Fluke infection treatment in cattle

Fluke infection treatment in cattle Amphistomiasis is a parasitic disease of livestock animals, more commonly of cattle and sheep, and h Thakur et al. Mavenyengwa et al. Biswas et al. Varma et al.

Amphistomosis is known as a disease of great concern among parasitic diseases within and outside the country due to various reports of its high prevalence in Pakistan Bangladesh Bihar, Andhra Pradesh Udaipur Punjab and New Delhi Disease, its etiology and its impact on various parameters were thoroughly studied by various scientists. Many scientists reported findings in accordance with the present

study viz. Panda and Mishra who reported reduction of hemoglobin content and erythrocyte count with eosinophilia in clinical pathological studies of the buffalo calf affected with amphistomosis, Singh et al. also observed that there was a significant drop in TEC (p

Triclabendazole is very effective against both early immature and adult fluke. If this drug is used then good control ma...

Triclabendazole is very effective against both early immature and adult fluke. If this drug is used then good control may be achieved with only three treatments a year. To remove fluke carrying over from late autumn and winter, and to prevent pasture contamination.

Fasciolosis is a common parasitic disease of both cattle and sheep in the UK, caused by Fasciola hepatica and is estimat...

Fasciolosis is a common parasitic disease of both cattle and sheep in the UK, caused by Fasciola hepatica and is estimated to cost the cattle industry £23 million annually.
In cattle, infection is more commonly encountered in beef cows grazing poor wet pasture but disease can be seen in dairy cattle especially after summering cattle, most likely bulling heifers, away from home on infested pastures.
Life cycle
The life cycle involves a snail host whose activity and availability require adequate moisture and a suitable ambient temperature during the summer months. Recent wet summers (2015) have been ideal for this complicated fluke lifecycle by supporting large numbers of snails in wet habitats. Cerceriae are released from snails between August and October which develop- into the infective metacercariae, which can survive on pasture for several months to infect grazing cattle. Disease is then seen in cattle from mid-winter onwards (except for Black disease - see below).


Amphistomiasis in farm and wild mammals is due to infection of paramphistomes, such as the species of Paramphistomum, Calicophoron, Cotylophoron, Pseudophisthodiscus, etc. These are essentially rumen flukes, of which Paramphistomum cervi is the most notorious in terms of prevalence and pathogenicity. Infection occurs through ingestion of contaminated vegetables and raw meat, in which the viable infective metacercaria are deposited from snails, which are the intermediate hosts.The immature flukes are responsible for destroying the mucosal walls of the alimentary tract on their way to growing into adults. It is by this fervent tissue obliteration that the clinical symptoms are manifested. The adult flukes, on the other hand, are quite harmless, as they merely prepare for reproduction.The zoonotic infection in human is caused by G. discoides and W. watsoni which are essentially intestinal flukes. The disease due to G. discoides is more specifically termed gastrodiscoidiasis. In their natural hosts such as pigs and monkeys, their infection in asymptomatic, but human infection is prevalent, by which they cause serious health problems, characterised by diarrhoea, fever, abdominal pain, colic, and an increased mucous production. In extreme situations such as in Assam, India, a number of mortality among children is attributed to this disease.
Adult flukes are known to be quite harmless, as they do not attack on the host tissue. It is the immature flukes which are most damaging as they get attached to the intestinal wall, literally and actively sloughing off of the tissue. This necrosis is indicated by haemorrhage in faeces, which in turn is a sign of severe enteritis. Under such condition the animals become anorexic and lethargic. It is often accompanied by pronounced diarrhoea, dehydration, oedema, polydipsia, anaemia, listlessness and weight loss. In sheep profuse diarrhoea usually develops two to four weeks after initial infection. If infection is not properly attended death can ensue within 20 days, and in a farm mortality can be very high. In fact there are intermittent reports of mortality as high as 80% among sheep and cattle.Sometimes chronic form is also seen with severe emaciation, anaemia, rough coat, mucosal oedema, thickened duodenum and oedema in the sub maxillary space. The terminally sick animals lie prostrate on the ground, completely emaciated until they die. In buffalos, severe haemorrhage was found to be associated with liver cirrhosis and nodular hepatitis.
Under most situations, infection is hard to recognize because the symptoms are mild or even absent. In humans and wild animals, infection is not easily identified. Especially the adult flukes, even if in large number, generally do not cause complications. There is not yet a standard diagnostic test. Therefore, manual diagnosis is done at many levels. Diagnosis basically relies on a combination of postmortem analyses, clinical signs displayed by the animals, and response to drenching. In heavy infection, symptoms are easily observed in sheep and cattle as they become severely anorexic or inefficiently digest food, and become unthrifty. Copious fetid diarrhea is an obvious indication, as the soiling of hind legs and tails with fluid f***s are readily noticeable.Even though it not always the case, immature flukes can be identified from the fluid excrement. On rare occasions, eggs can be identified from stools of suspected animals. In developing countries diagnosis and prognosis is often hindered by multiple infections with other trematodes, such as Fasciola hepatica and schistosomes, because these flukes are given primary importance due to their pervasive nature.
Amphistomiasis is considered a neglected tropical disease, with no prescription drug for treatment and control. Therefore, management of infestation is based mainly on control of the snail population, which transmit the infective larvae of the flukes. However, there are now drugs shown to be effective including resorantel, oxyclozanide, clorsulon, ivermectin, niclosamide, bithional and levamisole.An in vitro demonstration shows that plumbagin exhibits high efficacy on adult flukes. Since the juvenile flukes are the causative individuals of the disease, effective treatment means control of the immature fluke population. Prophylaxis is therefore based on disruption of the environment (such as proper drainage) where the carrier snails inhabit, or more drastic action of using molluscicides to eradicate the entire population. For treatment of the infection, drugs effective against the immature flukes are recommended for drenching. For this reason oxyclozanide is advocated as the drug of choice. It effectively kills the flukes within a few hours and it effective against the flukes resistant to other drugs. The commercially prescribed dosage is 5 mg/kg body weight or 18.7 mg/kg body weight in two divided dose within 72 hours. Niclosamide is also extensively used in mass drenching of sheep. Successfully treated sheep regain appetite within a week, diarrhoea stops in about three days, and physiological indicators (such as plasma protein and albumin levels) return to normal in a month

