Sheep husbandry

Sheep husbandry Sheep can be infected with various clostridial diseases – black leg, botulism, malignant edema, re Acharya and Bhat, 1984).

The many breeds of sheep are part of the world's rich animal genetic resources (AGR), in which interest is increasing, with concern about their erosion. This interest parallels concern about conservation of plant genetic resources (PGR), which culminated in the establishment of the International Board for Plant Genetic Resources (IBPGR) in 1974, and the FAO Commission for PGR in 1984. FAO has been

interested in both PGR and AGR since its inception in 1945, and has done much to foster documentation of livestock breeds, including sheep and goats (FAO, 1978; 1980a; 1982a; 1985a, b). FAO has also held a series of technical consultations on AGR since 1966, culminating in 1980 with the appointment of an Expert Panel with worldwide representation to work in association with an AGR officer in Rome, who publishes a periodic newsletter. The Panel is charged with encouraging the "conservation" of AGR, considered to cover documentation, evaluation, optimal use and, where necessary, preservation (FAO, 1980b; 1981). Documentation would include establishing regional (compatible) computerized data banks, the first step toward which are descriptor lists to encourage standardized recording (FAO, 1986). Preservation of threatened breeds in specific flocks is to be encouraged, as well as establishment of regional gene banks with cryogenic storage of semen or embryos. In the 1970s, developing countries increased their interest in their own resources; the Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (IBAR) setup an Expert Committee on AGR in Africa which met in 1981, one of its recommendations being the establishment of a data bank to document African breeds and strains, in cooperation with FAO and the International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA). Reviews of indigenous breeds were presented at a 1983 meeting (OAU/STRC/IBAR, 1985). Other organizations have also been active in the field of documentation and evaluation, including the Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, the European Association for Animal Production (EAAP), and the Society for the Advancement of Breeding Research in Asia and Oceania (SABRAO, 1980). India now has a Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources, and reviews of Indian sheep breeds have been published (e.g. Establishment of sheep and goat networks

All these many conservation activities have dealt with every livestock species. In addition, networks are being established to keep research and development workers with sheep and goats in touch with each other, and to make their work more widely known. ILCA has established a Sheep and Goat Unit, which publishes a periodic newsletter, and has cooperated with IBAR in organizing a Sheep and Goat Network for Africa. Other similar networks are being established by FAO, one for Asia and the Pacific (FAO, 1985c; 1986), one for Latin America and the Caribbean and another for the Near East.


Housing for sheep
Housing needs for sheep vary by climate, season(s) of lambing, and management preferences of the shepherd. If lambing will occur during periods of inclement weather, more elaborate housing is usually required. If lambing will occur on pasture during periods of mild weather, simple shelters may be all that is needed.

Lambing percentages are usually higher when shed lambing is practiced. Housed sheep have lower nutritional requirements, whereas sheep kept outside have fewer respiratory problems.

In addition, most operations need facilities where they can store feed, bedding, and equipment. Hay stored in a barn or shed will maintain its quality better than hay that is stored outside, even if the hay is covered. Equipment will last longer if it is housed under a roof. An area is needed to quarantine new animals and keep sick ones. Separate housing is often needed for rams.

Barns (and similar structures) are often built for the comfort and convenience of the shepherd. During cold or inclement weather, it is easier and more enjoyable to care for sheep that are housed. However, housing costs can add significantly to the investment costs of a sheep enterprise.


The Texel originated on the Isle of Texel off the coast of The Netherlands early in the nineteenth century. The original Old Texel was probably a short-tailed variety of sheep. Limited importations of Lincoln and Leicester Longwool were crossed with this stock during the mid-1800’s. The characteristics of the breed were established early on through a series of local showing competitions on the island. The emphasis was on a sheep that would produce heavily muscled lambs of superior eating quality. Since the primary market for these lambs was Continental Europe where excess fat on meat cuts has always been unpopular, significant effort was also made to produce a sheep that had a low propensity for fat deposition.

Shelter and EnvironmentSheep are kept in flocks — in pens, in a barn or on pasture. In cold climates sheep need shelter ...

Shelter and Environment
Sheep are kept in flocks — in pens, in a barn or on pasture. In cold climates sheep need shelter in the winter[citation needed]. Sheep need shelter from rain for a day before shearing so that the fleece is dry enough to be pressed.

