EVO BOOT EVOHORSE S.L. is a hoofboot manufacturer located in Asturias, Spain. We are looking for international resellers.

If you are interested please go to evo-boot.com and fill out our reseller qualification form.

This is what a swedish "pro" says about our Evoboots:"I'm so in love with these boots 😍 you can literally do whatever yo...

This is what a swedish "pro" says about our Evoboots:

"I'm so in love with these boots 😍 you can literally do whatever you want with them. These are both narrowed in the sole and remodeled in the shell because of flared hoof".

Are you a Pro? Why aren't you doing a perfect fit then? Try our EvoBoots and unleash all your skills!


🧡Dit was wel erg bijzonder 🤩!
Donderdagnacht om 01.30 uur vertrokken we, om op vrijdag om 13.00 uur bij de firma's Floating Boots en EVO BOOT (Spanje) binnen te kunnen wandelen met een bijzonder warm welkom!
We hebben geen foto's van de werkplaatsen mogen maken, maar wat was het geweldig om te zien hoe zij alles georganiseerd hebben. De productie en de samenstelling van de schoenen (assembleren), hoe zij de orders klaar maken voor verzending en de talloze controles tussendoor voordat alles ingepakt wordt. Ook hebben we een blik mogen werpen op de ruimte waar nieuwe ontwerpen worden bedacht en gemaakt, terwijl we ergens anders op kantoor een oude werktekening zagen van de mallen van de eerste Floatings ooit. We hebben gesproken over de Mini-Floatings en de EVO's, toekomstige ontwikkelingen en daarop werden we uitgenodigd om de nieuwe bedrijfshal te bezoeken - aan de andere kant van de berg, gniffel 😁.
Dat was indrukwekkend, want in het veld staat een enorm brok steen met daar het logo van Floating in uitgefreesd. De foto in de collage is genomen met het zicht vanaf de nieuwe bedrijfshal naar beneden, naar het begin van de oprit toe; gespiegeld dus. De tweede foto met groen is een stuk weide dat achter de hal ligt. De hal zelf staat bovenop een heuvel. Enfin, op het terrein wordt straks ook een testtrack van bijna 2 km aangelegd met verschillende ondergronden om hoefschoenen te kunnen testen. Maar nogmaals; we mochten alles zien, maar niets fotograferen! Daarna zijn we uitgenodigd voor een lunch, wat eveneens een geweldige ervaring was. Bijzonder smaakvol en uitgebreid, iets wat wij niet zo goed kennen zo laat in de middag, waardoor we in tijdnood kwamen voor onze volgende afspraak - een diner elders in een restaurant bij een favoriete hoofboot-fitter op nog eens drie uur rijden afstand..... De afsluiting was wat hectisch, maar wat een geweldige ervaring! Morgen meer over dit andere bezoek. Op de foto van links naar rechts Albert (EVO), Florentino (Floating), Raymond & Marjanka (EquiSchoen). Puissant detail: Albert Villasevill is eveneens Fieldinstructor voor LiberatedHorsemanship (USA), net zoals Marjanka dat is.

PS: De tekst vond FaceBook te lang om te vertalen in het Frans; we vertrouwen dat het automatisch vertalen in het Frans goed gaat. Hoefschoenen wordt nog wel eens neergezet als schoenen voor nijlpaarden in de vertaling, in plaats van hipposandales!


Who said that booted horses cannot go over SUPER SLIPPERY terrain?

Here you have a horse in Finland going over ice with its on!

Thank you Noutin Kaviot for your job, and this footage!

Happily EVObooted horses by Noutin Kaviot!!

Happily EVObooted horses by Noutin Kaviot!!

Today we have been asked to create a video about HOW TO OPEN A DORSAL WINDOW to help fixing the twisting issue that due ...

Today we have been asked to create a video about HOW TO OPEN A DORSAL WINDOW to help fixing the twisting issue that due to its conformation, some horses has... AND here it is! ENJOY!!!


