INTERNATIONAL K9 INSTITUTE We are also a leading provider of nature detection dog services in Finland luontokartoitus-, lutikka- ja homekoirien tehtäväkentällä.

The International K9 Institute offers qualified NASDU explosive detection dog team services for locating unexploded ordnance on blast sites and inspecting provisions at ports. 🇬🇧 International K9 Institute Ltd is a company that specializes in training professional K9 teams and offers a wide range of working dog services, e.g., Conservation Dogs, Bed Bug Detection Dogs, and Mold Detection Dogs. Int

ernational K9 Institution is the only company in Finland that offers extensively and comprehensively trained Conservation Dogs to help with nature conservation. Our services cover long courses for becoming a professional detection dog handler, shorter courses and training for professionals, semi-professionals, competitors, and dog enthusiasts, and also train your dog for basic obedience or scent detection on request. Read more on our website at

🇫🇮 International K9 Institute Ltd on koulutusyritys, joka kouluttaa ammattiin tähtääviä koirakoita ja tarjoaa monipuolisesti työkoirapalveluita mm. Yrityksemme tarjonta kattaa niin ammattimaiseen hajutyöskentelyyn valmentavan koulutuksen, kuin myös muita koiran käyttömuotoja palvelevia koulutuksia ammattilaisille, puoliammattilaisille, valmennettaville, kisaajille ja harrastelijoille. Katso lisää verkkosivuiltamme

You couldn’t say it better than this 👌🙏

You couldn’t say it better than this 👌🙏

Tanja Karpela and her dog Taru are officially a certified NASDU EDD dog team! Huge thanks to  Wayne Gell for your incred...

Tanja Karpela and her dog Taru are officially a certified NASDU EDD dog team! Huge thanks to Wayne Gell for your incredible guidance and support along this journey!

Even with over a decade of experience training and handling specialist detection dogs, the opportunity to learn from other countries’ training methods is always invaluable. It’s inspiring to gain fresh perspectives, grow into an even more versatile trainer, and discover new ways to respect and combine the best practices from around the world. Learning never stops—and that’s what keeps this work so exciting!

Merry Christmas! Eat, drink and remember to rest. We're sending love and happiness to everyone ❤️🐾Here is a little sneak...

Merry Christmas! Eat, drink and remember to rest. We're sending love and happiness to everyone ❤️🐾
Here is a little sneak peek to our harmonious and peaceful holidays 😉

The weekend training course for future flying squirrel detection dog teams was filled with trial and error, repetition a...

The weekend training course for future flying squirrel detection dog teams was filled with trial and error, repetition and reflection, analysis and brainstorming, as well as progress in learning for both the dogs and their handlers. We also had guest trainer Juha Pasanen share valuable tips and examples on the importance of laying a solid foundation in scent work by carefully adhering to criteria. From here, we can confidently continue training with our goals clearly in mind!

Great atmosphere and an amazing group gathered for the 41st Consulting cruise course organized by Forcit. The day starte...

Great atmosphere and an amazing group gathered for the 41st Consulting cruise course organized by Forcit. The day started at Hotel Katajanokka, listening to fascinating experts, and then continued aboard the Viking Line Cinderella. Tomorrow promises more substantial topics in Stockholm. The International K9 Institute had the honor and privilege of giving a lecture on the topic: “The Use of Explosive Detection Dogs in Inspecting Blast Results.”

An eager employee of the International K9 Institute pictured, ready to search for unexploded ordnance at blast sites. Ou...

An eager employee of the International K9 Institute pictured, ready to search for unexploded ordnance at blast sites. Our K9 team is a fully qualified Explosive Detection Dog (EDD) team; tested and certified according to NASDU (National Association of Security Dog Users) standards for military, commercial, and homemade explosives.

The Nasdu explosives detection dog training is nearing the final stretch. We’ve trained in vehicle searches, route searc...

The Nasdu explosives detection dog training is nearing the final stretch. We’ve trained in vehicle searches, route searches, outdoor area searches, building searches and much more. The dogs have been taught to detect military explosives, civilian explosives and improvised homemade devices. We’ve learned both offensive and defensive search techniques. This has been an amazing experience, teaching and reminding us that learning is a lifelong journey and showing us how we expand our perspectives by understanding training methods used elsewhere. Thank you, Inter K9 Limited Wayne Gell

It’s amazing how a dog’s sense of smell can be used to promote, safeguard, and study biodiversity. It has been interesti...