Health Care
Sheep, particularly those kept inside, are vaccinated when they are newborn lambs. The lambs receive their first antibodies via their mother's colostrum in the first few hours of life, and then via a vaccination booster every six weeks for next three months and then by booster every six months. Farmers work with animal nutritionists and veterinarians to keep sheep healthy and to manage animal health problems. Lambs may be castrated and have their tails docked for easier shearing, cleanliness and to help protect them from fly strike. Shearers or farmers need to remove wool from the hindquarters, around the a**s, so that droppings do not adhere. In the southern hemisphere this is called dagging or crutching.

Water, Food and Air
Sheep need fresh water from troughs or ponds, except that in some countries, such as New Zealand, there is enough moisture in the grass to satisfy them much of the time.

Upon being weaned from ewe's milk, they eat hay, grains and grasses. The lambs are weaned due to increasing competition between the lamb and ewe for food[citation needed]. Sheep are active grazers where such feed is available at ground or low levels. They are usually given feed twice a day from troughs or they are allowed to graze in a pasture
Sheep are most comfortable when the temperature is moderate, so fans may be needed for fresh air if sheep are kept in barns during hot weather. In Australia, sheep in pasture are often subjected to 40 °C (104 °F), and higher, daytime temperatures without deleterious effects. In New Zealand sheep are kept on pasture in snow for periods of 3 or 4 days before they have to have supplemental feeding.

Flock management styles
Generally speaking, there are four general styles of sheep husbandry to serve the varied aspects of the sheep industry and the needs of a particular shepherd. Commercial sheep operations supplying meat and wool are usually either "range band flocks" or "farm flocks". Range band flocks are those with large numbers of sheep (often 1,000 to 1,500 ewes) cared for by a few full-time shepherds[citation needed].. The pasture-which must be of large acreage to accommodate the greater number of sheep-can either be fenced or open. Range flocks usually require the shepherds to live with the sheep as they move throughout the pasture[citation needed], as well as the use of sheepdogs and means of transport such as horses or motor vehicles. As range band flocks move within a large area in which it would be difficult to supply a steady source of grain, almost all subsist on pasture alone. This style of sheep raising accounts for most of the sheep operations in the U.S., South America, and Australia[citation needed].

Farm flocks are those that are slightly smaller than range bands, and are kept on a more confined, fenced pasture land. Farm flocks may also be a secondary priority on a larger farm, such as by farmers who raise a surplus of crops to finish market lambs on, or those with untillable land they wish to exploit. However, farm flocks account for many farms focused on sheep as primary income in the U.K. and New Zealand (due to the more limited land available in comparison to other sheep-producing nations). The farm flock is a common style of flock management for those who wish to supplement grain feed for meat animals.

An important corollary form of flock management to the aforementioned styles are specialized flocks raising purebred sheep. Many commercial flocks, especially those producing sheep meat, utilize cross-bred animals. Breeders raising purebred flocks provide stud stock to these operations, and often simultaneously work to improve the breed and participate in showing. Excess lambs are often sold to 4-H groups. The last type of sheep keeping is that of the hobbyist. This type of flock is usually very small compared to commercial operations, and may be considered pets. Those hobby flocks which are raised with production in mind may be for subsistence purposes or to provide a very specialized product, such as wool for handspinners. Quite a few people, especially those who emigrated to rural areas from urban or suburban enclaves, begin with hobby flocks or a 4-H lamb before eventually expanding to farm or range flocks[citation needed].


Domestic sheep reproduce sexually much like other mammals, and their reproductive strategy is furthermore very similar to other domestic herd animals. A flock of sheep is generally mated by a single ram, which has either been chosen by a farmer or has established dominance through physical contest with other rams (in feral populations).[1] Most sheep have a breeding season (tupping) in the autumn, though some are able to breed year-round.[1]
Largely as a result of the influence of humans in sheep breeding, ewes often produce multiple lambs. This increase in the lamb births, both in number and birth weight, may cause problems in delivery and lamb survival, requiring the intervention of shepherds.


Some people keep sheep to improve and/or maintain their landscapes. Due to their small size, upland grazing preferences, and preference for many weeds, sheep are ideal for vegetation control, especially where the primary vegetation is grass and forbs. Their small hooves minimize soil compaction and erosion. They shy away from fragile riparian areas.
In fact, opportunities for fee-based grazing by sheep (and goats) are expanding as society seeks more environmentally-friendly ways to control invasive weeds and other unwanted vegetation. But even when they're not being used to clean up a landscape, sheep (and other livestock) help to keep land in open space and preserve rural landscapes


