Taking care of animals is the responsibility of every society.
My Interview with EBS tv
Please watch this video,
How many of you have the heart to help the dogs that fell on the streets and lost attention.
How many of you see such Injured animals on your porch and pass them by and buy a dog for thousands of dollars and bring it into your home?
How many of you take care of dogs by breed and color?
How many of you hate to touch a dirty dog?
How many of you are happy to take care of a disabled dog?
Does a dog only mean that it is beautiful?
Does a dog mean only one born from a good breed?
What about these unfortunate dogs who were born in the streets and came to this earth out of their own permission
What about female dogs that were not born with their sex chosen at birth?
What about the dogs that search find a shelter, food and water during the rain and sun.
What about the dogs who are disabled and suffer from lack of attention due to reckless drivers.
We humans are the source of all these animal sufferings and we are the solution too.
Therefore, those who claim to have true love for animals, open the door of your home and heart to these injured animals
It's great to think how I would feel if I was in their place and all this pain and abuse was done to me. We are lucky because we are human beings, but it is heartbreaking to see them suffer so much without being able to speak for themselves.
Now is the time for all of us to stand up as a voice🗣🗣 for these animals.
Animals also need attention
I am their voice and you?
I will pick up injured dogs from the streets, I will show love to them and I will become a family for them, how about you?
Be a voice for the voiceless animals by joining this challenge
A righteous [man] regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked [are] cruel."
(Proverbs 12:10)
እድለኛዋ ውሻ
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This beautiful dog is going to be homeless because the owner is going to leave the country after two days so we urgently need good families to take good care of the dog. So, those who want to raise this dog should not lock it in a kennel and do not tie it up. The dog is healthy and vaccinated, there is no health risk. Please help him and save him from going out on the streets🙏
እንስሳትም ትኩረት ይሻሉ follow me on tiktok
This German Shepherd dog got sick when the owners finished serving him, so they took him out and left him on the street.
Since I work with street dogs, I need someone who can provide shelter for a while until I find a permanent place for him.
I am very sorry for the guardians who brought him from the country and made him suffer on the street.
This is why I oppose those who sell and buy dogs, because such people put their own interests first, not the dog's interests.This is not the first time that the German Shepherd has gone up the street in this country , many foreign dogs are abounded , that's why we say, don't buy a dog, adopt it.
All animals need attention. If you want to help this dog, talk to me🙏
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ማህበራዊ ሚድያን ለግንዛቤ
እንስሶችን መንከባከብ የኛ ኃላፊነት ነው
ብዙ ግዜ በቤት ኪራይ የሚኖሩ ሰዎች የሚወዷቸውን እንስሳ እንዳያሳድጉ ፈተና የሚሆንባቸው ነገር የአከራዮች ፈቃደኛ አለመሆን ነው ።በቪድዮ ላይ የምትመለከቱት ወጣት ዴምቤሌሌ የሚባለው ውሻ ባለቤት ነው ይሄን ውሻ እናቱ መኪና ገጭቷት ስትሞት አንስቶ አሳድጎታል። በቪድዮ ላይ እንደምትመለከቱትም ከውሻው ጋር ያላቸው ቤተሰባዊ ሁኔታ እና ጓደኝነት እጅግ ልብ ይነካል 😍 አሁን የዚህ ወጣት ቤት አከራዮች ከቤት እንዲወጣ ነግረውታል ስለሆነም እንስሳ የሚወዱ ቤት አከራዮች ይፈልጋል ደንቤሌሌን ጥሎት ሊሄድ አይችልም ምክንያቱም ዴምቤሌሌ ቤተሰቡ ነው ስለሆነም እንስሳት የምትወዱ ቀና አከራዮች ለዚህ ልጅ ቤት በማከራየት እንድትተባበሩት እንጠይቃችኃለን🙏 ፓስቱን ደግሞ ሼር በማድረግ አግዙን🙏
ብዙ ቢነገረንም የምንሰማ ሰዎች አይደለንም እስቲ ከዚህ ውሻ እንኳን መማር ከቻልን እንማርበት ሰው ከሰው ተግባብቶና ተዋዶ መኖር በማይችልበት በዚህ ግዜ እናት ውሻ እናት የሌላትን ህፃን ድመት እንዴት እንደምታጠባት ተመልከቱ እኛ በአስተሳሰብ ከነሱ መብለጥ ያቃተን ለምን እንደሆነ ነው አልገባ ያለኝ🐕🐕😭😭