It’s amazing how a dog’s sense of smell can be used to promote, safeguard, and study biodiversity. It has been interesting and rewarding to be part of the LIFE flying squirrel project, especially because the project has contributed to the development and implementation of this new, efficient survey method in Finland and Estonia. This is one more tool in the work to protect nature

Koiran nenä on suureksi avuksi luonnonsuojelutyössä. Johdonmukaisella koulutuksella motivoituneesta karvakuonosta sukeutuu vaikkapa liito-oravien etsijä.

International K9 Institutella oli ilo ja kunnia treenata tulevia erikoisetsintäkoirakoita  Suomen Eläinkoulutuskeskussa....

International K9 Institutella oli ilo ja kunnia treenata tulevia erikoisetsintäkoirakoita Suomen Eläinkoulutuskeskussa. Kiitos Mervi Niemi hyvin järjestetystä päivästä! Erittäin motivoituneita ja osaavia kurssilaisia, hyvää kahvia ja kaunis sää, eli säätä myöten oli kaikki kohdallaan 😁 🦮🐕‍🦺🐕

We wish everyone as much energy and motivation to start the week as Taru has while chewing on this bone! 🦴👀

We wish everyone as much energy and motivation to start the week as Taru has while chewing on this bone! 🦴👀

LIITO-ORAVAKOIRAKKOJEN KOULUTUS ALKAA! Ilmoittaudu mukaan!                                                              ...

LIITO-ORAVAKOIRAKKOJEN KOULUTUS ALKAA! Ilmoittaudu mukaan! International K9 Institute on uraauurtava pioneeri alalla Suomessa. Olemme toimineet luontokartoituskoirien kouluttajina ja ohjaajina jo yli kymmenen vuotta. Olemme mukana EU-LIFE liito-oravahankkeessa vastaten koirien koulutuksesta ja ohjaamisesta operatiivisissa tehtävissä. Metodimme koulutuksen ja raportoinnin osalta on kehitetty, testattu ja hyväksytty hankkeen aikana. Nyt kunnianhimoinen tavoitteemme on jakaa tätä hyväksi todettua metodia. Tule mukaan! Koulutus alkaa 31.08.24. Ilmoittautuminen ja lisätiedot: [email protected]

LIITO-ORAVAKOIRAKKOJEN KOULUTUS ALKAA! Ilmoittaudu mukaan!Kiinnostaako sinua ja koiraasi luonnon monimuotoisuuden suojel...


Kiinnostaako sinua ja koiraasi luonnon monimuotoisuuden suojelu? Haluatko osallistua tärkeään tehtävään liito-oravien elinympäristöjen kartoittamisessa? Tule mukaan koulutukseen, jossa koulutetaan koiria luontokartoituskoiriksi etsimään liito-oravia!

International K9 Institute Oy on uraauurtava pioneeri alalla. Olemme toimineet luontokartoituskoirien kouluttajina ja ohjaajina jo yli kymmenen vuotta. Olemme mukana EU-Life liito-orava -hankkeessa vastaten hajukoirien koulutuksesta ja ohjaamisesta. Metodimme koulutuksen ja raportoinnin osalta on kehitetty, testattu ja hyväksytty hankkeen aikana. Nyt kunnianhimoinen tavoitteemme on jakaa tätä hyvin toimivaa koulutus ja raportointimetodia, jotta saamme Suomeen lisää osaavia ja käyttövarmoja liito-oravakoiria sekä taitavia ohjaajia.

Kurssin sisältö:
- Hajutyöskentely: Opetamme koirille ja ohjaajille tehokkaat hajutyöskentelymenetelmät, joita tarvitaan liito-oravahavaintojen etsinnässä luonnosta.
- Havaintojen raportointi: Koulutamme, kuinka havainnot raportoidaan luotettavasti ja läpinäkyvästi, jotta tiedon kerääminen on yhtenäistä ja laadukasta.

Kurssin tiedot:
- Ajankohta: Koulutus alkaa 31.8.24
- Paikka: Salo/Perniö
- Kesto: 31.08.24 - 01.03.25

Lisätietoja ja Ilmoittautuminen:
[email protected]
Ilmoittaudu mukaan kurssille. Paikkoja on rajoitetusti, joten varaa paikkasi ajoissa!