Why do you want to raise sheep?
There are many reasons to raise sheep. The reasons are important, as they will have a significant impact on the breed(s) that are raised and the manner in which the sheep are fed, managed, and marketed.
Traditionally, sheep have been raised on farms and ranches for the purpose of generating an income for the farm and family. While some farms make a majority of their income from raising sheep, sheep production is more often a secondary or tertiary enterprise on a farm. In fact, sheep-raising compliments many other agricultural enterprises. It is a popular enterprise for many part-time and lifestyle farmers. Sheep production is a good activity for youth and retirees.
There can be numerous tax advantages to raising sheep or engaging in similar agricultural activities. Some people raise sheep for the primary purpose of having their properly taxed at (lower) agricultural rates. The legal definition of a farm (for real estate tax purposes) varies by state and country.
While all agricultural enterprises are expected to eventually generate a profit and pay taxes, many people raise sheep (and other livestock) as a "tax write-off." Farm expenditures, including capital purchases, can be written off against ordinary income. Most sheep-related purchases are exempt from sales tax.


Shelter and Environment
Sheep are kept in flocks — in pens, in a barn or on pasture. In cold climates sheep need shelter in the winter[citation needed]. Sheep need shelter from rain for a day before shearing so that the fleece is dry enough to be pressed.

Health Care
Sheep, particularly those kept inside, are vaccinated when they are newborn lambs. The lambs receive their first antibodies via their mother's colostrum in the first few hours of life, and then via a vaccination booster every six weeks for next three months and then by booster every six months. Farmers work with animal nutritionists and veterinarians to keep sheep healthy and to manage animal health problems. Lambs may be castrated and have their tails docked for easier shearing, cleanliness and to help protect them from fly strike. Shearers or farmers need to remove wool from the hindquarters, around the a**s, so that droppings do not adhere. In the southern hemisphere this is called dagging or crutching.

Water, Food and Air
Sheep need fresh water from troughs or ponds, except that in some countries, such as New Zealand, there is enough moisture in the grass to satisfy them much of the time.

Upon being weaned from ewe's milk, they eat hay, grains and grasses. The lambs are weaned due to increasing competition between the lamb and ewe for food[citation needed]. Sheep are active grazers where such feed is available at ground or low levels. They are usually given feed twice a day from troughs or they are allowed to graze in a pasture.

Sheep are most comfortable when the temperature is moderate, so fans may be needed for fresh air if sheep are kept in barns during hot weather. In Australia, sheep in pasture are often subjected to 40 °C (104 °F), and higher, daytime temperatures without deleterious effects. In New Zealand sheep are kept on pasture in snow for periods of 3 or 4 days before they have to have supplemental feeding.

Flock management styles
Generally speaking, there are four general styles of sheep husbandry to serve the varied aspects of the sheep industry and the needs of a particular shepherd. Commercial sheep operations supplying meat and wool are usually either "range band flocks" or "farm flocks". Range band flocks are those with large numbers of sheep (often 1,000 to 1,500 ewes) cared for by a few full-time shepherds[citation needed].. The pasture-which must be of large acreage to accommodate the greater number of sheep-can either be fenced or open. Range flocks usually require the shepherds to live with the sheep as they move throughout the pasture[citation needed], as well as the use of sheepdogs and means of transport such as horses or motor vehicles. As range band flocks move within a large area in which it would be difficult to supply a steady source of grain, almost all subsist on pasture alone. This style of sheep raising accounts for most of the sheep operations in the U.S., South America, and Australia[citation needed].

Farm flocks are those that are slightly smaller than range bands, and are kept on a more confined, fenced pasture land. Farm flocks may also be a secondary priority on a larger farm, such as by farmers who raise a surplus of crops to finish market lambs on, or those with untillable land they wish to exploit. However, farm flocks account for many farms focused on sheep as primary income in the U.K. and New Zealand (due to the more limited land available in comparison to other sheep-producing nations). The farm flock is a common style of flock management for those who wish to supplement grain feed for meat animals.

An important corollary form of flock management to the aforementioned styles are specialized flocks raising purebred sheep. Many commercial flocks, especially those producing sheep meat, utilize cross-bred animals. Breeders raising purebred flocks provide stud stock to these operations, and often simultaneously work to improve the breed and participate in showing. Excess lambs are often sold to 4-H groups. The last type of sheep keeping is that of the hobbyist. This type of flock is usually very small compared to commercial operations, and may be considered pets. Those hobby flocks which are raised with production in mind may be for subsistence purposes or to provide a very specialized product, such as wool for handspinners. Quite a few people, especially those who emigrated to rural areas from urban or suburban enclaves, begin with hobby flocks or a 4-H lamb before eventually expanding to farm or range flocks[citation needed].

