Uncharted Chart Polski

Uncharted Chart Polski Breeding of Chart Polski since 2014. FCI approved kennelname. Our aim is to widen the genepool of this rare breed, and have healthy and functional dogs.

Chart Polski breeding since 2014. Our goal is to have healthy and friendly dogs for hobbies, and maintain and broaden Chart Polski genepool at the same time. All our breeding dogs have at least eyes and heart tested. Our puppies will be chipped, registered, dewormed etc and will be sold only to homes that are proven to be good. If you are interested in an Uncharted cp, be prepared to visit us or our good friends in other countries.


Hula (Fernmark Chart Chislobog) was at the eye check today and has healthy eyes!

Näyttelyt ja maastot suunnitteilla vuodelle -25, voi elää vielä varsinkin loppuvuoden näyttelyiden osalta riippuen siitä...

Näyttelyt ja maastot suunnitteilla vuodelle -25, voi elää vielä varsinkin loppuvuoden näyttelyiden osalta riippuen siitä koska Myy saa viimeisen sertin ja Junior veteraanivalionarvon.

30.3. Lahti KV (Myy, Jr, kasvattajaluokka + JH)
3.5. Turku maasto (Justiina)
11.5. Tampere maasto (Justiina)
17.5. Kalajoki maasto (Justiina)
1.6. Liperi E (Myy, Jr +JH)
7.6. Tuuri KR (Myy)
8.6. Espoo KR (Myy)
14.6. Jämsä KR (Myy)
15.6. Kouvola maasto (Justiina)
22.6. Jyväskylä KV (Myy)
5.7. Kouvola maasto (Justiina)
13.7. Orivesi KR (Myy,Jr)
19.7. Kartano Weekend Helsinki RN (Myy, Jr)
26.7. Kalajoki KV (Myy, Jr)
7.8. Helsinki E (Myy, Jr)
8.8. Helsinki MV (Myy, Jr)
9.8. Vöyri maasto (Justiina)
24.8. Heinola KR
30.8. Riihimäki KV
31.8. Riihimäki NORD
7.9. Espoo KR
13.9. Jyväskylä RN
14.9. Turun seutu maasto (Justiina)
20.9. Kouvola maasto (Justiina)
27.9. Helsinki maasto (Justiina)
11.10. Hämeenlinna RN
12.10. Hämeenlinna RN
25.10. Seinäjoki KV
6.12. Helsinki HelW
7.12. Helsinki V

Planned for 2025!Sire is lovely C.I.B., PL GCH, PL CH, LT CH, LV CH, PL W 2024, HR W 2024, Poznan W 2023, EJSH 2022 Samb...

Planned for 2025!

Sire is lovely C.I.B., PL GCH, PL CH, LT CH, LV CH, PL W 2024, HR W 2024, Poznan W 2023, EJSH 2022 Sambor Confidence Interval. He has healthy heart and eyes. Sambor has a lovely, friendly character. Sambor in the breed archives: https://chartpolski.breedarchive.com/animal/view/sambor-confidence-interval-29057c15-a6ed-4daf-9ed7-cbd75f0a7f5f

Mother will be FI CH Fernmark Chart Chislobog. She has A/A hips, 0/0 elbows, SP0, LTV1, VA0 back and healthy heart & eyes. Hula also has a friendly and open character, and has been character tested +++158p. (Not afraid of shots) Hula in the breed archives: https://chartpolski.breedarchive.com/animal/view/fernmark-chart-chislobog-a522da1a-dd6c-4e28-a643-219686f2f23a

COI for 10 generations is 2,20%.

We expect typical, friendly puppies with possibility to go to shows and coursing. Inquiries are welcome.

Our year had ups and downs as usual. We lost many dogs bred by us and our own Falcon. Luckily the youngsters did good tr...

Our year had ups and downs as usual. We lost many dogs bred by us and our own Falcon. Luckily the youngsters did good tributes in the rings, to mention Uncharted Bird of Prey was on shared 1st place on show dog of the year in Finnish Chart Polski's. Also good health results fron Hula, still need eye check before the upcoming litter next year. Thank you friends for this year, and may next one be even better!

