Doctor Loulittle Dog Training

Doctor Loulittle Dog Training Helping dogs to improve their relationships with their people since 2015.

I work to enrich dogs’ lives and use motivating rewards to reinforce the behaviours that you want to see, with a focus on your dog's wellbeing. My methods do not include any form of intimidation, fear or pain. ​
I offer online classes, and also in-person sessions in my puppy-proofed garden in Meco, Madrid.

Just hanging out with my Uncle Ned in  today 🐶

Just hanging out with my Uncle Ned in today 🐶

And just like that... We've said goodbye again 💔Some are harder to give up than others, and Tara really was a struggle. ...

And just like that... We've said goodbye again 💔

Some are harder to give up than others, and Tara really was a struggle. Fí was quite upset as we walked away, so I asked her if she'd like to take a break from fostering for a while... "We can't, we need to keep helping".

She's got such a huge heart. I'm so proud of her and the work that she put in with Tara.

Tara's gone to live with a really lovely family, and I know she's got a wonderful life ahead of her ♥️

🇪🇸 Y así, de repente... Nos despedimos otra vez 💔

A veces es más difícil dejar ir que otras, y dejar ir a Tara realmente fue una lucha. Fí estaba bastante triste cuando nos íbamos, así que le pregunté si quería tomarse un descanso de acoger por un tiempo... "No podemos, necesitamos seguir ayudando".

Tiene un corazón enorme. Estoy muy orgullosa de ella y del trabajo que hizo con Tara.

Tara se ha ido a vivir con una familia encantadora, y sé que le espera una vida maravillosa ♥️

"What do you mean I haven't found a home yet?!"Anyone interested in adding a little bundle of fuzzy love to their family...

"What do you mean I haven't found a home yet?!"

Anyone interested in adding a little bundle of fuzzy love to their family?

🇪🇸 "¿Cómo que todavía no he encontrado un hogar?"

¿Alguien está interesado en añadir un pequeño paquete de amor peludo a su familia?


I love that we share the same happy place ♥️

I love that we share the same happy place ♥️

Just found the most fantastic little pet shop in Azuqueca today, by accident! 😁I was like a little kid in a sweet shop p...

Just found the most fantastic little pet shop in Azuqueca today, by accident! 😁

I was like a little kid in a sweet shop picking out chews for Tara and our girls. I told "I'll be home in five minutes" and it took me about 40 minutes to finally drag myself away 🤣

If anyone is looking for natural pet foods and chews, check out Vikingdogs Tienda Animal ! If you're not sure what you're looking for, don't worry, Nerea is SO friendly and helpful! ♥️

I picked out a mixed bag of beef chews, a chicken stick and some Alpha Spirit rolls to use for training treats. The prices are fantastic and they've got a *huge* selection!

It definitely got Tara's seal of approval! 👍🏻


🇪🇸 ¡Hoy he encontrado por casualidad una tienda de mascotas chulísima en Azuqueca! 😁

Me sentía como una niña en una tienda de chuches eligiendo mordedores para Tara y nuestras chicas. Le dije a "llego a casa en cinco minutos" y me llevó unos 40 minutos conseguir salir de ahí 🤣

Si alguien está buscando alimentos y mordedores naturales para mascotas, ¡echad un vistazo a .petshop! Si no tienes claro lo que buscas, no te preocupes, ¡Nerea es súper amable y siempre está dispuesta a ayudarte! ♥️

Me llevé una bolsa variada de mordedores de ternera, un palito de pollo y unos rollitos de para usar como premios de entrenamiento. ¡Los precios son fantásticos y tienen una selección *enorme*!

¡Definitivamente tuvo la aprobación de Tara!

Alongside training dogs, my grown-up job is in training emails with  as a Customer Success Engineer 📨When  asked me to s...

Alongside training dogs, my grown-up job is in training emails with as a Customer Success Engineer 📨

When asked me to speak at the next event in Utrecht in September, my first thought was "Nope, not going to happen" 😅
The thought of getting up to speak in front of other professionals in the field of email marketing was extremely daunting. I just thought, "What can I tell them that they don't already know?"