Opening a dorsal window in an Evoboot is SUPER useful when your horse has a tendency to twist boots! BUT before doing so, first you should make sure that the...

She's ready to get some comfortable and safe exercice pulling the carriage with her   on!  lind

She's ready to get some comfortable and safe exercice pulling the carriage with her on! lind

Here we are! in   with our partner   giving a seminar FOR PROFESSIONALS on how to Fit, Adjust, Adapt & Transform our  ! ...

Here we are! in with our partner giving a seminar FOR PROFESSIONALS on how to Fit, Adjust, Adapt & Transform our !

Nice weather, nice people, good professional level... just perfect! We want to thank you Anna & Iva from for making it possible!


We create reliable, durable & easy to use solutions to help you as an end user, to protect your horse’s hooves while respecting its movement and improving its comfort. Having the commitment to always use the latest & highest quality materials available, and produce within the EU. Get in and check ...

Eduard Cugat Pelegrí riding Albor and Ona riding Shagya in a 40Km endurance race that took place in Olost (Catalunya) th...

Eduard Cugat Pelegrí riding Albor and Ona riding Shagya in a 40Km endurance race that took place in Olost (Catalunya) this last Saturday 30 Aopril 2022 as part of their training after being without competing for a while. They were on our glue on version. More about all them soon!


Jose Luis is one of our users. One of his 2 horses has been taken out from metal horseshoes only few months ago and he cannot cope with pulling a carriage without protection...

Jose Luis is SUPER happy with how his horse performs with our and that's why he's sharing this video with us!

Splendid image of the Zaragozas' mounted police (Spain), patrolling its streets with our  . You can follow them searchin...

Splendid image of the Zaragozas' mounted police (Spain), patrolling its streets with our . You can follow them searching for zaragoza.fts 😍


Andrea Kling wanted to share with all of us her mares' barefoot & story! Take a look what she says!

"My mare "Boni" (aka "Bonnie") is 9 years old and I have owned her for a bit over a year now. She is a happy barefoot horse. To protect her hooves on rough and hard paths while we are out and about, such as gravel roads, we have tested 3 different brands of hoof boots and finally bought the Evo boots, our favorites. We mainly use them for trail rides, but have also done dressage and some easy jumps with them. My mare has no troubles with them and I never need to worry about too much abrasion on the hooves or injuries to the sole and wall. In between of the farrier appointments, I maintain her hooves with a rasp myself so that their dimensions/form stay almost the same throughout the intervals. This way, the hooves are perfect and the boots always fit".

What do you think about her story? Wonderful isn't it? She's convinced about barefoot and is taking action to improve Boni's life! Give her a like! and share the post so a lot more people can know about her and her horse and follow their lovely example!

We have received a question asking if it was possible to jump with our   here comes the answer! One image is better than...

We have received a question asking if it was possible to jump with our here comes the answer! One image is better than any word ;D

In profile you can see the full video of herself jumping with Blue!

This is post (copy pasted):

"Blue and I had such a nice ride today at 😍🙌
With good weather and great companions 🥰🙏

🩰 Blue has on boots from .no type


Will be very happy if you follow our hashtag ➡️ and

Hi! We wanted to share with you one of our Technical Support Success stories that was forwarded to us by iota from  ! At...

Hi! We wanted to share with you one of our Technical Support Success stories that was forwarded to us by iota from ! At the left side of the image you'll find the first email reason and t the right side, the end result ;D Enjoy!

First Email: "Hello I'm Emma! I bought a pair of and now I would need some help. I think they sit well when I put them on them, I have to take a little force to get my toes in place. They look tight around the hooves and they can not be turned by hand. BUT when I ride the boots turn on both hooves… what could it be due to? I attach pictures of how they sit (image of the left side). Just to give you more information, I have also tried to move the screws around to all the holes to see if it gets better, but no, as they sit now, they spin a quarter of a turn 🤔 they are tight to put on, have to take some force get the toes to end up on the right place so they are not too big in that direction, however, I wonder if they are too wide? Looks like they are a bit wide right there on the sides where the boots are widest 🤔 however, it only seems to be in the gallop that they spin, can it be the horse that moves strangely?"