Uncharted Moonstone, at the age of 10,5 years had passed away today. Thank you Maarit for taking good care of her and th...

Uncharted Moonstone, at the age of 10,5 years had passed away today. Thank you Maarit for taking good care of her and thank you Pola for your sons and grand sons and daughters.

Uncharted Resistance is Futile was today at Seinäjoki NORD show. She became got EXC1, CQ, JUN CAC, JUN BOB, BB1, CERT, N...

Uncharted Resistance is Futile was today at Seinäjoki NORD show. She became got EXC1, CQ, JUN CAC, JUN BOB, BB1, CERT, NORD CERT and BOB out of three CP entered.


Fernmark Chart Chislobog was at heart ultrasound today and everything is healthy! Now all that is left is eye check and we can proceed with puppy plans.

Helsinki Nord Show 8.9.Uncharted Szafir Jr EXC 1, CQ, BM1, NORD CAC, BOSUncharted Resistance is Futile EXC 1, BB1, NORD ...

Helsinki Nord Show 8.9.
Uncharted Szafir Jr EXC 1, CQ, BM1, NORD CAC, BOS
Uncharted Resistance is Futile EXC 1, BB1, NORD JCAC, NORD CAC, JCAC, CAC, JBOB, BOB

Heinola All breeds show 18.8.Uncharted Bird of Prey EXC1, CQ, BB1, BOB, jun-BOBUncharted Resistance is Futile EXC2

Heinola All breeds show 18.8.
Uncharted Bird of Prey EXC1, CQ, BB1, BOB, jun-BOB
Uncharted Resistance is Futile EXC2


Fernmark Chart Chislobog had her x-rays done for next years litter with good results:
Hips A/A
Elbows 0/0

She still needs eye check and heart ultrasound before all is checked and ok for the litter to proceed.


Kuopio INT show 4th August
Uncharted Bird of Prey EXC1, CQ, BOB, BOB-jun, jun-CAC, Jun CH, jCACIB

Congrats Viipu and Maarit 🎉🎉

Pictures from last weekend. Our breeders class and BOB and BOS Junior. Pictures by Heidi Alenius

Pictures from last weekend. Our breeders class and BOB and BOS Junior. Pictures by Heidi Alenius

Sad news, Uncharted Highintensity, Aatu, has left us today. He had spondylosis which caused him pain despite all medicat...

Sad news, Uncharted Highintensity, Aatu, has left us today. He had spondylosis which caused him pain despite all medication. Aatu at 8 weeks in the picture. Thank you for Maikkoo and Jere for taking care of him during his life.


Kartano Weekend 2024 26 Chart Polski entered

Uncharted Szafir Jr VG
Uncharted Bird of Prey EXC1, CQ, BB1, CAC, jun-CAC, BOS, BOB-jun
Uncharted Live Long and Prosper EXC3, CQ, res-CAC
Uncharted Jolan Tru VG4
Uncharted Moonstone EXC1, CQ, BOB-vet

Uncharted breeders group 3/4


Laukaa all breeds show 13th JulyUncharted Szafir Jr EXC1, CQ, BM1, BOBUncharted Resistance is Futile VG1

Laukaa all breeds show 13th July
Uncharted Szafir Jr EXC1, CQ, BM1, BOB
Uncharted Resistance is Futile VG1

Haapajärvi group show 29th JuneAjibu That's My Girl VGUncharted Resistance is Futile VG1Helsinki All Breeds show 7th Jul...

Haapajärvi group show 29th June
Ajibu That's My Girl VG
Uncharted Resistance is Futile VG1

Helsinki All Breeds show 7th July
Ajibu That's My Girl VG
Uncharted Resistance is Futile EXC1

Oulu Nordic show 7th July


Uncharted Bird of Prey today at Virolahti INT BB3 and resCAC! Congrats Maarit and Viipu!


Koulurinne 8


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