Then I thought a little longer and realised that I have a field of expertise that many of them might not have... PUPPIES! 🐶

There are so many parallels between training a puppy and training emails, and the power of trust and engagement in both fields cannot be underestimated.

Plus, if the presentation goes bottoms up, I've always got lots of cute puppy pics and videos to distract the crowd 🤣
(Btw if anyone fancies coming along for the event, the code PUPPY gets a 20% discount on tickets!)

Wish me luck! ☘️

🇪🇸 Además de entrenar a perros, mi trabajo "de adulto" es entrenar correos electrónicos con como Ingeniero de Éxito del Cliente 📨

Cuando me invitó a hablar en el próximo evento en Utrecht en septiembre, mi primer pensamiento fue "No, no va a pasar" 😅. La idea de ponerme a hablar frente a otros profesionales en el campo del marketing por correo electrónico me intimidaba muchísimo. Solo pensaba: "¿Qué puedo decirles que no sepan ya?"

Después pensé un poco más y me di cuenta de que tengo un campo de experiencia que muchos de ellos podrían no tener... ¡CACHORROS! 🐶

Hay tantas similitudes entre entrenar a un cachorro y entrenar correos electrónicos, y el poder de la confianza y la motivación y conexión en ambos campos no se puede subestimar.

Además, si la presentación sale mal, siempre tengo muchas fotos y vídeos de cachorros lindos para distraer al público 🤣
(Por cierto, si alguien se anima a asistir al evento, el código PUPPY ofrece un 20% de descuento en las entradas).

¡Deséenme suerte! ☘️

The panther is like a leopard,Except it hasn't been peppered.Should you behold a panther crouch,Prepare to say Ouch.Bett...

The panther is like a leopard,
Except it hasn't been peppered.
Should you behold a panther crouch,
Prepare to say Ouch.
Better yet, if called by a panther,
Don't anther.

- Ogden Nash

This morning we took little Tara out for her first walk and she had a ball!We went to  for breakfast and she chilled out...

This morning we took little Tara out for her first walk and she had a ball!

We went to for breakfast and she chilled out beside the table, gently wagging her tail whenever someone walked by, but never pulling or getting frustrated. Afterwards we took a stroll to the playground, and she walked really nicely on-leash. While the girls played, I sat on a bench and she lay under my feet and went to sleep.

Afterwards we went to Azuqueca to pick up a few things and she slept in the crate in the boot until we got home. She's such a little dream ♥️

----- 🇪🇸
Esta mañana llevamos a la pequeña Tara a dar su primer paseo y se lo pasó genial.

Fuimos a a desayunar y ella se relajó al lado de la mesa, moviendo suavemente la cola cada vez que alguien pasaba, pero sin tirar ni frustrarse. Después dimos un paseo hasta el parque infantil, y caminó muy bien con la correa. Mientras las niñas jugaban, me senté en un banco y ella se tumbó a mis pies y se quedó dormida.

Luego fuimos a Azuqueca a recoger algunas cosas y ella durmió en la jaula en el maletero hasta que llegamos a casa. Es un pequeño sueño ♥️

We saw 34 dogs tonight, and not a single bark was barked. No treats, no toys, no distractions, just a happy sniffy dog. ...

We saw 34 dogs tonight, and not a single bark was barked. No treats, no toys, no distractions, just a happy sniffy dog.

🇪🇸 Vimos 34 perros esta noche, y no ladró ni una sola vez. Sin premios, sin juguetes, sin distracciones, solo una perra feliz y olfateadora.

If any rescue needs a flight buddy from Madrid - Amsterdam on 15th September, let me know :) I'll be flying with Iberia,...

If any rescue needs a flight buddy from Madrid - Amsterdam on 15th September, let me know :)

I'll be flying with Iberia, leaving at 8:40am.

🇪🇸 Si alguna protectora necesita un acompañante de vuelo desde Madrid a Ámsterdam el 15 de septiembre, avísame :)

Volaré con Iberia, saliendo a las 08:00h.