Chemical treatmentChemical control involves treatment with a product that is effective against both adult and immature f...

Chemical treatment
Chemical control involves treatment with a product that is effective against both adult and immature flukes. Oxyclozanide given twice, three days apart, has a high efficacy against both adult and juvenile amphistomes (Rolfe & Boray 1987) and a high anthelmintic performance in cattle (Arias et al. 2013; Rolfe & Boray 1987; Spencer et al. 1996) and small ruminants (Paraud et al. 2009; Rolfe & Boray 1988; Sanabria et al. 2014). Studies in Tanzania showed a reduced efficacy of levamisole–oxyclozanide combination against amphistomes in cattle (Keyyu et al. 2008) and this is of great concern as they are the commonly available drugs in the country. However, levamisole is widely used to treat nematode infections in livestock and it is not intended as treatment against trematodes. When given orally at a higher dosage (10 mg/kg), closantel has a high efficacy against mature flukes (Arias et al. 2013). However, treatment of mature flukes with intra-ruminally (Rolfe & Boray 1993) or subcutaneously administered (Malrait et al. 2015) closantel is not effective. In countries where oxyclozanide is unavailable, the use of closantel to treat against mature flukes is recommended. When administered at high doses (50 mg/kg and 100 mg/kg), niclosamide has 94% – 99% efficacy against immature amphistomes (Rolfe & Boray 1987).
Even though it is not of direct benefit to the animal, treatment against mature amphistomes will prevent egg laying and thus reduce pasture contamination (Horak 1971), while treatment against the immature flukes will reduce the impact of the disease. During the rainy season, mature amphistomes are expected and anthelmintic treatment with drugs effective against adult flukes is indicated. The strategic anthelmintic treatment against mature amphistomes should be given in adult animals at the end of the rainy season (Pfukenyi et al. 2005a, 2005b) or beginning of the dry season (Keyyu et al. 2005) to reduce the opportunity for snail infections. The timing of this treatment is dependent on local factors, length of the rainy season and the grazing habits of the animals. Where possible, adult animals targeted for treatment should have high levels of infection based on coprology. Depending on availability, oxyclozanide or closantel can be administered during this period to treat against mature amphistomes.
Disease epidemiology indicates that large burdens of immature amphistomes are expected during the dry season. As adult animals are resistant to the pathogenic effects of the migrating immature amphistomes, the target for treatment would be young animals being exposed to the infection for the first time (Pfukenyi et al. 2005a). Hence, the first anthelmintic treatment can be administered in young animals during the mid-dry season period when maximum migration of immature amphistomes starting 3–4 weeks after infection in the early dry season is expected. To remove potentially high burdens of immature amphistomes acquired later in the dry season, a second treatment could be given towards the end of the dry season (Pfukenyi et al. 2005a). Oxyclozanide or niclosamide can be administered during this period to treat against immature amphistomes. In communal areas, animals are communally grazed and for optimum benefits, the recommended anthelmintic treatments should be well organised and preferably done at the same time within a village. Where cattle are dipped for the control of ticks, dip tank facilities where all animals are gathered during dipping sessions could be used for organised fluke control (Pfukenyi et al. 2005a, 2005b).
The efficacy of medicinal plant extracts against amphistomes has recently been evaluated. The ethanol extract of Punica granatum L. (Lythraceae), commonly known as pomegranate, is highly effective against amphistomes in naturally infected sheep (Lalhmingchhuanmawii, Veerakumari & Raman 2014). The authors concluded that the plant extract could be successfully used as an anthelmintic to treat amphistomes in domestic ruminants. Similarly, an aqueous extract of Acacia concinna (Willd.) DC. (Fabaceae) significantly reduced egg counts of amphistomes in naturally infected sheep and also restored the haemato-biochemical profile to normal in extract-treated sheep (Priya, Veerakumari & Raman 2013). However, efficacy of the P. granatum and A. concinna extracts was not established in immature amphistomes. Other studies have also shown medicinal plants extracts to be effective against amphistomes (Elango & Rahuman 2011; Kamaraj et al. 2010).
