CENTRO VETERINARIO SANA SANA Centro veterinario Horario lunes-viernes de 12:00-14:00h 16:00-20.30:00h. Sábados: de 10.30 a 13.30h. Servicio 24h - tfno 68699363. Tienda especializada.

Cita previa 881162501.


Such a common issue ❗
I know many people really struggle with this and the most important step to stop or limit this is sometimes not taken.
For aesthetic reasons or for financial reasons or both (which I absolutely understand) the crucial step of stopping this behaviour being repeated and rehearsed over and over is not taken.
For aesthetic reasons...
I get it, you have worked hard and have a beautiful home and fence but now your dog is launching themselves at that beautiful fence and at every dog, person or car that passes.
It may now be a "game" that they wait for hours and hours to play.

That "game" is causing huge stress in your dog.

Asking someone to block that view through that fence or to create a temporary fence further back is often met with resistance.
Some people may struggle financially with a cheap option to block that view.
Try w**d mat or thick opaque shade cloth to temporary staple to the fence, its a very reasonable price and comes in long lengths. Or look around the home for an old tarpaulin, there are very cheap or free options.

If you have a dog that sits on the deck and then launches into this "game" from there, change the area.
That "launch pad" WILL be used over and over if left.

This won't just stop.

Another reason people are hesitant to stop this is they see their dog enjoys this "game". They see the pacing while waiting, the anticipation and that is part of the issue. Reactivity can be highly stressful for dogs.
They are stuck in a loop and need help to stop.

Limiting opportunity is always a first step and from there you can put in other ways to help....but for some dogs, limiting the vision (and/or access to the fence line) will stop the behaviour immediately.

(Please respect that these graphics take time and effort to make . All graphics belong to ABC Dogs NZ and are under copyright. Unmarked graphics are available for $ 1.20 or $ 2 NZD each (approx), these are then able to be used off Facebook for client handouts, posters etc. Please visit ABC Dogs Patreon Shop for Graphics


Changing a dogs emotions takes time. ⏰✅
It isn't as "simple" as teaching a sit or stay, as this is ALL about emotions. Just as we humans need time and understanding to process our own emotions, dogs are absolutely no different.
However.... there are lots of steps (easy steps) you can do to help things go smoother and faster.
If you have a reactive dog, I know just how much effort you are putting in.
I am one of those trainers that LOVES reactive dogs (I think you all know that by now🙂). One of the reasons I love working with them is there can be such a transformation in everyone's lives !

Don't underestimate the power of stopping and taking a few deep breaths....all of our clients are encouraged to relax and breath when working with their dogs.
Often they take a few quick "shoulder breaths"....but when encouraged to stop and take some deeper belly breaths, their dog senses that too.
They know your stress has dropped.
They sense your heart rate has lowered.
They are aware your BP has lowered too.
Many dogs will respond amazingly well to just adding this in alone.
It certainly isn't a cure...but it helps lower everyone's stress.

Please respect that these graphics take time and effort to make. Everyone is free to share on social media🙂, however off social media use of these marked graphics is prohibited.
Unmarked graphics are available for $ 1.20 USD or $ 2 NZD each (approx), these are then able to be used off Facebook for client handouts, posters or for personal use.
Screen shots are a violation of the copyright.
Please visit ABC Dogs Patreon Shop for unmarked graphics. All graphics belong to ABC Dogs NZ and are under copyright.


Mantra time..."What is rewarded is repeated"✅
This is a simple and powerful message. 🏋️‍♀️
A few things to remember with this though and your timing needs to be clear too.
If you can be more precise when you reward behaviour you want to be repeated, you are making things SO much easier for your dog to understand.
Sometimes people see something they really like from their dog and they stand up, go to the cupboard to get their favourite reward, open the cupboard, get the packet out and the time to reward has long gone.
Have a few rewards on you at all times.✅
It isn't hard to do.
Pop them in a pocket (yes you will curse me on laundry day🙂), but you can make a real difference in your dogs behaviour just by rewarding exactly what you like when they show you.
I am not talking about a sit or a down but all the other times you notice your dog has done well.
They didn't bark at the cat as it ran over the grass YES! Rewardable✅
They chose just to relax on their bed or mat YES! Rewardable✅
They kept all four paws on the ground when your guest arrived YES! Rewardable✅