Alberts' answer: 1st.- Yes, the horse is creating a twisting force that is what ends up twisting the boot… That’s due to the horse’s conformation, the interaction forces with the ground and the boots fitting/adaptation/adjustment. Take in mind that horses are so heavy and fast, that sometimes everything is perfect on the boot but we cannot do anything to avoid twisting.

2nd.- IS there anything we can do? Yes… And I would do it in the following order:
- Bring the Bulb shield as forward as possible so the BS makes intimate contact with the heels region.
- Compensate the twisting by shortening the elastostops one side more that the other (mimicking the horses’ bulbs)
- Try going to a smaller size and heat adapt it so we make sure that the fitting is totally tight all the way around.
- Open a dorsal window to let the tip of the toe stick a few millimeters out so it stops twisting.

Any doubt about the above, simply ask! And I’ll do my best to answer you ;D

Final email: Hi Albert! I Just want to write and thank you so much for all the help I got with the boots ❤️ Today I moved the flap on the inside of the hoof a hole so it became longer than the one on the outside and after a long ride both boots remained as they should 👌 / Emma"


The EVO BOOT 1.19 is one of the most awesome hoofboots in the market. Light, adaptable, easy to use, supporting the hoof mechanism poerfectly, 12 sizes available.

Check our LATEST video to discover the 5 tricks that Albert wants to share with you regarding hoofboot fitting! Enjoy!👏👏...

Check our LATEST video to discover the 5 tricks that Albert wants to share with you regarding hoofboot fitting! Enjoy!👏👏👏


Are you new on the hoofboots world and you do not know how to fit them?Do you struggle while fitting hoofboots? Do you want to improve your fitting technique...

Finnish people are falling in love with our   due to the safety gate over ice and snow that they provide to their horses...

Finnish people are falling in love with our due to the safety gate over ice and snow that they provide to their horses! 💪🐎🐎🤩

If you live on a cold country... then... EvoBoots are YOUR BOOTS! and some of the following Resellers will be more than happy to help you!

Nout van der Male Viahov AB Hovbalans happyhoof.no

From Evohorse SLs' Team we hope all of you Merry Christmas and a Happy new year!

From Evohorse SLs' Team we hope all of you Merry Christmas and a Happy new year!

Here you have Megan and her mare Renoncule wearing a pair of red Evoboots Premium 2021! Renoncule is a toed in mare, wit...

Here you have Megan and her mare Renoncule wearing a pair of red Evoboots Premium 2021! Renoncule is a toed in mare, with an stabilized medio-lateral unbalance and a lateral overcharge. Megan has tried several boots for her mare without having good results... until she had her EvoBoots customized by a professional!

We're super happy and proud being part of those stories! Good job!

Albert, our Horse Welfare & Sales Director takes direct care of the technical doubts that you, as a reseller, profession...

Albert, our Horse Welfare & Sales Director takes direct care of the technical doubts that you, as a reseller, professional or as an end user might have! Because he's a vet, trimmer and boot fitting specialist he is able to give you the best advice!!

This testimonial is a proof of this!

Tamara (end user): Hello! sometimes I loose my shoes while trotting in the riding area outdoor and can't explain it to myself. I don't lose my shoes on the pitch, even at a gallop. I have now shortened the back of the shoes with a flex so that the horse cannot step on them and a heel direction on the toe so that it can lift its hooves off the ground quickly. I also bought the right shoe one size smaller afterwards. Still they don't hold tight enough. Can you see the cause?

Alberts' answer: ! From the images what I can tell is that I will work with a bigger bulb shield that permits to lift up the whole piece to fully cover the bulbs. My impression is that the bulb shields' lower strap is tight and in the correct place but due to the high heeled conformation the Bulb Shields' upper rim is not able to fully cover your horses' bulbs curvature. SO! If you let me know which Bulb shields' size are you using, your billing, shipping & contact details I could send you a bigger BS.

