Al Beaini Arabians

Al Beaini Arabians Boutique breeding farm that amasses the finest bloodlines with the aspiration of producing world-class finest Arabian Horses.

Unfortunately, due to the present situation in Lebanon, Al Beaini Arabians is planning to relocate to France - Loire Valley.


Thank you dear Dani Tannir ..

May the magic of this Eid bring lots of happiness in your life and may you celebrate it with all your close friends & ma...

May the magic of this Eid bring lots of happiness in your life and may you celebrate it with all your close friends & may it fill your heart with wonders. Eid Mubarak.

The Akhal-Teke  or the Golden Horse .. origin Turkmenistan.. The Akhal-Teke (/ˌækəlˈtɛk/ or /ˌækəlˈtɛki/; from Turkmen A...

The Akhal-Teke or the Golden Horse .. origin Turkmenistan..

The Akhal-Teke (/ˌækəlˈtɛk/ or /ˌækəlˈtɛki/; from Turkmen Ahalteke, [axalˈteke]) is a Turkmen horse breed. They have a reputation for speed and endurance, intelligence, and a distinctive metallic sheen. The shiny coat of the breed led to their nickname, "Golden Horses".These horses are adapted to severe climatic conditions and are thought to be one of the oldest existing horse breeds.There are currently about 6,600 Akhal-Tekes in the world, mostly in Turkmenistan, although they are also found throughout Europe and North America. Akhal is the name of the line of oases along the north slope of the Kopet Dag mountains in Turkmenistan. It has been inhabited by the Tekke tribe of Turkmens. Source: wikepidia

The only time you should ever look back is to see how far you've come.Al Beaini Arabians

The only time you should ever look back is to see how far you've come.
Al Beaini Arabians

An Uplifting Story On The Glory of Mother Nature! Commonly know as ‘Golden slippers’ - When foals are born, their hooves...

An Uplifting Story On The Glory of Mother Nature!

Commonly know as ‘Golden slippers’ -
When foals are born, their hooves are covered in a rubbery layer known as a capsule. This soft capsule covers the sharp edges of the foal’s untried hooves, protecting the mare as the foal travels along the birth canal.
You have to be quick to snap a picture of them as they begin to dry out and wear away the minute that they make contact with the air.
During the foal’s first venture across the ground the soft hoof capsules are worn down to meet the level sole, revealing the hooves we are used to seeing.

نعال المهر - المعروف باسم "النعال الذهبية".
عندما تولد الأمهار، تُغطى حوافرها بطبقة مطاطية تُعرف باسم الكبسولة.
تغطي هذه الكبسولة الناعمة الحواف الحادة لحوافر المهر، مما يحمي الفرس (الأم) كي لا يخدش الحافر جدار الرحم أثناء الولادة.
هذه الصورة التقطت مباشرة بعد الولادة، وقبل أن تطأ حوافره التربة، لأنها تبدأ في الجفاف وتتلاشى في اللحظة التي تلامس فيها الهواء.
فبمجرد أن تلامس حوافر المُهر الأرض، فإن تلك المادة تهترئ وتتلاشى، لتكشف عن الحوافر التي اعتدنا على رؤيتها.

The month of Ramadan is the one in which the Quran was sent down as a pure source of Guidance for mankind. in it are cle...

The month of Ramadan is the one in which the Quran was sent down as a pure source of Guidance for mankind. in it are clear teachings showing the right way and the criterion for judging truth and falsehood. Noble Quran 2:185
Ramadan Mubarak.


تحية الى المطرب اللبناني الطرابلسي المرحوم عصام كشتان "ابو الشباب"


Al Beaini Arabians ..لبنان .. راجع


Passion for the noble breed


We wont live forever but we shall create a legacy that will live forever .. Happy New Year .. A Beaini Arabians ..


Chateau Albani/Huisseau-en-Beauce


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Al Beaini Arabians

Inspired by our love and admiration of the beauty of Arabian horses, Al Beaini Holding envisages the development of “state of the arts” Arabian horse breeding farm in a magical setting in Mazraat El Chouf – Mount Lebanon.

“Al Beaini Arabians”, set to be launched on 22/2/2020, is conceived as an opulent boutique breeding farm that amasses the purest bloodlines with the objective of breeding and producing world-class finest Arabian Horses of Lebanon and the Arab World.

We believe the Arabian Horse’s we’ll breed should not only be beautiful, with a distinctive, refined head shape, alert expression, and beautiful eyes, but should demonstrate the athletic, speed, and endurance qualities of the breed that make it one of the most popular breeds in the world today. With a long history of having close human relationships the high-spirited Arabian horse should not only be beautiful, but should also be good natured, quick to learn and willing to please.

“Al Beaini Arabians” 10-acres farm is set to evolve into a haven where the Arabian mares of the farm, along with their foals, dictate the environment in which they live. Our mantra is “Quality is for Everyone,” and our goal is to provide the highest quality Arabians horses.