ADANA Estepona - Give a dog a home

ADANA Estepona - Give a dog a home Adanas page is only run by volunteers. If you have any important/urgent questions, please contact Adana directly. Email: [email protected]

Phone: 952113467 between 10am and 2pm weekdays and 11am and 2pm weekends and holidays. How to find the kennels:

Taking the A7 / N340 from Malaga direccion Algeciras:

Exit the highway at km153 (Estepona Poligono). At the roundabout take the 3rd exit to Camino a Casares with the Cepsa Garage on your right. Follow this for about 4 kms until taking a right turning where y

ou will see the ADANA sign. Follow the road for about 300 meters. Then soon after turn left to enter the park. Follow the signs always going up. It is a unmade road but it is wide and well maintained. The phone number there is 952 11 34 67

We are looking forward to you! Cómo encontrar las perreras:

Tomando la A7 / N340 desde Málaga direccion Algeciras:

Salir de la autopista en el km153 (Estepona Poligono). En la rotonda, tome la tercera salida hacia Camino a Casares con el Garaje Cepsa a su derecha. Siga esto durante unos 4 km hasta que gire a la derecha donde verá el letrero ADANA. Siga la carretera durante unos 300 metros. Luego, poco después, gire a la izquierda para entrar en el parque. Sigue las señales siempre subiendo. Es un camino sin hacer pero es ancho y bien mantenido. El número de teléfono es 952 11 34 67.

¡Te esperamos!

We have had several litters of new born puppies brought into the shelter over the past few weeks.  Just taken away from ...

We have had several litters of new born puppies brought into the shelter over the past few weeks. Just taken away from their mothers , and we had to quickly find homes for eighteen tiny desperate babies. We all know that the longer they go without the proper milk,the less likely they will survive. So all of these these tiny babies are now being looked after by four different foster families Without these amazing people, the puppies would not have survived We really cant thank them enough . Here are a few photos of one litter, who have done so well under the love and care of Adrienne Bless her

Hemos tenido varias camadas de cachorros recién nacidos traídos al refugio en las últimas semanas. Simplemente se los quitaron a sus madres y tuvimos que encontrar rápidamente hogares para dieciocho pequeños bebés desesperados. Todos sabemos que cuanto más tiempo pasen sin la leche adecuada, menos probabilidades hay de que sobrevivan. Por eso, todos estos pequeños bebés están ahora al cuidado de cuatro familias de acogida diferentes. Sin estas personas increíbles, los cachorros no habrían sobrevivido. Realmente no podemos agradecerles lo suficiente. Aquí hay algunas fotos de una camada, que lo han hecho tan bien bajo el amor y el cuidado de Adrienne Bless her

Meet Bean and Piglett.  They were abandoned and taken to the local Police, where we collected them.  They are two sweet ...

Meet Bean and Piglett. They were abandoned and taken to the local Police, where we collected them. They are two sweet ,darling old men, who up until now, have been neglected. Bean has lost quite a bit of fur and looks like shiny leather, and Piglett has a porky tummy. And between them both they have about three teeth. They have been receiving all the love and care in the world, for the past few weeks, from a wonderful family, , who sadly will have to return to their home very soon, and would love to see piglett and Bean settled into a new forever home before they leave. These two little mites are much more respectful where they p*e now ahem !! and despite their ages, are very spritely and still have a spring in their step. They do have a squabble if you disturb them from a comfy cuddle, but being toothless its just an empty threat. These two would really be great companions for someone who just wants two snuggle buddies and a stroll to the park. Possibly noisy children would annoy them, But we dont want to restrict what kind of homes they can go to. We are sure they have plenty options out there. Please please contact us if you think you are the right peope for Bean and Piglett The Mandleson family have done such an amazing job with the boys, and will be broken hearted to have to leave them behind, so please let us try to find a good home for them before they have to come back to the shelter