Chemical control of the snail hosts through application of molluscicides such as niclosamide may also be done. To achieve cost-effective control, this type of control should be done during the peak transmission period to reduce numbers of infected snails and cercarial shedding. Thus, the application could be done during the mid-dry and towards the end of the dry season (Pfukenyi et al. 2005b). The application is practical and economical in areas where snail habitats are focal and not widespread, but regular application may be necessary because of the rapid recovery of the snail populations during brief periods of favourable conditions. However, molluscicide application causes environmental pollution and also kills non-targeted aquatic organisms (Roberts & Suhardono 1996).
Immunological control
Hafeez and Rao (1981) showed that the lifespan and pathogenicity of amphistomes developing from gamma irradiated (2 or 3 krad) metacercariae were greatly reduced with the higher irradiation dose resulting in the complete absence of the flukes in infected animals. Single vaccination of kids and lambs with 3000 irradiated (2 or 3 krad) metacercariae stimulated a significant degree of resistance against challenge and the resistance was more pronounced in the group vaccinated with a higher irradiation dose (Hafeez & Rao 1981). Earlier, Horak (1967) successfully immunied sheep, goats and cattle against massive artificial infections with Cal. microbothrium. The animals were given immunising infections with at least 40 000 metacercariae and later challenged with larger doses of metacercariae (Horak 1967). Cattle were the most suitable subjects for immunisation with the immunity being effective for at least a year post-immunisation (Horak 1967, 1971). Mavenyengwa et al. (2008) demonstrated that cattle acquire resistance to amphistome infection. This resistance is targeted at immature amphistomes and it involves eosinophils and mast cells. However, despite promising immunisation results, the mass production of snail hosts and metacercariae remains a challenge and a major limiting factor (Horak 1967, 1971; Mavenyengwa et al. 2006; Swart & Reinecke 1962a, 1962b). Thus, the success of a large-scale immunisation program is dependent on a viable metacercariae mass production system.
Non-chemical control
The best preventive method against amphistome infections is to keep domestic ruminants from infected pastures (Pfukenyi et al. 2005b). Fencing-off or drainage of wetlands or marshy/swampy areas and provision of clean pastures and cercariae-free water in troughs are advised (Roberts & Suhardono 1996). Similarly, habitat management through vegetation clearance is also effective in controlling the snails (Woolhouse & Chandiwana 1990). However, habitat management and complete separation of stock from snail habitats are only practical and economical where the snail habitats are focal and not widespread (Pfukenyi et al. 2005b). These control methods are not feasible in communal grazing areas. It is also important to repair any leaks in dams and water troughs as they can create an ideal habitat for the snail hosts.
Twenty-six amphistome species belonging to nine genera from three families occur in domestic and wild ruminants in the area under review and seven snail species belonging to four genera from two families act as their intermediate hosts. Eighty-five per cent of the amphistome species are shared between domestic and wild ruminant hosts. Some snails are intermediate hosts of amphistome species belonging to the same genus or to different genera – a phenomenon not yet fully elucidated. Only nine (34.6%) of the amphistome species have known snail intermediate hosts, while most (65.4%) have unknown hosts. The epidemiology of amphistomosis depends on the species of definitive and intermediate hosts and the potential of the flukes to infect these hosts, the topography and biological potential of the snail hosts, the management systems of the definitive host and their grazing habits and climatic factors. Based on current epidemiological information, the strategic anthelmintic treatment against mature amphistomes should be given in adult animals at the end of the rainy or early dry season. The anthelmintic treatment in young animals against immature amphistomes should be administered during the mid-dry and towards the end of the dry season. Further research is necessary to determine the economic importance of amphistomosis, amphistome–snail associations, efficacy of different anthelmintics and to develop diagnostic tests that can detect prepatent infections in the definitive host.

