Cruz Azul Murcia

We provide veterinary care for the sick/injured pets of owners on low incomes Call 693 017 616 for information.

We have a donation centre to help raise funds at Avenida de la Unión 96, San Javier, Murcia, right next door to Yorkshire Linen. Opening Hours: Monday to Friday, from 10.00 to 14.00

All donations of furniture, bric-a-brac, household items, clothes, jewellery, etc., are always welcome.

Our volunteers are back from their summer break and eager to serve you. Pop in and say hello.

Our volunteers are back from their summer break and eager to serve you. Pop in and say hello.

A heartwarming story.   🐾😍

A heartwarming story. 🐾😍

Street Art Utopia: Green-Wood Cemetery, located in Brooklyn, New York City, is famous for being the final resting place of numerous well-known figures such as composer Leonard Bernstein, photographer Charles Ebbets, and artist Jean-Michel Basquiat.

However, among the 478-acre cemetery, a small gravestone dedicated to a dog named Rex, who died over 100 years ago, has captured the hearts of many.

Rex’s grave has attracted significant attention, with visitors flocking to pay their respects to the beloved canine. In a touching tribute, people have been placing sticks across the statue’s paws, turning it into a heartwarming tradition. The gravestone, situated beneath a tree, has made it convenient for passersby to gather sticks and offer them to Rex.

While there are four other dogs buried at Green-Wood Cemetery, Rex was believed to be the last due to public opposition to animal interment.

In April 2016, the cemetery hosted a tour showcasing the graves of Rex and the other dogs buried there. This is how the public became aware of Rex and the other dogs laid to rest within the memorial park.

Stacy Locke, Communications Manager at Green-Wood Cemetery, shared, “People will drop a stick across his little paws. Someone also left a picture of a dog there once, maybe their little pet who passed away, as to say, ‘Rex, look after my little one.’”

The growing collection of sticks and images of Rex’s grave have circulated widely online, sparking curiosity and warm sentiments from the public. This unique tribute to a century-old canine reflects the deep bond between humans and their pets, reminding us of the lasting impact our animal companions have on our lives.

*** UPDATE *** KitKat has been neutered and all blood tests have come back negative. All she needs now is someone to lov...

*** UPDATE *** KitKat has been neutered and all blood tests have come back negative. All she needs now is someone to love her and take care of her.

Say hello to KitKat. She’s around six months old and turned up in a garden, extremely thin and hungry. As you can see, she’s made herself at home, but the owners only come here for holidays in the summer and they cannot adopt her.

So, she’s looking for someone to care for her and love her all year round. Could that be you? If so, please call 722850910 to find out more.

If you can’t adopt, please share so that we can find KitKat a home before she’s back on the streets. Many thanks! 🐾💓

Please help Malcolm’s Cats of you can. Just 1€ a month could make all the difference.

Please help Malcolm’s Cats of you can. Just 1€ a month could make all the difference.

Malcolm’s Cats Spain. In Spain, feral cats have a harsh and difficult life. I am trying to make that life a little bit better for some of them. I now have 36 cats of various ages and in various states of health. Vets bills are not cheap and my food bills and medication add to the costs of keeping ...


Kiki is 12 years old and has suffered from arthritis for a while. He now has hip displasia and his back legs no longer work, so we worked with his owner to find him some wheels and allow him to enjoy his walks once more. It makes our hearts sing to see him getting used to his new wheels.
Kiki tiene 12 años y sufre de artritis desde hace un tiempo. Ahora tiene displasia de cadera y sus patas traseras ya no funcionan, por lo que trabajamos con su dueño para conseguirle algunas ruedas y permitirle disfrutar de sus paseos una vez más. Nos hace cantar el corazón verlo acostumbrarse a sus nuevas ruedas.

Happy international dog day! Give your dog an extra hug today.Feliz día sundial del perro. Dale a tu perro un abrazo ext...

Happy international dog day! Give your dog an extra hug today.
Feliz día sundial del perro. Dale a tu perro un abrazo extra hoy. 🐾💕

One of many unsung heroes who help abandoned dogs. Well done Denise.

One of many unsung heroes who help abandoned dogs. Well done Denise.

We often talk about " Long Stayers" and ‘’Lifers’’ but we are usually referring to our dogs....however super volunteer DENISE must surely be worthy of this title with a whopping 14 years volunteering with us under her belt!!! There is not much Denise has not seen or heard in her time with us that's for sure😃. Here is Denise's story....

"I first visited Los Infiernos Protectora about 14 years ago when my sister and brother in law adopted a dog and all 3 of us haven’t actually ever managed to leave!

In the old days we had to clean out the cages and feed the dogs as well as walk them. There was no where near as many dogs as there are now😭

Following a fall I am no longer able to walk the dogs (as I no longer bounce) but keep myself occupied at the shelter cleaning cages and filling water buckets and generally trying to make sure the kennel is clean when the dogs come back from their walk. I also try to help new walkers navigate their way around the shelter.

