Veterinary service addis

Veterinary service addis we give you animal health mobile services and husbandry advice as soon as you call us. Seleshi, AA,

A cow aborted 5 month aged twin female calves a day ago. Today I was called to remove the retained placenta. I pulled th...

A cow aborted 5 month aged twin female calves a day ago. Today I was called to remove the retained placenta. I pulled the abnormal structure, only a head with umblicus like extension.I was shocked for som time. According to the owner of the cow the earlier aborted twins heads are similar to this head structure. I couldn't have the pictures of the aborted calves because they were removed. Anything???

Infectious foot rot

Infectious foot rot



1. Zoonotic diseases: Veterinarians in Ethiopia may be at risk of contracting zoonotic diseases, which are diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans. Ethiopia has a diverse range of animal species, and veterinarians who work closely with animals may be exposed to diseases such as rabies, brucellosis, anthrax, and avian influenza.

2. Limited resources: Ethiopia, like many developing countries, may face challenges in terms of limited resources for veterinary care. Veterinarians may have limited access to essential equipment, diagnostic tools, medications, and vaccines. This can make it more challenging to provide optimal care for animals and may also impact the safety and well-being of the veterinarians themselves.

3. Remote and rural locations: Ethiopia has a large rural population and a significant number of livestock. Veterinarians working in rural areas may face additional risks due to limited infrastructure, difficult terrain, and lack of access to emergency veterinary services. They may also need to travel long distances to reach their patients, which can be physically demanding and increase exposure to various hazards.

4. Occupational hazards: Like in any country, veterinarians in Ethiopia may be exposed to occupational hazards such as animal bites, scratches, and kicks. Handling large animals or working with aggressive or frightened animals can increase the risk of injury. Additionally, veterinarians may also be exposed to chemicals, anesthetic gases, and radiation during their work, which can pose health risks if proper safety measures are not in place.

5. Lack of veterinary regulations: Ethiopia's veterinary sector may face challenges related to the lack of comprehensive veterinary regulations and enforcement. This can lead to issues such as unqualified individuals practicing veterinary medicine, substandard vet. drugs or products, and inadequate monitoring of animal health and welfare .

Free Veterinary Books And Pdfs:


Grain engorgement (acidosis) _ a cow fed with high amount of very finely textured barley flour and drunk high amount of water. As a result the cow got bloating. More than 12 liters of fluid removed and other therapies are continued. One of my today's cases. Ayer Tena natran area Addis Ababa.

Big Mass of rope and synthetic leather from rumen of a cow.  Bethel area Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Oct 15/2023

Big Mass of rope and synthetic leather from rumen of a cow. Bethel area Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Oct 15/2023


ዛይላዚን የተባለ መድሀኒት ፈረሶች ህክምና ለማድረግ የሚያስችል ማደንዘዣ/sedative ሲሆን በተለይም ቀዶ ህክምና እና ሌሎች ህክምናዎች ለማድረግ የፈረሶችን እንቅስቅሴ የምንገታበት ነው። ይህ መድሀኒት ዛሬ ላይ ስልጣኔ ተብሎ ለሰው ልጅ ከአደንዛዥ እፆች ጋር በመቀላቀል በመርፌ ሲሰጥ ክቡር የሰው ልጅ ሰውነት ተበሳስቶና በስብሶ ህይወት እየቀጠፈ ነው። ።።።።እንስሳት እየሰለጠኑ ሰው የሚሰራቸውን ስራዎች በሚሰሩበት ዘመን የሰው ልጅ እንደዚህ መሆኑ ያሳዝናል........በዶ/ር ስለሺ በ

Borena breed cattle  need help. Very horrible to see this....

Borena breed cattle need help. Very horrible to see this....

This is what is happening in Borena!

