Normandie branch - USA Dogs Bless You

Normandie branch - USA Dogs Bless You Dog rescue - toy size dogs in peril flown to Paris via Air France

1st time I’ve found Bertie sleeping like this in his elegant basket!! This means he feels truly at home at last …

1st time I’ve found Bertie sleeping like this in his elegant basket!! This means he feels truly at home at last …

Read in the comments for a full overview of this great little 1 year old ready for adoption…

Read in the comments for a full overview of this great little 1 year old ready for adoption…

This is UDI … but if you adopt him you can call him what you thinks suits him! He’s going to be a challenge - but the re...

This is UDI … but if you adopt him you can call him what you thinks suits him!

He’s going to be a challenge - but the rewards will truly counter balance!

You see, he was found on the road abandoned on the outskirts of Paris - he’s approximately 7 years old and clearly a dachie cross.

The SPA are full so a foster home was found but it didn’t work as they go out to work … he has anxiety so barked all day, the neighbours complained it got heated the dog got even more confused so now he’s been given 10 days grace in kennel’s - after that we really don’t know what will happen if we can’t find a forever home…

He reminds me of our Henry who staggered into our garden (we kept him) about 10 years old very mal nourished - he has a problem with his personal hygiene… that’s why he was dumped - he’s a lovely boy & the rewards outweigh the whiffs!

We are looking for a forever home for this lad -

A home where someone is there all day
A home that can reassure him and redefine his boundaries
A home that will give him love, strong and fair guidelines

Basically he needs someone to show him the way and reassure him!

Could you be his forever home??

He’s had dental work and behaviourist training. Adoption fee 295€ includes EU Passport, castration, vaccinations, chip and numerous vet checks … he’s ready to go!

I did a course on Jack Russell training … one of the things instilled into me was ‘why would you if you were a dog come ...

I did a course on Jack Russell training … one of the things instilled into me was ‘why would you if you were a dog come back to you if you were clearly showing signs of being furious and upset? ‘
If you were the dog wouldn’t you go and look & sniff at something a lot more interesting and less fearful as an irate human?

Make the dog want to come to you!!

Disobedient pooch? Don't bark orders at them but speak nicely instead

The team, from the Wolf Science Centre at the University of Vienna and the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais in Brazil, studied the way nine mixed-breed dogs behaved.

Shouldn’t exist in 1st place - how can this be possible - 18,000 cows kept like this for intensive milking … come on peo...

Shouldn’t exist in 1st place - how can this be possible - 18,000 cows kept like this for intensive milking … come on people - we are better than that surely ????

🚨 18.000 vaches tuées dans l’explosion d’une ferme au Texas !
Quelque 18.000 vaches ont péri dans l’explosion de l’exploitation laitière Southfork, au Texas, dans le sud des États-Unis, ont annoncé jeudi les autorités qui ont aussi fait état d’une personne blessée.
Il s'agit de l'incendie de ferme le plus meurtrier pour le bétail de l’histoire du Texas.
L’origine de l’explosion et de l’incendie n’a pas encore été déterminée.

➡ L'élevage intensif est une aberration qui ne devrait plus exister ! Ce système fait souffrir un nombre incalculable d'animaux chaque jour !

📷 © Castro County Sheriff's Office / AFP


🚨 18.000 vaches tuées dans l’explosion d’une ferme au Texas !
Quelque 18.000 vaches ont péri dans l’explosion de l’exploitation laitière Southfork, au Texas, dans le sud des États-Unis, ont annoncé jeudi les autorités qui ont aussi fait état d’une personne blessée.
Il s'agit de l'incendie de ferme le plus meurtrier pour le bétail de l’histoire du Texas.
L’origine de l’explosion et de l’incendie n’a pas encore été déterminée.

➡ L'élevage intensif est une aberration qui ne devrait plus exister ! Ce système fait souffrir un nombre incalculable d'animaux chaque jour !

