Snowstory's American akitas

Snowstory's American akitas American akita breeder from Finland! Tuula Jokiaho (Lehtimäki) and Laura Haapanen (Noormarkku) Hei! En myy pentuja ulkokoiriksi, vaan ainoastaan osaksi perhettä.

Olen Tuula Jokiaho ja asun Lehtimäellä Etelä-Pohjanmaalla, lähellä Ähtäriä. Olen harrastanut amerikanakita -rotua vuodesta 2000 ja ensimmäisen pentueeni nimellä Snowstory´s kasvatin 2003. Sittemmin pentueita on ollut 1-2 vuodessa ja minut on palkittu Suomen Kennelliiton Vuolasvirta -palkinnolla. Harrastan koirieni kanssa lenkkeilyä, näyttelyjä ja verijälkeä. Koiramme harrastavat kanssamme myös mat

kailua ja ne ovatkin reissanneet lukuisissa paikoissa eri puolilla Keski-Eurooppaa. Koiramme ovat meille perheenjäseniä ja kasvatan pääasiassa sijoituskoirilla, jotta jokainen meillä synnyttävä koira olisi samanlainen rakastettu perheenjäsen omassa perheessään, kuin omammekin ovat. # # #
Toiseksi kasvattajaksi Snowstory´s kennelnimelle liittyi 2/2022 Laura Haapanen Noormarkusta. Lauralla on kotonaan kaksi Snowstory´s kasvattia, M***a (Fi & Ee Mva Snowstory´s Maybelline) ja Diva (Snowstory´s Strawberry). Ensimmäisen oman pentueensa kennelnimelle Laura kasvattaa lähivuosina. Toimimme yhteistyössä ja samoin periaattein! Lauran yhteystiedot ovat: [email protected]
Löydymme molemmat myös facebookista omilla nimillämme!


2.1.2025 Suomen Amerikanakita ry. - Finnish American Akita Club TOP DOGS of the year 2024 results are here!

Most winning female puppy is Bonnie (Snowstory's Take A Look At My Face) and second Valma (Snowstory's You Play Your Game)

New addition Martta ❤️

New addition Martta ❤️

We have new member in our Snowstory´s team 😍Lovely Ripasso Blossom Meadow Blush, "Martta", born 11.10.2024, parents Hoxa...

We have new member in our Snowstory´s team 😍
Lovely Ripasso Blossom Meadow Blush, "Martta", born 11.10.2024, parents Hoxakam Oblivious and Greatroyal Beginning New Era.
Martta lives with Virpi and owners are Laura and Tuula ❤️
Martta's breeder is Ripasso Fci Honorata Połącarz , huge thanks to you for your trust and friendship, Martta is an absolutely wonderful puppy 😍

7.12.2024 Helsinki Winner & 8.12.2024 Voittaja WinnerHemi (Ee Jch Snowstory´s Yeah I´m Wanted Man) got at saturday his s...

7.12.2024 Helsinki Winner & 8.12.2024 Voittaja Winner
Hemi (Ee Jch Snowstory´s Yeah I´m Wanted Man) got at saturday his second Jun-CAC and CAC and was 4th best male!
At Sunday he got excellent.
At sunday his sister Valma (Snowstory´s You Play Your Game) start her junior -class and got very good!
Judge at saturday was Mrs Tiina Taulos and sunday Mrs Gail Patterson.
Thanks to judges and congratulations Hemi´s & Valma´s owners

27.10.2024 Seinäjoki Int show.Hemi (Snowstory´s Yeah I´m Wanted Man) was like the big boys today and result was great!"9...

27.10.2024 Seinäjoki Int show.
Hemi (Snowstory´s Yeah I´m Wanted Man) was like the big boys today and result was great!
"9 months old. Excellent type and size. Still young but very very masculine in his presence. Correct proportions. Well shaped head. Beautiful, dark eyes. Excellent ears. Deep muzzle. Strong neck and topline. Well develoed body. Excellent bone. Correct angulations overall. Excellent tail. Clear markings. Good color. Powerful mover from all sides. Lovely character."
BOB-junior, Junior-CAC, Junior-Cacib and CAC!
Judge was Britt Nyberg, Norway, thanks to you!
And huge congratulations Virpi & Mikko, great work with Hemi

26.10.2024 Seinäjoki Nord show.Hemi (Snowstory´s Yeah I´m Wanted Man) had drunk kangaroo petrol and didn't  show his mov...