Goals of flock management
A sheep farmer is concerned with keeping the correct ratio of male to female sheep[citation needed], selecting traits for breeding, and controlling under-/over-breeding based on the size and genetic diversity of the flock. Other tasks include sheep shearing, crutching and lambing the sheep.

Sheep breeders look for such traits in their flocks as high wool quality, consistent muscle development, quick conception rate (for females), multiple births and quick physical development.

Another concern of a sheep farmer is the protection of livestock. Sheep have many natural enemies, such as coyotes (North America), foxes (Europe), dingoes (Australia), and dogs. Newborn lambs in pasture are particularly vulnerable, also falling prey to crows, eagles and ravens. In addition, they are susceptible in some areas to flystrike which in itself has led to invention of practices such as mulesing. Sheep may be kept in a fenced-in field or paddock. The farmer must ensure that the fences are maintained in order to prevent the sheep from wandering onto roads or neighbours' property. Alternatively, they may be "heafed" (trained to stay in a certain area without the need for fences). The hardy Herdwick breed is particularly known for its affinity for being heafed[citation needed].

A shepherd and a sheep dog may be employed for protection of the flock[citation needed]. On large farms, dogs and riders on horseback or motorcycles may muster sheep.

Marking of sheep for identification purposes is often done by means of sheep tags - a type of ear tag. In some areas sheep are still identified through the use of notches cut in the ear known as ear marking, using either specially designed tools (ear marking pliers) or other cutting implements.

Lambing is term for the management of birth in domestic sheep. In agriculture it often requires assistance from the farmer or shepherd because of breeding, climate or the individual physiology of the ewe.

Australian farmers generally arrange for all the ewes in a mob to give birth (the lambing season) within a period of a few weeks often in early Autumn. As ewes sometimes fail to bond with newborn lambs, especially after delivering twins or triplets, it is important to minimize disturbances during this period.

In order to more closely manage the births, vaccinate lambs, and protect them from predators, shepherds will often have the ewes give birth in "lambing sheds"; essentially a barn (sometimes a temporary structure erected in the pasture) with individual pens for each ewe and her offspring.

Life cycle
Ewes are pregnant for just under five months before they lamb, and may have anywhere from one to three lambs per birth. Some ewes can have seven or eight lambs[citation needed]. Twin and single lambs are most common, triplets less common. A ewe may lamb once or twice a year. Lambs are weaned at three months. Sheep are full grown at two years weighing between 60 and 125 kilograms. Sheep can live to eleven or twelve years of age.

Sheep production worldwide
According to the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, [1] the top ten "indigenous sheep meat" producing countries in order of quantity are:

New Zealand
China actually has the greatest number of sheep in terms of number of livestock (See top ten list in Domestic sheep). While New Zealand rates number 2 on the list of total quantity of "indigenous sheep meat" produced, it has the highest number of sheep per-capita (outside of the Falkland Islands).