The little things I love about you ♥️---🇪🇸 Las pequeñas cosas que amo de ti ♥️

The little things I love about you ♥️

🇪🇸 Las pequeñas cosas que amo de ti ♥️

Thank you SO much to  for gifting us these leash covers for Tara! I wanted to get something to add to her leash or harne...

Thank you SO much to for gifting us these leash covers for Tara!

I wanted to get something to add to her leash or harness when we're out and about so people can see that she's looking for a home... And these are *perfect*

I bought a "Respeta mi espacio" one a few years ago and it's still as good as new too.

If you're looking for a really clear, visible way to communicate a message to other people, I really can't recommend these highly enough! ❤️

🇪🇸 ¡Muchísimas gracias a por regalarnos estas fundas para la correa de Tara!

Quería conseguir algo para añadir a su correa o arnés cuando estamos fuera, para que la gente vea que está buscando un hogar... ¡Y estas son *perfectas*!

Hace unos años compré una funda que dice "Respeta mi espacio" y aún está como nueva.

Si estás buscando una manera realmente clara y visible de comunicar un mensaje a otras personas, ¡realmente no puedo recomendar estas lo suficiente! ❤️

Normally it's hard to get a good photo of a black kitten, but this little panther knows how to pose 🐆📸---🇪🇸 Suele ser di...

Normally it's hard to get a good photo of a black kitten, but this little panther knows how to pose 🐆📸

🇪🇸 Suele ser difícil sacar una buena foto de un gato negro, pero esta panterita sabe posar 🐆📸

We went on a little adventure this evening with Tara and Stitch to .cipar. Tara got her vaccinations and microchip, and ...

We went on a little adventure this evening with Tara and Stitch to .cipar. Tara got her vaccinations and microchip, and Stitch also got chipped.

Tara was an absolute dream, and didn't even squeak when she got the shots, she just stood on the table wagging her tail ❤️

The next time I'm back, hopefully it will be to introduce her to her forever family... 🤞🏻

If anyone is interested in adopting either of these little munchkins, please get in touch with 📨

🇪🇸 Fuimos a una pequeña aventura esta tarde con Tara y Stitch al .cipar. Tara recibió sus vacunas y el microchip, y Stitch también fue microchipeado.

Tara fue un sueño absoluto y ni siquiera hizo ruido cuando recibió las vacunas, simplemente se quedó en la mesa moviendo la cola ❤️

La próxima vez que regrese, espero que sea para presentarla a su familia para siempre... 🤞🏻

Si alguien está interesado en adoptar a alguno de estos pequeños, por favor póngase en contacto con 📨

Guys. Seriously. Someone needs to adopt her before I fall under the spell of that belly. Yes, she does smell as warm and...

Guys. Seriously. Someone needs to adopt her before I fall under the spell of that belly.

Yes, she does smell as warm and fuzzy as you'd imagine her to 🥰

This little girl is such a warrior ❤️Against all odds, she's thriving. She's a little fighter and deserves the very best...

This little girl is such a warrior ❤️

Against all odds, she's thriving. She's a little fighter and deserves the very best from her future.

If you know of anyone looking for a kitten, please put them in touch with me. She'll be ready for adoption soon, and as much as it's going to break my heart to give her up, she needs her very own family 🥰

🇪🇸 Esta pequeña es una verdadera guerrera ❤️

A pesar de todas las dificultades, está prosperando. Es una luchadora y merece lo mejor en su futuro.

Si conoces a alguien que esté buscando un gatito, por favor ponlo en contacto conmigo. Pronto estará lista para adopción, y aunque me romperá el corazón dejarla ir, necesita una familia que la ame 🥰


Which is the best "adopt me" face...? 1, 2 or 3? 😍🐶❤️

Which is the best "adopt me" face...?

1, 2 or 3? 😍🐶❤️

My favourite team ♥️

My favourite team ♥️

Whatever you're doing right now, stop. I give you permission to spend ten seconds admiring the glory that is Rex and his...

Whatever you're doing right now, stop. I give you permission to spend ten seconds admiring the glory that is Rex and his joyful floofiness.

