Help us get Bubu home

Help us get Bubu home Chocolate Labrador Bubu was transported by pet transportation company.

He was traveling from Dublin to Lithuania, transfers vehicle was passing Cherbourg harbor in France and Bubu was lost, now stuck near petrol station there...

POST 8:Saturday (July 10)Bubu's well deserved the best pampering session ever!

Saturday (July 10)

Bubu's well deserved the best pampering session ever!

POST 7:Friday Morning (July 9) – ~6AMStill searching, without sleep … somebody reported seeing chocolate Labrador in the...

Friday Morning (July 9) – ~6AM

Still searching, without sleep … somebody reported seeing chocolate Labrador in the near-by town to Pet 50 Aide Aux Animaux volunteers.

Milda with the team of people who stayed with her overnight searching for Bubu drove to the town.

The town is not big, but have lots of small streets and corners, feels like looking for needle in the Haystack!

~7AM – Bubu was spotted by Milda an volunteers, he ran away - Milda's sixth sense lead her to Bubu's final location!!!

These are the posts that everybody waited so patiently and with prayers:
and the beloved video of the reunion:

And a couple more pictures to show how much walking and running around Bubu did during the days - it can be seen on his little paws...

POST 6:Thursday (July 8):Search for Bubu – ALL DAY and ALL NIGHT. This is the link to the update post on that day:https:...

Thursday (July 8):
Search for Bubu – ALL DAY and ALL NIGHT. This is the link to the update post on that day:

Thank you everyone who searched for Bubu the 5 days before Mildas arrival during the day and night, who searched with Milda all day and especially all night in the "not so safe" petrol station, and who never gave up on Bubu! 💕💕💕

Until the next morning, we had no clue what the outcome will be!

POST 5:Wednesday (July 7):On the way!!!

Wednesday (July 7):
On the way!!!

POST 4:Tuesday (July 6):We setup a fund and decided to go ahead with the trip. The rest of the day was spent on followin...

Tuesday (July 6):
We setup a fund and decided to go ahead with the trip.

The rest of the day was spent on following the news about Bubu and planning the trip. We have to give a BIG BIG THANK YOU to Johanna for keeping in touch with volunteers and reporting to us any news – in English 😊

(POST 3)The next day (Monday July 5)That’s how Andrew got involved into the rescue … oh his sweetest heart (screenshot o...

(POST 3)
The next day (Monday July 5)
That’s how Andrew got involved into the rescue … oh his sweetest heart (screenshot of the chat bellow)

And he did! He jumped on the plane with Milda and helped her all the way to the end!

P.S. We also setup this page to keep all the relevant information in one place that day.


Sunday (July 4):
Conversation with Milda on Sunday, the first time we heard about Bubu being seen around the petrol station where he was lost:

It went something like this:
M: "How much it will cost to ditch the original flight to Lithuania and take a trip to France instead?"
J (after some calculations): "If all goes well, it will be at least 2k with all the tests, transport, accommodation"
M: "I don't have that much money. What if I would take a ferry on foot with Maria, then maybe I can hitch-hike to the place where Bubu was lost, and then whatever happens happens.. that must be only couple of hundred euro.."
J: 🙀
M: "No, I cannot put Maria in such a dangerous situation..."
J: 🙀
J (thinking): "This lady would do anything to find Bubu!!! There must be a way to get her to France safely!!!"

To be continued…

POST 1:Saturday (July 3): Milda found out that Bubu was lost somewhere in France. Milda was told that he ran away Friday...

