Horse nutrition

Horse nutrition There are six general classes of nutrients needed in the horse’s diet:
pr The small colon leads to the re**um.

The large colon, small colon, and re**um make up the large intestine. The large colon is 10 to 12 feet long, and holds 14 to 16 gallons. It consists of four parts: right ventral colon, sternal flexure to left ventral colon, pelvic flexure to left dorsal colon, and diaphragmatic flexure to the right dorsal colon. The sternal and diaphragmatic flexures are a common place for impaction. It is 10 feet

long and holds only 5 gallons of material. Nutrients
Horses require six main classes of nutrients to survive; they include water, fats, carbohydrates, protein, vitamins,and minerals. Water is the MOST IMPORTANT nutrient; horses can’t live long without it! Always make sure there is an adequate, clean supply of water. Horses generally drink about 2 quarts of water for every pound of hay they consume. In high temperature, hard work, or for the lactating mare the water requirement may be 3 to 4 times the normal consumption. Signs that your horse may be water deficient include decreased feed intake and physical activity, and signs of dehydration like dry mucous membranes in the mouth, dry f***s, and decreased capillary refill time. Possible causes of water deficiencies include no water source, low water palatability, or accessibility (frozen or receiving or contaminated), or illness. Energy isn’t one of the six nutrients because the horse cannot physically consume energy, however, it is a requirement for sustaining life. The most dense source of energy is fat (almost three times more than carbohydrates or proteins); however, carbohydrates in the forms of fermentable fiber or starch are the most common source. Horses exercising, growing, pregnant in late gestation or early lactation need increased energy in their diet. Signs of energy deficiency include weight loss, decreased physical activity, milk production, and growth rate. However, feeding a diet too high in energy can cause obesity increasing the risk of colic, laminitis, and contribute to increased sweat loss and exercise intolerance. Fat can be added to a feed to increase the energy density of the diet. Fat has 9 Mcal/kg of energy, which is three-times that of any grain or carbohydrate source. Fat is normally found at 2 to 6% in most premixed feeds; however, some higher fat feeds will contain 10 to 12% fat. See Fat Supplements section for more. Carbohydrates are the main energy source used in most feeds. The main building block of carbohydrates is glucose. Soluble carbohydrates such as starches and sugars are readily broken down to glucose in the small intestine and absorbed. Insoluble carbohydrates such as fiber (cellulose) bypass enzymatic digestion and must be fermented by microbes in the large intestine to release their energy sources, the volatile fatty acids. Soluble carbohydrates are found in nearly every feed source; corn has the highest amount, then barley and oats. Forages normally have only 6 to 8% starch but under certain conditions can have up to 30%. Sudden ingestion of large amounts of starch or high sugar feeds can cause colic or laminitis. Protein is used in muscle development during growth or exercise. The main building blocks of protein are amino acids. Soybean meal and alfalfa are good sources of protein that can be easily added to the diet. Second and third cutting alfalfa can be 25 to 30% protein and can greatly impact the total dietary protein. Most adult horses only require 8 to 10% protein in the ration; however, higher protein is important for lactating mares and young growing foals. Signs of protein deficiency include a rough or coarse hair coat, weight loss, and reduced growth, milk production, and performance. Excess protein can result in increased water intake and urination, and increased sweat losses during exercise, which in turn lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. Vitamins are fat-soluble (vitamin A, D, E, and K), or water-soluble (vitamin C, and B-complex). Horses at maintenance usually have more than adequate amounts of vitamins in their diet if they are receiving fresh green forage and/or premixed rations. Some cases where a horse would need a vitamin supplement include when feeding a high-grain diet, or low-quality hay, if a horse is under stress (traveling, showing, racing, etc.), prolonged strenuous activity, or not eating well (sick, after surgery, etc.). Most of the vitamins are found in green, leafy forages. Vitamin D is obtained from sunlight, so only horses that are stalled for 24 hours a day need a supplement with vitamin D. Vitamin E is found in fresh green forages, however, the amount decreases with plant maturity and is destroyed during long term storage. Horses that are under heavy exercise or under increased levels of stress also may benefit from vitamin E supplementation. Vitamin K and B-complex are produced by the gut microbes. Vitamin C is found in fresh vegetables and fruits, and produced naturally by the liver. None of these are usually required in a horse’s diet. Severely stressed horses, however, may benefit from B-complex and vitamin C supplements during the period of stress. Minerals are required for maintenance of body structure, fluid balance in cells (electrolytes), nerve conduction, and muscle contraction. Only small amounts of the macro-minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, chloride, magnesium, and sulfur are needed daily. Calcium and phosphorus are needed in a specific ratio ideally 2:1, but never less than 1:1. Alfalfa alone can exceed a Ca:P ratio of 6:1. Sweating depletes sodium, potassium, and chloride from the horse’s system, therefore, supplementation with electrolytes may be helpful for horses that sweat a lot. Normally, if adult horses are consuming fresh green pasture and/or a premixed ration, they will receive proper amounts of minerals in their diet, with the exception of sodium chloride (salt), which should always be available. Young horses may need added calcium, phosphorus, copper, and zinc during the first year or two of life. Forages
Forages are classified as legumes or grasses. The nutrients in the forage vary greatly with maturity of the grasses, fertilization, management, and environmental conditions. In order to determine the nutrient content in forage it is best to take samples and get them analyzed by a forage testing lab (contact your local County Extension Office for testing information or see the fact sheet, FS714, Analysis of Feeds and Forages for Horses). Legumes are usually higher in protein, calcium, and energy than grasses. They have more leaves than grasses and require optimal growth conditions (warm weather and good soil) to produce the best nutrients. Some legumes include clover and alfalfa. Some commonly used grasses include orchard grass, timothy, bluegrass, and fescue. Hay is forage that has been harvested, dried, and baled before feeding to horses. Legume hay can contain 2 to 3 times more protein and calcium than grass hay. However, it is usually more costly. Common grass hays include timothy, brome and orchard grass. They have fine stems, seed heads and longer leaves than legumes. They are most nutritious when cut earlier in their growth stage. Maturity at harvest is key to quality. Second cut grass hays average 16 to 20% protein.