Joint or navel ill
Joint ill occurs in lambs up to one month of age. Affected lambs are often lame in several joints, usually limb joints, including fetlocks, knees, hocks, and stifles. Affected joints are hot and painful. The lambs are dull, feverish, and clearly unthrifty. Some may have swollen, infected navels, while others may have symptoms of pneumonia or meningitis.
The infection is usually caused by strains of streptococci, though coliforms and occasionally Actinomyces pyogenes may be isolated. Affected lambs should be treated with a long-acting penicillin. Joint ill is prevented by good hygiene and using a navel dip, such as betadine or gentle iodine.
It has been estimated that 80 percent of the flocks in Great Britain have lame sheep. Lameness can be a sign of several foot conditions – some of which are very serious – as well as some other problems. These include foot rot and scald, strawberry foot, foot abscess, foot-and-mouth disease, bluetongue, ovine interdigital dermatitis (looks like scald), sore mouth, arthritis, nutritional deficiencies, mineral excesses, and physical injuries. The more common foot problems can be avoided or minimized if good husbandry practices are followed. Regular hoof inspection and foot paring will prevent many problems.
Laminitis (founder)
Lameness related to laminitis is caused by an inadequate flow of blood in the foot. Signs are heat in the feet. Laminitis is normally associated with digestive problems resulting from excessive intake of grain (grain overload/acidosis), which usually masks the effects on the feet. Such animals usually die before the feet become involved. Recovered animals may exhibit foot growth and/or permanent lameness. Feeding management is key to the prevention of laminitis/founder.
Listeriosis (circling disease)
Listeria monocytogenes, the bacteria that causes listeriosis, is widely distributed in nature and is found in soil, feedstuffs, and f***s from healthy animals. Listeriosis is most commonly associated with the feeding of moldy silage or spoiled hay, but because the organism lives naturally in the environment, listeriosis may occur sporadically.
Listeriosis usually presents itself as encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) but may also cause abortion in ewes. Sheep with the neurological form of the disease become depressed and disoriented. They may walk in circles with a head tilt and facial paralysis. Mortality is high and treatment (high doses of antibiotics) is generally not effective.
Mastitis (hard bag, blue bag)
Mastitis is an inflammation (or infection) of the mammary gland (udder) which is usually caused by a bacterial infection. The bacteria that most commonly cause mastitis in ewes are Staphylococcus aureus and Pasteurella hemolytica. There are two types of mastitis: acute and chronic. The glands of ewes with acute mastitis may be discolored and dark, swollen and very warm. The affected ewe may be reluctant to walk, may hold up one rear foot, and may not permit her lambs to nurse. Ewes with chronic mastitis often go undetected.
While no drugs are approved for sheep, mastitis is usually treated with intramammary infusions of antibiotics, systemic antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory drugs. There is no vaccine for mastitis. It is best prevented by good management and sanitation. Heavy milkers are more prone to mastitis. There is also a genetic component.
(sheep measles, cysticerosis)
Sheep measles (Cysticercus ovis) is the intermediate or larval stage of the cestode (tapeworm) Taenia ovis, the adult stage of which is found in the small intestine of dogs (sheep host the larvae stage). Sheep measle lesions are found in the heart, diaphragm and other muscles of sheep and goats. Although not considered to be a human health hazard, carcasses can be condemned on account of sheep measles.
There are no clinical signs of cysticerosis in sheep. Currently diagnosis is only made by finding the cysts at slaughter. To prevent sheep measles, dogs and other canines should not be allowed to feed on sheep or goat carcasses. Dogs should be dewormed for tapeworms. Any dog given access to the farm should be required to be dewormed.
Milk fever (hypocalcemia, parturient paresis)
Milk fever is a metabolic disease affecting mostly pregnant ewes near term when calcium requirements are the highest. It is most commonly caused by an inadequate intake of calcium, but can also be caused by a ewe's inability to mobilize calcium reserves prior to or after lambing. Milk fever presents similar symptoms as pregnancy toxemia but can be differentiated by the affected ewe's response to calcium therapy.
Ewes in the early stages of milk fever can be administered calcium gluconate subcutaneously. More seriously affected ewes will require intravenous calcium and other supportive therapies. Milk fever can be prevented by providing proper levels of calcium in ewe diets, especially during late gestation.
Ovine progressive pneumonia (OPP, lunger disease. Maedi-Visna)
Ovine progressive pneumonia is a slow developing viral disease that is characterized by progressive weight loss, difficulty in breathing and development of lameness, paralysis, and hard bag. It is very closely related to caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (CAE) and is caused by a retrovirus. The OPP virus closely resembles Maedi-Visna which is a similar slow or retrovirus found in other parts of the world.
OPP is transmitted laterally to other susceptible animals or to offspring through ingestion of infected milk and colostrum. Veterinary diagnostic laboratory assistance is required for diagnosis. There is no treatment, but OPP can be eliminated from the herd using annual blood testing and removal of positive animals and removal of the lambs from the ewes prior to suckling.
