
Loihakka Loihakka specialises in husky safaris. We are based in Oulu, Finland.Loihakka is not a dog farm: all

🇫🇮 Kennelissä on tänään portit auki klo 16:00!Valitettavasti hyväksymme toistaiseksi vain käteismaksut teknisten ongelmi...

🇫🇮 Kennelissä on tänään portit auki klo 16:00!

Valitettavasti hyväksymme toistaiseksi vain käteismaksut teknisten ongelmien vuoksi.

🇬🇧 Today the gates are open at the kennel at 16:00!

Unfortunately, we currently accept only cash payments due to technical issues.

The Arctic Lemonade bar of our 11 years old daughter is open on Sunday 4th of August from 14 to 16. Flavour of the day i...

The Arctic Lemonade bar of our 11 years old daughter is open on Sunday 4th of August from 14 to 16. Flavour of the day is blueberry 🫐

During this the entrance to meet our huskies is free of charge.


11-vuotiaan tyttäremme Arctic Lemonade -baari on avoinna sunnuntaina 4.8. klo 14-16. Päivän makuna on mustikka 🫐

Tänä aikana pääsee tapaamaan huskyjämme maksutta.

🇫🇮  Loppuviikon sääennusteet näyttävät huskyjen kannalta turhan lämpimiltä. Jos haluat tulla tutustumaan karvaisiin perh...

🇫🇮 Loppuviikon sääennusteet näyttävät huskyjen kannalta turhan lämpimiltä. Jos haluat tulla tutustumaan karvaisiin perheen jäseniimme, se on mahdollista 25.6. Varaa vierailusi verkkosivujemme kautta!

🇬🇧 The weather forecast for the rest of the week looks too warm for the Huskies. If you want to come and get to know our furry family members, it is possible on June 25. Book your visit through our website!

🇬🇧The huskies will spend the coming weeks on a well-deserved spring break. We the people are focusing on maintenance wor...

🇬🇧The huskies will spend the coming weeks on a well-deserved spring break. We the people are focusing on maintenance work and hoping for the area to dry out quickly.

We will inform you when kennel visits can be booked again....

🇫🇮 Huskymme viettävät ansaittua kevätlomaa tulevat viikot. Me ihmiset keskitymme huoltotöihin ja toivomme alueen nopeaa kuivumista.

Ilmoitamme, kun kennelkäynnit ovat jälleen varattavissa....


Pahoittelut erikoisesta päivityksestä, m***a nyt ollaan tilanteessa, jossa ihminen ei saa omasta käsialastaan selvää 😅

Etsinnässä on siis henkilö, jolla on meille varaus 10.3.2024 klo11:00 ja sukunimi alkaa H-kirjaimella. Jos olet etsimämme, niin laittaisitko yv tai soittaisitko mahdollisimman pian.


Weather forecast for coming 3 weeks looks really sad (warm). Our online booking is open till end of the week 10 and we will open more spots if it seems then we can still continue husky rides after week 10...

For us, Christmas is a time for family, rest and tasty food. We are open again on 26 December 2023. Online booking is av...

For us, Christmas is a time for family, rest and tasty food. We are open again on 26 December 2023.

Online booking is available 24/7

Happy faces during cleaning round. It is snowing ❄️❄️❄️Finally 😍

Happy faces during cleaning round. It is snowing ❄️❄️❄️

Finally 😍

Winter is here, only snow is  missing. We just opened our online booking for Christmas holidays 🙂

Winter is here, only snow is missing. We just opened our online booking for Christmas holidays 🙂

Ice cream, pot coffee, pancakes, blueberry lemonade and Huskies of course!Welcome!***Jäätelöä, pannukahvia, lättyjä, mus...

Ice cream, pot coffee, pancakes, blueberry lemonade and Huskies of course!


Jäätelöä, pannukahvia, lättyjä, mustikkalimonadia ja Huskyt tietysti!


Challenging summer with Husky Café. At first, June was really dry and that caused forest fire warning. In our Kammi we c...

Challenging summer with Husky Café.

At first, June was really dry and that caused forest fire warning. In our Kammi we cook everything on open fire and there is no chimney so cooking was not allowed at all. Weather was also way too hot for our huskies!

Then our ice cream supplier "disappeared" and weather was still too warm for the huskies.

Now on the end of July we don't have forest fire warning anymore, temperature is ok,we got ice cream from different supplier (delicious flavours are blueberry-mint and fresh strawberry from ), we have lot's of rainy days AND weather forecasts are changing several times per a day!