Factors Affecting Nutrient Requirements
The NRC recognizes the following physiologic classes of horses: growing animals, lactating mares, pregnant mares, stallions, working horses, and adult horses in no work. Within each class are several subclasses. For example, working horses are divided into light, moderate, heavy and very heavy exercise. These physiologic classes are determined by age and workload, with workload being either exercise or reproduction. However, there are many other factors affecting the type and amount of nutrients required by an individual horse, such as:
Stress from training, competing and shipping
Disease or injury
Becoming a “senior” horse
“Easy keeper” vs. “Hard keeper”
Weather or environment
Management or housing
Quality of feedstuffs
Horses undergoing stress may need more B-vitamins while those recovering from disease or injury may require antioxidants like Vitamin E. Senior horses have been shown to benefit from added Vitamin C. Easy keepers may do best on hay that has either been analyzed for low NSC or soaked to remove excess sugar. Hard keepers may thrive on a fat-supplemented diet. When the weather turns cold, additional hay, not grain, will help horses stay warm and maintain weight. Some horses prefer their stall and individual turnout while others keep their ideal condition in group turnout on pasture. Finally, the quality of forage especially but also grain or supplements has a large impact on a horse’s weight, energy level and overall health.
Determining how much a horse weighs isn’t easy, but the next key provides some tools for estimating weight as well as body condition, a useful measurement to track.
Body Condition Scoring (and other measurements)
In addition to knowing your horse’s normal vital signs (temperature, pulse, respiration and others), it’s a good idea to have a system in place that also allows you to monitor changes in his weight and body condition. Since it is fairly inconvenient to regularly weigh horses on a scale, there are several methods of estimating the weight of horses. The simplest is to use a commercial weight tape. Depending on the manufacturer and how close your horse’s size and shape is to the average horse, these tapes can be very accurate or they can be off by 100 pounds or more. Sometimes the best use of weight tapes is as a tool to track changes. That is, if your horse tapes 1000 pounds on November 1, then 975 pounds on December 1, then 950 pounds on January 1, then you know he is losing weight. A more accurate method of estimating weight is taking two measurements of your horse and plugging them into this weight formula:
Heart girth(in) X heart girth(in) X Length (in) = weight in pounds
he heart girth is the circumference of your horse’s barrel taken at the highest point of the withers and the length is the point of the shoulder straight back to the point of the buttock, half the distance from the corner to the tail.
In addition to estimating your horse’s weight and monitor changes up or down, your horse’s condition, or amount of fat cover, should also be estimated regularly. An excellent tool for this measurement is the Henneke Body Condition Scoring Chart, because it provides a standard scoring system for you, your veterinarian, your nutritionist and other health care professionals. The scale ranges from a “1” which is the thinnest to a “9” which is the fattest—a score of “5” is ideal for most breeds and disciplines:
2=very thin
4=moderately thin
5=ideal (moderate)
6=moderately flesh
8=very fleshy (fat)
9=very fat (obese)
Body condition score, nutrient requirements, over and under-supplementation . . . This article has thrown some pretty hefty words around. Key #9 provides definitions of some words frequently used in any nutrition discussion.


