The Noble Ride - Pura Raza Española

The Noble Ride - Pura Raza Española Pura Raza Española - spanische Pferde direkt vom Züchter Edel, grossmütig und klug - die Pura Raza Española bringt die nobelsten Tiere hervor.

Es sind seit Jahrhunderten die "Pferde der Könige". Wie wir heute wissen sind es ebenfalls die idealen Pferde für Turnier, Freizeit, Show Reitkunst und alles daneben und dazwischen. Noblesse ist eben Charaktersache. Trotzdem achten die Yeguadas El Bayo und Flor de Lirio, bei der Zucht auf ein funktionales Exterieur. Dies ist die deutsche Gestütskontakt. Auf dieser Seite möchten wir uns mit anderen

PRE-Freunden austauschen. Und ja, eine Auswahl der Verkaufspferde und Deckhengste vorstellen. ;-) Die können Sie übrigens direkt auf dem Gestüt in Nordspanien besuchen und kennenlernen. Wir organisieren auf Wunsch zusätzlich:
- Übersetzung der Kommunikation
- AKU durch einen Tierarzt vor Ort oder Ihrer Wahl
- Übernachtung direkt auf dem Gestüt
- Hilfe bei der Reiseplanung
- Transport
- persönliche Begleitung vor Ort in Spanien

Sie haben noch Fragen? Schreiben Sie uns. Wir werden versuchen, so gut wie unsere Pferde zu sein.


What could they be talking about?


Men's talk...



Prolems in the digestive tract can be very different. The good news: With some simple herbal tea recipes we can do a lot for our horses. This base recipe gives relief or prevents in the case of cramps and bloating.
3 parts of chamomile (flowers or as a tea bag)
2 parts of caraway seeds, crushed before adding
2 parts of fennel (seeds, tea bag or whole fresh parts)
1 Part anise fruits, crushed before adding
1 part of oregano

Put it into a bucket and pour sufficient hot water on it. Let it cool down before giving it to the horse.

Mild diarrhea or in case of a bacterial infection, you can add 2 parts of peppermint and one of sage. Please don't give the latter two over a longer period of time.

General Information:
- A herbal tea alone will never replace the veterinarian for larger complaints or acute colic danger.
- Let it cool down enough.
- Better don't give the herbal tea together with mash, linseed or fled seed. The mucilagenous substances contained can bind the healing substances in the herbs and make them ineffective.
- Peppermint not in cases of chronic infections/inflammations of stomach or stomach lining
- Sage not to pregnant mares (can induce contractions)


Connection o/i 2014-2015 - UNOde50

Spanish horses don't know snow? Our horses do! And Neutron de Lirio certainly had a lot of fun filming for UNOde50.

PS: More of Neutrón in his sale album under "photos".

The search for yourself, a journey without a map or a compass, involves connecting with your surroundings. You are not in the environment; you are part of it...


Horses love to enjoy a bucket of tea. Herbal tea, to be exact. Many prefer mint or chamomile, for example. You can wet the hay with herbal tea and make it tastier, too.
We would like to public some tea recipes against various inconveniences on a regular base. Follow us or comment this post with your desired tea (such as cough, nervousness, etc. ).


Good news: Every time our horse runs loose we can have an extra piece of cake.
Seen at Baroque Horse Magazine.


Tangled tails, brittle hoofs, dry and straw-like manes – many of us are familiar with this problems. But special horse care products are expensive. Oftenly, we even don’t know what substances we are putting on our horses. A good olive oil is much cheaper, makes our horses shine and is an excellent care for hoof and hair. (Oh, this last one rhimed. Haha.) We recomend an extra native olive oil. Its acidity is under 0,8 percent. And it’s as simple as that:
For hoofs: Just brush it on and, if you have some minutes, give your horse’s hoofs a smooth massage. Doesn’t matter if the oil gets into the leg hair ore the horse touches the hay with the hoofs. Olive oil it’s a natural product, won’t harm but will do good.
For mane and tail: Take some drops of olive oil on your fingers and detangle the hairs. Will work much easier and be nurturing fort the hair. Only take few oil and renew when your hands are dry. We recommend a deep conditioning only in summer or whenever it’s not too cold to shower your horse. Then wet tail and mane with a lot of olive oil and rub it in gently. Make very loose braids and let the oil in for several hours. Keep your horse far away from sandy grounds. Because iff the horse lays down you’ll get back a schnitzel. Wash it out. A little advice: If you have a white or clear coloured horse, please try it first on an unobstrusive part oft the tail to prevent stains. Different olive oils have a different coloring. And some companies even use colorants. We never had a problem with pour oil. Just to avoid any risk.
For the skin: Gently rub dry, rough or scabby skin parts with olive oil.
For the horse: Put a little (!) shot of olive oil on the food. Horses digest the oil better than we do. Most horses leave their vats perfectly cleaned.