I am involved in the administration side of things too, I keep the records of the dogs and their details which helps us in providing timely responses to adoption queries. I also assist with the profiling of dogs (this is no easy task with over 800 incoming dogs in the past year alone).
By keeping these records we can ensure that all dogs that are available for adoption get exposure on social media.

Where the past 14 years have gone I simply don’t know. I’m almost 78 now!!"

Denise has also been involved with the rehoming of many of the dogs at the shelter and one of the first dogs she rehomed was Picasso who has recently celebrated his 10th birthday after being adopted in the UK🎂

Denise, without your dedication and hardwork not only at the shelter but also the amount of ‘hidden work’ behind the scenes many of these dogs would not have had the opportunity of a new home and would have simply become invisible. You are an inspiration to us all and we are so thankful to have you on the team.


The owner of these cats has just gone into end of life care and she needs to find homes for them. They are in Mazarron. ...

The owner of these cats has just gone into end of life care and she needs to find homes for them. They are in Mazarron. They have contacted the local rescue but they are unable to take them. They are happy to transport them.

There are 2 females & 1 male and are all 6 years old. We believe they are all up-to-date with vaccines, etc, and neutered. Please get in touch if you can offer them a home.

Just 1 Euro a month will make such a difference to the 300+ dogs that Los Infiernos Protectora Supporters take care of e...

Just 1 Euro a month will make such a difference to the 300+ dogs that Los Infiernos Protectora Supporters take care of every week. That's not even the price of a cup of coffee. 🐾

If you can spare €1 per month please sign up to the group using the instructions below.

Log on to

Press blue button 🔵 join this group €1 per month

Select "Sign up"

Complete the following information
Last Name

Once you have completed this information you will be sent an email to verify your identity 🔐

Confirm your email address via the link you are sent.

Select either donate via Bank Account or Debit or Credit Card and complete your details.

Select Join the group.

OPENING OF REGISTRATION FOR THE OBLIGATORY TRAINING FOR Obtaining a feeder/manager's license in the municipality of Murc...

OPENING OF REGISTRATION FOR THE OBLIGATORY TRAINING FOR Obtaining a feeder/manager's license in the municipality of Murcia:
- Saturday June 29 - IN-PERSON TRAINING
- Remember that even if you don't collaborate with a protector, it's important that you do the course (later on you will have to contact a protector to collaborate with her and the card can be processed).
- Those who have already taken the previous courses in May and December of last year, there is no need to do it again.
- It is necessary to carry a photo card and a photocopy of the ID in an envelope with NAME AND SURNAME.

- Sábado 29 de Junio - FORMACION PRESENCIAL
- Recordad que aunque no colaboréis con una protectora es importante que hagáis el curso (más adelante tendréis que contactar con alguna protectora para colaborar con ella y se pueda tramitar el carnet ).
- No es necesario volver a hacerlo los que ya hayáis ido a los anteriores cursos de mayo y diciembre del año pasado.
- Imprescindible llevar foto carnet y fotocopia del DNI en un sobre con NOMBRE Y APELLIDOS.

Advance warning of our summer closure dates so that our volunteers can get some well-earned rest. We will remind you aga...

Advance warning of our summer closure dates so that our volunteers can get some well-earned rest. We will remind you again before August.

Avisar con antelación de nuestras fechas de cierre de verano para que nuestros voluntarios puedan disfrutar de un merecido descanso. Te lo recordaremos nuevamente antes de agosto.

Want to make a difference? Just a couple of hours a week volunteering for Los Infiernos Protectora Supporters will make ...

Want to make a difference? Just a couple of hours a week volunteering for Los Infiernos Protectora Supporters will make a huge difference. 🐾

Lend a hand to help a paw 🐾

We always need volunteers to help walk the 300+ dogs we are currently supporting.

Send us a message below if you can help and we will send you all the information you need.

Contact: Via messenger from our page. Facebook: Instagram: E-mail: [email protected] Address: Lugar la Condesa 139 30592 Torre-Pacheco.

We’re on TikTok 😁😁. Please find exciting, new, fun videos at…

We currently have around 30 dogs PLUS all the PPP dogs that are sponsored. This means they are ‘extra’ loved and volunteers and supporters will help towards their travel expenses. 😇😇

All dogs available for adoption are listed here:

Los Infiernos Protectora supporters (LIPS) support the animals at the Anguimar pound in Los Infiernos, Murcia.

Adopt, Foster, Share, Donate and Pray 🙏.

Please select friends and family option to ensure your pennies go further.

Our sincere apologies to anyone who turned up today and found our Donation Centre closed. We had a poorly Centre Manager...

Our sincere apologies to anyone who turned up today and found our Donation Centre closed. We had a poorly Centre Manager and couldn’t let everyone know in time about the closure. Thank you to Julie at Yorkshire Linen San Javier for helping with donations today. Hopefully, we will be back to normal soon 🤒🐾

We’re back! Come and see us soon. ¡Estamos de vuelta! Ven a vernos pronto. 😊🐾

We’re back! Come and see us soon. ¡Estamos de vuelta! Ven a vernos pronto. 😊🐾

Our volunteers have a day off today. We will open again tomorrow. Nuestros voluntarios tienen un día libre hoy. Volverem...