I met him last weekend to recalibrate the springs he seems to have in his legs. Tigger has nothing on this bouncing boy! Unfortunately, living with tiny humans, this can prove to be an issue.

We also looked at how to keep this boy busy when the boys are playing and getting excited, to stop him from barrelling them over.

Not going to lie, I was *this* close to seeing if I could smuggle him out in my pocket.

🇪🇸 Sea lo que sea que estés haciendo ahora mismo, detente. Te doy permiso para pasar diez segundos admirando la gloria que es Rex y su alegre pelaje.

Lo conocí el fin de semana pasado para recalibrar los resortes que parece tener en las piernas. ¡Tigger no tiene nada que hacer al lado de este chico saltarín! Desafortunadamente, vivir con humanos pequeños puede ser un problema.

También revisamos cómo mantener ocupado a este chico cuando los niños están jugando y emocionándose, para evitar que los derribe.

No voy a mentir, estuve *así* de cerca de ver si podía sacarlo a escondidas en mi bolsillo.

Little Stitch moved into her big-girl apartment today, complete with her very own litter box 💩A few weeks ago, I honestl...

Little Stitch moved into her big-girl apartment today, complete with her very own litter box 💩

A few weeks ago, I honestly didn't think I'd see this happen. While I was dealing with Garfield's illness, Stitch and her sister Lilo came to stay. They were found without a mum in a warehouse and brought to .cipar / . When they arrived, Lilo had a horrible infection in her navel, and unfortunately there was nothing we could do to save her, and she passed away the next day.
Stitch had a nasty infection that spread from her navel all the way around to her hip. We started her on antibiotic I injections in the vet clinic and at home, and I had to flush out the wounds several times a day. For a while, the wounds kept getting bigger, and the infection didn't appear to be improving. We swapped her to a twice-daily oral antibiotic, and eventually it started to help.

The last few weeks have been really hard, losing both Lilo and Garfield, but this little fighter made me so determined to help her through. I want to give Susana at Clinica Veterinaria Camarma a massive shout-out for her dedication and care. Susana, I know you're probably sick of seeing me so much over the last few weeks, so hopefully I'll be able to stay away for a while 😅

Thank you so much for saving this little girl. You're a hero ♥️


🇪🇸 Hoy, la pequeña Stitch se mudó a su apartamento de niña grande, completo con su propia caja de arena 💩

Hace unas semanas, sinceramente no pensé que vería esto suceder. Mientras lidiaba con la enfermedad de Garfield, Stitch y su hermana Lilo vinieron a quedarse. Fueron encontradas sin madre en un almacén y llevadas a CIPAR Mary Tealby. Centro integral protección animal de Rivas-Vaciamadrid / RIVANIMAL. Cuando llegaron, Lilo tenía una horrible infección en el ombligo, y desafortunadamente no pudimos hacer nada para salvarla, y falleció al día siguiente.
Stitch tenía una infección grave que se extendía desde el ombligo hasta la cadera. Comenzamos a administrarle inyecciones de antibióticos en la clínica veterinaria y en casa, y tuve que limpiar las heridas varias veces al día. Durante un tiempo, las heridas seguían empeorando y la infección no parecía mejorar. Cambiamos a un antibiótico oral dos veces al día, y finalmente comenzó a ayudar.

Las últimas semanas han sido muy duras, perdiendo tanto a Lilo como a Garfield, pero esta pequeña luchadora me hizo estar decidida a ayudarla. Quiero agradecer enormemente a Susana de la Clínica Veterinaria Camarma por su dedicación y cuidado. Susana, sé que probablemente estés cansada de verme tanto en las últimas semanas, así que espero poder mantenerme alejada por un tiempo 😅

Muchas gracias por salvar a esta pequeña. Eres una he***na ♥️

And just like that... I think Tara has entered her first fear period. The first fear period, which normally occurs betwe...

And just like that... I think Tara has entered her first fear period.

The first fear period, which normally occurs between 8 to 11 weeks of age, is a critical stage in puppy development where they become especially sensitive to new experiences and stimuli. Negative experiences during this time can have lasting impacts, so it's important to handle them with care.