It is estimated that over 50% of the flocks in the U.S. are infected with OPP with the number of sheep infected within a positive flock anywhere between 1% to 70%. However, the vast majority of infected sheep will never show respiratory disease or a wasting syndrome.
Pink eye (infectious keratoconjunctivitis)
Pinkeye is a highly contagious disease affecting the eyes of sheep. Pinkeye may result from many different infective agents: Chlamydia, certain viruses, and mycoplasma. The disease will usually complete its course in three weeks in individual sheep. The use of eye medications containing antibiotics may be helpful in individual cases. There are no effective vaccines available, as the agent that causes pinkeye in sheep and goats is different from the one that causes it in cattle.
Read Infectious Keratoconjunctivitis (Pinkeye) =>
Pizzle Rot (sheath rot)
Pizzle rot is an infection in the sheath area of the ram. It is caused by the bacteria, Corynebacterium renale or one from that group. The other factor is high protein diets (>16 percent). Ammonia produced by the excess urea in the ram's urine can cause severe irritation and ulceration of the skin around the preputial opening. The debris from the ulcer form a crust which may block the opening to the prepuce. Pizzle rot can affect a ram's desire and ability to mate.
Plant poisoning
It is important to consider plant toxicities when diagnosing death losses. Many plants are toxic or potentially toxic to sheep. Some plants accumulate toxins during specific times of their growing cycle or after periods of environmental stress. The incidence of plant poisoning in livestock tends to increase when normal forages are scarce, causing animals to eat plants that they would not normally eat.
The signs of plant poisoning are as varied as the plants themselves and may mimic other diseases. Many poisonous plants cause sudden death. Some plants cause photosensitization (a severe skin reaction). Other poisonous plants affect the nervous system. Some plant poisonings can be treated if signs are recognized early. For many plant toxins, there are no treatments.
(respiratory disease complex, pasteurellosis, shipping fever)
Pneumonia is second in importance to diseases of the digestive tract. Pneumonia is a respiratory complex with no single agent being solely responsible for the disease. The most common bacteria isolated from respiratory infections is Pasteurella haemolytica or Pasteurella multocida or both. Affected animals become depressed and go off feed. They may cough and show some respiratory distress. Temperatures are usually over 104°F. The disease may be acute with sudden deaths or take a course of several days. Pneumonia is treated with antibiotics. There is a vaccine for Pasteurella.
Polioencephalomalacia (PEM, CCN, polio, cerebrocortical necrosis)
Polioencephalomalacia is a disease of the central nervous system, caused by a vitamin B1 (thiamine) deficiency. Since the rumen manufactures B vitamins, polio is not caused by insufficient thiamine, but rather the inability to utilize it. The most common symptom of polio is blindness and star-gazing.
Polio most commonly occurs in lambs that are consuming high concentrate diets. Polio can also occur in sheep that consume plants that contain a thiamase inhibitor. Excessive use of amprolium (Corid) can cause polio. Polio symptoms mimic other neurological disease conditions, but a differential diagnosis can be made based on the animals' response to injections of vitamin B1.
Polyarthritis is an infectious disease of nursing lambs, recently weaned lambs, and feedlot lambs. Symptoms are stiffness, reluctance to move, depression, loss of body weight, and conjunctivitis. Clinically the disease is primarily characterized by stiffness and by conjunctivitis. Body temperatures over 104°F are common. Lambs can be treated with several different broad-spectrum antibiotics or tetracycline drugs.
Pregnancy Toxemia
(ketosis, twin lamb disease, lambing paralysis, hypoglycemia)
Pregnancy toxemia is a metabolic disease that affects ewes during late gestation. It most commonly affects ewes, overfat ewes, older ewes, and/or ewes carrying multiple fetuses. It is caused by an inadequate intake of energy during late pregnancy, when the majority of fetal growth is occurring.
Treatment is to increase the blood sugar supply to the body by administering glucose intravenously or propylene glycol or molasses orally. In extreme cases, removal of the fetuses is the only recourse to save the ewe and lambs.
Pregnancy toxemia can be prevented by providing adequate energy to ewes during late gestation, usually ½ to 1 lb. of grain per head per day, more for high producing ewes. Adequate feeder space is also necessary to ensure all ewes are able to consume enough feed.
Read Pregnancy Toxemia in Ewes and Does =>
Rabies is a viral disease of the central nervous system of mammals, spread by contact with saliva from an infected animal, usually through bites or scratches, abrasions, or open wounds in the skin. Domestic animals may become exposed during normal grazing or roaming. Sheep have symptoms similar to cattle, and sometimes vigorously pull their wool. Livestock and horse owners may decide to vaccinate their animals if they are often exposed to potentially rabid wild or domestic animals.
Generally, production animals, such as dairy cow herds and sheep flocks, are not vaccinated because the potential risks are usually lower than the annual costs of vaccination and because human contact with individual animals is low. Small groups of valuable purebred animals may be an exception. Producers who lease their animals for grazing or use their animals for exhibition should consider vaccinating. In recent years, a few states have required vaccination for rabies before an animal (including some livestock) can be exhibited publicly.
