It sure was windy today, and not only outside😅. My little friend Zippy from Switserland 💕. The benefits of a hands free dryer👍
Some dogs, well most dogs don't like the high velocity dryer so much. It's not because of the wind but it's the nice that disturbs them. To make them more comfortable during the drying proces I put the "happy hoodie" It not only demps the noice, it also absorbs the water too😃👍. Dogs have a better hearing then us humans. I should wear a happy hoodie to🤣 to protect my ears. Find out for yourself in the video below😀. Baco did great and sat super relaxed👍❤️
Happy Monday, kick off with Ashoka❤️ ready for her pet parents wedding🥳💕🐾🐾
Lexi was in for 5 week spa moment 🤗🐕. Let's say she was ready for it🤣. As I groom Lexi by scissoring I had to wash her first. So first a brush, then she got washed 2 times. 1st deep cleaning, de-tangle shampoo and 2nd a withning and conditioner shampoo.
Towel dryed and sprayed her with a de-tangling spray and with the happy hoody on this little bouncer sat still during the drying process. Another plus for the happy hoody is that is absorbs most of the moister round her neck and ears so that increases drying time👍👌. Brushed her trough and she had a all over scissoring session ✂️✂️✂️.
What a difference 🤪🐕💕 see you in 5 weeks again Lexi🖐🖐🖐🐾🐾
Extreme make-over Friday for Rocky the Maltese and Buddy the Havachon💕🐕🐾🐕. These 2 are ready for the upcoming summer tempratures 🌞🌞😎😎. Buddy is a new kid on the block and the biggest cuddler you can imagine 🤗💕, and Rocky the Maltese is a regular who has made such an improvement being a corona pup so therefore not very socialized, but now whoohoo he is so much more relaxed and less nervous 👌 this shows with a lot of patience, TLC and training a lot can be fixed🥳💪. Welldone Rocky🐕🐕. See you both for the next fluffer SPA session😃💗🐾🐕🐕
Goodmorning to you all🌞🌞 new week new changes😎🐾🐾
Some of last week flufferers💗.
Is your dog in need for it's summer trim?🌞🌞
☝️🤓 ⬇️;
Clinica veterinaria Dolittle
Avenida de América 4 bajo blq 89
Torrox Costa or ☎️ 658 11 99 10
For a flufpointment 🤗🤗
And there was my little terrordwarf💗🤭 Chicko from holland