Easy like Monday morning...
Have a happy week!


BABIECA, the legendary horse of El Cid

The Iberian Peninsula is in the middle of 11th century nd in the middle of the Reconquista when the young nobleman Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar is to serve as soldier against the Moors. But he needs a warhorse. A courag one. Intelligent, easy to ride and impressive. But at the same time elegant and worth to be a nobleman's horse. In short: an Andalusian.
At this time many monasteries breed the Spanish horses. Good luck for Rodrigo, because his godfather was a carthusian monk. He invites him to choose one of the monasterys horses as a gift. Rodrigo chooses an unsightly, frail white stallion, less than five feet tall. "What a nag", said his godfather and begs Rodrigo to take another horse. But the young man insists. From now on the horses name is Babieca. Rodrigo trains and cares for him. The beginning of a life time friendship. For 30 years Babieca carries Rodrigo safe through all battles. Together they are victorious. With Babieca Rodrigo advances to be a succesfull commander and becomes part of Spanish history as "El Cid".
But then El Cid falls. His troops are surrounded by enemies and lose any courage. Legend says his widow Jimena tied him on Babieca. And the stallion galopped with El Cid on his back in front of the troops and led them to victory over the Moor
That's the last time somebody rides Babieca. The stallion dies two years after at the age of 40. El Cid's last will was to have his horse buried next to him. And they still rest side by side. Today we still speak with reverence and respect of Babieca. His story teaches us, how much we get back from our horses, if we only invest a little love, affection and patience.


Our fennel-mandarin-salad is just the right thing now. Beside vitamin C mandarins contain vitamins A and E - ideal against winter blues. And they are less acid than other citrus fruits. A great combination with the etheric oils of the fennel. Which is, by the way, *******a****** *******wonderful remedy for digestive symptoms and helps with any kind of food conversion. Rider's should take a bite, too. Bon appetit!
1 large fennel
1 mandarin
some thyme branches

Cut the fennel roughly. Peel the mandarin and remove the white stuff. Separate the slices. Rip off the little thyme leave. Mix it all. Finished.
PS: Thyme can give a positive result of doping tests. It's better not to feed it a few day before a tournament.


On the sunny side: Our youngsters walk a lot of kilometers a day. They literally go hiking. Do you have a pic from your horse on the meadow?


Hingucker und Herzensbrecher: Neutrón ist ein 10 Jahre alter und 1,58m großer Hengst, bei dem jeder gerne vorbei schauen geht. Sein Charisma hat er bereits als einer der Hauptakteure der Werbekampagne eines Schmuckherstellers. Den TV-Spot dazu gibt's hier:
Sieht live nach "feuriger Spanier" aus, ist aber charakterlich ein braver, unerschrockener und aufmerksamer Kerl. Er deckt auch größere Reiter gut ab. (Der Reiter auf den Fotos ist 1,85m.) Er ist alles in allem ein Schatz mit tollen Anlagen, viel "Go" und gleichzeitig einem super Kumpel-Charakter. Schmust sehr gerne.
Vater: Fiel de Lirio, Muttervater: Níscalo. ANCCE-Papiere.
Eyecatcher and heartbreaker: Neutrón is a 10yo and 1,58m tall stallion who is loved by everyone. He proved his charm in the publicity campaign of a jewelry brand. The TV ad can be ssen here:
In real life he's always lokking like the "fiery Spaniard", but has a well-behaved, cool and courageous character. Very attentive and quick learning. Can be ridden by taller riders as well. (The rider on the pictures is 1,85m.) Neutrón is a real treasure with excellent dispositions and best-friend-character. Likes to cuddle too.
Father: Fiel de Lirio, mother's father: Níscalo. ANCCE papers.




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