Our volunteers have a day off today. We will open again tomorrow. Nuestros voluntarios tienen un día libre hoy. Volveremos a abrir mañana.

Cerraremos el miércoles 1 de mayo y volveremos a abrir el jueves 2 de mayo. We will be closed on Wednesday, 1 May and re...

Cerraremos el miércoles 1 de mayo y volveremos a abrir el jueves 2 de mayo. We will be closed on Wednesday, 1 May and re-open on Thursday, 2 May.

On January 4, 2024 a Promoting Commission that is made up of people with a proven track record in animal protection regi...

On January 4, 2024 a Promoting Commission that is made up of people with a proven track record in animal protection registered an ILP to repeal Act 18/2013 on the cultural heritage of bullfighting. In early February, the Table of Congress admitted it to process and now we have nine months to gather a total of 500,000 signatures so that it can begin processing in the Congressional House of Representatives.
Come with your ID to sign so that bullfighting stops being a cultural heritage of Spain. Anyone over 18 with Spanish nationality can sign.
Be a part of this historic initiative to banish bullfighting from the past.
Sign to repeal the Cultural Heritage Act of Bullfighting.
Be fedatari@, volunteer@... +info: [email protected]
The Animal Rights Coordinator of the Region of Murcia will be collecting signatures on the following dates and places. Little by little they will leave including more.

El 4 de enero de 2024 una Comisión Promotora que está formada por personas de probada trayectoria en la protección animal registró una ILP para derogar la Ley 18/2013 de patrimonio cultural de la tauromaquia. A principios de febrero, la Mesa del Congreso la admitió a trámite y ahora disponemos de nueve meses de plazo para reunir un total de 500.000 firmas con el fin de que se pueda iniciar su tramitación en la Cámara del Congreso de los Diputados.

Ven con tu DNI a firmar para que la tauromaquia deje de ser patrimonio cultural de España. Podrá firmar toda persona mayor de 18 años con nacionalidad española.

Conviértete en parte de esta iniciativa histórica para desterrar a la tauromaquia al pasado.

Firma para derogar la Ley de Patrimonio Cultural de la Tauromaquia.
Hazte fedatari@, participa como voluntari@...+info: [email protected]

La Coordinadora por los Derechos de los Animales de la Región de Murcia recogerá firmas en las siguientes fechas y lugares. Poco a poco se irán incluyendo más.

Prime viewing of the parade for these lucky doggies 🐾❤️

Prime viewing of the parade for these lucky doggies 🐾❤️

Even pets 🐩 🐶 love 💕 the Spanish Holy Week Processions 🇪🇦

We will be closed on Thursday, 28th March and Friday, 29th March and re-open on Monday, 1 April. Have a super Easter eve...

We will be closed on Thursday, 28th March and Friday, 29th March and re-open on Monday, 1 April. Have a super Easter everyone!

Estaremos cerrados el jueves 28 de marzo y el viernes 29 de marzo y volveremos a abrir el lunes 1 de abril. ¡Que tengan todos una súper Pascua!

We are closed for Father's Day on 19 March. We re-open on Wednesday, 20 March.Estamos cerrados por el Día del Padre el 1...

We are closed for Father's Day on 19 March. We re-open on Wednesday, 20 March.
Estamos cerrados por el Día del Padre el 19 de marzo. Reabrimos el miércoles 20 de marzo.

A dog-friendly bar in Los Alcázares. Contact us if you can recommend others in our area. 🐾😍

A dog-friendly bar in Los Alcázares. Contact us if you can recommend others in our area. 🐾😍

To all dog owners out there; Did you know you can bring your Poochies to Boochies??

We are a dog 🐶 friendly bar and will serve them a cool bowl of water - please help us spread the word by sharing our news 😊😊😊😊

RAISING FUNDS FOR Malcolm’s Cats - Lesley Eburne has kindly donated these glamorous, quality evening outfits to help rai...

RAISING FUNDS FOR Malcolm’s Cats - Lesley Eburne has kindly donated these glamorous, quality evening outfits to help raise funds to help Malcolm take care of his 32 cats. Details are:

Left to Right:
Red (Lesley's favourite) - size 14
Heavily beaded very smart, expensive dark green - size 14 Turquoise beaded knee length - size 14 with a separate top
Black with lace bodice and cuffed chiffon sleeves - size 14 to 16
(Navy is reserved).
Pink Edina strappy with diamante beading 14 to 16 size.

Pop into the Cruz Azul Centre (next to Yorkshire Linen San Javier) to grab one of these now. We're open Monday to Friday, from 10.00 until 14.00



Avenida De La Unión 96
San Javier

Horario de Apertura

Lunes 10:00 - 14:00
Martes 10:00 - 14:00
Miércoles 10:00 - 14:00
Jueves 10:00 - 14:00
Viernes 10:00 - 14:00

Página web,


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