Poochpower EI

Poochpower EI Poochpower is the award winning professional dog grooming service where quality and care go paw in h Please visit www.Poochpower.com to see more information.

Fermé définitivement.

About Poochpower
Welcome to PoochPower
Award winning professional dog grooming service where quality and care go paw in hand! After 11 years of running Poochpower as a successful dog grooming business in Bournemouth, England, I together with my husband Andrew and our three dogs, moved to La Belle France. We work from our grooming parlour located just outside L

ohuec 22160 in Brittany (between Callac and Guerlesquin), which is fitted with all the large, fixed equipment required to groom your dog in a calm and safe environment. We work a 'cage free' system with only dogs from one home on the premises at any one time. My passion is for breed specific trims, however where the customers preference or the dogs lifestyle calls for a more utilitarian trim, I can accommodate that also. City and Guilds Level 3 Advanced Dog Grooming Certificate passed with Distinctions in 2007
2 years teaching Dog Grooming to Advanced level at Kingston Maurward College, Dorchester, Dorset. SIRET no. 833 482 128


Private UK number plate for sale. Currently held on retention certificate.
Please PM me for more information.
Looking for offers in the region of £2,500


C'est avec une grande tristesse que je dois vous annoncer la fermeture prochaine de Poochpower Grooming. Les raisons de ma décision sont nombreuses et variées et je n'ennuierai pas mes incroyables clients avec les détails, mais il suffit de dire qu'il ne m'est plus possible de continuer mon trava...


Closure notice for Poochpower.

It is with great sadness that I find myself announcing the forthcoming closure of Poochpower Grooming. The reasons behind my decision are many and varied and I won't bore my amazing customers with the details but suffice to say that it is no longer possible for me to continue my work into the future. My last working day will be Thursday 25th May 2023.
I would like to take this opportunity to give my heartfelt thanks to all of my clients, past and present, who have entrusted the care of their precious pups to me over the years. I have laughed and cried with many of you through the highs and sadly the lows too. My memories will remain with me always.
A lot of my existing customers flatter me by travelling long distances to bring their pups to me, so I am unfortunately unable to recommend alternative groomers, however I will do my best if you are fairly local and need some suggestions.
If you have an appointment booked for before the 25/05/23, I will of course keep that booking with you. If you decide to go elsewhere (which I would completely understand), please do let me know.
I will miss you all, people and pups alike and I wish you all, long and happy lives together.
with love,


We would like to wish all our customers, past and present, a peaceful Christmas and joyful new year.


I am closing Poochpower for the rest of this week. It is just too hot for the dogs and for me to use a dryer.
I have contacted everyone that is booked in but just a heads up if you thinking of trying to book in this week.
I wish you and your pups cool drinks and shade in which to enjoy them.

Please check the pavements before walking 🌞

Please check the pavements before walking 🌞


CE DIMANCHE (le 27) ! Plus qu'un jour à attendre (désolé de crier, mais nous sommes excités !) Nous serons là de 10 à 18h ! N'hésitez pas à venir jeter un coup d'oeil, faire une bonne affaire, emporter des gâteaux ! Ca va être génial !

THIS SUNDAY (hte 27th)! ONLY ONE MORE DAY TO GO (sorry for shouting, but we're EXCITED!) We'll be there from 10 to 18h! Please come and take a look, grab a bargain, take some cakes away! It's going to be great!

8 place de la mairie, 29246, POULLAOUEN.

As if! 😁

As if! 😁


PERDU "Indi" chien X Jack Russel à HUELGOAT
16/07/21 ~ matin

Secteur : Route de Berrien, près d'Intermarché
Taille moyenne. Pucé (puce anglaise), castré. Poils mi-longs blancs avec des tâches noires, il ne porte pas de collier.❗Il est sourd❗

Contact : 06 74 17 57 46 https://www.facebook.com/SuzanneMitchell


PERDU chien croisé Jack Russell Terrier à HUELGOAT
16/07/21 ~ matin

Secteur : Route de Berrien, près Intermarche
Nom : Indi. Pucé (puce Uk). Non tatoué. Castré. Ne porte pas de collier. Il est sourd.
Silhouette normale. Taille petite. Poils mi-longs

Contact : 06 74 17 57 46 ou [email protected]
🐶 Hector Kitchen 🐱: Croquettes premium, compléments alimentaires et friandises fonctionnelles. Testez avec -50% >



TROUVÉE chienne croisée Labrador à CHÂTEAULIN

Secteur : l’écluse Viaduc
Tatouée. Porte un collier en cuir rouge
Silhouette normale. Taille moyenne. Poils courts

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TROUVÉ chien croisé Husky Sibérien à PLOUYÉ

Secteur : Nezerdy
Pucé (pas de réponse de la propriétaire). Non tatoué.
Silhouette maigre. Taille moyenne. Poils mi-longs

Contact : 06 78 54 70 92 ou [email protected]
⭐Pet Alert, c'est 4,7 millions de membres et 2,5 millions de chiens et chats retrouvés. Un petit mot pour remercier vos modérateurs ?

Oh so true! 😆

Oh so true! 😆

I started back to work today in my full PPE.

I started back to work today in my full PPE.



Site Web


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About Poochpower

Welcome to PoochPower

Award winning professional dog grooming service where quality and care go paw in hand!

After 11 years of running Poochpower as a successful dog grooming business in Bournemouth, I, together with my husband Andrew and our three dogs, have moved to La Belle France.

We work from our grooming parlour located just outside Lohuec 22160 (between Callac and Guerlesquin), which is fitted with all the large, fixed equipment required to groom your dog in a calm and safe environment.