The Digestive Tract: Parts & purposes
The horse can be classified as a non-ruminant herbivore and a hindgut fermentor. Still, the digestive tract of the horse is similar to other species and is made up of the following parts:
Mouth—food entrance, mechanical breakdown
Salivary glands—food moistening, some carbohydrate digestion
Esophagus—carries food to the stomach
Stomach—protein digestion
Small intestine (duodenum, jejunum, ileum)—further carbohydrate, protein and fat digestion; absorption of nutrients
Liver and pancreas—aid in carbohydrate, protein and fat digestion and absorption
Large intestine (cecum, colon, re**um)—water and electrolyte absorption
Anus—waste exit
Relative to a horse’s overall size, its stomach is very small, making up less than 10% of its entire digestive tract and holding only about two gallons. On the other hand, the colon makes up almost half of the horse’s digestive tract and can hold about 15 gallons. These two differences are important and should affect the way a horse is fed. The horse’s small stomach means it was designed to eat continuously or at least small meals frequently. The large colon is actually a fermentation “vat” staffed by bacteria that ferment fiber the horse is unable to digest itself, manufacturing nutrients like energy and B-vitamins. Putting additional hay into this fermentation “vat” during especially cold winter days is an excellent way to heat your horse from the inside out.
Now that we know how the different parts of the horse’s digestive tract function to digest and absorb nutrients, it’s time to explore these nutrients themselves. Key #6 defines each nutrient, explains its roles in the body, and provides some recommended amounts.
The Six Classes of Nutrients
Nutrients are divided into six categories: water, protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins and minerals. All are essential to life, but water is usually listed first because animals can survive without the other nutrients longer than they can survive without water, as 70-75% of the body consists of water. The two main functions of water are as a component of metabolism and a factor in body temperature control. Generally, horses drink between 5 – 15 gallons per day, depending on their size, the environment, their workload and other factors. The best advice is to always have clean, drinkable water available at all times.
Although protein is listed here as a nutrient, horses actually have a requirement for amino acids, the building blocks of protein, rather than for protein itself. According to the NRC’s Nutrient Requirements of Horses, the adult horse in minimum work that weighs just over 1000 pounds needs 540 total grams of protein in its diet per day. Another way of saying this is that the diet should contain 8% protein. Next to water, protein is the most abundant substance in the body, making up not just muscle but also connective tissue such as skin, hooves and hair, as well as enzymes, hormones and other substances. Proteins are commonly made of 20 amino acids but only 10 of these are considered essential, meaning they must be supplied in the diet because the animal cannot make them itself. Lysine is considered the first “limiting” amino acid because if it is not present in adequate amounts, the body’s ability to manufacture proteins is limited.
Carbohydrates mainly serve as an energy source for horses, but their fiber component is also necessary to keep the large intestine moving and functioning properly. There are many ways to categorize carbohydrates and all of them are somewhat confusing. One method is to divide them between structural and non-structural carbohydrates (NSC). Structural carbohydrates include the completely indigestible lignin--which passes through the horse’s digestive tract unchanged-- as well as cellulose and hemi-cellulose, insoluble fibers that can only be digested by bacteria that live in the colon. Non-structural carbohydrates include single sugars like glucose (monosaccharides), double sugars like lactose (disaccharides), medium-length sugars like fructoligosaccharide (also known as FOS), and longer sugars like starch (polysaccharides).
Interestingly, a requirement for fatty acids in the horse has not been established, although nutritionists suggest the diet contain at least 0.5% linoleic acid, an omega 6 fatty acid. Recent studies have shown that supplementing with omega 3 fatty acids may down-regulate inflammation in the body, especially in the skin and respiratory system. Fat is necessary for cell membrane health, as a carrier for fat-soluble vitamins out of the GI tract, and as a precursor to prostaglandins. However, research has shown other benefits to adding fat to the diet, up to 20% on a dry matter basis. Because it is more energy-dense than carbohydrates, fat can provide additional calories to the hard-working horse or the thin horse that needs to gain weight. Fat as an alternative source of energy to the simple carbohydrates found in grain leads to less excitability and improved efficiency.
Vitamins are organic elements required in small amounts in the diet by the body for essential metabolic functions to prevent overt signs of disease. They are divided into two kinds: the fat soluble A, D, E and K and the water soluble B-vitamins and Vitamin C. Because the horse can make some of the vitamins it needs (some B-vitamins, C, D and K), not all are required in the diet under normal circumstances. However, senior horses with less efficient systems or any horses undergoing stress from injury, illness, transport, or GI conditions that may interfere with normal gut flora may require supplementation
Minerals are inorganic elements recognized to perform essential functions in the body and must be present in the diet. They are also divided into two kinds: the macrominerals which are required in larger amounts than the micro or trace minerals. Macrominerals include Sodium (Na), Chloride (Cl), Calcium (Ca), Phosphorus (P), Magnesium (Mg), Potassium (K) and Sulfur (S). Microminerals include Cobalt (Co), Copper (Cu), Iodine (I), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Selenium (Se) and Zinc (Zn). Other minerals of interest include Chromium (Cr), Fluorine (F) and Silicon (Si).