Saturday (July 3): Milda found out that Bubu was lost somewhere in France. Milda was told that he ran away Friday evening. This is what I received from her…

Milda sent 3 July at 12:01
Jogile pas mus nelaimė atsitiko
Bubu pabėgo
Man žinok taip bloga nežinau kur dėtis
Pasirodo vakar tik man nepranešė nes tikėjosi jog suras
Vairuotojas atidarė narvą ir sake kad šoko ant jo ir pabėgo
Visa naktį praieskojo su policija ir veterinarinė tarnyba
Dabar tik žmonių pagalba ir policijos dar vilties yra
Negaliu net apsakyt kaip blogai jauciuosi.. Ka as padariau
You sent 3 July at 12:31
Jeigu mes galetumem kuom padet parasyk - ar kam paskambint, ar pasidomet kazkokios informacijos. Tik parasyk.
Milda sent 3 July at 12:34
Ačiū Jogile, tik nelabai žinau ką galima padaryt.. Dėl to ir sunkiausia kad nežinau ką daryt

You only can imagine how Milda felt… she had her Flight to Lithuania on Wednesday. Now what to do??? Wait, cry, call, text, cry again and again…
This was the last picture we had of Bubu then...

Today, I have decided to create 8 posts that would depict the events that happened from the day we found out that Bubu w...

Today, I have decided to create 8 posts that would depict the events that happened from the day we found out that Bubu was lost, to the day after he was found.

8 days - from despair to happiness, stay tuned!

For those who are interested, a high level of breakdown on the expenses to show where the 2000 figure came from in the f...

For those who are interested, a high level of breakdown on the expenses to show where the 2000 figure came from in the fundraising page:

200 - COVID tests for Andrew and Milda (Monday, July 6th)
100 - Flights to Paris
400 - car rental
800 - accommodation for 8 days ( I know we could do better, but we were booking everything the last minute as we did not know what will happen the next day and we needed a per-friendly place for the days after Bubu was found)
50 - vet
600 - trip with Bubu home by a pet-friendly bus (Wednesday, July 13th)
***Total: 2150***

Other ad-hock expenses are not included here, but I hope it shows that every single cent donated is used for the Bubu's search trip and is really needed!

Link to Fundraiser:

Article de presse en français: LINK (Bubu's story got the attention of the local newspaper) Fol… Jogile Makselis needs your support for Help get Bubu home you all, you are the amazing people, without your support this beauti...
Thank you all, you are the amazing people, without your support this beautiful moment would not be possible!!!
Watch the video:

All your donations went 100% to Milda to fund her trip to Bubu and any additional expenses.

We wanted to ask your support for the last bit of the journey. It is the final bit of the journey, no more adventures, just a little support needed to get the expenses covered for a trip home.
Please share the link around if you can and make this final bit less stressful to Bubu and Milda - they both deserve it!!!

Article de presse en français: LINK (Bubu's story got the attention of the local newspaper) Fol… Jogile Makselis needs your support for Help get Bubu home

Very tired after all the chaos, but feeling very safe and calm in the hotel near Carentan - Maria (Milda’s daughter) and...

Very tired after all the chaos, but feeling very safe and calm in the hotel near Carentan - Maria (Milda’s daughter) and our Bubu! 💕💕💕

A quick update: we are bringing Bubu to veterinarian, he seems a bit unwell, have ticks and his ears are read inside...T...

A quick update: we are bringing Bubu to veterinarian, he seems a bit unwell, have ticks and his ears are read inside...

The plan is to stay a couple of more nights there to allow the stress level to go down a little for Bubu before he continues to travel.

We would appreciate every single donation to help us with the costs for the final steps!

Article de presse en français: LINK (Bubu's story got the attention of the local newspaper) Fol… Jogile Makselis needs your support for Help get Bubu home

Just another moment captured this morning with all the team relieved and celebrating and Bubu posing like a professional...

Just another moment captured this morning with all the team relieved and celebrating and Bubu posing like a professional model there 😎
Every singe one of them deserves a medal!!! 🥇🥇🥇
Including Bubu, for surviving so long safely near the big busy road! 🥇

The moment have arrived!!! Milda found Bubu. He was quite far away, in the town around 10 minutes drive away. very scare...

The moment have arrived!!! Milda found Bubu. He was quite far away, in the town around 10 minutes drive away.
very scared and frightened, he did not recognize Milda from the first time.
After few minutes of calling him he came out of the hiding place and jumped on her with such a love!