📷 © Castro County Sheriff's Office / AFP


My 1st play with AI … I asked about rescuing dogs v breeding - this is the result… you can’t argue with it!

Rescuing dogs is one of the most compassionate and fulfilling things a person can do. Not only does it provide a loving home for a dog in need, but it also helps to combat the problem of animal overpopulation. In contrast, breeding dogs can contribute to overpopulation and may perpetuate certain genetic health issues. In this essay, we will explore the benefits of rescuing dogs over breeding.

Rescuing dogs involves taking in strays, abandoned pets, or dogs from shelters. These dogs are often in great need of love and attention, and many of them are at risk of being euthanized. By rescuing them, we prevent them from being put down and provide a loving home that they may never have had before.

Moreover, by rescuing a dog, we are also reducing the number of dogs in shelters and on the streets. Each year, millions of dogs end up in shelters, and many more are abandoned or left homeless. By adopting a rescue dog, we are helping

Announcing the Easter tree!

Announcing the Easter tree!


🔵 Bientôt un dimanche sans chasse ?
C’est la proposition de loi que porte le député Charles Fournier Député Tours et qui sera présentée lors de la niche parlementaire du groupe écologiste le 6 avril prochain !

➡ Une mesure soutenue par 83% des Français, qui se déclarent même favorables à l’instauration de 2 jours sans chasse par semaine (dont le dimanche) ainsi que l’intégralité des vacances scolaires.


What is the biggest killer of dogs this time of year???

Chocolate !!!

Chocolate contains a caffeine-like chemical called theobromine which dogs are sensitive to and which can cause an overstimulation of their muscles, including their heart.

Be careful where you leave it!!!

Uno needs a home….

Uno needs a home….

It’s been almost 5 months since our Gotcha day for Bertie… for sure he’s has had a mean, sad, violent time in his past… ...

It’s been almost 5 months since our Gotcha day for Bertie… for sure he’s has had a mean, sad, violent time in his past… but for me the enormous rewards seeing a dog find his confidence and start to give his whole trust to you is very difficult to put into words! But I can categorically say it’s a huge joy when they start to give you their love & loyalty in return!

Patience, understanding plus not freaking out if he still does a wee on a wee wee pad!

Bertie gives me a great deal of satisfaction, he’s coming on leaps and bounds but we still have someway to go … his personality is everyday showing more…he’s fitted right in and we love him!

So much to be said for giving these rejected little dogs a place in your home and heart… you can get quite puffed up with pride as you bring them on!

Adopt don’t shop is my mantra!


Watch Uno take the walk to freedom - he was sprung from the SPA to a foster home - our little society USA Dogs Bless You were asked to help as he’s a little dog & that’s what we specialise in - little dogs needing a forever home.

Normally we fly over little dogs rescued in USA high kill shelters courtesy of Air France girls … this time this little chap is a French speaking dog!

Who NEEDS a Jack Russell - my own opinion best dogs ever - I’ve had 5 !!

Uno is 3 - good with cats and other dogs, not destructive and very sweet natured.

295€ adoption fee includes vet fees, castration, updated inoculations, chip and EU passport.

Collection in France - but with EU Passport is ready for immediate travel!

Who’s going to give this little lad a 2nd chance??

Wrigley is under offer 🥳🥳🥳🎉🎉🎉

Wrigley is under offer 🥳🥳🥳🎉🎉🎉


Latest flying Loulou!

Little visitor to my house today… Dany Boy we placed in October here in Normandy … what a sweet little dog he is and set...

Little visitor to my house today… Dany Boy we placed in October here in Normandy … what a sweet little dog he is and settled so well… been in his forever home for 5 months now and it’s as if he’s always been there!!

We welcome Jessie 🥰 Jessie is a rescue from France, she was abandoned and was wandering the streets. So we are going to ...

We welcome Jessie 🥰

Jessie is a rescue from France, she was abandoned and was wandering the streets.
So we are going to put her back in order and she will then be up for adoption!