Tamaras' last email: Hello Albert. I have now adjusted 4 hoof boots for my horse. I am very satisfied and haven't lost a shoe either.
Thanks very much! I can only recommend the EVO BOOT and your very good advice. Many greetings Tamara


Nout van der Male is a professional hoof care practitioner and one of our distributors in the Northern Europe! And he has sent us this video showing one o his clients pulling a sled on snow with our on! Cool isn't it? Let us know what you think about it! Leave a comment below and share it so more people can know about our amazing boots and their benefits for the horses!

, , , ,

Hi! Albert has been exchanging some emails with an end user that had some doubts... Could you help her? What do you see ...

Hi! Albert has been exchanging some emails with an end user that had some doubts... Could you help her? What do you see that should be changed on this Evoboot? Or is all alright? ;D


We're proud to collaborate with the Spain's most advanced mounted police unit! This unit belongs to the Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza and keeps all their horses totally barefoot! 👏👏👏👏

We're also so happy to give them full advice on how to care their barefoot horses and provide them hoof protection and comfort with our . 💪💪💪💪

Keep doing the good work! And we hope that soon, more mounted units will follow their laudable example!

What do you thing? are they in the good track? Do you know of any other mounted police unit that keeps their horses barefoot? If yes... Which boots do they use?

Today we had received an email from Corinna asking us what do we think about the "straight from the box fitting" that sh...

Today we had received an email from Corinna asking us what do we think about the "straight from the box fitting" that she has done on her horse... What do you think? Looks awesome isn't it?

A lot of times (for those horses with standard hooves) fitting our is AS EASY and SIMPLE as this!

Who said that Sheties cannot have their SUPER & HIGH performance   customized? If you have a Shetland Poni is time to fo...

Who said that Sheties cannot have their SUPER & HIGH performance customized? If you have a Shetland Poni is time to forget clumpy boots! Get your EvoBoots NOW and make sure that your buddy is as comfortable as it can be!!

Noutin Kaviot

In some countries of the northern hemisphere the first snows have already arrived and the ice will be a constant from no...

In some countries of the northern hemisphere the first snows have already arrived and the ice will be a constant from now on, until next spring arrives... But keep calm! Our 2021 EvoBoots with ice studs are on its way! For now, you can ask your trusted professional to adapt them like the ones you see in this image so that slipping on ice is simply a thing of the past!

( job done by Noutin Kaviot in Finland)

As you might know, Albert, our Sales & technical service Director, is also a vet specialized in hoof care and rehabilita...

As you might know, Albert, our Sales & technical service Director, is also a vet specialized in hoof care and rehabilitation and keeps on working on the field from thursday to saturday because helping horses is his passion.

In the following images you can see Valerias' left front. Valeria is a 12 years old pure spanish mare that 1 year ago had foundered due to the inflammatory process that adipocites promote when they are saturated. In other words... Valeria was obese and could not store more fat in its body. This inflammatory process had altered the dermato-epidermal joint and the structures had collapsed (founder) creating so much pain on her... BUT thanks to the use of the EvoBoots glue ons, Albert could keep her instantaneously and long term, sound & happy!! this comfort permitted her to exercise, burn fat and build muscle. Diet changes, regular trims & time did the rest!

Its beautiful to see a horse recovery for such a painful "disease"... isn't it? From we are proud to have been a critical part of the process ;D.

If you're a PRO I'm sure that you have gone through cases like that... Have you used Evoboot Glue ons? give it a try! the results that you see in the image talks by itself!

First end users receiving the NEW SAFETY STRAP and sending us their nice feedback! Thank you for sharing ;D

First end users receiving the NEW SAFETY STRAP and sending us their nice feedback! Thank you for sharing ;D



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Martes 09:00 - 17:00
Miércoles 09:00 - 17:00

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