I was sitting in the garden with Tara when the wind blew over the kids' canopy and paddling pool. Rather than running towards them to investigate like she normally would, she ran to me and jumped up on my lap, then watched them with her ears up, giving two little quiet "huff" barks.

I gave her a little calm reassurance and redirected her onto a toy. A few seconds of play and she was back to her normal confident self, even running down towards them to say hello to Sid.

Over the last few weeks we’ve been focusing on providing her with as many positive experiences as possible, introducing her to new items, people, dogs at a distance, noises, and smells. Hopefully, she’ll breeze through this phase without any negative experiences. We'll continue to expose her to new things during this period, but with care, giving her the space and time she needs.

----- 🇪🇸
Y así de repente... Creo que Tara ha entrado en su primer periodo de miedo.

El primer periodo de miedo, que normalmente ocurre entre las 8 y 11 semanas de edad, es una etapa crítica en el desarrollo de los cachorros, donde se vuelven especialmente sensibles a nuevas experiencias y estímulos. Las experiencias negativas durante este tiempo pueden tener impactos duraderos, por lo que es importante manejarlas con cuidado.

Estaba sentada en el jardín con Tara cuando el viento derribó el toldo y la piscina de los niños. En lugar de correr hacia ellos para investigar como normalmente lo haría, corrió hacia mí y se subió a mi regazo, luego los observó con las orejas erguidas, dando dos pequeños ladridos "huff".

Le di un poco de tranquilidad y la redirigí a un juguete. Unos segundos de juego y volvió a ser su yo confiado de siempre, incluso corriendo hacia ellos para saludar a Sid.

En las últimas semanas nos hemos centrado en proporcionarle tantas experiencias positivas como sea posible, presentándole nuevos objetos, personas, perros a distancia, ruidos y olores. Con suerte, pasará por esta fase sin experiencias negativas. Continuaremos exponiéndola a nuevas cosas durante este periodo, pero con cuidado, dándole el espacio y el tiempo que necesite.

Major shout-out to  in  today for being so dog-friendly! 🍔 🐶 We visited with little Tara, and when the waitress saw her ...

Major shout-out to in today for being so dog-friendly! 🍔 🐶

We visited with little Tara, and when the waitress saw her asleep in the carrier, she brought over a chair so we didn't have to put it on the ground. It wasn't something I had hesitated in doing, but it was such a lovely gesture! ♥️

🇪🇸 ¡Un gran saludo a en hoy por ser tan amigables con los perros! 🍔 🐶

Visitamos con la pequeña Tara, y cuando la camarera la vio dormida en el transportín, trajo una silla para que no tuviéramos que ponerlo en el suelo. No era algo que hubiera dudado en hacer, ¡pero fue un gesto tan encantador! ♥️

I write this today, because the words won't come tomorrow.I watch you stretched out, the sun warming your tired bones, s...

I write this today, because the words won't come tomorrow.
I watch you stretched out, the sun warming your tired bones, soaking up the last rays, as if you know.

I'm trying to imagine a life without you, but I can't imagine even a day. You've been a constant in our lives, a quiet presence.
You are warm gingerbread.
You are home.

You've always needed so much minding, so much care.
"Garfi needs..." became the rhythm of our days.
I'm going to have so many free little moments,
time saved cleaning your tears, although now I wish you could dry mine. They fall like the saline I watched drip into your skinny shoulders. The needle hurt me more than it hurt you, but you held still, trying to make it easier for me.

Time saved cleaning your little chin like a messy child who hasn’t quite figured out the spoon,
Time saved scrubbing your sneezes off the walls, like freckles on a blank canvas. Your moustache, the smile.
These little burdens that I wish I could carry forever.
Your endless patience and forgiveness.

You were meant to be fleeting but once he said, “How's the Gingerbread Man?” I knew you were to stay. And like that, you made us failed fosterers.

You've always been everyone's best friend,
Grandad to countless babies who had no one else,
A source of endless patience.
When I came home with an empty belly, you were the placeholder. Holding the space until my girls came to be.