Amphistomosis is a disease of domestic and wild ruminants caused by digenetic trematodes of the superfamily Paramphistom...

Amphistomosis is a disease of domestic and wild ruminants caused by digenetic trematodes of the superfamily Paramphistomoidea Fischoeder, 1901 (Lotfy et al. 2010). The superfamily has a cosmopolitan distribution and is composed of hundreds of species belonging to 12 families (Jones 2005). Given their ubiquity and their abundance within hosts, it seems likely that the importance of these flukes is underestimated globally (Lotfy et al. 2010). Various species of the different paramphistomoid families, especially members of Paramphistomidae and Gastrothylacidae, cause amphistomosis among ruminants. The disease is caused by a severe infection with immature flukes in the small intestines of immunologically incompetent hosts. The amphistomes are responsible for lower nutrition conversion and result in a loss of weight and/or a decrease in milk production, causing great economic losses (Horak 1971). However, most reports on the disease do not quote the responsible amphistome species as they are difficult to identify from a systematic point of view (Horak 1971). Calicophoron microbothrium is probably the biggest cause of this disease in Africa (Dinnik 1964a). Knowledge of the different amphistome species infecting domestic and wild ruminants facilitates a better understanding of the amphistome–host associations and the epidemiology of the disease.
A wide range of gastropods belonging to the genera Bulinus Müller 1781, Biomphalaria Preston 1910, Ceratophallus Brown and Mandahl-Barth 1973 and Galba Müller 1774 act as the intermediate hosts of amphistomes in Africa (Dinnik 1961, 1965; Dinnik & Dinnik 1954; Southgate et al. 1989; Wright, Southgate & Howard 1979). The prevalence of snail-borne diseases such as amphistomosis is influenced by both the abundance of infected definitive hosts and the abundance and efficiency of the snail intermediate hosts. Hence, the epidemiology and seasonal patterns of infection with amphistomes is determined to a large extent by the availability of the snail intermediate hosts and the grazing habits of the definitive hosts (Horak 1971; Rolfe et al. 1991). Information on the snail hosts of different amphistome species is essential as knowledge of the amphistome–snail associations has an influence on amphistomosis epidemiology and control.
In this review, to avoid confusion, genera of parasites and snail hosts have been abbreviated using the first three letters of the genus name and these include: for amphistomes – Bilatorchis (Bil.), Calicophoron (Cal.), Carmyerius (Car.), Choerocotyloides (Cho.), Cotylophoron (Cot.), Gastrothylax (Gas.), Gigantocotyle (Gig.), Orthocoelium (Ort.) and Stephanopharynx (Ste.) and for snail hosts – Biomphalaria (Bio.), Bulinus (Bul.) and Ceratophallus (Cer.). The authorities of the digenean families and species and that of the snail species

TreatmentAmphistomiasis is considered a neglected tropical disease, with no prescription drug for treatment and control....