If you haven't tried rewarding exactly what you want....take up the challenge and try it for 2 weeks.
I promise you, you will see results...but you will probably still curse me on laundry day🙂

Please respect that these graphics take time and effort to make. Everyone is free to share on social media🙂, however off social media use of these marked graphics is prohibited.
Unmarked graphics are available for $ 1.20 USD or $ 2 NZD each (approx), these are then able to be used off Facebook for client handouts, posters or for personal use.
Screen shots are a violation of the copyright.
Please visit ABC Dogs Patreon Shop for unmarked graphics. All graphics belong to ABC Dogs NZ and are under copyright.


Can dogs lick from affection ? Absolutely ✅
Can they lick from feeling anxious ? Yes ✅
Not all licking is appeasement licking. Appeasement licking is usually paired with other stress signals or calming signals and I know that may be tricky for some to notice.
This is one of those behaviours that dogs show us that can be very misread.
Affection ❓Greeting ❓Stress ❓

Licking is completely normal for dogs. It can be a healthy and socially acceptable behaviour between other dogs. It is relaxing, soothing and can be displayed for so many reasons.
However appeasement licking can also be shown to other dogs too, even ones they know and live with.

If you are in any doubt over why your dog licks either you or another dog, video the interaction.
Watch that video and look for tell tale signs of stress (some are mentioned in the graphic).

One of the worst feelings in the world is when I have to inform someone that those certain types of "kisses" do not come from a place of affection but can be from a place of fear, mistrust and stress.

Please respect that these graphics take time and effort to make. Everyone is free to share on social media🙂, however off social media use of these marked graphics is prohibited.
Unmarked graphics are available for $ 1.20 USD or $ 2 NZD each (approx), these are then able to be used off Facebook for client handouts, posters or for personal use.
Screen shots are a violation of the copyright.
Please visit ABC Dogs Patreon Shop for unmarked graphics. All graphics belong to ABC Dogs NZ and are under copyright.


Post dedicado a todas las mujeres que decidieron no ser madres, y que escuchan a diario que "se pierden una de las mejores experiencias del mundo" o que "nunca sentirán un amor tan grande". Porque hoy sabemos que esas afirmaciones se basan en prejuicios y no en evidencia científica.

Estudios revelan que la relación perro-humano se parece mucho al vínculo madre-hijo.

El cerebro de una madre activa las mismas regiones cuando ve a su compañero perro que cuando ve a su hijo/a. Se enciende una red común de áreas cerebrales relacionadas con la emoción, la recompensa y la afiliación. Estos procesos son bidireccionales, y tanto perros como niños experimentan reaccione y emociones similares.

La evolución es eficiente y, a veces, recicla mecanismos antiguos para nuevos propósitos. Como los perros pueden provocar respuestas de amor en la especie humana, los lazos interespecíficos podrían mantenerse a través del mismo circuito de retroalimentación que evolucionó para promover el vínculo madre-hijo. Así, varios aspectos de nuestra biología parecen estar sintonizados con perros y niños de formas muy parecidas.

Cuando minimizamos el amor que sienten otras personas con frases como "es solamente un animal", ponemos en evidencia nuestras propias limitaciones para crear vínculos auténticos.

"Hasta que no hayas amado a un animal una parte de tu alma permanecerá dormida." (Anatole France)

La próxima vez que alguien intente decirte cómo y cuánto puedes amar, recuerda que su alma está dormida. Quizás algún día despierte para disfrutar de las conexiones maravillosas que pueden formar la especie humana y otros animales cuando existe un vínculo saludable, amoroso, cómplice y respetuoso.

Amen profundamente y amen sin prejuicios. Amen como aman los perros cuando aman de verdad.

Recuerda: no siempre que el perro te mira está deseando tu comida. Muchas veces simplemente te observa con amor.