26.10.2024 Seinäjoki Nord show.
Hemi (Snowstory´s Yeah I´m Wanted Man) had drunk kangaroo petrol and didn't show his movements well 🤣

So he got excellent and review, that looked just like him:
"Maskulin. Utmärkt typ. Passande kraftigt huvud. Mörka ögon. Mycket bra öron. God hals. Kropp i utveckling, som ännu behöver lite tid. Passande vinklar i benen. Mycket bra benstomme och tassar. Välburen svans. Bra päls. Korrekt bett. Behagligt temperament. Lite ostabila rörelser"

Thank you judge Mr Rune Tyvold, Norge!

20.10.2024 Tallin int. show.Hemi (Snowstory´s Yeah I´m Wanted Man), did it!3 days, 3 x junior-CAC & junior-cacib and he ...

20.10.2024 Tallin int. show.
Hemi (Snowstory´s Yeah I´m Wanted Man), did it!
3 days, 3 x junior-CAC & junior-cacib and he is now brand new Estonian Junior Champion!!!
The cherry on the cake: Hemi was also BOB today

19.10.2024 Tallin int show.Hemi (Snowstory´s Yeah I´m Wanted Man), rocked also today!Hemi was the best junior male and g...

19.10.2024 Tallin int show.
Hemi (Snowstory´s Yeah I´m Wanted Man), rocked also today!
Hemi was the best junior male and got a second junior-CAC and junior-CACIB!
His mother Diva (Ee & FI Ch, Ee & Fi JCh Snowstory´s Strawberry) also done well and got res-cacib today!
Judge was Mrs Maribel Sy, Philippines

18.10.2024 Tallin int show.Hemi (Snowstory´s Yeah I´m Wanted Man), just 9 months old, started his official shows with gr...

18.10.2024 Tallin int show.
Hemi (Snowstory´s Yeah I´m Wanted Man), just 9 months old, started his official shows with great result!
Hemi was the best junior male and got a junior-CAC and junior-CACIB!
Judge was Mr Martin Baskaran, Spain. Thanks to you

22.09.2024 Kajaani Puppyshow day 2Valma (Snowstory's You Play Your Game) today 2. best female puppy with HP!Judge Kati K...

22.09.2024 Kajaani Puppyshow day 2
Valma (Snowstory's You Play Your Game) today 2. best female puppy with HP!
Judge Kati Kilpeläinen-Turunen, thanks to you!
Well done Jonna again

21.09.2024 Kajaani Puppy-show!Valma (Snowstory's You Play Your Game) was best female puppy with hp & BOS-puppy

21.09.2024 Kajaani Puppy-show!
Valma (Snowstory's You Play Your Game) was best female puppy with hp & BOS-puppy

14.09.2024 Paimio gr.Amadeus (FI&EE&Lt JCh, SeJW -23 StyleSign Up For Anything) BOB & Group 2 under judge Mr Pekka Teini...

14.09.2024 Paimio gr.
Amadeus (FI&EE&Lt JCh, SeJW -23 StyleSign Up For Anything) BOB & Group 2 under judge Mr Pekka Teini.
Bertta (C.I.B & C.I.B-v, multi-ch Snowstory's Charity Sharma) BOB -veteran & BB2!
Thanks to judge and Best Handler Elina Viirumäki ❤️

24.08.2024 Kokkola Gs.!!!BEST IN SHOW!!!Omg - what happened? Something I couldn't even dream of, Amadeus (FI & EE & LT J...

24.08.2024 Kokkola Gs.


Omg - what happened?
Something I couldn't even dream of, Amadeus (FI & EE & LT JCh & SeJW -23 StyleSign Up For Anything) was Best In Show!!!
In November of last year, Amadeus was 13 months old when he was attacked by another dog.
That event changed our whole life, because after that Amadeus was sure that every strange dog only wants bad things.
We could have carried on with life and accepted that he would be nothing more than a couch potato, but we couldn't give up.
He is too beautiful, too golden a boy, that we couldn't help but try.
We have spent a lot of time in training, progressed at his pace and received a lot of support from many wonderful trainers, Amadeus' breeder Mrs Kadri Audova and his Handler Elina Viirumäki and our friends

25.08.2024 Mäntsälä Puppyshow.Heimdal (Snowstory´s Yeah I´m Wanted Man) was BOB-pyppy with hp!Huge congratulations Virpi...

25.08.2024 Mäntsälä Puppyshow.
Heimdal (Snowstory´s Yeah I´m Wanted Man) was BOB-pyppy with hp!
Huge congratulations Virpi & Mikko and thanks to judge Mr Unto Timonen for your beautiful words!
There are no new pictures, so here are pictures from a few weeks ago from Ylöjärvi, where Heimdal was BIG1!
The photos were taken by Sofia Roima, thank you!


Pelimannintie 85





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