Amphistomiasis is considered a neglected tropical disease, with no prescription drug for treatment and control. Therefore, management of infestation is based mainly on control of the snail population, which transmit the infective larvae of the flukes. However, there are now drugs shown to be effective including resorantel, oxyclozanide, clorsulon, ivermectin, niclosamide, bithional and levamisole. An in vitro demonstration shows that plumbagin exhibits high efficacy on adult flukes Since the juvenile flukes are the causative individuals of the disease, effective treatment means control of the immature fluke population. Prophylaxis is therefore based on disruption of the environment (such as proper drainage) where the carrier snails inhabit, or more drastic action of using molluscicides to eradicate the entire population. For treatment of the infection, drugs effective against the immature flukes are recommended for drenching. For this reason oxyclozanide is advocated as the drug of choice. It effectively kills the flukes within a few hours and it effective against the flukes resistant to other drugs. The commercially prescribed dosage is 5 mg/kg body weight or 18.7 mg/kg body weight in two divided dose within 72 hours. Niclosamide is also extensively used in mass drenching of sheep. Successfully treated sheep regain appetite within a week, diarrhoea stops in about three days, and physiological indicators (such as plasma protein and albumin levels) return to normal in a month

DiagnosisUnder most situations, infection is hard to recognize because the symptoms are mild or even absent. In humans a...

Under most situations, infection is hard to recognize because the symptoms are mild or even absent. In humans and wild animals, infection is not easily identified. Especially the adult flukes, even if in large number, generally do not cause complications. There is not yet a standard diagnostic test. Therefore, manual diagnosis is done at many levels. Diagnosis basically relies on a combination of postmortem analyses, clinical signs displayed by the animals, and response to drenching. In heavy infection, symptoms are easily observed in sheep and cattle as they become severely anorexic or inefficiently digest food, and become unthrifty. Copious fetid diarrhea is an obvious indication, as the soiling of hind legs and tails with fluid f***s are readily noticeable. Even though it not always the case, immature flukes can be identified from the fluid excrement. On rare occasions, eggs can be identified from stools of suspected animals. In developing countries diagnosis and prognosis is often hindered by multiple infections with other trematodes, such as Fasciola hepatica and schistosomes, because these flukes are given primary importance due to their pervasive nature.

PathogenesisAdult flukes are known to be quite harmless, as they do not attack on the host tissue. It is the immature fl...

Adult flukes are known to be quite harmless, as they do not attack on the host tissue. It is the immature flukes which are most damaging as they get attached to the intestinal wall, literally and actively sloughing off of the tissue. This necrosis is indicated by haemorrhage in faeces, which in turn is a sign of severe enteritis. Under such condition the animals become anorexic and lethargic. It is often accompanied by pronounced diarrhoea, dehydration, oedema, polydipsia, anaemia, listlessness and weight loss. In sheep profuse diarrhoea usually develops two to four weeks after initial infection. If infection is not properly attended death can ensue within 20 days, and in a farm mortality can be very high. In fact there are intermittent reports of mortality as high as 80% among sheep and cattle.Sometimes chronic form is also seen with severe emaciation, anaemia, rough coat, mucosal oedema, thickened duodenum and oedema in the sub maxillary space. The terminally sick animals lie prostrate on the ground, completely emaciated until they die. In buffalos, severe haemorrhage was found to be associated with liver cirrhosis and nodular hepatitis.

CauseAmphistomiasis in farm and wild mammals is due to infection of paramphistomes, such as the species of Paramphistomu...

Amphistomiasis in farm and wild mammals is due to infection of paramphistomes, such as the species of Paramphistomum, Calicophoron, Cotylophoron, Pseudophisthodiscus, etc. These are essentially rumen flukes, of which Paramphistomum cervi is the most notorious in terms of prevalence and pathogenicity. Infection occurs through ingestion of contaminated vegetables and raw meat, in which the viable infective metacercaria are deposited from snails, which are the intermediate hosts.The immature flukes are responsible for destroying the mucosal walls of the alimentary tract on their way to growing into adults. It is by this fervent tissue obliteration that the clinical symptoms are manifested. The adult flukes, on the other hand, are quite harmless, as they merely prepare for reproduction.The zoonotic infection in human is caused by G. discoides and W. watsoni which are essentially intestinal flukes. The disease due to G. discoides is more specifically termed gastrodiscoidiasis.In their natural hosts such as pigs and monkeys, their infection in asymptomatic, but human infection is prevalent, by which they cause serious health problems, characterised by diarrhoea, fever, abdominal pain, colic, and an increased mucous production. In extreme situations such as in Assam, India, a number of mortality among children is attributed to this disease.