Conoce a Bean y Piglett. Fueron abandonados y llevados a la policía local, donde los recogimos. Son dos ancianos dulces y adorables, que hasta ahora, han sido desatendidos. Bean ha perdido bastante pelo y parece cuero brillante, y Piglett tiene una barriga de cerdo. Y entre los dos tienen alrededor de tres dientes. Han estado recibiendo todo el amor y el cuidado del mundo, durante las últimas semanas, de una familia maravillosa, que lamentablemente tendrá que regresar a su hogar muy pronto, y les encantaría ver a Piglett y Bean instalados en un nuevo hogar permanente antes de irse. Estos dos pequeños son mucho más respetuosos donde orinan ahora, ejem, y a pesar de sus edades, son muy vivaces y todavía tienen un resorte en su paso. Se pelean si los molestas de un cómodo abrazo, pero al no tener dientes es solo una amenaza vacía. Estos dos realmente serían excelentes compañeros para alguien que solo quiera dos compañeros de abrazos y un paseo por el parque. Es posible que los niños ruidosos los molesten, pero no queremos restringir el tipo de hogares a los que pueden ir. Estamos seguros de que tienen muchas opciones. Comuníquese con nosotros si cree que es la persona adecuada para Bean y Piglett. La familia Mandleson ha hecho un trabajo increíble con los niños y les romperá el corazón tener que dejarlos atrás, así que permítanos intentar encontrar un buen hogar para ellos antes de que tengan que regresar al refugio.
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well we really do have a lot to be thankful for this week at adana.  A handful of dogs who we thought would never be ado...

well we really do have a lot to be thankful for this week at adana. A handful of dogs who we thought would never be adopted, have gone to the most wonderful homes. Some have gone to the UK One has gone to ·Wales, and today our lovely boy Sultan has gone to live in Madrid. His new family were so excited to pick him up, and were telling him of all the lovely things they were planning for him and his new life. Not a dry eye in adana And he did look extra handsome today. Goodbye lovely Sultan

Bueno, realmente tenemos mucho por lo que estar agradecidos esta semana en Adana. Un puñado de perros que pensábamos que nunca serían adoptados, han ido a los hogares más maravillosos. Algunos se han ido al Reino Unido, uno se ha ido a Gales y hoy nuestro adorable chico Sultan se ha ido a vivir a Madrid. Su nueva familia estaba muy emocionada de recogerlo y le estaban contando todas las cosas maravillosas que estaban planeando para él y su nueva vida. No se le llenó la boca de lágrimas en Adana. Y hoy se veía más guapo que nunca. Adiós, adorable Sultan.

Here at the shelter we have many litters of Malinois .  These are also called Belgium Shepherds.  Or as they are affecio...

Here at the shelter we have many litters of Malinois . These are also called Belgium Shepherds. Or as they are affecionately known at adana as MALIGATORS.. They are one of the prefered choice of breeds chosen by the Police force., because they have lots of energy, super intelligent, loyal , fun and are eager to learn. But because they can be quite active, this is one of the reasons they can be overlooked. Which is very sad because they are an amazing pet. This young boy came to the shelter with his parents, and they all sat down to rest on one of their walks, and this little Mali took an opertunity to show how affecionate they can be. Just a sweet teddy bear. If these dogs are just what you are looking for, please come along to the shelter, and take a few out for a walk. They are amazing

Aquí en el Refugio Tenemos Muchas Camadas de Malinois. Un Estos También se Les Llama Pastores Belgas. O Como se les Les Conoce Cariñosamente en Adana Como Maligators. Hijo una de las razays preferidas por la Policía, porque tienen muye energía, hijo súper Inteligentes, leales, divertidos y están ansiosos por aprender. PERO COMO PUEDEN SER BASTANTE ACTIVOS, ESTA ES UNA DE LAS RAZONES POR Las Que se los pues Pasar por Alto. Lo Cual es Muy Trista porque un un Mascota Increíble. Este JOUVE LLEGÓ AL REFUGIO CON SUS PADRES, Y TODOS SE SENTARON A DESCANSAR EN UNO DE SUS PASEOS, Y ESTE PEQUERO MALI APROVECHÓ LA OPORTUNIDAD PARA DESTRAR LO CARIAMOSOS QUE PUEDEN SER. Simplemente Un Dulce Osito de Peluche. Si Estos Perros Hijo Justo lo que Estás Buscando, Ven al Refugio y Saca A Pasear a Algunos. Hijo incesibles.

we have had such a wonderful day at adana,  Not only  did lots of volunteers turn up to walk the dogs, three of our Gold...