A tangerine blur in every one of my girls’ memories,
A shaggy shadow.
Your grumbly purr was the soundtrack of their childhood.
In your presence, they grew, they felt, they loved, they felt loved.
They learned “gentle hands” on your back as you vibrated and arched under their tiny fingers.
“Mammy, Garfi's squashing me again.”

As the warmth of the sun fades, I count down the hours.
I know I must let you go,
but I will carry you with me,
in the empty echoes of your purr,
in the quiet moments that will now feel so empty.

The choice is mine, but I want to argue it tooth and nail.
It's right, but it feels so wrong.
I'm making the choice for you. I promise, it's for you.
I've done everything I could for you, and this is the last thing I can do.

Your ginger hairs little reminders that you were here, you were real, you were loved.
They’ll remain when you no longer do.
I’ll pause when it comes to feeding time. The headcount of plates and bowls one less.
My lap is light. My jeans no longer bear your outline.
Your spot on the bed is cold. The rays don’t warm it like you did.

The first night you fell asleep in my arms, implicit trust. There you'll sleep for the last time.

The saddest short story: She picked up the empty pet carrier and walked out alone.

Goodbye my Garfi, until we meet again in the heart's quiet places.
Rest with your chin tilted to a sunbeam, Yin and Yang with Milu. My two boys together again.

🇪🇸 Escribo esto hoy porque las palabras no saldrán mañana.
Te miro extendido, el sol calentando tus huesos cansados, absorbiendo los últimos rayos, como si lo supieras.
Intento imaginar una vida sin ti, pero no puedo imaginar ni un día.
Has sido una constante en nuestras vidas, una presencia tranquila.
Eres pan de jengibre caliente. Eres hogar.

Siempre has necesitado tanto cuidado. "Garfi necesita..." se convirtió en el ritmo de nuestros días.
Voy a tener muchos momentos libres, tiempo ahorrado limpiando tus lágrimas, aunque ahora desearía que pudieras secar las mías. Caen como la solución salina que vi gotear en tus hombros delgados. La aguja me dolió más a mí que a ti, pero te quedaste quieto, tratando de hacerlo más fácil para mí. Tiempo ahorrado limpiando tu barbilla como un niño desordenado, tiempo ahorrado limpiando tus estornudos de las paredes, como pecas en un lienzo en blanco. Tu bigote, la sonrisa.

Estas pequeñas cargas que desearía poder llevar para siempre. Tu infinita paciencia y perdón.
Se suponía que debías ser temporal, pero una vez él dijo: “¿Cómo está el Hombre de Jengibre?” Supe que te quedarías. Y así, nos convertiste en padres de acogida fracasados.
Siempre has sido el mejor amigo de todos, abuelo de incontables bebés que no tenían a nadie más, una fuente de paciencia infinita. Cuando volví a casa con un vientre vacío, fuiste el reemplazo. Manteniendo el espacio hasta que mis hijas llegaron.

Una mancha naranja en los recuerdos de mis hijas, una sombra peluda.
Tu ronroneo gruñón fue la banda sonora de su infancia. En tu presencia, crecieron, sintieron, amaron y se sintieron amadas.
Aprendieron “manos suaves” en tu espalda mientras vibrabas y te arqueabas bajo sus pequeños dedos. “Mami, Garfi me está aplastando otra vez.”

Mientras se desvanece el calor del sol, cuento las horas. Sé que debo dejarte ir, pero te llevaré conmigo, en los ecos vacíos de tu ronroneo, en los momentos tranquilos que ahora se sentirán tan vacíos.

La decisión es mía, pero quiero discutirla a toda costa. Es lo correcto, pero se siente tan mal. Estoy tomando la decisión por ti. Te lo prometo, es por ti. He hecho todo lo que pude por ti, y esto es lo último que puedo hacer.