Re**al Prolapse
A re**al prolapse is protrusion of the re**al tissue through the exterior of the body. It usually begins as a small round area that sticks out when the lamb lays down or coughs. In extreme cases, the intestines can pass through the opening and the disease can be fatal. There are many predisposing factors to re**al prolapses, including genetics, short tail docks, coughing, weather, stress, and high concentrate diets.
Re**al prolapses tend to occur more in ewe lambs than wether lambs and more in black-faced sheep than white-faced sheep. It is a heritable trait, about 10 percent. Lambs on high concentrate diets are more prone. In fact, a link between ultra-short tail docking and concentrate feeding has been scientifically established. Usually, lambs with pr*****ed re**ums are prematurely slaughtered or sent to market. It is possible to repair a re**al prolapse by amputating the pr*****ed part of the re**um. These lambs should not be kept for breeding.
Read Re**al prolapses: a complex problem with many contributing factors
Ringwomb is when the cervix fails to dilate sufficiently to allow delivery of the lamb(s). While sometimes the cervix of affected ewes can be opened with gentle pressure or the injection of hormones, usually such efforts prove futile and a caesarian section to remove the lambs is the only option that will produce a successful outcome for both ewes and lambs. Unfortunately, little is known about the cause of ringworm and how to prevent it. There is some evidence to suggest that ringwomb has a genetic component.
Ringworm (club lamb fungus, wool rot, and lumpy wool)
Club lamb fungus is a highly contagious fungal infection of the skin of sheep. It is primarily a problem with show lambs that are frequently slick sheared. Club Lamb Fungus is caused by fungus of the genus Trichophyton. Infection occurs when the fungus invades the skin and hair (wool) follicles. Fungal spores are transmitted by contaminated clippers, blankets, combs, bedding, bunks, and pens. Lesions can appear anywhere, however, most are found on the head, neck, and back. The infection is susceptible to anti-fungal agents. Club lamb fungus causes a nasty ringworm infection in people.
Ryegrass staggers
Ryegrass staggers is a disease of grazing animals that causes muscle spasms, loss of muscle control and paralysis. It is caused by a group of toxins that accumulates in the leaf sheaths of perennial ryegrass. The toxins are produced by a native fungus called ryegrass endophyte, Neotyphodium lolii, that grows within the leaves, stems and seeds of perennial ryegrass. Sheep and cattle are most commonly affected but horses, alpaca. and deer are also susceptible.
Ryegrass staggers has not been recorded in goats. Affected animals have a stiff gait or are unable to walk. They may injure or kill themselves in transit. The toxins can induce high body temperatures thus animals will try to cool themselves. Younger animals tend to be worst affected. The symptoms of ryegrass staggers usually develop 7-14 days after livestock stock start grazing the toxic parts of the plant. Prolonged exposure to toxic pasture can lead to permanent neurological damage.
Scrapie is a degenerative, fatal disease affecting the central nervous system of sheep (and goats). The causative agent is believed to be a prion, a misshapen protein. The disease is spread via placenta, from the dam to her offspring and other lambs (and kids) that come into contact with her birthing fluids, placenta, and bedding soiled with birthing fluids. There is no treatment for scrapie. Affected animals always die.
While the occurrence of scrapie in the U.S. sheep flock is low and getting lower all the time, it is a disease of regulatory concern. This is because scrapie is a member of a family of diseases called "transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TGE's), which also includes chronic wasting disease (in mule deer and elk), mad cow disease (bovine spongiform encephalopathy) and classic and new variant Creutzfeldt-Jacob's Disease (in humans).
Producers of breeding stock are encouraged to enrolled in the voluntary scrapie flock certification program, which after five years of scrapie-free monitoring, enables a flock to be certified "scrapie-free." Furthermore, while scrapie is not a genetic disease, a sheep's genetic make-up influences its susceptibility to scrapie if exposed to the infective agent. Therefore, sheep can be tested for scrapie resistance.
Scrotal hernia
A scrotal hernia is when the ram's intestines slip through the inguinal rings into the sc***um. The condition causes an enlargement of the sc***um. Scrotal hernias may be congenital or acquired. They are thought to be caused by trauma. While it may be possible to surgically repair a scrotal hernia, a more practical option would be harvest them for meat. Since heredity probably plays a role in the occurrence of a scrotal hernia, it is probably prudent to cull rams that sire lambs that develop hernias.
Septic pedal arthritis
Septic pedal arthritis is a bacterial infection that usually gains entry to the distal interphalangeal (pedal) joint from an interdigital legion which then tracks across the joint to discharge above the coronary band. The foot is swollen with obvious widening of the interdigital space and a discharging sinus(es) above the coronary band. In chronic cases, there is considerable widening of the interdigital space and loss of hair around the coronary band. Chronic cases usually do not respond to antibiotic therapy. Digit amputation by a veterinarian is usually necessary.
(contagious ecthyma, scabby mouth, pustular dermatitis, orf)
