🇬🇧🪪UK Citizens that have TIE cards registered under the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement can begin the process to renew the cards up to 30 days before expiry of the card. The process can be carried out at the national police station or your local foreigners office and all being well should hopefully be straight forward. New cards should be issued for 10 years and residency status updated from temporary to permanent if you are not already permanent. As far as we know at this moment, there will be 2 different processes, one for those whose brexit tie was their first residency and one for those who previously had a green EU residency card/certificate. Note the process for family members that are not UK Citizens is also different.
The first round of withdrawal agreement TIE renewals are expected this year from June, and it is likely to get busy around this time with an increase in demand for appointments.
📃‼️If your card is due to expire this year, you can contact us and register for our services, to keep up to date with any new information on this process and for a reminder closer to the date of your renewal with the latest information.
Email 📧- [email protected]