ይህ ፊልም ውሻ ምን አይነት ፍጡር እንደሆነ ያሳያል። እዩት pls

ይህ ፊልም ውሻ ምን አይነት ፍጡር እንደሆነ ያሳያል። እዩት pls

Found on Google from


ባለ ሄሊኮኘተሩ እረኛ
(ሰላም ሙሉጌታ)

እረኝነት እንደየሃገሩ ነው ፤ እኛ በሃገራችን የምናውቀው ባለዋሽንቱን ነው የእነርሱ ደግሞ ባለሄሊኮኘተሩ ነው።

ታሪኩ ወደ አውስትራሊያ ይወሰደናል ፤

አውስትራሊያ ከአጠቃላይ ህዝብ ቁጥሯ አጅጉን ያነሰው (ከ3% የማይበልጥ) ነው በግብርና ላይ የተሰማራው። በአንፃሩ ደግሞ ከፍተኛ የሚባል የቀንድ ከብት ሃብት ያላት ሃገር ናት። ከ29 ሚሊየን በላይ የቀንድ ከብት አላት።

አንድ አውስትራሊያዊ ከብት አርቢ በሺዎች የሚቆጠሩ ከብቶች ያሉት በመሆኑ እነርሱን ከቦታ ቦታ ማንቀሳቀስ ፥ ይበልጥ ደግሞ ለግጦሽ አሰማርቶ ወደ ጋጣቸው መመለስ ለገበሬዎቹ እጅጉን ፈታኝ ስራ ነው።

ከብቶቹ በእስከ ሃያ ኪሎ ሜትሮች ርቀት ለግጦሽ ስለሚበታተኑ እነርሱን ማገድ በሰው አቅም ብቻ የሚቻል አይደለም ፤ እናም የከብቶች ጥበቃው በሄሊኮኘተር የታገዘ ነው።

ከብቶቹ ያሉበትን ስፍራ በሄሊኮኘተር ተዟዙሮ ቅኝት ከተደረገ በኋላ እስከ 30 ሜትር በአናታቸው ላይ ዝቅ ብሎ በማብረር ከብቶቹን የመንዳት ስራ ይሰራል።

ቤን ታኘ የተባለ አብራሪ ( በሄሊኮኘተር ከብቶችን የሚያግድ ) እንዴት ከብቶቹን ወደ አንድ አቅጣጫ መምራት እንደሚቻል ሲናገር " ከብቶቹ ሄሊኮኘተሩ ከሚበርበት አቅጣጫ በተቃራኒው ነው የሚሄድቱ ስለዚህ ወደ ጋጣቸው እንዲሄዱ እኛ ከጀርባቸው ዝቅ ከፍ እያልን እየበረርን እንነዳቸዋለን " ብሏል።

ይህ ሄሊኮኘተርን በዝቅታ እና በአነስተኛ ፍጥነት በማብረር ከብቶችን ማገድ helicopter mustering ይባላል። ልዩ የበረራ ጥበብ እና ብቃትን የሚጠይቅ ሲሆን አንድ አብራሪ ፍቃድ ለማግኘት ከ1500 ሰአት በላይ መብረር አለበት።
ከ3 ሺህ ጫማ ከፍታ ወደ ታች እስከ 30 እና 20 ሜትር ድረስ ዝቅ ብሎ መብረርን መጠየቁ ከባዱ ፈተና ነው።

አብራሪዎቹ ወደታች የሚበሩበት የበረራ ስልት እጅጉን ለአደጋ አጋላጭ ሲሆን የመስኩ ሰዎች dead man's zone የሚሉት ነው። በዚህም በአውስትራሊያ በአመት በአማካይ10 አብራሪዎች ከብቶችን ሲያግዱ በሚፈጠር አደጋ ህይወታቸውን ያጣሉ።

ባለ ሄሊኮኘተሩ እረኛ በእንዲህ ያለ መንገድ ብቻውን አስከ 3ሺህ የሚጠጉ ከብቶችን ከሜዳ እና ከየገደሉ እየነዳ ወደ ጋጣቸው ያስገባቸዋል።

**( እንዲህ ያለው ስራ ኒውዚላንድ ፣ ካናዳ ፣ አሜሪካንን በመሳሰሉት ሃገራትም የተለመደ ነው )

መልካም ቅዳሜ


This is why I said 'its ok' .After a series of 1 hour treatment. Case of ketosis with hypocalcemia. ከ 1ሰዓት ተከታታይ ህክምና በኋላ ወደ በፊት ጤናዋ ተመልሳለች። 02/05/15ዓ/ም


Before and after .... near Torhailoch, Addis Ababa.Its ok...

When BIOSECURITY FAILS......This is one of poultry and dairy sheds in Addis Ababa. All of 21 shed layer poultry died las...