Signs and symptomsFoul smell of faeces,greasy consistensy and diarrhoea. Anorexia,defuse to eat food. Thristy and freque...

Signs and symptoms
Foul smell of faeces,greasy consistensy and diarrhoea. Anorexia,defuse to eat food. Thristy and frequent drinking of water. Dull and depress. Abdominal pain. Submaxillary odema and pale mucous membrane. Pin point haemorrhage in the intestinal wall,focal loss of papillae due to attachment of the parasite. Damage the bile duct,and liver in severe cases

Amphistomiasis is a parasitic disease of livestock animals, more commonly of cattle and sheep, and humans caused by imma...

Amphistomiasis is a parasitic disease of livestock animals, more commonly of cattle and sheep, and humans caused by immature helminthic flatworms belonging to the order Echinostomida. The term amphistomiasis is used for broader connotation implying the disease inflicted by members of Echinostomida including the family Paramphistomidae/Gastrodiscidae (to be precise, the species Gastrodiscoides hominis); whereas paramphistomiasis is restricted to that of the members of the family Paramphistomatidae only. G. discoides and Watsonius watsoni are responsible for the disease in humans, while most paramphistomes are responsible in livestock animals, and some wild mammals. In livestock industry the disease causes heavy economic backlashes due to poor production of milk, meat and wool.


Adult flukes are not associated with clinical amphistomosis (Mavenyengwa, Mukaratirwa & Monrad 2010). However, in heavy infections they have been hypothesised to cause weakness, recurrent ruminal tympany, ruminal atony, weight loss, anaemia and production losses (Anuracpreeda, Wanichanon & Sobhon 2008). They are also reported to be associated with inflammation of the mucosa and mucoid diarrhoea (Rolfe & Boray 1993). Based on coprology, poor body condition is reported to be significantly associated with high amphistome prevalence in cattle (Kanyari et al. 2010). A similar observation was noted in small ruminants (Kanyari et al. 2009), but the association was not significant. Cattle infected with more than 500 adult amphistomes had a significant reduction in final carcass mass when compared with controls (Marchand 1984; Dube & Tizauone 2014). The concurrent infection of amphistomes with other parasites known to depress growth rate such as strongyles (Kanyari et al. 2010), Fasciola species (Kanyari et al. 2010; Keyyu et al. 2006; Nzalawahe et al. 2014; Phiri et al. 2006; Yabe et al. 2008) and Moniezia species (Kanyari et al. 2010) is a likely explanation of the significant association between poor body condition and amphistome infections. However, further studies on the effect of adult amphistomes on production are required.

Clinical amphistomosis is caused by the immature flukes that lodge in the first 3 m of the small intestine (Mavenyengwa et al. 2010). The occurrence of clinical amphistomosis and subsequent clinical pathology in ruminants is dependent on the dose, pathogenicity of the species and the level of establishment of the metacercariae in the host’s small intestine (Horak 1967; Mavenyengwa et al. 2010). In ruminants, the disease is characterised by anorexia, anaemia, submandibular oedema, and hypoproteinemia, foul-smelling fetid diarrhoea, general weakness, polydipsia, and a reduction in feed conversion, weight and milk production and mortality in young animals (Boray 1969; Horak 1966; Mavenyengwa et al. 2010; Mohan 2011; Pillai & Alikutty 1995; Rolfe, Boray & Collins 1994; Spencer, Fraser & Chang 1996). Together with gastrointestinal nematodes, amphistome infection in cows can reduce milk production by approximately 0.4 L/day – 3 L/day (Mohan 2011; Spencer et al. 1996). Anthelmintic treatment of dairy cows infected with gastrointestinal nematodes (oxfendazole) and amphistomes (oxyclozanide) resulted in a significant increase in milk production, averaging 0.4 L/day (Spencer et al. 1996). The reduction in milk yield during clinical amphistomosis is associated with fetid diarrhoea (Mohan 2011). Mohan (2011) also reported anoestrus during clinical amphistomosis, while a functional obstruction or paralytic ileus of the intestine because of severe amphistomosis was reported in a cow (Yogeshpriya et al. 2011). Despite their ubiquity and abundance, as well as an increase in their prevalence in domestic ruminants, the economic importance of amphistome infections is not yet fully known and is likely to be underestimated in eastern and southern Africa – an area which requires further studies.