Now they all need to rest, we will plan the rest of the trip once we will all recover a little from all the sleepless night and such an unbelievably amazing and emotional moment of finding him!!!

Without the help with all of you we would not be able to be here, thank you all again and again!!! We love you all!!! 🥰🥰🥰


Just throwing here a couple of ideas that some people suggested that might help with the search:

* If anyone have drone - might be useful to look around with it.
* if anyone knows/is a trained professional with a trained search dog who might be able to help us locate Bubu.

Any other suggestions welcome!

If you can help in any way, please get in touch with us in a private message on this page and we will connect you to the people on site.


I was just on a call with Milda, she is on site with few volunteers tonight searching and calling him. It is way more quiet at night, so Mildas voice goes way further than during the day.

No sight of Bubu yet 😔 but we are hopeful 🙏🙏🙏

If anyone could lend wellies of size 41 and a coat for Milda that would be of a great help - night time gets cold, and the grass is wet, and she does not have appropriate gear…

Hi All, a quick update: Milda arrived at the site in the afternoon. They were searching for bubu in the area, but there ...

Hi All, a quick update: Milda arrived at the site in the afternoon. They were searching for bubu in the area, but there was no sigh of him during the day. It was probably too busy around the area…

Milda left her clothes all around the area so Bubu could pick up the scent, and try we’re gonna come back there during the night time when it’s more quiet.

Apparently where Bubu was lost is a dangerous place to be at night alone, so Milda and volunteers were gonna stay together for the night at the spot.

I don’t have any more updates yet, but will add more information whenever I have some news.

Big big thank you to all the amazing volunteers for such an amazing dedication!

We are still hopeful!


Milda is supposed to be there on the site and hopefully Bubu is there too... just awaiting for the evidence of them reuniting... 🙏🙏🙏

All our prayers are with you... 🙏

All our prayers are with you... 🙏

"The Three Musketeers" are on the way!

"The Three Musketeers" are on the way!

* 5 days of worry* 4 sleepless nights* Two negative COVID tests* 4.5 hour trip to Dublin...Next stop, France! Bubu, stay...

* 5 days of worry
* 4 sleepless nights
* Two negative COVID tests
* 4.5 hour trip to Dublin...

Next stop, France! Bubu, stay put, we are on the way!

"Important : merci à tous ceux qui se sont portés volontaires pour aider à chercher Bubu localement.SVP, si vous le voye...

"Important : merci à tous ceux qui se sont portés volontaires pour aider à chercher Bubu localement.

SVP, si vous le voyez:
1. Ignorez-le (ne pas l'appeler, le suivre ou le siffler)
2. Prenez une photo (si possible)
3. Signalez à l'un des numéro sur l'affiche

Si vous avez moyen d'imprimer et de distribuer l'affiche localement, ce serait également apprécié.

Merci encore pour Milda et Bubu.

PS: contactez-nous si vous voulez la version PDF de l'affiche. Merci.

The trip have started!

The trip have started!

Even though Bubu is now a local celebrity, he might be not enjoying it so much, he is still frightened, and runs away wh...

Even though Bubu is now a local celebrity, he might be not enjoying it so much, he is still frightened, and runs away whenever he sees anyone!
Local newspaper is asking local people now to not look for him independently not to frighten him even more:

Parti d’Irlande en direction de la Lituanie pour rejoindre sa maîtresse, Bubu, labrador de 8 ans, a été égaré par le transporteur sur une aire de repos de la Manche le 2 juillet 2021. Depuis, les bénévoles de Pet 50 Aide aux animaux s’activent pour mettre le chien en sécurité.

One negative test already confirmed, one to go!👌

One negative test already confirmed, one to go!👌


There is still a long way to getting Bubu into safety of his own home, but we would not be able to get to where we are now an to fee a hope without all the amazing people who care and the Pet 50 Aide Aux Animaux!

You are all amazing!!!


Milda does not speak French, but has an amazing friend Andy who also loves Bubu to bits and will fly together Milda to help her get him back!!!🥰

Awaiting for Covid test results for both 🤞



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