Cuidado con el perro, tiene sentimientos.

Para saber más sobre perros y su mundo: www.universican.com

ⓒ Universican

📖Patterns of brain activation when mothers view their own child and dog: an fMRI study. PLoS One (2014)
📖 Evolution. Dogs hijack the human bonding pathway. Science (2015)


🇧🇭 #Бахрейн #バーレーン #बहरीन #البحرين #巴林



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Fue el rescate de animales más difícil que vivieron los bomberos por su complicación técnica. Llegaron a pensar que tendrían que dejarlo morir


Having the ability to do normal dog behavior is one of the Five Freedoms, "freedom to express normal behavior by providing sufficient space, proper facilities and company of the animal's own kind." Enrichment is ensuring we are meeting all of a species (and breed) needs. This is not optional. It is essential to your dog's quality of life. And one of the easiest ways to do this is to let your dog sniff! Go on a sniffari! read more in this week's post.



La verdad es que no sabemos ni por dónde empezar estas líneas, sinceramente dudamos si algún día podríamos disfrutar y escribir la historia del final feliz de Bart♥️💜💚💙🧡💛
Bart llegó al refugio siendo un cachorro junto con sus tres hermanos y su madre Mona, ella parió en la calle y les enseñó a desconfiar del ser humano con la finalidad de protegerles.
Sus hermanos fueron adoptados y su madre el año pasado tambien encontró un hogar de acogida definitiva.
Bart estuvo 10 años en el refugio, 3365 días con sus 3365 frías y húmedas noches, 10 años son muchos años para un perro cuya esperanza de vida ronda los 13-14, cuando Bart llegó al refugio en el 2013 era muy difícil que adoptasen a un perr@ adult@, la sociedad tenía la creencia de que ya no podía aprender a convivir en familia, solo se adoptaban cachorr@s y de casi todas las camadas quedaba algun@, hoy podemos decir bien alto que eso cambió y cambió gracias a personas como vosotr@s que estáis leyendo esto, que con vuestra fuerza cambiáis las creencias populares crueles y obsoletas hacia los animales.
Bart hace diez días que goza de una familia, una de esas de verdad, que le cuida y le protege, que le comprende y le arropa y queremos contaros cómo fue, hacer vuestra la emoción que sentimos porque estamos inmensamente agradecidas por tanto que nos aportáis cada día.
Nuestra compañera Eva Casais se puso en contacto con Miguel Romero, compañero de Julia Otero en Julia en la Onda, los miércoles dedican parte del programa a difundir casos de animales en adopción y Eva les pidió que hablasen sobre Bart.
Unos días antes de reyes Mariluz viajaba en coche junto a su Marido Tomás y su hija Fátima, estaban escuchando la radio y salió el caso de Bart, se estremecieron al escuchar que llevaba 10 años en el refugio y después de meditarlo decidieron llamar e informarse, nuestra compañera Sara les hizo entrevista, les explicó todo y por fin Bart junto a nuestra compañera Graciela puso rumbo a su nueva vida en Monforte de Lemos💜
Y así es como un perro mayor, despeluchado, de raza bonachón encontró a sus 10 años una familia para siempre, y es que la magia existe, la magia de las personas, de las buenas personas, las que son capaces de penetrar almas, las que no tienen miedo a adoptar un abuel@, las que saben que sí, va a morir antes que un@ joven y sí vamos a pasarlo mal, y qué? No merece la pena por salvar una vida de la indiferencia, de la soledad?
Nosotras decimos SÍ, merece la pena, merece la alegría y un día no muy lejano derribaremos esas barreras para siempre ❤️ porque nadie merece ser condenado a toda una vida de refugio sin cometer delito alguno.

Boas Festas para todos os que vivimos neste mundo!

Boas Festas para todos os que vivimos neste mundo!

Qué ternura de Fotografía 😍♥



"Wasn't me!" 🖤🐾🐈‍⬛


We knew this all along.


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16:00 - 20:30
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16:00 - 20:30
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16:00 - 20:30
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16:00 - 20:30
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