Tus pelos de jengibre son pequeños recordatorios de que estuviste aquí, fuiste real, fuiste amado. Permanecerán cuando tú ya no lo hagas. Me detendré a la hora de alimentar. Una cuenta de platos y tazones menos. Mi regazo está ligero. Mis jeans ya no llevan tu huella. Tu lugar en la cama está frío. Los rayos no lo calientan como tú.

La primera noche que te dormiste en mis brazos, confianza implícita. Allí dormirás por última vez.

El cuento corto más triste: Recogió el transportín vacío y salió sola.

Adiós mi Garfi, hasta que nos volvamos a encontrar en los lugares tranquilos del corazón. Descansa con la barbilla inclinada hacia un rayo de sol, Yin y Yang con Milu. Mis dos chicos juntos otra vez.

Teeny tiny tuggy teefs 🦷

Teeny tiny tuggy teefs 🦷

This little Disney dog is Reggie! 🐕I met him yesterday for the first time and we got to work on some of his big feelings...

This little Disney dog is Reggie! 🐕

I met him yesterday for the first time and we got to work on some of his big feelings towards kids, guests and other dogs.

When he arrived at the house, I let him explore the garden off-leash, to let him calm down after the car ride, but also because I wanted to see how he reacted to me as a new person.

When a dog comes to work with me, at first, I completely ignore them. The reason for this isn't because I don't want to say hi (believe me, I'd love to be rolling around on the lawn with them!) but I want to see what the dog's temperament is like in a new environment with a new person.

Reggie was happy to ignore me completely, which says a lot. His body language wasn't intimidated or threatened, but he just had no interest in getting to know me (which is absolutely fine!)

A lot of the time, we are drawn to dogs and find the urge to interact with them quite overwhelming. We can struggle to just ignore them, and desperately want to say hi, when oftentimes the dog just wants to be left alone to do their own thing. This is the case with Reggie with people. With doggy friends, he's happy to say hi, but then he wants to be ignored.

The first step in working with Reggie's outbursts is to be his advocate and to tell people that he needs space. We're going to work on his reactions, and we'll make sure that he feels safe, and doesn't feel the need to shout, but the main thing is that he knows that we have his back so he doesn't have to worry. Don't worry Reggie, we've got you! ♥️


🇪🇸 ¡Este perrito de Disney es Reggie! 🐕

Lo conocí ayer por primera vez y empezamos a trabajar en algunos de sus grandes sentimientos hacia los niños, los invitados y otros perros.

Cuando llegó a la casa, lo dejé explorar el jardín sin correa, para que se calmara después del viaje en coche, pero también porque quería ver cómo reaccionaba conmigo como una persona nueva.

Cuando un perro viene a trabajar conmigo, al principio, lo ignoro por completo. La razón de esto no es porque no quiera saludarlo (créeme, ¡me encantaría estar rodando en el césped con ellos!), sino porque quiero ver cómo es el temperamento del perro en un nuevo entorno con una persona nueva.

Reggie estaba feliz de ignorarme por completo, lo cual dice mucho. Su lenguaje corporal no estaba intimidado ni amenazado, simplemente no tenía interés en conocerme (¡lo cual está absolutamente bien!).

Muchas veces, nos sentimos atraídos por los perros y sentimos la necesidad de interactuar con ellos de manera abrumadora. Nos cuesta simplemente ignorarlos y queremos desesperadamente saludar, cuando a menudo el perro solo quiere que lo dejen solo para hacer sus cosas. Este es el caso de Reggie con las personas. Con sus amigos perrunos, está feliz de saludar, pero luego quiere ser ignorado.

El primer paso para trabajar con los arrebatos de Reggie es ser su defensor y decirle a la gente que necesita espacio. Vamos a trabajar en sus reacciones y nos aseguraremos de que se sienta seguro y no sienta la necesidad de gritar, pero lo principal es que él sepa que lo apoyamos para que no tenga que preocuparse. No te preocupes, Reggie, ¡te tenemos! ♥️

The mini heart attack when you can't find the puppy...

The mini heart attack when you can't find the puppy...

A little Garfi update ♥️He had another blood test on Friday which shows that his levels are worse than they were before ...