In this picture is forecast from three different providers. We had a plan with Husky Café for coming weekend, but...

Summer is not over yet. Stay tuned ♥️

The Arctic Lemonade bar of our 10 years old daughter is open on Saturday 15th of July from 14 to 16. Flavour of the day ...

The Arctic Lemonade bar of our 10 years old daughter is open on Saturday 15th of July from 14 to 16. Flavour of the day is strawberry 🍓

During this the entrance to meet our huskies is free of charge. If you would like to take a guided tour (€15/20), stop by at 14


10-vuotiaan tyttäremme Arctic Lemonade -baari on avoinna lauantaina 15.7. klo 14-16. Päivän makuna on mansikka 🍓

Tänä aikana sisäänpääsy huskyjämme tapaamaan on maksuton. Jos haluat osallistua opastetulle kierrokselle (15/20 €), poikkea paikalle klo 14



FAQ: "How do you dispose of all the p**ps?"We compost our dogs’ excrement together with plant-based waste, and the soil ...

FAQ: "How do you dispose of all the p**ps?"

We compost our dogs’ excrement together with plant-based waste, and the soil generated as the end result is used to fill the holes dug by our furry friends for example. Our dogs are happy to express their natural behaviours, so there are plenty of holes to fill!

Without other "incredients" p**p do not decompose.

This stuff in this pic was p**p, leaves that have fallen from trees and straw that has been cleaned out of dogs' houses.

Valmistujaiset ja ylioppilasjuhlat ihan pian ja lahja hommaamatta? Verkkokaupastamme löytyy jälleen lääke tähän vaivaan....

Valmistujaiset ja ylioppilasjuhlat ihan pian ja lahja hommaamatta? Verkkokaupastamme löytyy jälleen lääke tähän vaivaan. Surffaa siis osoitteeseen loihakka.fi ja näppää sieltä homma haltuun.

Our online booking is still under construction, but finally we have there our popular guided kennel tours for the beginn...

Our online booking is still under construction, but finally we have there our popular guided kennel tours for the beginning of June. Navigate to loihakka.fi and book your kennel visit.

Come and meet our charming Huskies!

We have received lots of messages concerning kennel visit. Unfortunately we have to wait until kennels will dry after sn...

We have received lots of messages concerning kennel visit. Unfortunately we have to wait until kennels will dry after snow and ice.

We will inform you as soon as we can provide dry and nice environment to our visitors where cuddle huskies 🙂


Looking for some sunny activities?

Looking for some sunny activities?

Weather today at 6pm.The weather is far too warm to run with a full winter coat!  The harnesses are now  in storage and ...

Weather today at 6pm.

The weather is far too warm to run with a full winter coat! The harnesses are now in storage and spring work has started ☀️

🇫🇮 Vielä jatkuu! Huomiselle (2.4.2023) on vapaana yksi slotti (klo 15:00) Husky Spinille. Tule yksin, perheesi tai ystäv...

🇫🇮 Vielä jatkuu! Huomiselle (2.4.2023) on vapaana yksi slotti (klo 15:00) Husky Spinille. Tule yksin, perheesi tai ystäviesi kanssa. Online booking on jo sulkeutunut, joten varaa soittamalla +358 40 186 6086.

Loppu viikosta sää on jo todella lämmin, joten jos vielä tälle talvelle ajolle haluat niin se hetki on NYT :)

🇬🇧 Still going on! Tomorrow (April 2, 2023) there is one free slot (at 15:00) for Husky Spin. Come alone, with your family or friends. Online booking has already closed, so book by calling +358 40 186 6086.

At the end of next week, the weather will be really warm, so if you still want to husky ride this winter, the time is NOW :)

🇬🇧 Exciting winter! January was really warm and rainy, but now it feels like winter won't end. Normally, at this time of...

🇬🇧 Exciting winter! January was really warm and rainy, but now it feels like winter won't end. Normally, at this time of the year, the snow is already melting fast, so this might already be the last call 📣

25.3 in our huskies' calendar. is already full, but we just opened more availability for Sunday 26.3. For Husky Spins. Book online https://www.loihakka.fi

🇫🇮 Jännittävä talvi! Tammikuu oli todella lämmin ja sateinen, m***a nyt tuntuu että talvi ei lopukaan. Normaalisti tähän aikaan vuodesta lumet sulavat jo hurjaa vauhtia, joten tämä saattaa olla jo viimeinen kuulutus 📣

Huskyjemme kalenterissa 25.3. on jo täynnä, m***a avasimme juuri lisää saatavuutta sunnuntain 26.3. Husky Spineille. Varaa verkossa https://www.loihakka.fi

Today's kennel visit has free places!Come to the site at 12:00Erkki Metsola is already staring at the gate and waiting f...