Amphistomiasis is a parasitic disease of livestock animals, more commonly of cattle and sheep, and h


Diagnosis of amphistomes in live animals is still dependent on faecal detection of eggs (Rieu et al. 2007) and this method only detects the presence of adult rumen fluke infection (Malrait et al. 2015). The filtration technique with sieves and sedimentation is the most accurate method to identify eggs in faeces (Horak 1971). Using contrast stains such as methylene blue or methyl green to distinguish amphistome eggs from Fasciola ova is advisable. One drawback of this diagnostic method is that, in acute infections, it is highly probable not to find eggs or only very few as this is usually associated with massive infection with immature flukes (Horak 1971). The agreement between a modified McMaster method and necroscopic diagnosis of amphistome infection is reported to be high (Rieu et al. 2007) with no significant differences being observed between the two methods. The modified McMaster method showed a significant association between eggs per gram (epg) counts and parasite burden; more than 100 epg indicated the presence of more than 100 adult amphistomes in the rumen and/or reticulum (Rieu et al. 2007). Similarly, the mini-FLOTAC is a reliable method of assessing the presence of adult amphistome infection with both sensitivity and specificity being above 0.9 (Malrait et al. 2015). A good correlation was found between faecal egg count (FEC) and estimated rumen fluke burden with a FEC > 200, indicating the presence of more than 200 adult rumen flukes in the rumen and/or reticulum (Malrait et al. 2015). The adult worms are difficult to identify to species level because most have thick robust bodies in which the internal organs are difficult to see. Even by using histological techniques, species identification is still problematic (Lotfy et al. 2010). As the flukes responsible for disease are s*xually immature, specific identification is made even more difficult and the diagnosis has to rely on the dubious procedure of identifying a few adult worms, which may be present in the rumen of the animal (Horak 1971). Because of these problems, PCR-based techniques providing rDNA ITS2 sequences have proven to be reliable tools to identify amphistome species and to determine their phylogenetic relationships (Itagaki et al. 2003; Rinaldi et al. 2005). Using cercariae and rediae from snail hosts and adult flukes obtained from slaughterhouses, Lotfy et al. (2010) confirmed ITS2 as a good molecular marker for amphistome identification that can also be used to determine phylogenetic and amphistome–snail associations.
The clinical diagnosis of amphistomosis remains challenging as immunological techniques are usually not conclusive (Horak 1967, 1971). Croposcopic examination cannot be used for the early diagnosis of clinical amphistomosis which is vital for prompt treatment before considerable damages and economic losses are incurred. For the identification of immature flukes, the recommended method is to mix approximately 10 g of faeces with 100 mL – 200 mL of water (Horak 1971). The mixture is allowed to stand for 5 min, followed by decanting any supernatant fluid and then repeating the procedure four to five times. Young flukes, resembling small white or pink rice grains, will be seen after pouring the sediment on a black surface for examination (Horak 1971). In dead animals, postmortem, pathological and clinical pathological findings combined with the presence of immature flukes in the affected intestines would be confirmative. The gross pathological, histopathological and clinical pathological findings are as described in the literature (Horak 1966, 1967, 1971; Horak & Clarke 1963; Mavenyengwa et al. 2005, 2008, 2010; Pillai & Alikutty 1995). An indirect ELISA performed to detect coproantigens in faecal supernatants of 100 cattle known to be infected with Gas. crumenifer had a sensitivity of 74% (Kandasamy & Devada 2011). Generally, the sensitivity of the indirect ELISA ranges from 74% to 86% and its specificity from 79% to 90% (Hassan et al. 2005; Kandasamy & Devada 2011; Salib et al. 2015; Sanchis et al. 2012; Shivjot et al. 2009). However, Shivjot et al. (2009) reported a very low specificity of 23.7%. The ELISA was shown to be more specific and accurate but less sensitive than Western blotting for the diagnosis of amphistome infections in cattle and buffaloes (Salib et al. 2015). Results indicate the feasibility of ELISA for the detection of coproantigens of amphistome infections, especially for the diagnosis of immature amphistomosis where faecal examination may not reveal eggs.

Amphistomiasis is a parasitic disease of livestock animals, more commonly of cattle and sheep, and h




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