This is one of poultry and dairy sheds in Addis Ababa. All of 21 shed layer poultry died last year by unknown contagious disease. But they started in this way after a year....what do you recommend them?
የእንቁላል ዋጋ የቀነሰው ባለፈው ዓመት በተከሰተው ምንነቱ ያልታወቀ አዲስ በሽታ የተነሣ ነበር።
በሽታው ሙሉ 21 ሼድ እንቁላል ጣይ ዶሮ የጨረሰው አለም ባንክ አንፎ አካባቢ፣ አዲስ አበባ ሲሆን አብዛኞች አርቢዎች ተስፋ ቆርጠው ሼዶቹ እስካሁን ባዶ ናቸው።
የተወሰኑት ደግሞ ከመጀመራቸው በዚህ መልኩ ተያይዘውታል። በጣም ያሳዝናል፡፡፡፡፡፡፡ዛሬ 04/05/2015

50 Incredible Chicken Facts50 ገራሚ የዶሮ እውነታዎች ፣ ለኔ ግን ካየኋቸው በጣም ግርም ያለኝ የድሮ ሰዎች ዶሮን ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ ያላመዱት እርስ በእርስ በማጋጠም ለመዝናናት...

50 Incredible Chicken Facts
50 ገራሚ የዶሮ እውነታዎች ፣ ለኔ ግን ካየኋቸው በጣም ግርም ያለኝ የድሮ ሰዎች ዶሮን ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ ያላመዱት እርስ በእርስ በማጋጠም ለመዝናናት መሆኑ ነው ። ቤተሰቦች ለእናንተስ ???

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? And why did the chicken cross the road?

Whether you prefer them as pets on a farm or on your dinner plate for a meal, here are 50 facts about one of the most classic farm animals!

There are more chickens on earth than people – 25 billion. There are also more chickens than any other bird species.

Chickens can remember over 100 different faces of people or animals.

A mother hen turns her eggs about 50 times per day and can lay more than 300 eggs per year.

The record number of eggs laid by a chicken in one day is 7. The record number of eggs laid by a chicken in one year is 371.

An egg develops at 88 degrees Fahrenheit and is laid at 105 degrees.

Chickens were domesticated in Southern China around 8,000 years ago in 6000 B.C.

The color of the egg depends on the chicken’s earlobes. Red ear lobed chickens lay brown eggs, while white ear lobed chickens lay white eggs.

As chickens grow older, they lay larger eggs, but fewer than when they’re younger.

Chickens can taste saltiness, but not sweetness.

In Gainesville, Florida, you have to eat fried chicken with your bare hands. Eating it by any other method is illegal.

A hen has to eat about four pounds of feed to make one dozen eggs.

The earliest known printing of “Why did the chicken cross the road?” was in 1847 in a New York Magazine.

Facts You Didn't Know About Chickens
On average, 97 chickens are killed every 0.05 seconds worldwide.

By vaccinating chickens, the United Kingdom virtually eliminated salmonella.

There’s a rare breed of chicken from Indonesia that is completely black including the feathers, beak, and organs, due to hyperpigmentation. They can be sold for $2,500.

There is an invention called a “chicken gun” which is used to test the resistance of airplane windows and engines by blasting dead chickens at the aircraft.

There’s a wild mushroom called a Laetiporus that tastes nearly the same as chicken. It is sometimes called the “fried chicken mushroom.”

In South Korea, there are more fried chicken restaurants than there are McDonald’s restaurants worldwide.

Chicken wings used to be considered undesirable and sometimes thrown out, until 1964 when a restaurant owner barbecued and served them in 1964 and called them Buffalo wings. They were named after the city they were first made in, Buffalo, New York.

The record for most egg yolks in one egg is 9 yolks.

The largest chicken egg ever recorded weighed 12 ounces and contained two yolks.

Americans consume 8 billion chickens per year which is more chicken than beef; at 80 pounds of chicken per capita compared to 63 pounds of beef per capita.

When a chicken gets its head cut off, it can run the length of a football field before dropping dead.

The longest recorded flight by a chicken lasted for 13 seconds at a total distance of 301 feet.

Chickens have prehistoric roots and are the closest living relative of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Chicken’s bodies contain 15% more water than humans.

The fear of chickens is called Alektorophobia.

If the white of an egg is cloudy, it means the egg is fresh.

Chickens can see and dream in full color.

When chickens feel stressed, they start to lose their feathers.

It only takes about 26 hours for a hen to produce an egg, and 21 days for the egg to incubate and hatch.

