The goal of Classical Riding Reflection is to promote classical dressage by training and retraining horses of all breeds and ages, in accordance with their strengths, their breed, and their age. In classical dressage, we focus on using dressage gymnastics to strengthen and supple the horse's muscles, so that the rider may learn to connect more effectively with the horse as a partner. It should be the aim of the trainer/rider to make the horse feel secure and confident in order to perform at his highest potential.
With work on the lunge line and in hand, the horse will learn to balance himself and build muscles without the rider's weight. The rider will be able to see where he needs more muscle development, and by the time the horse is ready to be mounted, he will have warmed up the muscles that we want to work with in the saddle. Riding should not be physical work for the rider but a mental cooperation with a partner, with whom we become as one. We ask our partner not by pushing and pulling, but by giving and releasing. The primary goal is harmony between two partners. If riding is supposed to be harmonious, we cannot scream and kick; we must learn how to ask. That is what Classical Riding Reflection will teach you.