such as a positive flexion test. This is not always the case with lower-motion areas, such as the distal tarsal (hock) joints.

4. If resale value is important to the client.

Abnormal radiographic studies have and will continue to adversely affect the sale of horses. Even though not every radiographic abnormality means poor performance and not all radiographic normality means good performance, knowing what specific joints look like might be important when it comes time to sell the horse. Just remember, the results of a radiographic study provide a lot of information... we just need to be careful how we interpret the information.

Fox Run Equine Center


(724) 727-3481

Your horse's health is always our top priority.

Pequeños tesoros escondidos tras herida punzante🚑🐎 grado leve de cojera.🤔Hidden small treasures after a puncture wound. ...

Pequeños tesoros escondidos tras herida punzante🚑🐎 grado leve de cojera.🤔
Hidden small treasures after a puncture wound. Slight degree of lameness.😲
Equinamovil.com 👍


This video discusses the forces generated beneath the hooves and how this impacts jumping horses.






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