Liity mukaan tekemään arvokasta työtä luonnon ja liito-oravien hyväksi!

A warm thank you once again to the Latvian Customs/Customs Administration Cynology Department for your visit! Another pu...

A warm thank you once again to the Latvian Customs/Customs Administration Cynology Department for your visit! Another puppy from the International K9 Institute has gone to Latvia, where great tasks await. It still needs to grow and learn a bit before it can fill those big shoes 😁
Thank you, Valdis Bikovskis, Sandra Romanovska, and Marika Krauja


We have some incredibly exciting news to share! The International K9 Institute is launching a professional trainer education program at our partner Martha & Friends' facility, starting in September. Our passion for high-quality dog training is matched only by our commitment to ethical training methods.

Inspired by the growing demand and numerous inquiries, we’ve decided it’s time to offer cutting-edge professional training based on modern dog behavior science. Our goal is to contribute to achieving and maintaining the highest standards of trainer education in Central Europe.

Join us in this exceptional opportunity to elevate your skills and make a significant impact in the world of dog training!

More information at [email protected]

The International K9 Institute offers qualified NASDU explosive detection dog team services for locating unexploded ordnance on blast sites and inspecting provisions at ports. We are also a leading provider of nature detection dog services in Finland

Our Nature Detection dogs have been busy this spring. Over 100 hectares have been surveyed, searching forests for observ...

Our Nature Detection dogs have been busy this spring. Over 100 hectares have been surveyed, searching forests for observations of the flying squirrel. Without the dog’s extraordinary sense of smell, the work would take considerably longer. We have been working with Nature Detection dogs for 11 years and are partners in two EU Life projects responsible for the training and guidance of nature survey dogs. We are happy to be able to do this world’s most interesting work!

Here's one of my loveliest students ❤️ Betty melts everyone's hearts 🥰

Here's one of my loveliest students ❤️ Betty melts everyone's hearts 🥰

Our team is growing, and now Apajan Irish Eyes, also known as Lumi, joins the IK9I dog team. We have high expectations f...

Our team is growing, and now Apajan Irish Eyes, also known as Lumi, joins the IK9I dog team. We have high expectations for this 8-week-old bundle of joy. Thank you, , for trusting us 🥰☺️🤩🐶🦮 Notre équipe grandit, et maintenant Apajan Irish Eyes, également connue sous le nom de Lumi, rejoint l’équipe de chiens IK9I. Nous avons de grandes attentes pour ce petit trésor de 8 semaines. Merci, , de nous faire confiance 🥰☺️🤩🦮Joukkomme kasvaa ja näin mukaan IK9I:n koiratiimiin astuu Apajan Irish Eyes eli Lumi. Tästä 8 viikkoisesta pallerosta odotamme paljon. Kiitos luottamuksestasi meitä kohtaan 🥰☺️🤩🐶🦮 .and.friends.lux

Interesting, efficient, and enjoyable day with our collaborator Ôpunaise Nuisibleô! Ôpunaise NuisibleôSEDCPL : Journée T...

Interesting, efficient, and enjoyable day with our collaborator Ôpunaise Nuisibleô!

Ôpunaise Nuisibleô

SEDCPL : Journée Technique sur la Détection Canine 🐾

Aujourd’hui à Paris, au Marriott, les experts de la détection canine contre les punaises de lit se retrouvent.

Une journée d'échange et de partage d'expertises. ✨

Un événement pour partager, apprendre, et célébrer les avancées dans notre domaine. Ensemble, nous faisons la différence !

Marie Effroy Catherine Lecourt Tanja Karpela Camille Baronnet SEDCPL Syndicat Experts Détection Canine Punaises de Lit ATN Détection Jonathan Broutin 🔎 Romain COTTURA Vincent Steinhausser Lilia BEN FADHEL Dominique ROUDY MK DETECTION CANINE PUNAISE DE LIT Detect'IZ International K9 Institute et beaucoup beaucoup d’autre !! ….

🐾 SEDCPL: Technical Day on Canine 🐾 Detection

Today in Paris, at the Marriott, the experts in canine bed bug detection meet.

A day of exchange and sharing of expertise. ✨

An event to share, learn, and celebrate advances in our field. Together, we make a difference!


Huhdintie 154



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