Halloween H-litter has arrived, just a few days late!
Hertta gave birth to two ruddy female kittens early in the morning today 🤎🤎
The kittens seem happy and healthy in the care of Hertta, who is an excellent and experienced mama-cat❤️
Proud parents are:
FI*Pajuja Depeche Mode ”Loki” x CH FI*Neaera’s Rose Anonyme ”Hertta”
Thank you Juliana and Jaani pajuja.cattery for this co-operation❤️
We were expecting two Halloween-litters this year, however we recently learned that Jojo was not awaiting kittens anymore, but the uterus was empty despite all the signs of a pregnancy. Jojo was thoroughly checked out by her vet and deemed healthy. So now we hope for the best for another try in the near future🤞