we have had such a wonderful day at adana, Not only did lots of volunteers turn up to walk the dogs, three of our Golden Oldies were adopted, Linda, Larz and Barney. They realy are the most deserving dogs to go to amazing forever homes. Larz and Barney would plead with their brown eyes every day, to find them a family of their own. And today we did just that. This is really an extraordinary day. I am so happy to be a part of it

Hemos pasado un día maravilloso en Adana. No solo vinieron muchos voluntarios a pasear a los perros, sino que también adoptaron a tres de nuestros Golden Oldies: Linda, Larz y Barney. Realmente son los perros que más se merecen ir a hogares maravillosos para siempre. Larz y Barney suplicaban con sus ojos marrones todos los días que les encontráramos una familia propia. Y hoy lo hicimos. Este es realmente un día extraordinario. Estoy muy feliz de ser parte de él.

We love getting good news at the shelter, because we see a lot of sadness.  Well a few days ago . one of our BIG boys, H...

We love getting good news at the shelter, because we see a lot of sadness. Well a few days ago . one of our BIG boys, Hank, was adopted by a lovely family. But al of you who know Hank, know that although he is a young boy, he is huge. And full of fun, but sometimes doesnt know his own strength. He was like a Polar Bear running to play with you.. This family have a smal child, and we wondered how they would get on together. Well he is amazing with her, She can walk him on a lead and he is so gentle . We are all beyond happy that he has found the most amazing family and forever home. Thank you Duncan You are a star

Nos encanta recibir buenas noticias en el refugio, porque vemos mucha tristeza. Bueno, hace unos días, uno de nuestros niños GRANDES, Hank, fue adoptado por una familia encantadora. Pero todos los que conocen a Hank saben que, aunque es un niño pequeño, es enorme. Y lleno de diversión, pero a veces no conoce su propia fuerza. Era como un oso polar corriendo para jugar contigo. Esta familia tiene un niño pequeño y nos preguntamos cómo se llevarían juntos. Bueno, él es increíble con ella, ella puede pasearlo con una correa y él es muy gentil. Todos estamos más que felices de que haya encontrado la familia más increíble y un hogar para siempre. Gracias Duncan, eres una estrella.

A big thank you to the lovely family who are here on holiday, and decided to fill their car with  food and treats for ou...

A big thank you to the lovely family who are here on holiday, and decided to fill their car with food and treats for our dogs and puppies. They have never been to the shelte rbefore, and loved meeting the dogs and puppies. , They have promised to come and volunteer the next time they are here on holiday Thank you

Un gran agradecimiento a la encantadora familia que está aquí de vacaciones y decidió llenar su auto con comida y golosinas para nuestros perros y cachorros. Nunca habían estado en el refugio antes y les encantó conocer a los perros y cachorros. Prometieron venir y trabajar como voluntarios la próxima vez que estén aquí de vacaciones. Gracias.

Lots of people have been asking how big are the puppies which are in foster.  They are only just over four weeks old.  ....

Lots of people have been asking how big are the puppies which are in foster. They are only just over four weeks old. . They are pretty small right now, and we dont think they are going to be large dogs, but here is Betty, to give you an idea of how small they are

Mucha gente ha estado preguntando qué tan grandes son los cachorros que están en adopción. Solo tienen un poco más de cuatro semanas. Son bastante pequeños ahora mismo y no creemos que vayan a ser perros grandes, pero aquí está Betty, para darles una idea de lo pequeños que son.

six more new arrivals.  They have been in foster care for a week because they were very young and couldnt feed themselve...

six more new arrivals. They have been in foster care for a week because they were very young and couldnt feed themselves. when they arrived Now they are gobbling up there puppy milk and pate which gets mashed together. And ,now, weve introduced tiny biscuits because their teeth have come through However , the only boy in this litter has other ideas what the biscuits are for. His name suits the picture, he is called Mr Biscuit All coincidence.
Jilly Elsie Sabel Betty Remi and Mr Biscuit

Seis cachorros más recién llegados. Llevan una semana en acogida porque eran muy pequeños y no podían alimentarse por sí solos. Cuando llegaron, ahora están devorando su leche de cachorro y paté, que se tritura junto. Y ahora hemos introducido pequeñas galletitas porque ya les han salido los dientes. Sin embargo, el único macho de esta camada tiene otras ideas sobre para qué sirven las galletitas. Su nombre encaja con la imagen, se llama Mr Biscuit. Toda una coincidencia.