Soremouth is the most common skin disease affecting sheep (and goats). It is a highly contagious viral infection that can also produce painful lesions in people. The virus causes scab formation on the skin, usually around the mouth, nostrils, eyes, mammary gland, and v***a. It first appears as tiny red nodules, usually at the junction of the lips. Treatment is usually unrewarding, though WD-40 has been advocated as a treatment. The disease will usually run its course in 1 to 4 weeks.
Effective vaccines are available. The vaccine is applied to a woolless area in the inside of the ear or under a leg where it cannot spread to the mouths of other animals. Once the vaccine is used on the premises, it should be continued yearly. Flocks that have not experienced soremouth should not vaccinate for soremouth since the vaccine introduces the virus to the farm.
Spider Syndrome
(spider lamb disease, ovine hereditary chondrodysplasia)
Spider lamb syndrome is a genetic condition that causes lambs to have severe malformations of the skeletal system. These animals have very fine bone, crooked legs and a crooked spinal column, and a distinct lack of muscular development. They usually do not survive to full maturity.
The cause of the condition appears to be genetic alteration due to selection for extreme length and height in show sheep. The disease is found predominantly in black-faced lambs: 75% Suffolk and 25% Hampshire. In order to have this disease, lambs must inherit a recessive gene from each parent. Several labs offer genetic testing for spider lamb disease.
Urinary calculi (water belly, urolithiasis, calculosis)
Urinary calculi is a metabolic disease of wethers and rams characterized by the formation of calculi (stones) within the urinary tract. Blockage of the urethra by calculi causes retention of urine, abdominal pain, distention and rupture of the urethra or bladder. Left untreated, it can cause death.
The most common cause of urinary calculi is feeding rations with high phosphorus levels. Grain and oilseeds are usually high in phosphorus and low in calcium, whereas forages, especially legumes, have a much more desirable ratio. The ratio of calcium to phosphorus in the ration should be at least 2:1. Providing the proper balance of minerals in the ration is preferred to offering minerals free choice, since there is no guarantee animals will consume adequate amounts of free choice mineral.
Sheep rations should always include roughage, ideally long-stemmed forage. The addition of ammonium chloride (a urine acidifier) to the ration will aid in preventing urinary calculi. It is also important that animals have an ample supply of clean, potable water. The addition of salt to the ration will increase water intake and decrease stone formation.
Ram lambs that are castrated at an early age are at increased risk for developing urinary calculi, as their urethras do not develop as fully. However, for animal welfare reasons, late castration is not advocated, as almost all cases of urinary calculi can be prevented with proper nutrition.
Read Urinary Calculi in Sheep and Goats =>
Uterine prolapse
A uterine prolapse is when the womb (uterus) is turned inside out and pushed through the birth canal by abdominal strainings of the ewe. It may occur immediately after lambing or several days later. A uterine prolapse is life-threatening. Before the pr*****ed uterus can be put back into the ewe, the ewe's hindquarters should be raised. The uterus should be cleaned with a warm, soapy, disinfectant solution prior to replacement and should be replaced before the tissues become dry or chilled. Pouring water into the uterus will help to ensure that the tips of the horns are unfolded. Affected ewes should be given antibiotics and oxytocin. Unlike ewes that prolapse their va**nas, it is okay to keep a ewe that has pr*****ed her uterus.
Vaginal Prolapse
Vaginal prolapses (protrusion of the va**na) are most commonly observed during the last month of pregnancy or shortly after lambing. Many factors have been implicated in the cause of va**nal prolapse, such as hormonal/metabolic imbalances, overfat/overthin body condition, bulky feeds, lack of exercise, dystocia in previous pregnancies, increased abdominal pressure and fetal burden. Prolapses often recur in subsequent pregnancies.
The exposed va**na of affected ewes should be washed with soapy disinfectant solution and forced back into the ewe. A bearing retainer or "spoon" can be inserted and secured in the ewe to prevent further prolapsing. There are harnesses that can be put on ewes to prevent further prolapses. Sutures are another option. Sutures must be removed in order for the ewe to lamb. The ewes can lamb with the spoon or harness in place, but it is better to remove them. Affected ewes and their offspring should probably not be kept in the flock for breeding animals due to the hereditary nature of the problem.
White muscle disease
(WMD, nutritional muscular dystrophy, nutritional myopathy, stiff lamb disease)
White muscle disease is a degeneration of the skeletal and cardiac muscles of lambs. It is caused by a deficiency of selenium, vitamin E, or both and can be a problem wherever selenium levels in the soil are low or the diet is deficient in selenium. Symptoms are stiffness of the hind legs with an arched back and tucked in flanks. Treatment is the administration of selenium and vitamin E by injection.
Feed rations should be evaluated to determine if they are providing adequate levels of selenium and vitamin E. If dietary levels of selenium are inadequate, lambs can be given an injection of selenium and vitamin E shortly at birth. Dietary supplementation of selenium is usually preferred to selenium injections. There is a narrow margin between selenium deficiency and selenium toxicity.







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