Today's kennel visit has free places!
Come to the site at 12:00

Erkki Metsola is already staring at the gate and waiting for cuddlers ❤️

🇬🇧We are slowly starting up Husky Cafe's operations.Everything is cooked over an open fire.Menu 18.2.2023:Red deer stew ...

We are slowly starting up Husky Cafe's operations.
Everything is cooked over an open fire.

Menu 18.2.2023:
Red deer stew and mashed potatoes
Lingonberry jam

To minimize food waste, we prepare food based on advance reservations, so please book online.

Käynnistelemme hiljalleen Husky Cafen toimintaa
Kaikki ruoka valmistetaan avotulella.

Menu 18.2.2023:
Saksanhirvikäristys ja perunamuusi

Minimoidaksemme ruokajätteen määrän valmistamme ruoan ennakkovarausten perusteella, joten varaathan paikkasi verkossa https://www.traveloulu.fi/tuote/lounaalle-rekikoirien-kanssa-18-2-2023/?lang=fi

🇬🇧 We have opened new times for kennel visits to be booked! Welcome to get to know the members of our pack of social Hus...

🇬🇧 We have opened new times for kennel visits to be booked! Welcome to get to know the members of our pack of social Huskies

🇫🇮 Avasimme aikoja varattavaksi kennelvierailuille! Tervetuloa tutustumaan sosiaaliseen huskylaumaamme!

🇬🇧The year that started has been exceptionally warm and rainy. This has caused us to be unable to offer any husky rides....

🇬🇧The year that started has been exceptionally warm and rainy. This has caused us to be unable to offer any husky rides. Moving on ice with a sleigh is also impossible.

Unfortunately the long-term weather forecasts also look really bad for the huskies, so we can't give any kind of prediction about when we will get the trail open again or if it will be opened at all before next winter.

We have closed our online booking system for all rides. We only take reservations for kennel visits. We recommend following our website and social media channels. We will let you know when we can accept reservations again.

🇫🇮Alkanut vuosi on ollut poikkeuksellisen lämmin ja sateinen. Tämä on aiheuttanut sen, että emme voi tarjota minkäänlaisia ajoja. Myös jäällä liikkuminen valjakolla on mahdotonta.

Pitkän ajan sääennusteet näyttävät myös huskyjen kannalta todella huonolta, joten emme pysty antamaan minkäänlaista ennustetta siitä, milloin saamme uran taas auki tai saadaanko sitä ollenkaan auki ennen ensi talvea.

Olemme sulkeneet online varausjärjestelmämme kaikkien ajojen osalta. Otamme varauksia ainoastaan kennelvierailuille. Suosittelemme seuraamaan verkkosivujamme ja sosiaalisen median kanaviamme. Ilmoitamme, kun voimme taas ottaa varauksia vastaan.

🇬🇧 Happy New Year!Our kennel area will be closed tomorrow, January 1, 2023. Our huskies have their weekly day off. We wi...

🇬🇧 Happy New Year!
Our kennel area will be closed tomorrow, January 1, 2023. Our huskies have their weekly day off. We will be back in action again on January 2, 2023.

🇫🇮 Hyvää uutta vuotta!
Kennelalueemme on suljettuna huomenna 1.1.2023. Huskymme viettävät viikoittaista vapaapäiväänsä. Palaamme touhuun jälleen 2.1.2023.


Ervastintörmä 4


Tiedä ensimmäisenä ja anna meille oikeus lähettää sinulle sähköpostitse uutisia ja promootioita Loihakka :ltä. Sähköpostiosoitettasi ei käytetä muihin tarkoituksiin, ja voit perua milloin tahansa.

Ota Yhteyttä Yritys

Lähetä viesti Loihakka :lle:



The Home of Huskies

Loihakka specialises in husky safaris. We are based in Oulu, Finland. Loihakka has fifteen years of experience in husky safaris around Northern Finland and in the Oulu region, along with thousands of happy customers around the world. Loihakka is not a dog farm: all our dogs are individuals in their own right and they live as valuable members. We take pride in the wellbeing of our huskies. They love their work and we love to see them wagging their tails and eager to go. For this reason, our kennel is open on bookings only: as pack leaders, we want to make sure that our dogs have at least one full day of rest all to themselves. We have no minimum group size, so you are warmly welcome to visit our kennel on your own, too. Bookings: [email protected]