this little beauty Adele was adopted today. She came in a few weeks ago with her sister Bluebell,  Bluebell was adopted ...

this little beauty Adele was adopted today. She came in a few weeks ago with her sister Bluebell, Bluebell was adopted straight away So Adele has been on her own She was too small to put in a pen with any of the other dogs. She is super friendly, and loved it when the children came into her pen to play with her . Now she will get all the love and attention from her new family . Happy life little one

Esta pequeña belleza, Adele, fue adoptada hoy. Llegó hace unas semanas con su hermana Bluebell. Bluebell fue adoptada de inmediato. Así que Adele ha estado sola. Era demasiado pequeña para ponerla en un corral con cualquiera de los otros perros. Es súper amigable y le encantaba cuando los niños entraban en su corral para jugar con ella. Ahora recibirá todo el amor y la atención de su nueva familia. Feliz vida, pequeña.

Lovely Isa has gone  to her forever home today.  She was found abandoned with her sister Maria.  But Maria was adopted p...

Lovely Isa has gone to her forever home today. She was found abandoned with her sister Maria. But Maria was adopted pretty quickly. Isa just loves everyone, and we know is going to fit right in with her new family Enjoy your new life pretty girl

lLa adorable Isa se fue hoy a su hogar definitivo. La encontraron abandonada con su hermana María, pero María fue adoptada bastante rápido. Isa ama a todos y sabemos que encajará perfectamente en su nueva familia. Disfruta de tu nueva vida, niña bonita.

just an update on one of our golden oldies,  Brazil who was very sad in adana. She just wanted to have a bit of peace an...

just an update on one of our golden oldies, Brazil who was very sad in adana. She just wanted to have a bit of peace and quiet, and a comfy bed with someone to love her. She went into a foster home to give her a little break. In the meantime, the foster family took her to a neighbour of theirs, who fell in love with Brazil Now she is the most loved dog on the coast. She loves her new mum and dad very much, and her best friend is cat. This is so heart warming to see. Its a perfecft happy ever after

Solo una actualización sobre una de nuestras viejas perritas doradas, Brazil, que estaba muy triste en Adana. Solo quería tener un poco de paz y tranquilidad, y una cama cómoda con alguien que la quisiera. Fue a un hogar de acogida para darle un pequeño descanso. Mientras tanto, la familia de acogida la llevó con un vecino suyo, que se enamoró de Brazil. Ahora es la perrita más querida de la costa. Quiere mucho a su nueva mamá y papá, y su mejor amigo es un gato. Es muy reconfortante ver esto. Es un final feliz perfecto.

Here is a date to put in your  diary.  Selina  from T:R:E: who is a huge ADANA supporter, is doing this years Doggy Disc...

Here is a date to put in your diary. Selina from T:R:E: who is a huge ADANA supporter, is doing this years Doggy Disco in aid of ADANA. This is always a good fun event, where dogs and people always have a good time. . Please dont miss out and contact Selina as soon as possible to get your ticket. Lets make this years event, the best one ever Book today please

Aquí tienes una fecha para que la apuntes en tu agenda. Selina de T:R:E:, que es una gran seguidora de ADANA, está organizando este año la Doggy Disco en beneficio de ADANA. Siempre es un evento divertido, donde los perros y las personas se lo pasan bien. No te lo pierdas y ponte en contacto con Selina lo antes posible para conseguir tu entrada. Hagamos que el evento de este año sea el mejor de todos. Reserva hoy mismo.

PLEASE PUT THIS DATE IN YOUR DIARY  14th September   This event is always a sell out.  So please dont miss out and book ...

PLEASE PUT THIS DATE IN YOUR DIARY 14th September This event is always a sell out. So please dont miss out and book your tickets now. The legendary ROCKING JOHNNY will once again be raising the roof and have everyone rocking the night away at Dona Julia So contact Sheldon NOW for your tickets. It really is a fun night

POR FAVOR APUNTA ESTA FECHA EN TU AGENDA 14 de septiembre Este evento siempre agota las entradas, así que no te lo pierdas y reserva tus entradas ahora. El legendario ROCKING JOHNNY volverá a hacer vibrar a todo el mundo en Dona Julia. Ponte en contacto con Sheldon AHORA para conseguir tus entradas. Será una noche muy divertida.