Jessie is an adorable dog she is not very tall only a little taller than a Jack Russel! She is 6 months old, 7 kg she is a spitz and fox terrier mix.

A dog love that appreciates everyone, dogs cats children, very cuddly, clean 🥰

She will be up for adoption very soon 🎉

295€ includes EU Passport, vaccinations, spayed, chipped & registered.

After a visit to our vet ( we’ve been seeing him for 22 years now!), for annual check ups and boosters for our own dogs…...

After a visit to our vet ( we’ve been seeing him for 22 years now!), for annual check ups and boosters for our own dogs…we find 2 things -

1, New rabies procedure … only every 3 years for a jab 👏👏👏👏

2, if you have an EU passport for your dog & your do the booster jab in the U.K. it may not be accepted in the EU … so check & double check!!!

Our Teddy!

2 year old Marco with his matching eyes to his fur!! Looking for his forever home - arriving in Paris on 24/2 … could th...

2 year old Marco with his matching eyes to his fur!!

Looking for his forever home - arriving in Paris on 24/2 … could this little boy be for you?

ADOPTION 🚨 ils arrivent le 24/02🇫🇷

Marco 🌈

Chiweenie de 2 ans et 5 kg

Male castré

Marco est un petit chien très affectueux avec ses belles et grandes oreilles.
Il a été déposé à la clinique vétérinaire de Géorgie.

Il est ok chien.
Chats à éviter est trop brusques avec eux.

Ok enfants

ADOPTABLE dans toute la France ( pas de covoiturage mis en place par l'association sauf cas extrêmes)

Denver - arriving on 24/2 … partially sighted - this is for someone with big heart and loves a challenge and to nurture ...

Denver - arriving on 24/2 … partially sighted - this is for someone with big heart and loves a challenge and to nurture - I have a partially sighted cat - it’s not that hard to look after - you just need to keep things the same!

FOR ADOPTION 🚨 they arrive on 24/02 🇫🇷

Denver 💚

Chihuahua 1 year and a half 3.5 kg

castrated male

Denver has a retinal problem that will remain so there is no cure. He only sees shadows.
He was dropped off at the Georgia Veterinary Clinic to be euthanized… this is him at the vet clinic!

He is healthy and very cuddly 💕

It is ok cat and dog.

We do not recommend young children because it is a dog that needs understanding

Adoption fees: 295 (veterinarian fees included) + association membership 35 euros
All our dogs are chipped, sterilized, vaccinated including rabies and provided with a European passport with a health certificate.
Anti-parasite treatment and deworming.

If you are interested in this adoption, contact us:
pm or on 06 09 25 05 17
by email at: [email protected]


This puppy needs a new home urgently … a rejected Christmas present - 4 months old corgi cross

1st of the Christmas present failures! 4 months old a corgi x … dear little dog learns fast - has all it’s vaccinations ...

1st of the Christmas present failures! 4 months old a corgi x … dear little dog learns fast - has all it’s vaccinations and EU passport

Was bought as a companion for older lady in a studio flat in Paris … she’s not mobile enough

Ready immediately 295€ adoption fee.


Tips… just read a very frightening story … if you are playing ball with your dog only use tennis type balls - with rough coating…

We have just had an awful experience with Rocky. I just want to warn dog owners.
I bought these balls from Aldi yesterday (tennis ball sized and made of rubber) Rocky just managed to get one lodged in his throat. He was unable to breath and unresponsive on the floor. We managed to give him the heimlich manoeuvre and dislodge it from his windpipe but it went down his esophagus. But it gave us time to rush him to the vet for treatment. They rushed him in, sedated him and after 20 minutes managed to retrieve the ball.
He's home now, very tired and feeling sorry for himself but still with us.
If it hadn't been for the wonderful nurses & vet at Wern Vets we would have lost him.



Rue Joseph Pereire


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