A little Garfi update ♥️

He had another blood test on Friday which shows that his levels are worse than they were before he started treatment. I'm giving him subcutaneous fluids once a day at home, and he's continuing with medication twice a day too.

For the moment, he's happy, and not in any pain, and that's what we're basing any decisions on, rather than focusing solely on the blood tests. He's enjoying his food, is looking for cuddles and asks to go out to the garden for a little while each day to sunbathe. He's still purring like a furry little tractor 🚜

He was sick yesterday, and fell over when he tried to jump on the TV stand, and we found him sleeping in the washing machine today (which is really strange for him). They're all small things but if we notice that they become more frequent, or if he has a few bad days, then a really tough decision is going to have to be made. He's got a wonderful vet and she's been incredible at giving us extra time with him, so we're really appreciative of every day that we have together.

🇪🇸 Una pequeña actualización sobre Garfi ♥️

Le hicieron otro análisis de sangre el viernes, que muestra que sus niveles están peor que antes de comenzar el tratamiento. Le estoy dando fluidos subcutáneos una vez al día en casa, y sigue con la medicación dos veces al día también.

Por el momento, está feliz y no tiene dolor, y es en eso en lo que nos basamos para tomar decisiones, en lugar de enfocarnos únicamente en los análisis de sangre. Disfruta de su comida, busca mimos y pide salir al jardín un rato cada día para tomar el sol. Sigue ronroneando como un pequeño tractor peludo 🚜

Ayer vomitó y se cayó cuando intentó saltar al mueble de la televisión, y hoy lo encontramos durmiendo en la lavadora (lo cual es realmente extraño en él). Son pequeñas cosas, pero si notamos que se vuelven más frecuentes o si tiene algunos días malos, entonces tendremos que tomar una decisión muy difícil. Tiene una veterinaria maravillosa que ha sido increíble al darnos más tiempo con él, así que estamos realmente agradecidos por cada día que pasamos juntos.

She's got a name! It was originally Lorcan (which means little fierce one) but it turns out she's a girl, so plans chang...

She's got a name! It was originally Lorcan (which means little fierce one) but it turns out she's a girl, so plans changed a bit 😅

Meet Tara! ☘️

Tara was found thrown in a rubbish bin yesterday, and covered in ticks. Luckily she was brought to where they took her under their care. We went to pick her up today and she's settled in really well. We haven't had a single accident indoors, and she's just alternated between playing, cuddling and sleeping, so we're off to a good start ♥️

She'll be looking for her own family when she's old enough, but for now, we're just focusing on introducing her to the world, making her feel confident and happy and teaching her some manners. Look forward to lots of puppy spam! 🐶


🇪🇸 ¡Tiene un nombre! Originalmente era Lorcan (que significa "pequeño feroz"), pero resulta que es una niña, así que los planes cambiaron un poco 😅

¡Conoce a Tara! ☘️

Tara fue encontrada ayer tirada en un cubo de basura, y cubierta de garrapatas. Afortunadamente, fue llevada al .cipar donde la acogieron. Fuimos a recogerla hoy y se ha adaptado muy bien. No hemos tenido ni un solo accidente dentro de casa, y solo ha alternado entre jugar, acurrucarse y dormir, así que hemos empezado con buen pie ♥️

Buscará su propia familia cuando sea lo suficientemente mayor, pero por ahora, nos estamos enfocando en presentarle el mundo, hacerla sentir segura y feliz, y enseñarle algunos modales. ¡Prepárense para muchas fotos! 🐶


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Our Story

Hi, I'm Lou!

I’m a dog trainer in Madrid and a full member of The Institute of Modern Dog Training (IMDT) as well as a qualified instructor of The Real Dog Yoga.

I'm Irish and have lived in Madrid since 2013. Working with animals, especially dogs, is a huge passion of mine. In my training, your dog's wellbeing is my #1 priority, and I use never use intimidation, fear or pain.

​As well as a trainer, I'm a volunteer with various shelters; a foster home for abandoned puppies and kittens; and I run the Madrid Pet Lovers group to help rescues find foster homes and adoptions for the animals in their care.

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