It is the most common allergy in dogs and cats. Symptoms differ in dogs and cats. In atopic dogs, it is common to observe pruritus (itching), which can be seasonal or not, generalized all over the body or localized in some areas (such as paws, facial area, armpits...). Another common presentation of atopic dermatitis in dogs is recurrent otitis or dermatitis associated with bacterial or yeast infections.
On the other hand, atopic cats may present, as the most frequent signs, generalized pruritus of the neck and face and/or self-induced alopecia.
The diagnosis will be clinical, based on clinical history, lesional picture and discarding other diseases that can give a similar clinical picture. There are laboratories that offer to perform allergy tests with a serum sample. It is important to keep in mind that these tests are performed only when the diagnosis of atopic dermatitis has already been made and in the case that an allergen-specific immunotherapy (allergy vaccine) is desired.
As it is a multifactorial disease that may include immunological alterations, loss of skin barrier function or alterations in the skin microbiota, treatment should also be multimodal. Topical therapies, the use of therapeutic shampoos, moisturizing lotions or food supplements are effective options to prevent the onset of symptoms.
The use of medications such as corticosteroids to prevent the onset of symptoms.
However, the only specific treatment for the disease is allergen-specific immunotherapy, which will be established according to the intensity and presentation of symptoms.