Champagne Horses by G. Gregorio - begin 2000

Champagne Horses by G. Gregorio - begin 2000 * Presentation of the Champagne horse breeding by G. Gregorio (1953-2022)
* Presentation de elevage des chevaux champagnes de Mme G. Gregorio

in utero 2025 ✨@ Haras de la Renaissance

in utero 2025 ✨
@ Haras de la Renaissance

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It's time to publish what Gwendolyn hided to save like her eyeball 🙂 KHAFFEE AU LAIT Z *2020

It's time to publish what Gwendolyn hided to save like her eyeball 🙂
"Here you see something very very rare, a champagne filly out of a Trakehner mare and with the sire being Part Arabian, she has just one outside blood in the 5th generation which means her foals could be Trakehners once she is adult and of breeding age. The Trakehner stud book does allow ONE outside blood - means blood that is not approved for Trakehner - in the 6th generation. Her foals could therefore be full Trakehners. The blue eye color will go greenish or amber with the time. They were bright blue and as you can see they already change. BTW this mare - Magical Dream GF - is so far the only existing Trakehner in Buckskin Tobiano. She has a full sister which was Smoky Black Tobiano and sold to USA. Magical Dream GF has full main book German Trakehner papers." © G.G. 19.09.2020 🙂


Khaffee Kharamel GF
Khalvados GF

and finally number three, another Warmblood filly in cream champagne by Desperados (Sprehe, winner of Olympic games in d...

and finally number three, another Warmblood filly in cream champagne by Desperados (Sprehe, winner of Olympic games in dressage) out of Khremafina GF a Perlino Champagne Warmblood mare

And here number two, Anglo Arabian Amber Cream filly by TCF Palladium out of Khreme Kharamel GF. Also eligible for Trake...

And here number two, Anglo Arabian Amber Cream filly by TCF Palladium out of Khreme Kharamel GF. Also eligible for Trakehner main book.

This year we had 3 Cream Champagne fillies.Here is the first one born on May 20th and a Warmblood. She is by Khaffee Kha...

This year we had 3 Cream Champagne fillies.
Here is the first one born on May 20th and a Warmblood. She is by Khaffee Kharamel GF out of the Westfalian Cremello mare Macadamia GF

If Silver and Gold doesn't do it for you.... just take Champagne!La saison est ouverte - semence fraiche en Europe breed...

If Silver and Gold doesn't do it for you.... just take Champagne!
La saison est ouverte - semence fraiche en Europe
breeding season is started - fresh shipped semen in Europe
die Decksaison ist eröffnet - Frischsperma in Europa


If you want such an extraordinary colour on your foal you will just have to use our stallion Khalvados GF who is available fresh shipped semen THIS season for all European Countries!
Wenn Sie ein Fohlen mit einer solch extravaganten Farbe haben wollen dann sollten Sie unseren Hengst Khalvados GF diese Saison nutzen. Er steht im Frischsamenversand innerhalb Europas zur Verfügung.

Khalvados GF - Amber Champagne Arab Partbred Stallion (87.5% Arab blood) * *2005 *
EE Aa * 150cm * approved 2011 ECHA-ESV 8,1 + Stallion Performance Test Germany 2014 (30d-test Neustadt/Dosse) * accepted at ZSAA, VZAP, ZfDP, AES, Zangersh, IFCE, USA, AUS


With all the many Champagnes I have bred, I have totally forgotten to post pictures of Khaffee Kharamel GF, the actual last male generation. I will make an extra album for him. But he is on the title picture :-)
Mit all den vielen Champagner Pferden, die ich schon gezüchtet habe, ist mir völlig der aktuell letzte männliche Nachkomme entgangen. Er bekommt dann ein extra Album. Er ist aber immerhin das Titelbild :-)

The son of Kharamel GF, Khaffee Kharamel GF, has so far produced three foals for us. A bay c**t and a Classic Champagne ...

The son of Kharamel GF, Khaffee Kharamel GF, has so far produced three foals for us. A bay c**t and a Classic Champagne filly in 2014 and an Amber Champagne filly in 2013.
Der Sohn von Kharamel GF, Khaffee Kharamel GF, hat inzwischen drei Fohlen für uns produziert. Ein braunes Hengstfohlen und ein Classic Champagne Stutfohlen in 2014 und ein Amber Champagne Stutfohlen in 2013.

The other son of Khalvin Khlein that we bred was Kharamel GF. He was the first born son, two years before Khalvados GF. ...

The other son of Khalvin Khlein that we bred was Kharamel GF. He was the first born son, two years before Khalvados GF. Once he had given us the Amber Champagne Part Arabian son Khaffee Kharamel GF, we sold Kharamel GF to Faline Wolbers in Holland. She then later sold him to China, to the Heilan Equestrian Center.
Der andere Sohn von Khalvin Khlein welchen wir gezogen haben, ist Kharamel GF. Er wurde zwei Jahre vor Khalvados GF geboren und als wir einen Sohn von ihm und damit einen Nachfolger in Amber Champagne und eine Generation mehr hatten, habe wir Kharamel GF an Faline Wolbers verkauft und diese wiederum hat ihn nach China in das Heilan Equestrian Center verkauft.


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