English below
LAMINITIS, INFOSURA, NAVICULAR, FISURAS EN LOS CUARTOS. ¿Caballo trompezando sin razón? Todo solucionado con el protocolo del caballo completo. Revisión de su dieta, ejercicio, conviviencia, montura y sus cascos. No hace faltar operarle, y menos matarle. Con un recorte "balance natural" el caballo estará curado de las patologias de los cascos. http:
LAMINITIS, FOUNDER, NAVICULAR, QUARTER CRACKS. Is your horse tripping for no apparent reason? All resolved with the whole horse protocol. A revision of diet, exercise, living, tack and hooves. Operations are not necessary and less still euthanasia. With natural balance trimming a horse is cured from all these hoof pathologies. Con el cuidado personal de nuestra podolga equina profesional (también una masajiste terapeutica equina cualificada) en nuestros instalaciones en Casares, Málaga, solucionamos todas estas patologias y los imbalances en los hombros o caderas, columna o cuello siempre asociado con problemas en los cascos. Under the personal care of our professional equine podologist (also a qualified equine massage therapist) at our instalaciones in Casares, Málaga, we resolve all these hoof pathologies and the inbalances guaranteed to be found in shoulders or hips, spine or neck that are always associated with hoof problems. Para mas información lees nuestra página web o ponte en contacto directamente, sin obligacion. For more information read our web site or contact us directly, with no obligation. http://www.whole-horse-protocol.com
Looking for a trimmer? Looking for education to become a trimmer? All the available bits of paper in the world are affiliated only to the associations that sell them. That means they are not official. They also have no regulations much like psychotherapy trainings for example (nope, no regulations)! They are, for this reason, accountable to no one. They can say or teach anything they want, change it or move the goal posts as they see fit and also disappear without a trace. On top of that they cost a fortune and because they are not approved or accredited by any formal learning institution you cannot get sensible student loans or grants to cover the cost. They are entirely variable in course content and some have been known to "rewrite the book" after they have taught it, so students have to go back and learn again - or not! I have not heard of a course that contains components on young horses and foals in it´s syllabus for example, and am the first to admit that confronted with any problems in this group I would work closely alongside a vet at all times. Which makes me wonder what other components are missing from some courses. Now I hear you say "but if all this is true, what is so different about the services and courses offered by the Whole Horse Protocol?"
We have a physical base. We do not appear on the horizon, holding courses wherever we can find a venue, only to disappear at the end of a week (or weekend!) offering no support, no continuity of service. We have spent many years practising before beginning to preach. Years studying, exploring any and every avenue relevant to the healthy hoof and the horse above it. We continue to investigate, apply, dismiss or engage, and share qualified information with our students and practitioners to assure we are all always current in our profession. Being the voice for the voiceless, we continue our path eyes wide open, never afraid to ask, and continually looking for ways to improve our knowledge for their wellbeing.