The longest recorded chicken to live was named Matilda, who lived to be 16 years old, which is over twice as long as an average chicken lifespan.

Chickens have their own unique language with over 30 different sounds used to communicate.

Baby chicks can develop object permanence as soon as 2 days old, while it takes human babies around 7 months.

Crazy Chicken Facts
Chickens are omnivores, and a hen will eat their own raw eggs if they are not satisfied with their diet.

In order to clean themselves, chickens take dust baths. They dig a small pit in the ground and use the dirt to help with the oil in their feathers.

If chickens listen to classical music, they can lay bigger and heavier eggs.

Chickens can run up to 9 miles per hour!

A chicken’s heart beats from 220 to 360 times per minute.

Chicken beaks can bleed.

Mother hens talk to their chicks while they’re still in the eggs, and the chicks can chirp back while in the shell.

In order to attract hens, roosters will do a dance called “tidbitting” involving moving their head up and down, waddling, and making certain sounds.

In 2004, the chicken was the first bird to have its genome sequenced – which is finding out the order of their DNA. Doing this helped determine that the chicken is the closest living relative to the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Chickens have three eyelids.

Mother hens teach their chicks what to eat and what to avoid.

A chicken egg’s nutritional value is the same, regardless of the egg color.

Most eggs are typically laid in the morning between 7 am and 11 am.

Hens generally choose their mates based on the size and brightness of a roosters comb on top of his head. Sometimes they will mate with multiple roosters at once.

Originally, chickens were domesticated for the use of cockfighting.

If you trick a hen into thinking a day is 28 hours by using certain lighting, she will lay bigger and stronger eggs.

A closeup of a chicken's face
Wow, what a list! Who’d have thought chickens would be so fascinating? Which one was your favorite fact?



No body is loyal like dogs. ለ9 አመታት እስከ ሞተበት ቀን ድረስ በየቀኑ አሳዳጊውን ሲጠብቅ የነበረው ታማኝ ውሻ። ሀቺኮ,

No body is loyal like dogs. ለ9 አመታት እስከ ሞተበት ቀን ድረስ በየቀኑ አሳዳጊውን ሲጠብቅ የነበረው ታማኝ ውሻ። ሀቺኮ,

The last photo taken of Hachikō, a Japanese Akita dog remembered for his unwavering loyalty to his owner.

Hachikō belonged to Professor Eizaburo Ueno who lived in Shibuya and taught at Tokyo Imperial University during the early 1920s.

Every day, Ueno would walk to Shibuya Station with Hachikō and take the train to work. Once he was done for the day, he would take the train back and return to the station at precisely 3 PM. Hachikō would always be there waiting patiently to accompany the professor home.

One day, Ueno suffered a stroke and never arrived at the station. Hachikō went to the station every day for 9 years until his death in 1935.

Udder Edema  ;  In udder edema, there is an accumulation of fluid in the udder. Accumulation begins at the base of the u...

Udder Edema ;

In udder edema, there is an accumulation of fluid in the udder. Accumulation begins at the base of the udder and, in mild cases, may be present around only one or two quarters.
(Physiologic Disorders of the Udder)

What causes udder edema?

Udder edema is caused by excessive accumulation of fluid in extravascular spaces of the udder and surrounding tissues.

swelling severity, udder cleft dermatitis, milk production, early culling, and restless behavior during milking.

Udder edema is common in high-producing dairy cattle (especially heifers) before and after parturition. Predisposing causes include age at first calving (older heifers are at greater risk), gestation length, genetics, nutritional management, obesity, and lack of exercise during the precalving period. Prepartum diets that contain excessive salt increase the severity of udder edema. Physiologic edema is not usually painful and occurs when pitting edema develops symmetrically in the udder before parturition. Udder edema is a risk factor for development of clinical mastitis and occasionally can become a chronic condition that persists throughout lactation. Treatment should be initiated if swelling threatens the udder support apparatus or if edema interferes with the ability to milk the cow. Edema can be treated by milking cows before parturition. Positive effects of premilking in heifers have been reported, but the practice may predispose older cows to parturient paresis (see Parturient Paresis in Cows). Massage, repeated as often as possible, and hot compresses stimulate circulation and promote edema reduction. Diuretics have proved highly beneficial in reducing udder edema, and corticosteroids may be helpful. Products that combine diuretics and corticosteroids are available for treatment of udder edema.


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