Mineral or Multi-vitamin/mineral supplement: 1 - 4 ounces
Ration balancer: 1 - 2 pounds
Fortified grain: 5 - 7 pounds
Complete feed: 12 - 14 pounds
KEY #3—Over- and Under-supplementation
An active pleasure horse at his ideal weight receiving recommended amounts of forage and fortified grain may have all his nutrient requirements met. However, this situation is often the exception rather than the rule.
Scenario 1: A 15-year-old “Easy Keeper” on grass hay only
In this scenario, the owner has greatly restricted her overweight horse’s diet--including removing all fortified grain--to cause him to lose weight. Depending on the type, cutting and quality of the hay, it may be supplying this horse’s protein needs, but it is probably deficient and unbalanced for many vitamins and minerals. This is a case of “under-supplementation” in which a horse is not receiving the correct amount and ratios of the nutrients his body needs.
Scenario 2: A 5-year-old racehorse on 50/50 forage and grain diet
Now consider a young adult racehorse that undergoes intense exercise on a regular basis. In order to meet his extremely high energy demands, he is fed equal amounts of a grass/alfalfa hay and fortified grain, most likely a sweet feed. Not only is this horse “over-supplemented” with vitamins and minerals because they are included in his energy source (the sweet feed), but feeding such high amounts of grain may make him prone to ulcers, colic and even tying up.
Keys #2 and #3 refer to the nutrient requirements of horses. The minimum recommended daily amounts of protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins and minerals that horses are listed in a publication, described in the next key.
KEY #4—Nutrient Requirements of Horses
For many years, veterinarians, nutritionists, feed manufacturers, teachers, students and horse owners relied on the fifth edition of the National Research Council (NRC) Nutrient Requirements of Horses
The purpose of this NRC publication is to review and summarize the existing scientific literature regarding the nutrition and feeding of horses as it relates to nutrient requirements of the different physiological classes: foals, weanlings and yearlings; adult horses in various levels of work; and breeding animals. The committee that prepared the publication makes clear that their suggested values may not meet the needs of all horses in all situations and that adjustments may be needed for individual horses or to meet specific goals.
Contents of the NRC Nutrient Requirements of Horses:
Fats and Fatty Acids
Proteins and Amino Acids
Water and Water Quality
Feeds and Feed Processing
Feed Additives
Feed Analysis
Feeding Behavior and General Considerations for Feeding management
Unique Aspects of Equine Nutrition
Donkeys and Other Equids
Ration Formulation and Evaluation
Computer Model to Estimate Requirements
Chapter 12 covers the role of nutrition in some common equine medical problems, including nursing and orphan foals, “old age,” feeding management of horses in cold or hot weather, and nutritional management of specific disease conditions. Covered in this last section are hyperkalemic periodic paralysis (HYPP), tying up, PSSM, developmental orthopedic disease (DOD), laminitis, nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism, ulcers, colic and recurrent airway obstruction.
Because reviewing and summarizing information about the digestive physiology of the horse was outside the charge of the Council, the next “key” will provide a brief description of the parts and purposes of the digestive tract so the information in the Nutrient Requirements of Horses is more helpful.


Forage is incomplete nutrition
Because grass is deficient in certain minerals and hay is deficient in certain vitamins and minerals, horses need more than just forage as their diet. However, when fortified grain is added to try and meet vitamin and mineral requirements, calories are also added, which some horses don’t need. In addition, these extra calories are usually from sugars and starches, which can be a problem for horses with health problems such as Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS) and Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy (PSSM).
Fortunately, there are a variety of ways to meet a horse’s nutrient requirements that don’t tie needed vitamins and minerals with calories. The simplest option is to provide your pasture horse with minerals or your horse on hay with a multi-vitamin/mineral supplement. If you provide vitamins and minerals with a protein source (amino acids), then you are feeding what’s known as a ration balancer. Fortified grain is the next link in the chain, because it provides vitamins, minerals, protein and energy. Finally, some senior horses and those with certain medical problems (such as airway disease or dental issues) thrive on what is called a complete feed, which is like having hay and grain in the same bag. That is, these products provide all the necessary vitamins, minerals, protein and energy together with a source of fiber, so additional pasture or hay is not absolutely required. It is important to read the label on each of these products and feed the correct amount:




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