4 beautiful tiny pups abandoned and luckily rescued by the ADANA team. Meet Baloo, Bob, Nugget and Earl. All awaiting th...

4 beautiful tiny pups abandoned and luckily rescued by the ADANA team. Meet Baloo, Bob, Nugget and Earl. All awaiting their new homes.

4 hermosos cachorros abandonados y afortunadamente rescatados por el equipo de ADANA. Conozcan a Baloo, Bob, Nugget y Earl. Todos esperan sus nuevos hogares.

We were asked to collect two dogs from Estepona Police today  Two old Chihuahuas Piglett and Bean   Poor Bean doesnt hav...

We were asked to collect two dogs from Estepona Police today Two old Chihuahuas Piglett and Bean Poor Bean doesnt have much fur left on him, Thry were both covered in fleas and ticks. Uncastrated They are totally bewildered . Our vet will check them over on Monday and vacinate them. Come along and meet them. And all of the other lovely dogs up at the shelter as well

Hoy nos pidieron que recogiéramos dos perros de la policía de Estepona. Dos chihuahuas viejos, Piglett y Bean. El pobre Bean no tiene mucho pelo. Ambos estaban cubiertos de pulgas y garrapatas. Sin castrar. Están totalmente desconcertados. Nuestro veterinario los revisará el lunes y los vacunará. Ven a conocerlos. Y también a todos los otros perros encantadores del refugio.

we would like to give a big thank you to Ulise for coming in on Saturday and Sunday to help repair all of the holes and ...

we would like to give a big thank you to Ulise for coming in on Saturday and Sunday to help repair all of the holes and tunnels our little monkeys have dug. . He has done such a great job in all of this heat as well. And of course Roby and Ranger are close by to make sure he is doing a good job. . Well done young man

Nos gustaría darle las gracias a Ulise por venir el sábado y el domingo para ayudarnos a reparar todos los agujeros y túneles que cavaron nuestros pequeños monos. Hizo un gran trabajo con todo este calor. Y, por supuesto, Roby y Ranger están cerca para asegurarse de que esté haciendo un buen trabajo. Bien hecho, jovencito.


Get in touch with Sheldon today to book.
- 14th September 2024, 8pm.
T: 0034 642 74 07 08

what a happy day  This lovely lady is called Rachel, and she has just completed walking up Kilimanjaro  to raise money f...

what a happy day This lovely lady is called Rachel, and she has just completed walking up Kilimanjaro to raise money for her two favourite charities Adana being one of them. And today she has adopted Freya . You will be able to read more about Rachels story in this months double newsletter, coming out soon. We are all thrilled to see Freya going home with this lovely lady.

Qué día tan feliz. Esta encantadora dama se llama Rachel y acaba de terminar de caminar por el Kilimanjaro para recaudar dinero para sus dos organizaciones benéficas favoritas, Adana es una de ellas. Y hoy ha adoptado a Freya. Podrás leer más sobre la historia de Rachel en el boletín doble de este mes, que se publicará pronto. Estamos todos emocionados de ver a Freya irse a casa con esta encantadora dama.

**GOOD NEWS /BUENAS NOTICIAS **Lovely Lucas has been adopted and found his forever home El encantador Lucas ha sido adop...

Lovely Lucas has been adopted and found his forever home

El encantador Lucas ha sido adoptado y ha encontrado su hogar definitivo.

A beautiful new arrival - Lucas. Looking for his forever home and family. Contact us to meet him he is waiting for your cuddle

Un hermoso recién llegado: Lucas. Buscando su hogar y su familia para siempre. Contáctanos para conocerlo, está esperando tu abrazo.


Parque Los Pedgregales 36°27'10. 6"N 5°12'38. 4"W

Horario de Apertura

Lunes 10:30 - 13:30
Martes 10:30 - 13:30
Miércoles 10:30 - 13:30
Jueves 10:30 - 13:30
Viernes 10:30 - 13:30
Sábado 10:30 - 13:30
Domingo 11:30 - 13:30

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